#ifndef NEST_NAMES_H
#define NEST_NAMES_H
* nest_names.h
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "name.h"
namespace nest
* This namespace contains global Name objects. These can be used in
* Node::get_status and Node::set_status to make data exchange
* more efficient and consistent. Creating a Name from a std::string
* is in O(log n), for n the number of Names already created. Using
* predefined names should make data exchange much more efficient.
namespace names
// Neuron parameters
extern const Name V_m; //!< Membrane potential
extern const Name V_min; //!< Absolute lower value for the membrane potential
extern const Name E_L; //!< Resting potential
extern const Name I_e; //!< Input current
extern const Name I_L; //!< Leak current
extern const Name V_th; //!< Threshold
extern const Name V_reset; //!< Reset potential
extern const Name c_m; //!< Capacity or specific capacitance
extern const Name C_m; //!< Membrane capacitance
extern const Name tau_m; //!< Membrane time constant
extern const Name tau_syn; //!< Synapse time constant
extern const Name tau_syn_ex; //!< Excitatory synaptic time constant
extern const Name tau_syn_in; //!< Inhibitory synaptic time constant
extern const Name t_ref; //!< Refractory period
extern const Name t_ref_abs; //!< Absolute refractory period
extern const Name t_ref_tot; //!< Total refractory period
extern const Name t_ref_remaining; //!< Time remaining till end of refractory state
extern const Name t_spike; //!< Time of last spike
extern const Name t_origin; //!< Origin of a time-slice
extern const Name t_lag; //!< Lag within a time slice
extern const Name E_ex; //!< Excitatory reversal potential
extern const Name E_in; //!< Inhibitory reversal potential
extern const Name g; //!< Conductance
extern const Name g_L; //!< Leak conductance
extern const Name g_ex; //!< Excitatory conductance
extern const Name dg_ex; //!< Derivative of the excitatory conductance
extern const Name g_in; //!< inhibitory conductance
extern const Name dg_in; //!< Derivative of the inhibitory conductance
extern const Name g_Na; //!< Sodium conductance
extern const Name E_ex; //!< Excitatory reversal potential
extern const Name E_in; //!< Inhibitory reversal potential
extern const Name I_ex; //!< Excitatory synaptic input current
extern const Name I_in; //!< Inhibitory synaptic input current
extern const Name E_Na; //!< Sodium reversal potential
extern const Name g_K; //!< Potassium conductance
extern const Name E_K; //!< Potassium reversal potential
extern const Name in_spikes; //!< Number of arriving inhibitory spikes
extern const Name ex_spikes; //!< Number of arriving excitatory spikes
extern const Name error; //!< Indicates an error in a neuron
// Related to ArchivingNode
extern const Name tau_minus;
extern const Name tau_minus_triplet;
extern const Name archiver_length;
extern const Name clear;
// Specific to precise timing neurons
extern const Name Interpol_Order; //!< Interpolation order
extern const Name refractory_input; //!< Spikes arriving during refractory period are counted
// Specific to precise timing neurons (Brette 2007)
extern const Name root_finding_epsilon; //!< Accuracy of the root of the polynomial
extern const Name tau_lcm; //!< Least common multiple of tau_m, tau_ex and tau_in
extern const Name coeff_m; //!< tau_lcm=coeff_m*tau_m
extern const Name coeff_ex; //!< tau_lcm=coeff_ex*tau_ex
extern const Name coeff_in; //!< tau_lcm=coeff_in*tau_in
// For debugging
extern const Name is_refractory; //!< Neuron is in refractory period
// Specific to Kobayashi, Tsubo, Shinomoto 2009
extern const Name tau_1;
extern const Name tau_2;
extern const Name alpha_1;
extern const Name alpha_2;
extern const Name omega;
extern const Name V_th_alpha_1;
extern const Name V_th_alpha_2;
// Specific to Brette & Gerstner 2005
extern const Name V_peak; //!< Spike detection threshold (Brette & Gerstner 2005)
extern const Name a;
extern const Name b;
extern const Name w;
extern const Name Delta_T;
extern const Name tau_w;
// Specific to Izhikevich 2003
extern const Name c;
extern const Name d;
extern const Name U_m;
extern const Name consistent_integration;
// Tsodyks2_connection
extern const Name dU; //!< Unit increment of the utilization for a facilitating synapse [0...1]
extern const Name u; //!< probability of release [0...1]
extern const Name x; //!< current scaling factor of the synaptic weight [0...1]
extern const Name tau_rec; //!< time constant for recovery (ms)
extern const Name tau_fac; //!< facilitation time constant (ms)
extern const Name A;
extern const Name A_upper;
extern const Name A_lower;
extern const Name A_mean;
extern const Name A_std;
extern const Name U_upper;
extern const Name U_lower;
extern const Name U_mean;
extern const Name U_std;
extern const Name D_upper;
extern const Name D_lower;
extern const Name D_mean;
extern const Name D_std;
extern const Name F_upper;
extern const Name F_lower;
extern const Name F_mean;
extern const Name F_std;
extern const Name epoch;
extern const Name success;
extern const Name with_noise;
// Same as aboce, but for property arrays.
extern const Name dUs; //!< Unit increment of the utilization for a facilitating synapse [0...1]
extern const Name us; //!< probability of release [0...1]
extern const Name xs; //!< current scaling factor of the synaptic weight [0...1]
extern const Name tau_recs; //!< time constant for recovery (ms)
extern const Name tau_facs; //!< facilitation time constant (ms)
// Other adaptation
extern const Name E_sfa;
extern const Name E_rr;
extern const Name g_sfa;
extern const Name g_rr;
extern const Name q_sfa;
extern const Name q_rr;
extern const Name tau_sfa;
extern const Name tau_rr;
// Specific to Hodgkin Huxley models
extern const Name Act_m;
extern const Name Act_h;
extern const Name Inact_n;
// Specific to mip_generator
extern const Name mother_seed;
extern const Name mother_rng;
extern const Name p_copy;
// Specific to correlation_detector
extern const Name delta_tau;
extern const Name tau_max;
extern const Name histogram;
extern const Name count_histogram;
extern const Name Tstart;
extern const Name Tstop;
// Specific to current homeostasis
extern const Name I_total; //<- Total current
extern const Name I_adapt; //<- Goal of current homeostasis
extern const Name I_std; //<- Standard deviation of current distribution
extern const Name PSC_adapt_step; //<- PSC increment
extern const Name PSC_Unit_amplitude; //<- Scaling of PSC
// Specific to sli_neuron
extern const Name update; // Command to execute the neuron
extern const Name update_node; // Command to execute the neuron
extern const Name calibrate; // Command to calibrate the neuron
extern const Name calibrate_node; // Command to calibrate the neuron
extern const Name spike; // true if the neuron spikes and false if not.
// Specific to mirollo_strogatz_ps
extern const Name phi;
extern const Name I;
extern const Name gamma;
extern const Name phi_th;
// Specific to stochastic neuron pp_psc_delta
extern const Name c_1;
extern const Name c_2;
extern const Name c_3;
extern const Name dead_time_random; // Random dead time or fixed dead time
extern const Name dead_time_shape; // Shape parameter of the dead time distribution
extern const Name with_reset; // Shall the pp_neuron reset after each spike?
// Specific to Ginzburg neuron
extern const Name S; // Binary state (output) of neuron
extern const Name h; // Summed input to a neuron
// Specific to iaf_chxk_2008 neuron
extern const Name g_ahp;
extern const Name tau_ahp;
extern const Name E_ahp;
// Specific to iaf_chs_2008 neuron
extern const Name tau_reset;
extern const Name tau_epsp;
extern const Name V_epsp;
extern const Name V_noise;
extern const Name noise;
// Specific to iaf_tum_2000
extern const Name I_syn_ex; // Total excitatory synaptic current
extern const Name I_syn_in; // Total inhibitory synaptic current
// Names relating to GSL integration
extern const Name gsl_error_tol; // GSL integrator tolerance
// Device parameters
extern const Name origin;
extern const Name start;
extern const Name stop;
extern const Name recordables; //!< List of recordable state data
// Generator parameters
extern const Name individual_spike_trains;
// Recorder parameters
extern const Name withtime;
extern const Name withgid;
extern const Name withpath;
extern const Name withweight;
extern const Name precise_times;
extern const Name time_in_steps;
extern const Name to_file;
extern const Name to_screen;
extern const Name to_memory;
extern const Name to_accumulator;
extern const Name record_to;
extern const Name file;
extern const Name screen;
extern const Name memory;
extern const Name accumulator;
extern const Name file_extension;
extern const Name precision;
extern const Name scientific;
extern const Name binary;
extern const Name fbuffer_size;
extern const Name flush_records;
extern const Name close_after_simulate;
extern const Name flush_after_simulate;
extern const Name close_on_reset;
extern const Name filename;
extern const Name filenames;
extern const Name record_from;
extern const Name senders;
extern const Name times;
extern const Name offsets;
extern const Name n_events;
extern const Name interval;
extern const Name events;
extern const Name potentials;
extern const Name currents;
extern const Name spike_times;
extern const Name exc_conductance;
extern const Name inh_conductance;
// Connection parameters
extern const Name source;
extern const Name target;
extern const Name targets;
extern const Name weight;
extern const Name weights;
extern const Name delay;
extern const Name delays;
extern const Name receptor_type;
extern const Name receptor_types;
extern const Name rport;
extern const Name rports;
extern const Name port;
extern const Name target_thread;
extern const Name synapse_model;
extern const Name synapse_modelid;
// Specific to sinusoidally modulated generators
extern const Name dc;
extern const Name ac;
extern const Name freq;
extern const Name order;
// Specific to ppd_sup_generator and gamma_sup_generator
extern const Name amplitude;
extern const Name phase;
extern const Name frequency;
extern const Name rate;
extern const Name n_proc; // Number of component processes of generator
extern const Name dead_time;
extern const Name gamma_shape;
// Miscellaneous parameters
extern const Name label;
extern const Name mean;
extern const Name std;
extern const Name rms; // Root mean square
extern const Name dt;
extern const Name offset;
// Node parameters
extern const Name global_id;
extern const Name model;
extern const Name frozen;
extern const Name address;
extern const Name local_id;
extern const Name parent;
extern const Name state;
extern const Name thread;
extern const Name vp;
extern const Name local;
// Parameters for MUSIC devices
extern const Name connection_count;
extern const Name index_map;
extern const Name music_channel;
extern const Name port_name;
extern const Name port_width;
extern const Name registered;
extern const Name published;
extern const Name theta; // Did not compile without (theta neuron problem)
// Node types
extern const Name type;
extern const Name structure;
extern const Name neuron;
extern const Name stimulator;
extern const Name recorder;
extern const Name synapse;
extern const Name other;
// For aeif_cond_nmda_alpha and synnth_integrator
extern const Name N_V_max;
extern const Name N_V_min;
extern const Name N_gain;
extern const Name g_n; // NMDA conductance
extern const Name dg_n; // derivative NMDA conductance
extern const Name E_n; // NMDA reversal potential
extern const Name tau_syn_n; // NMDA time constant
extern const Name Smax; // max for integrator
extern const Name Gamma; // gamma factor
extern const Name Reset; // reset threshold