* iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr.h
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#ifdef HAVE_GSL
#include "nest.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "archiving_node.h"
#include "ring_buffer.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "universal_data_logger.h"
#include "recordables_map.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_odeiv.h>
/* BeginDocumentation
Name: iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr - Simple conductance based leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model.
iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr is an iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr i.e. an implementation of a
spiking neuron using IAF dynamics with conductance-based synapses,
with additional spike-frequency adaptation and relative refractory
mechanisms as described in Dayan+Abbott, 2001, page 166.
As for the iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr, Incoming spike events induce a post-synaptic
change of conductance modelled by an exponential function. The
exponential function is normalised such that an event of weight 1.0
results in a peak current of 1 nS.
Outgoing spike events induce a change of the adaptation and relative
refractory conductances by q_sfa and q_rr, respectively. Otherwise
these conductances decay exponentially with time constants tau_sfa
and tau_rr, respectively.
The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary.
V_m double - Membrane potential in mV
E_L double - Leak reversal potential in mV.
C_m double - Capacity of the membrane in pF
t_ref double - Duration of refractory period in ms.
V_th double - Spike threshold in mV.
V_reset double - Reset potential of the membrane in mV.
E_ex double - Excitatory reversal potential in mV.
E_in double - Inhibitory reversal potential in mV.
g_L double - Leak conductance in nS;
tau_syn_ex double - Time constant of the excitatory synaptic exponential function in ms.
tau_syn_in double - Time constant of the inhibitory synaptic exponential function in ms.
q_sfa double - Outgoing spike activated quantal spike-frequency adaptation conductance increase in nS.
q_rr double - Outgoing spike activated quantal relative refractory conductance increase in nS.
tau_sfa double - Time constant of spike-frequency adaptation in ms.
tau_rr double - Time constant of the relative refractory mechanism in ms.
E_sfa double - spike-frequency adaptation conductance reversal potential in mV.
E_rr double - relative refractory mechanism conductance reversal potential in mV.
I_e double - an external stimulus current in pA.
Sends: SpikeEvent
Receives: SpikeEvent, CurrentEvent, DataLoggingRequest
Meffin, H., Burkitt, A. N., & Grayden, D. B. (2004). An analytical
model for the large, fluctuating synaptic conductance state typical of
neocortical neurons in vivo. J. Comput. Neurosci., 16, 159–175.
Dayan, P. and Abbott, L. F. (2001). Theoretical Neuroscience, MIT
Press (p166)
Author: Sven Schrader, Eilif Muller
SeeAlso: iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr, aeif_cond_alpha, iaf_psc_delta, iaf_psc_exp, iaf_cond_alpha
namespace nest {
using std::vector;
* Function computing right-hand side of ODE for GSL solver.
* @note Must be declared here so we can befriend it in class.
* @note Must have C-linkage for passing to GSL. Internally, it is
* a first-class C++ function, but cannot be a member function
* because of the C-linkage.
* @note No point in declaring it inline, since it is called
* through a function pointer.
* @param void* Pointer to model neuron instance.
extern "C"
int iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr_dynamics(double, const double*, double*, void*);
class iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr: public Archiving_Node
iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr(const iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr&);
* Import sets of overloaded virtual functions.
* We need to explicitly include sets of overloaded
* virtual functions into the current scope.
* According to the SUN C++ FAQ, this is the correct
* way of doing things, although all other compilers
* happily live without.
using Node::connect_sender;
using Node::handle;
port check_connection(Connection&, port);
void handle(SpikeEvent &);
void handle(CurrentEvent &);
void handle(DataLoggingRequest &);
port connect_sender(SpikeEvent &, port);
port connect_sender(CurrentEvent &, port);
port connect_sender(DataLoggingRequest &, port);
void get_status(DictionaryDatum &) const;
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum &);
void init_state_(const Node& proto);
void init_buffers_();
void calibrate();
void update(Time const &, const long_t, const long_t);
// END Boilerplate function declarations ----------------------------
// Friends --------------------------------------------------------
// make dynamics function quasi-member
friend int iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr_dynamics(double, const double*, double*, void*);
// The next two classes need to be friends to access the State_ class/member
friend class RecordablesMap<iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr>;
friend class UniversalDataLogger<iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//! Independent parameters
struct Parameters_ {
double_t V_th_; //!< Threshold Potential in mV
double_t V_reset_; //!< Reset Potential in mV
double_t t_ref_; //!< Refractory period in ms
double_t g_L; //!< Leak Conductance in nS
double_t C_m; //!< Membrane Capacitance in pF
double_t E_ex; //!< Excitatory reversal Potential in mV
double_t E_in; //!< Inhibitory reversal Potential in mV
double_t E_L; //!< Leak reversal Potential (aka resting potential) in mV
double_t tau_synE; //!< Synaptic Time Constant Excitatory Synapse in ms
double_t tau_synI; //!< Synaptic Time Constant for Inhibitory Synapse in ms
double_t I_e; //!< Constant Current in pA
double_t tau_sfa; //!< spike-frequency adaptation (sfa) time constant
double_t tau_rr; //!< relative refractory (rr) time constant
double_t E_sfa; //!< spike-frequency adaptation (sfa) reversal Potential in mV
double_t E_rr; //!< relative refractory (rr) reversal Potential in mV
double_t q_sfa; //!< spike-frequency adaptation (sfa) quantal conductance increase in nS
double_t q_rr; //!< relative refractory (rr) quantal conductance increase in nS
Parameters_(); //!< Sets default parameter values
void get(DictionaryDatum&) const; //!< Store current values in dictionary
void set(const DictionaryDatum&); //!< Set values from dicitonary
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* State variables of the model.
* @note Copy constructor and assignment operator required because
* of C-style array.
struct State_ {
//! Symbolic indices to the elements of the state vector y
enum StateVecElems
V_M = 0,
double_t y_[STATE_VEC_SIZE]; //!< neuron state, must be C-array for GSL solver
int_t r_; //!< number of refractory steps remaining
State_(const Parameters_&); //!< Default initialization
State_(const State_&);
State_& operator=(const State_&);
void get(DictionaryDatum&) const;
void set(const DictionaryDatum&, const Parameters_&);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Buffers of the model.
struct Buffers_ {
Buffers_(iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr&); //!<Sets buffer pointers to 0
Buffers_(const Buffers_&, iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr&); //!<Sets buffer pointers to 0
//! Logger for all analog data
UniversalDataLogger<iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr> logger_;
/** buffers and sums up incoming spikes/currents */
RingBuffer spike_exc_;
RingBuffer spike_inh_;
RingBuffer currents_;
/** GSL ODE stuff */
gsl_odeiv_step* s_; //!< stepping function
gsl_odeiv_control* c_; //!< adaptive stepsize control function
gsl_odeiv_evolve* e_; //!< evolution function
gsl_odeiv_system sys_; //!< struct describing system
// IntergrationStep_ should be reset with the neuron on ResetNetwork,
// but remain unchanged during calibration. Since it is initialized with
// step_, and the resolution cannot change after nodes have been created,
// it is safe to place both here.
double_t step_; //!< step size in ms
double IntegrationStep_;//!< current integration time step, updated by GSL
* Input current injected by CurrentEvent.
* This variable is used to transport the current applied into the
* _dynamics function computing the derivative of the state vector.
* It must be a part of Buffers_, since it is initialized once before
* the first simulation, but not modified before later Simulate calls.
double I_stim_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal variables of the model.
struct Variables_ {
int_t RefractoryCounts_;
// Access functions for UniversalDataLogger -------------------------------
//! Read out state vector elements, used by UniversalDataLogger
template <State_::StateVecElems elem>
double_t get_y_elem_() const { return S_.y_[elem]; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
Parameters_ P_;
State_ S_;
Variables_ V_;
Buffers_ B_;
//! Mapping of recordables names to access functions
static RecordablesMap<iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr> recordablesMap_;
port iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr::check_connection(Connection& c, port receptor_type)
SpikeEvent e;
return c.get_target()->connect_sender(e, receptor_type);
port iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr::connect_sender(SpikeEvent&, port receptor_type)
if (receptor_type != 0)
throw UnknownReceptorType(receptor_type, get_name());
return 0;
port iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr::connect_sender(CurrentEvent&, port receptor_type)
if (receptor_type != 0)
throw UnknownReceptorType(receptor_type, get_name());
return 0;
port iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr::connect_sender(DataLoggingRequest& dlr,
port receptor_type)
if (receptor_type != 0)
throw UnknownReceptorType(receptor_type, get_name());
return B_.logger_.connect_logging_device(dlr, recordablesMap_);
void iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr::get_status(DictionaryDatum &d) const
(*d)[names::recordables] = recordablesMap_.get_list();
void iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr::set_status(const DictionaryDatum &d)
Parameters_ ptmp = P_; // temporary copy in case of errors
ptmp.set(d); // throws if BadProperty
State_ stmp = S_; // temporary copy in case of errors
stmp.set(d, ptmp); // throws if BadProperty
// We now know that (ptmp, stmp) are consistent. We do not
// write them back to (P_, S_) before we are also sure that
// the properties to be set in the parent class are internally
// consistent.
// if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
P_ = ptmp;
S_ = stmp;
} // namespace
#endif //HAVE_GSL