* stdp_connection_facetshw_hom.h
* This file is part of NEST
* Copyright (C) 2004 by
* The NEST Initiative
* See the file AUTHORS for details.
* Permission is granted to compile and modify
* this file for non-commercial use.
* See the file LICENSE for details.
/* BeginDocumentation
Name: stdp_facetshw_synapse_hom - Synapse type for spike-timing dependent
plasticity using homogeneous parameters, i.e. all synapses have the same parameters.
stdp_facetshw_synapse is a connector to create synapses with spike-timing
dependent plasticity (as defined in [1]).
This connector is a modified version of stdp_synapse.
It includes constraints of the hardware developed in the FACETS (BrainScaleS) project [2,3],
as e.g. 4-bit weight resolution, sequential updates of groups of synapses
and reduced symmetric nearest-neighbor spike pairing scheme. For details see [3].
The modified spike pairing scheme requires the calculation of tau_minus_
within this synapse and not at the neuron site via Kplus_ like in stdp_connection_hom.
Common properties:
tau_plus double - Time constant of STDP window, causal branch in ms
tau_minus_stdp double - Time constant of STDP window, anti-causal branch in ms
Wmax double - Maximum allowed weight
no_synapses long - total number of synapses
synapses_per_driver long - number of synapses updated at once
driver_readout_time double - time for processing of one synapse row (synapse line driver)
readout_cycle_duration double - duration between two subsequent updates of same synapse (synapse line driver)
lookuptable_0 vector<long> - three look-up tables (LUT)
lookuptable_1 vector<long>
lookuptable_2 vector<long>
configbit_0 vector<long> - configuration bits for evaluation function.
For details see code in function eval_function_ and [4]
(configbit[0]=e_cc, ..[1]=e_ca, ..[2]=e_ac, ..[3]=e_aa).
Depending on these two sets of configuration bits
weights are updated according LUTs (out of three: (1,0), (0,1), (1,1)).
For (0,0) continue without reset.
configbit_1 vector<long>
reset_pattern vector<long> - configuration bits for reset behaviour.
Two bits for each LUT (reset causal and acausal).
In hardware only (all false; never reset)
or (all true; always reset) is allowed.
Individual properties:
a_causal double - causal and anti-causal spike pair accumulations
a_acausal double
a_thresh_th double - two thresholds used in evaluation function.
No common property, because variation of analog synapse circuitry can be applied here
a_thresh_tl double
synapse_id long - synapse ID, used to assign synapses to groups (synapse drivers)
The synapse IDs are assigned to each synapse in an ascending order (0,1,2, ...) according their first
presynaptic activity and is used to group synapses that are updated at once.
It is possible to avoid activity dependent synapse ID assignments by manually setting the no_synapses
and the synapse_id(s) before running the simulation.
The weights will be discretized after the first presynaptic activity at a synapse.
Transmits: SpikeEvent
[1] Morrison, A., Diesmann, M., and Gerstner, W. (2008).
Phenomenological models of synaptic plasticity based on
spike-timing, Biol. Cybern., 98,459--478
[2] Schemmel, J., Gruebl, A., Meier, K., and Mueller, E. (2006).
Implementing synaptic plasticity in a VLSI spiking neural
network model, In Proceedings of the 2006 International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp.1--6, IEEE Press
[3] Pfeil, T., Potjans, T. C., Schrader, S., Potjans, W., Schemmel, J., Diesmann, M., & Meier, K. (2012).
Is a 4-bit synaptic weight resolution enough? -
constraints on enabling spike-timing dependent plasticity in neuromorphic hardware.
Front. Neurosci. 6 (90).
[4] Friedmann, S. in preparation
FirstVersion: July 2011
Author: Thomas Pfeil (TP), Moritz Helias, Abigail Morrison
SeeAlso: stdp_synapse, synapsedict, tsodyks_synapse, static_synapse
#include "connection_het_wd.h"
#include "archiving_node.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace nest
* Class containing the common properties for all synapses of type STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom.
class STDPFACETSHWHomCommonProperties : public CommonSynapseProperties
friend class STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom;
* Default constructor.
* Sets all property values to defaults.
* Get all properties and put them into a dictionary.
void get_status(DictionaryDatum & d) const;
* Set properties from the values given in dictionary.
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum & d, ConnectorModel& cm);
// overloaded for all supported event types
void check_event(SpikeEvent&) {}
* Calculate the readout cycle duration
void calc_readout_cycle_duration_();
// data members common to all connections
double_t tau_plus_;
double_t tau_minus_;
double_t Wmax_;
double_t weight_per_lut_entry_;
//STDP controller parameters
long_t no_synapses_;
long_t synapses_per_driver_;
double_t driver_readout_time_;
double_t readout_cycle_duration_;
std::vector<long_t> lookuptable_0_; //TODO: TP: size in memory could be reduced
std::vector<long_t> lookuptable_1_;
std::vector<long_t> lookuptable_2_; //TODO: TP: to save memory one could introduce vector<bool> & BoolVectorDatum
std::vector<long_t> configbit_0_;
std::vector<long_t> configbit_1_;
std::vector<long_t> reset_pattern_;
* Class representing an STDP connection with homogeneous parameters, i.e. parameters are the same for all synapses.
class STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom : public ConnectionHetWD
* Default Constructor.
* Sets default values for all parameters. Needed by GenericConnectorModel.
* Copy constructor from a property object.
* Needs to be defined properly in order for GenericConnector to work.
STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom(const STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom &);
* Default Destructor.
virtual ~STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom() {}
* This function calls check_connection on the sender and checks if the receiver
* accepts the event type and receptor type requested by the sender.
* Node::check_connection() will either confirm the receiver port by returning
* true or false if the connection should be ignored.
* We have to override the base class' implementation, since for STDP
* connections we have to call register_stdp_connection on the target neuron
* to inform the Archiver to collect spikes for this connection.
* \param s The source node
* \param r The target node
* \param receptor_type The ID of the requested receptor type
* \param t_lastspike last spike produced by presynaptic neuron (in ms)
void check_connection(Node & s, Node & r, rport receptor_type, double_t t_lastspike);
* Get all properties of this connection and put them into a dictionary.
void get_status(DictionaryDatum & d) const;
* Set properties of this connection from the values given in dictionary.
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum & d, ConnectorModel &cm);
* Set properties of this connection from position p in the properties
* array given in dictionary.
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum & d, index p, ConnectorModel &cm);
* Create new empty arrays for the properties of this connection in the given
* dictionary. It is assumed that they are not existing before.
void initialize_property_arrays(DictionaryDatum & d) const;
* Append properties of this connection to the given dictionary. If the
* dictionary is empty, new arrays are created first.
void append_properties(DictionaryDatum & d) const;
* Send an event to the receiver of this connection.
* \param e The event to send
* \param t_lastspike Point in time of last spike sent.
void send(Event& e, double_t t_lastspike, STDPFACETSHWHomCommonProperties &);
// overloaded for all supported event types
using Connection::check_event;
void check_event(SpikeEvent&) {}
bool eval_function_(double_t a_causal, double_t a_acausal, double_t a_thresh_th, double_t a_thresh_tl, std::vector<long_t> configbit);
// transformation biological weight <-> discrete weight (represented in index of look-up table)
uint_t weight_to_entry_(double_t weight, double_t weight_per_lut_entry);
double_t entry_to_weight_(uint_t discrete_weight, double_t weight_per_lut_entry);
uint_t lookup_(uint_t discrete_weight_, std::vector<long_t> table);
// data members of each connection
double_t a_causal_;
double_t a_acausal_;
double_t a_thresh_th_;
double_t a_thresh_tl_;
bool init_flag_;
long_t synapse_id_;
double_t next_readout_time_;
uint_t discrete_weight_; //TODO: TP: only needed in send, move to common properties or "static"?
bool STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom::eval_function_(double_t a_causal, double_t a_acausal, double_t a_thresh_th, double_t a_thresh_tl, std::vector<long_t> configbit)
// compare charge on capacitors with thresholds and return evaluation bit
return (a_thresh_tl + configbit[2] * a_causal + configbit[1] * a_acausal)
/ (1 + configbit[2] + configbit[1])
> (a_thresh_th + configbit[0] * a_causal + configbit[3] * a_acausal)
/ (1 + configbit[0] + configbit[3]);
uint_t STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom::weight_to_entry_(double_t weight, double_t weight_per_lut_entry)
// returns the discrete weight in terms of the look-up table index
return round(weight / weight_per_lut_entry);
double_t STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom::entry_to_weight_(uint_t discrete_weight, double_t weight_per_lut_entry)
// returns the continuous weight
return discrete_weight * weight_per_lut_entry;
uint_t STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom::lookup_(uint_t discrete_weight_, std::vector<long_t> table)
// look-up in table
return table[discrete_weight_];
void STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom::check_connection(Node & s, Node & r, rport receptor_type, double_t t_lastspike)
ConnectionHetWD::check_connection(s, r, receptor_type, t_lastspike);
r.register_stdp_connection(t_lastspike - Time(Time::step(delay_)).get_ms());
* Send an event to the receiver of this connection.
* \param e The event to send
* \param p The port under which this connection is stored in the Connector.
* \param t_lastspike Time point of last spike emitted
void STDPFACETSHWConnectionHom::send(Event& e, double_t t_lastspike, STDPFACETSHWHomCommonProperties &cp)
// synapse STDP dynamics
double_t t_spike = e.get_stamp().get_ms();
//init the readout time
if(init_flag_ == false){
synapse_id_ = cp.no_synapses_;
next_readout_time_ = int(synapse_id_ / cp.synapses_per_driver_) * cp.driver_readout_time_;
std::cout << "init synapse " << synapse_id_ << " - first readout time: " << next_readout_time_ << std::endl;
init_flag_ = true;
//STDP controller is processing this synapse (synapse driver)?
if(t_spike > next_readout_time_)
//transform weight to discrete representation
discrete_weight_ = weight_to_entry_(weight_, cp.weight_per_lut_entry_);
//obtain evaluation bits
bool eval_0 = eval_function_(a_causal_, a_acausal_, a_thresh_th_, a_thresh_tl_, cp.configbit_0_);
bool eval_1 = eval_function_(a_causal_, a_acausal_, a_thresh_th_, a_thresh_tl_, cp.configbit_1_);
//select LUT, update weight and reset capacitors
if(eval_0 == true && eval_1 == false){
discrete_weight_ = lookup_(discrete_weight_, cp.lookuptable_0_);
if(cp.reset_pattern_[0]) a_causal_ = 0;
if(cp.reset_pattern_[1]) a_acausal_ = 0;
} else if(eval_0 == false && eval_1 == true){
discrete_weight_ = lookup_(discrete_weight_, cp.lookuptable_1_);
if(cp.reset_pattern_[2]) a_causal_ = 0;
if(cp.reset_pattern_[3]) a_acausal_ = 0;
} else if(eval_0 == true && eval_1 == true){
discrete_weight_ = lookup_(discrete_weight_, cp.lookuptable_2_);
if(cp.reset_pattern_[4]) a_causal_ = 0;
if(cp.reset_pattern_[5]) a_acausal_ = 0;
//do nothing, if eval_0 == false and eval_1 == false
while(t_spike > next_readout_time_){
next_readout_time_ += cp.readout_cycle_duration_;
//std::cout << "synapse " << synapse_id_ << " updated at " << t_spike << ", next readout time: " << next_readout_time_ << std::endl;
//back-transformation to continuous weight space
weight_ = entry_to_weight_(discrete_weight_, cp.weight_per_lut_entry_);
// t_lastspike_ = 0 initially
double_t dendritic_delay = Time(Time::step(delay_)).get_ms();
//get spike history in relevant range (t1, t2] from post-synaptic neuron
std::deque<histentry>::iterator start;
std::deque<histentry>::iterator finish;
target_->get_history(t_lastspike - dendritic_delay, t_spike - dendritic_delay,
&start, &finish);
//facilitation due to post-synaptic spikes since last pre-synaptic spike
double_t minus_dt = 0;
double_t plus_dt = 0;
if(start != finish) //take only first postspike after last prespike
minus_dt = t_lastspike - (start->t_ + dendritic_delay);
if(start != finish) //take only last postspike before current spike
plus_dt = (finish->t_ + dendritic_delay) - t_spike;
if(minus_dt != 0){
a_causal_ += std::exp(minus_dt / cp.tau_plus_);
if(plus_dt != 0){
a_acausal_ += std::exp(plus_dt / cp.tau_minus_);
} // of namespace nest
#endif // of #ifndef STDP_CONNECTION_HOM_H