* iaf_cond_alpha_mc.cpp
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "iaf_cond_alpha_mc.h"
#ifdef HAVE_GSL
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "dict.h"
#include "integerdatum.h"
#include "doubledatum.h"
#include "dictutils.h"
#include "numerics.h"
#include "universal_data_logger_impl.h"
#include <limits>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Compartment name list
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Harold Gutch reported some static destruction problems on OSX 10.4.
He pointed out that the problem is avoided by defining the comp_names_
vector with its final size. See also #348.
std::vector<Name> nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::comp_names_(NCOMP);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Receptor dictionary
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
// leads to seg fault on exit, see #328
//DictionaryDatum nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::receptor_dict_ = new Dictionary();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Recordables map
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
nest::RecordablesMap<nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc> nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::recordablesMap_;
namespace nest {
// specialization must be place in namespace
template <>
void RecordablesMap<iaf_cond_alpha_mc>::create()
insert_(names::t_ref_remaining, &iaf_cond_alpha_mc::get_r_);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Iteration function
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern "C"
int nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc_dynamics (double, const double y[], double f[], void* pnode)
// some shorthands
typedef nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc N;
typedef nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::State_ S;
// get access to node so we can work almost as in a member function
const nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc& node = *(reinterpret_cast<nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc*>(pnode));
// compute dynamics for each compartment
// computations written quite explicitly for clarity, assume compile
// will optimized most stuff away ...
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < N::NCOMP ; ++n )
// membrane potential for current compartment
const double V = y[S::idx(n, S::V_M)];
// excitatory synaptic current
const double I_syn_exc = y[S::idx(n, S::G_EXC)] * ( V - node.P_.E_ex[n] );
// inhibitory synaptic current
const double I_syn_inh = y[S::idx(n, S::G_INH)] * ( V - node.P_.E_in[n] );
// leak current
const double I_L = node.P_.g_L[n] * ( V - node.P_.E_L[n] );
// coupling currents
const double I_conn =
( n > N::SOMA ? node.P_.g_conn[n-1] * ( V - y[S::idx(n-1, S::V_M)] ) : 0 )
+ ( n < N::NCOMP-1 ? node.P_.g_conn[n] * ( V - y[S::idx(n+1, S::V_M)] ) : 0 );
// derivatives
// membrane potential
f[S::idx(n, S::V_M)] =
( - I_L - I_syn_exc - I_syn_inh - I_conn + node.B_.I_stim_[n] + node.P_.I_e[n] ) / node.P_.C_m[n];
// excitatory conductance
f[S::idx(n, S::DG_EXC)] = - y[S::idx(n, S::DG_EXC)] / node.P_.tau_synE[n];
f[S::idx(n, S::G_EXC)] = y[S::idx(n, S::DG_EXC)] - y[S::idx(n, S::G_EXC)]/ node.P_.tau_synE[n];
// inhibitory conductance
f[S::idx(n, S::DG_INH)] = - y[S::idx(n, S::DG_INH)] / node.P_.tau_synI[n];
f[S::idx(n, S::G_INH)] = y[S::idx(n, S::DG_INH)] - y[S::idx(n, S::G_INH)]/ node.P_.tau_synI[n];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructors defining default parameters and state
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
: V_th (-55.0), // mV
V_reset (-60.0), // mV
t_ref ( 2.0) // ms
// conductances between compartments
g_conn[SOMA] = 2.5; // nS, soma-proximal
g_conn[PROX] = 1.0; // nS, proximal-distal
// soma parameters
g_L [SOMA] = 10.0; // nS
C_m [SOMA] = 150.0; // pF
E_ex [SOMA] = 0.0; // mV
E_in [SOMA] = -85.0; // mV
E_L [SOMA] = -70.0; // mV
tau_synE[SOMA] = 0.5; // ms
tau_synI[SOMA] = 2.0; // ms
I_e [SOMA] = 0.0; // pA
// proximal parameters
g_L [PROX] = 5.0; // nS
C_m [PROX] = 75.0; // pF
E_ex [PROX] = 0.0; // mV
E_in [PROX] = -85.0; // mV
E_L [PROX] = -70.0; // mV
tau_synE[PROX] = 0.5; // ms
tau_synI[PROX] = 2.0; // ms
I_e [PROX] = 0.0; // pA
// distal parameters
g_L [DIST] = 10.0; // nS
C_m [DIST] = 150.0; // pF
E_ex [DIST] = 0.0; // mV
E_in [DIST] = -85.0; // mV
E_L [DIST] = -70.0; // mV
tau_synE[DIST] = 0.5; // ms
tau_synI[DIST] = 2.0; // ms
I_e [DIST] = 0.0; // pA
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::Parameters_::Parameters_(const Parameters_& p)
: V_th (p.V_th),
t_ref (p.t_ref)
// copy C-arrays
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP-1 ; ++n )
g_conn[n] = p.g_conn[n];
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
g_L [n] = p.g_L [n];
C_m [n] = p.C_m [n];
E_ex [n] = p.E_ex [n];
E_in [n] = p.E_in [n];
E_L [n] = p.E_L [n];
tau_synE[n] = p.tau_synE[n];
tau_synI[n] = p.tau_synI[n];
I_e [n] = p.I_e [n];
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::Parameters_& nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::Parameters_::operator=(const Parameters_& p)
assert(this != &p); // would be bad logical error in program
V_th = p.V_th;
V_reset = p.V_reset;
t_ref = p.t_ref;
// copy C-arrays
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP-1 ; ++n )
g_conn[n] = p.g_conn[n];
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
g_L [n] = p.g_L [n];
C_m [n] = p.C_m [n];
E_ex [n] = p.E_ex [n];
E_in [n] = p.E_in [n];
E_L [n] = p.E_L [n];
tau_synE[n] = p.tau_synE[n];
tau_synI[n] = p.tau_synI[n];
I_e [n] = p.I_e [n];
return *this;
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::State_::State_(const Parameters_& p)
: r_(0)
// for simplicity, we first initialize all values to 0,
// then set the membrane potentials for each compartment
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE ; ++i )
y_[i] = 0;
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
y_[idx(n, V_M)] = p.E_L[n];
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::State_::State_(const State_& s)
: r_(s.r_)
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE ; ++i )
y_[i] = s.y_[i];
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::State_& nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::State_::operator=(const State_& s)
assert(this != &s); // would be bad logical error in program
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE ; ++i )
y_[i] = s.y_[i];
r_ = s.r_;
return *this;
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::Buffers_::Buffers_(iaf_cond_alpha_mc& n)
: logger_(n),
// Initialization of the remaining members is deferred to
// init_buffers_().
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::Buffers_::Buffers_(const Buffers_&, iaf_cond_alpha_mc& n)
: logger_(n),
// Initialization of the remaining members is deferred to
// init_buffers_().
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Parameter and state extractions and manipulation functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::Parameters_::get(DictionaryDatum &d) const
def<double>(d,names::V_th, V_th);
def<double>(d,names::V_reset, V_reset);
def<double>(d,names::t_ref, t_ref);
def<double>(d,Name("g_sp"), g_conn[SOMA]);
def<double>(d,Name("g_pd"), g_conn[PROX]);
// create subdictionaries for per-compartment parameters
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
DictionaryDatum dd = new Dictionary();
def<double>(dd, names::g_L, g_L[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::E_L, E_L[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::E_ex, E_ex[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::E_in, E_in[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::C_m, C_m[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::tau_syn_ex, tau_synE[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::tau_syn_in, tau_synI[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::I_e, I_e[n]);
(*d)[comp_names_[n]] = dd;
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::Parameters_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d)
// allow setting the membrane potential
updateValue<double>(d,names::V_th, V_th);
updateValue<double>(d,names::V_reset, V_reset);
updateValue<double>(d,names::t_ref, t_ref);
updateValue<double>(d,Name("g_sp"), g_conn[SOMA]);
updateValue<double>(d,Name("g_pd"), g_conn[PROX]);
// extract from sub-dictionaries
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
if ( d->known(comp_names_[n]) )
DictionaryDatum dd = getValue<DictionaryDatum>(d, comp_names_[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::E_L, E_L[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::E_ex, E_ex[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::E_in, E_in[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::C_m, C_m[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::g_L, g_L[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::tau_syn_ex, tau_synE[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::tau_syn_in, tau_synI[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd,names::I_e, I_e[n]);
if ( V_reset >= V_th )
throw BadProperty("Reset potential must be smaller than threshold.");
if ( t_ref < 0 )
throw BadProperty("Refractory time cannot be negative.");
// apply checks compartment-wise
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
if ( C_m[n] <= 0 )
throw BadProperty("Capacitance ("
+ comp_names_[n].toString() + ") must be strictly positive.");
if ( tau_synE[n] <= 0 || tau_synI[n] <= 0 )
throw BadProperty("All time constants ("
+ comp_names_[n].toString() + ") must be strictly positive.");
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::State_::get(DictionaryDatum &d) const
// we assume here that State_::get() always is called after Parameters_::get(),
// so that the per-compartment dictionaries exist
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
DictionaryDatum dd = getValue<DictionaryDatum>(d, comp_names_[n]);
def<double>(dd, names::V_m, y_[idx(n, V_M)]); // Membrane potential
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::State_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_&)
// extract from sub-dictionaries
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
if ( d->known(comp_names_[n]) )
DictionaryDatum dd = getValue<DictionaryDatum>(d, comp_names_[n]);
updateValue<double>(dd, names::V_m, y_[idx(n, V_M)]);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Default and copy constructor for node, and destructor
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
: Archiving_Node(),
// set up table of compartment names
// comp_names_.resize(NCOMP); --- Fixed size, see comment on definition
comp_names_[SOMA] = Name("soma");
comp_names_[PROX] = Name("proximal");
comp_names_[DIST] = Name("distal");
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::iaf_cond_alpha_mc(const iaf_cond_alpha_mc& n)
: Archiving_Node(n),
B_(n.B_, *this)
// GSL structs may not have been allocated, so we need to protect destruction
if ( B_.s_ ) gsl_odeiv_step_free(B_.s_);
if ( B_.c_ ) gsl_odeiv_control_free(B_.c_);
if ( B_.e_ ) gsl_odeiv_evolve_free(B_.e_);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Node initialization functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::init_state_(const Node& proto)
const iaf_cond_alpha_mc& pr = downcast<iaf_cond_alpha_mc>(proto);
S_ = pr.S_;
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::init_buffers_()
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NUM_SPIKE_RECEPTORS ; ++n )
B_.spikes_[n].clear(); // includes resize
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NUM_CURR_RECEPTORS ; ++n )
B_.currents_[n].clear(); // includes resize
B_.step_ = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
B_.IntegrationStep_ = B_.step_;
static const gsl_odeiv_step_type* T1 = gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45;
if ( B_.s_ == 0 )
B_.s_ = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc (T1, State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE);
if ( B_.c_ == 0 )
B_.c_ = gsl_odeiv_control_y_new (1e-3, 0.0);
gsl_odeiv_control_init(B_.c_, 1e-3, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
if ( B_.e_ == 0 )
B_.e_ = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc(State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE);
B_.sys_.function = iaf_cond_alpha_mc_dynamics;
B_.sys_.jacobian = NULL;
B_.sys_.dimension = State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE;
B_.sys_.params = reinterpret_cast<void*>(this);
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
B_.I_stim_[n] = 0.0;
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::calibrate()
B_.logger_.init(); // ensures initialization in case mm connected after Simulate
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
V_.PSConInit_E_[n] = 1.0 * numerics::e / P_.tau_synE[n];
V_.PSConInit_I_[n] = 1.0 * numerics::e / P_.tau_synI[n];
V_.RefractoryCounts_ = Time(Time::ms(P_.t_ref)).get_steps();
assert(V_.RefractoryCounts_ >= 0); // since t_ref >= 0, this can only fail in error
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Update and spike handling functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::update(Time const & origin, const long_t from, const long_t to)
assert(to >= 0 && (delay) from < Scheduler::get_min_delay());
assert(from < to);
for ( long_t lag = from ; lag < to ; ++lag )
double t = 0.0;
// numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
// ------------------------------------------------------
// gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
// integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
// the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
// step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
// to a small integration step size;
// note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
// (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
// enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t; this is of advantage
// for a consistent and efficient integration across subsequent
// simulation intervals
while ( t < B_.step_ )
const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply(B_.e_, B_.c_, B_.s_,
&B_.sys_, // system of ODE
&t, // from t
B_.step_, // to t <= step
&B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
S_.y_); // neuronal state
if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
throw GSLSolverFailure(get_name(), status);
// add incoming spikes at end of interval
// exploit here that spike buffers are compartment for compartment,
// alternating between excitatory and inhibitory
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
S_.y_[n*State_::STATE_VEC_COMPS + State_::DG_EXC]
+= B_.spikes_[2*n ].get_value(lag) * V_.PSConInit_E_[n];
S_.y_[n*State_::STATE_VEC_COMPS + State_::DG_INH]
+= B_.spikes_[2*n+1].get_value(lag) * V_.PSConInit_I_[n];
// refractoriness and spiking
// exploit here that plain offset enum value V_M indexes soma V_M
if ( S_.r_)
{// neuron is absolute refractory
S_.y_[State_::V_M] = P_.V_reset;
else if ( S_.y_[State_::V_M] >= P_.V_th )
{// neuron fires spike
S_.r_ = V_.RefractoryCounts_;
S_.y_[State_::V_M] = P_.V_reset;
SpikeEvent se;
network()->send(*this, se, lag);
// set new input currents
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < NCOMP ; ++n )
B_.I_stim_[n] = B_.currents_[n].get_value(lag);
// log state data
B_.logger_.record_data(origin.get_steps() + lag);
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::handle(SpikeEvent & e)
assert(e.get_delay() > 0);
assert(0 <= e.get_rport() && e.get_rport() < 2*NCOMP);
e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::handle(CurrentEvent& e)
assert(e.get_delay() > 0);
assert(0 <= e.get_rport() && e.get_rport() < NCOMP); // not 100% clean, should look at MIN, SUP
// add weighted current; HEP 2002-10-04
e.get_weight() * e.get_current());
void nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::handle(DataLoggingRequest& e)
#endif //HAVE_GSL