 *  nodelist.h
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef NODELIST_H
#define NODELIST_H

#include "node.h"
#include "subnet.h"

namespace nest{

 * Template for list interface to network tree.
 * LocalNodeListBase provides a template for classes providing
 * iterator interfaces to subnets. These iterators traverse only
 * local nodes.
 * Concrete classes for local lists are created by instantiating
 * LocalNodeListBase with suitable iterator classes and specializing
 * the begin() method for those template instances.
 * @note All iterators provided must either perform post-order iteration
 *       or specialize the end() method suitably, as the end() method
 *       provided by LocalNodeListBase assumes post-order traversal.
 * @note The list iterators provided here are not thread-safe. If you need
 *       to use then in threaded code, you must make sure that (a) each
 *       thread has its own list and iterator instances and (b) that no two
 *       threads manipulate the same node simultaneously.
template <typename ListIterator>
class LocalNodeListBase
  typedef ListIterator iterator;

  explicit LocalNodeListBase(Subnet &subnet) : subnet_(subnet) {}

   * Return iterator pointing to first node in subnet.
   * @node Must be defined by all derived classes.
  iterator begin() const;

   * Return iterator pointing to node past last node.
   * @note Since traversal is post-order, the local_end() of the top-level
   *       subnet is the end also for Leaf and Child lists.
  iterator end() const { return iterator(subnet_.local_end(),
                                         subnet_.local_end()); }

  //! Returns true if no local nodes
  bool empty() const { return subnet_.local_empty(); }

  //! Returns subnet wrapped by NodeList
  Subnet& get_subnet() const { return subnet_; }

  Subnet& subnet_;  //!< root of the network

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Iterator for post-order traversal of all local nodes in a subnet.
class LocalNodeListIterator
  friend class LocalNodeListBase<LocalNodeListIterator>;
  friend class LocalLeafListIterator;

   //! Create iterator from pointer to Node in subnet
   LocalNodeListIterator(std::vector<Node*>::iterator const &node,
                         std::vector<Node*>::iterator const &list_end) :
      current_node_(node), list_end_(list_end) {}
   bool is_end_() const { return current_node_ == list_end_; }

   LocalNodeListIterator operator++();

   Node*        operator*() { return *current_node_; }
   Node const*  operator*() const { return *current_node_; }

   bool operator==(const LocalNodeListIterator& i) const { return current_node_ == i.current_node_; }
   bool operator!=(const LocalNodeListIterator& i) const { return not ( *this == i ); }

   //! iterator to the current node in subnet
   vector<Node *>::iterator current_node_;
   vector<Node *>::iterator list_end_;


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

template <>
  LocalNodeListBase<LocalNodeListIterator>::begin() const;

 * List interface to subnet providing iteration over all local nodes.
typedef LocalNodeListBase<LocalNodeListIterator> LocalNodeList;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Iterator for traversal of all local immediate child nodes in a subnet.
class LocalChildListIterator
  friend class LocalNodeListBase<LocalChildListIterator>;

   //! Create iterator from pointer to Node in subnet
   LocalChildListIterator(std::vector<Node*>::iterator const &node,
                          std::vector<Node*>::iterator const &list_end) :
     current_node_(node), list_end_(list_end) {}

   LocalChildListIterator operator++();

   Node*        operator*() { return *current_node_; }
   Node const*  operator*() const { return *current_node_; }

   bool operator==(const LocalChildListIterator& i) const { return current_node_ == i.current_node_; }
   bool operator!=(const LocalChildListIterator& i) const { return not ( *this == i ); }

   //! iterator to the current node in subnet
   vector<Node *>::iterator current_node_;
   vector<Node *>::iterator list_end_;

template <> 
  LocalNodeListBase<LocalChildListIterator>::begin() const;

 * List interface to subnet providing iteration over immediate local child nodes.
typedef LocalNodeListBase<LocalChildListIterator> LocalChildList;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Iterator for traversal of only local leaf nodes in a subnet.
 * @note Leaf nodes are those children that are not subnets. Empty subnets
 *       are not considered leaves.
class LocalLeafListIterator
  friend class LocalNodeListBase<LocalLeafListIterator>;

   //! Create iterator from pointer to Node in subnet
   LocalLeafListIterator(std::vector<Node*>::iterator const &node,
                          std::vector<Node*>::iterator const &list_end) :
     base_it_(node, list_end)
     while ( not base_it_.is_end_() && not is_leaf_(*base_it_) )

   LocalLeafListIterator operator++();

   Node*        operator*() { return *base_it_; }
   Node const*  operator*() const { return *base_it_; }

   bool operator==(const LocalLeafListIterator& i) const { return base_it_ == i.base_it_; }
   bool operator!=(const LocalLeafListIterator& i) const { return not ( *this == i ); }

   LocalNodeListIterator base_it_;  //<! we use this one for the basic iteration

   static bool is_leaf_(Node *n)  { return not dynamic_cast<Subnet*>(n); }


template <>
  LocalNodeListBase<LocalLeafListIterator>::begin() const;

 * List interface to subnet providing iteration over local leaf nodes.
 * @note Leaf nodes are those children that are not subnets. Empty subnets
 *       are not considered leaves.
typedef LocalNodeListBase<LocalLeafListIterator> LocalLeafList;
