* scheduler.h
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "nest.h"
#include "nest_time.h"
#include "net_thread.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "nodelist.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "event_priority.h"
#include "randomgen.h"
#include "lockptr.h"
#include "communicator.h"
namespace nest
using std::priority_queue;
using std::vector;
typedef Communicator::OffGridSpike OffGridSpike;
class Network;
* Schedule update of Nodes and Events during simulation.
* The scheduler controls a number of threads which are responsible
* for updating a batch of Nodes independently from each other. The
* number of threads as well as the batch size of each thread can be
* configured with get_status and set_status methods.
* The scheduler also controls the random number clients which are
* associated to the threads.
* The scheduler is usually hidden inside the network class. Thus,
* its interface is of little interest to the "normal" model
* developer.
class Scheduler {
public: // Public methods
Scheduler(Network &);
virtual ~Scheduler();
* Bring scheduler back to its initial state.
* @note Threading parameters as well as random number state
* are not reset. This has to be done manually.
void reset();
* Clear all pending spikes, but do not otherwise manipulate scheduler.
* @note This is used by Network::reset_network().
void clear_pending_spikes();
/** Simulate for the given time */
void simulate(Time const&);
/** Resume simulation after an interrupt. */
void resume();
void terminate();
* Add global id of event sender to the spike_register.
* An event sent through this method will remain in the queue until
* the network time has advanced by min_delay_ steps. After this period
* the buffers are collocated and sent to the partner machines.
* Old documentation from network.h:
* Place an event in the global event queue.
* Add event to the queue to be delivered
* when it is due.
* At the delivery time, the target list of the sender is iterated
* and the event is delivered to all targets.
* The event is guaranteed to arrive at the receiver when all
* elements are updated and the system is
* in a synchronised (single threaded) state.
* @see send_to_targets()
void send_remote(thread p, SpikeEvent&, const long_t lag = 0);
* Add global id of event sender to the spike_register.
* Store event offset with global id.
* An event sent through this method will remain in the queue until
* the network time has advanced by min_delay_ steps. After this period
* the buffers are collocated and sent to the partner machines.
* Old documentation from network.h:
* Place an event in the global event queue.
* Add event to the queue to be delivered
* when it is due.
* At the delivery time, the target list of the sender is iterated
* and the event is delivered to all targets.
* The event is guaranteed to arrive at the receiver when all
* elements are updated and the system is
* in a synchronised (single threaded) state.
* @see send_to_targets()
void send_offgrid_remote(thread p, SpikeEvent&, const long_t lag = 0);
* Return the number of threads used during simulation.
* This functions returns the number of threads per process.
* Since each process has the same number of threads, the total number
* of threads is given by get_num_threads()*get_num_processes().
thread get_num_threads() const;
* Set the number of threads by setting the internal variable
* n_threads_, the corresponding value in the Communicator, and
* the OpenMP number of threads.
void set_num_threads(thread n_threads);
* Return the number of processes used during simulation.
* This functions returns the number of processes.
* Since each process has the same number of threads, the total number
* of threads is given by get_num_threads()*get_num_processes().
thread get_num_processes() const;
* Return true if the node on the local machine, false if not.
bool is_local_node(Node*) const;
* Return true if the thread is on the local machine, false if not.
bool is_local_vp(thread) const;
* Return a thread number for a given global node id.
* Each node has a default thread on which it will run.
* The thread is defined by the relation:
* t = (gid div P) mod T, where P is the number of processes and
* T the number of threads. This may be used by network::add_node()
* if the user has not specified anything.
thread suggest_vp(index gid) const;
thread vp_to_thread(thread vp) const;
thread thread_to_vp(thread t) const;
* Return the global thread id of a local thread.
thread get_global_thread_id(thread lt) const;
* Return the process id for a given virtual process. The real process' id
* of a virtual process is defined by the relation: p = (vp mod P), where
* P is the total number of processes.
thread get_process_id(thread vp) const;
* Return true, if the network has already been simulated for some time.
* This does NOT indicate that simulate has been called (i.e. if Simulate
* is called with 0 as argument, the flag is still set to false.)
bool get_simulated() const;
* set communication style to off_grid (true) or on_grid
void set_off_grid_communication(bool off_grid_spiking);
* return current communication style.
* A result of true means off_grid, false means on_grid communication.
bool get_off_grid_communication() const;
* Time at beginning of current slice.
Time const& get_slice_origin() const;
* Time at beginning of previous slice.
Time get_previous_slice_origin() const;
* Precise time of simulation.
* @note The precise time of the simulation is defined only
* while the simulation is not in progress.
Time const get_time() const;
bool is_busy() const;
bool is_updated() const;
bool update_reference() const;
* Update a fixed set of nodes per thread using pthreads.
* This is called by a thread.
void threaded_update(thread);
* Update a fixed set of nodes per thread using OpenMP.
void threaded_update_openmp();
/** Update without any threading. */
void serial_update();
void set_network_(Network*);
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum&);
void get_status(DictionaryDatum &) const;
* Return pointer to random number generator of the specified thread.
librandom::RngPtr get_rng(const thread) const;
* Return pointer to global random number generator
librandom::RngPtr get_grng() const;
* Return (T+d) mod max_delay.
delay get_modulo(delay d);
* Index to slice-based buffer.
* Return ((T+d)/min_delay) % ceil(max_delay/min_delay).
delay get_slice_modulo(delay d);
* Return minimal connection delay.
delay get_min_delay();
* Return maximal connection delay.
delay get_max_delay();
* Get slice number. Increased by one for each slice. Can be used
* to choose alternating buffers.
size_t get_slice() const;
* Calibrate clock after resolution change.
void calibrate_clock();
* Initialize the scheduler by initializing the buffers.
void init_();
* Finalize the scheduler by freeing the buffers and destoying the mutexes.
void finalize_();
void update_(Node*);
void advance_time_();
void print_progress_();
* Prepare nodes for simulation and register nodes in node_list.
* Calls prepare_node_() for each pertaining Node.
* @see prepare_node_()
void prepare_nodes();
* Calibrate, initialized buffers, register in list of nodes to update/finalize.
* @see prepare_nodes()
void prepare_node_(Node *);
* Invoke finalize() on nodes registered for finalization.
void finalize_nodes();
* Re-compute table of fixed modulos, including slice-based.
void compute_moduli_();
void init_moduli_();
void create_rngs_(const bool ctor_call = false);
void create_grng_(const bool ctor_call = false);
void compute_delay_extrema_(delay&, delay&) const;
Mutex ready_mutex_;
Mutex terminate_mutex_; //!< protect terminate() calls.
bool initialized_;
bool simulating_; //!< true if simulation in progress
bool force_singlethreading_;
index n_threads_; //!< Number of threads per process.
index n_nodes_; //!< Effective number of simulated nodes.
volatile index entry_counter_; //!< Counter for entry barrier.
volatile index exit_counter_; //!< Counter for exit barrier.
pthread_cond_t ready_;
pthread_cond_t done_;
vector<Thread> threads_;
vector<vector<Node*> > nodes_vec_; //!< Nodelists for unfrozen nodes
Network &net_; //!< Reference to network object.
Time clock_; //!< Network clock, updated once per slice
long_t slice_; //!< current update slice
long_t to_do_; //!< number of pending cycles.
long_t to_do_total_; //!< number of requested cycles in current simulation.
long_t from_step_; //!< update clock_+from_step<=T<clock_+to_step_
long_t to_step_; //!< update clock_+from_step<=T<clock_+to_step_
timeval t_slice_begin_; //!< Wall-clock time at the begin of a time slice
timeval t_slice_end_; //!< Wall-clock time at the end of time slice
long t_real_; //!< Accumunated wall-clock time spent simulating (in us)
bool update_ref_; //!< reference for node update state.
bool terminate_; //!< Terminate on signal or error
bool simulated_; //!< indicates whether the network has already been simulated for some time
bool off_grid_spiking_; //!< indicates whether spikes are not constrained to the grid
bool print_time_; //!< Indicates whether time should be printed during simulations (or not)
std::vector<long_t> rng_seeds_; //!< The seeds of the local RNGs. These do not neccessarily describe the state of the RNGs.
long_t grng_seed_; //!< The seed of the global RNG, not neccessarily describing the state of the GRNG.
delay min_delay_; //!< Value of the smallest delay in the network.
delay max_delay_; //!< Value of the largest delay in the network in steps.
* Table of pre-computed modulos.
* This table is used to map time steps, given as offset from now,
* to ring-buffer bins. There are min_delay+max_delay bins in a ring buffer,
* and the moduli_ array is rotated by min_delay elements after
* each slice is completed.
* @see RingBuffer
vector<delay> moduli_;
* Table of pre-computed slice-based modulos.
* This table is used to map time steps, give as offset from now,
* to slice-based ring-buffer bins. There are ceil(max_delay/min_delay)
* bins in a slice-based ring buffer, one per slice within max_delay.
* Since max_delay may not be a multiple of min_delay, we cannot simply
* rotate the table content after each slice, but have to recompute
* the table anew.
* @see SliceRingBuffer
vector<delay> slice_moduli_;
* Vector of random number generators for threads.
* There must be PRECISELY one rng per thread.
vector<librandom::RngPtr> rng_;
* Global random number generator.
* This rng must be synchronized on all threads
librandom::RngPtr grng_;
* Register for gids of neurons that spiked. This is a 3-dim
* structure.
* - First dim: Each thread has its own vector to write to.
* - Second dim: A vector for each slice of the min_delay interval
* - Third dim: The gids.
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<uint_t> > > spike_register_;
* Register for off-grid spikes.
* This is a 3-dim structure.
* - First dim: Each thread has its own vector to write to.
* - Second dim: A vector for each slice of the min_delay interval
* - Third dim: Struct containing GID and offset.
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<OffGridSpike> > >
* Buffer containing the gids of local neurons that spiked in the
* last min_delay_ interval. The single slices are separated by a
* marker value.
std::vector<uint_t> local_grid_spikes_;
* Buffer containing the gids of all neurons that spiked in the
* last min_delay_ interval. The single slices are separated by a
* marker value
std::vector<uint_t> global_grid_spikes_;
* Buffer containing the gids and offsets for local neurons that
* fired off-grid spikes in the last min_delay_ interval. The
* single slices are separated by a marker value.
std::vector<OffGridSpike> local_offgrid_spikes_;
* Buffer containing the gids and offsets for all neurons that
* fired off-grid spikes in the last min_delay_ interval. The
* single slices are separated by a marker value.
std::vector<OffGridSpike> global_offgrid_spikes_;
* Buffer containing the starting positions for the spikes from
* each process within the global_(off)grid_spikes_ buffer.
std::vector<int> displacements_;
* Marker Value to be put between the data fields from different time
* steps during communication.
const uint_t comm_marker_;
* Resize spike_register and comm_buffer to correct dimensions.
* Resizes also offgrid_*_buffer_.
* This is done by resume() when called for the first time.
* The spike buffers cannot be reconfigured later, whence neither
* the number of local threads or the min_delay can change after
* simulate() has been called. ConnectorModel::check_delay() and
* Scheduler::set_status() ensure this.
void configure_spike_buffers_();
* Clear nodes_vec_ prior to each network calibration.
void clear_nodes_vec_();
* Rearrange the spike_register into a 2-dim structure. This is
* done by collecting the spikes from all threads in each slice of
* the min_delay_ interval.
void collocate_buffers_();
* Collocate buffers and exchange events with other MPI processes.
void gather_events_();
* Read all event buffers for thread t and send the corresponding
* Events to the Nodes that are targeted.
* @note It is a crucial property of deliver_events_() that events
* are delivered ordered by non-decreasing time stamps. BUT: this
* ordering applies to time stamps only, it does NOT take into
* account the offsets of precise spikes.
void deliver_events_(thread t);
* Used by threads to update the element.
* Thus, we keep the responsibility of calling
* private Node methods at the Scheduler.
* This function will perform two things:
* -# Call the node's update method @see Node::update
* -# Change the updated flag at the Node.
void Scheduler::update_(Node *n)
n->update(clock_, from_step_, to_step_);
bool Scheduler::is_busy() const
return (to_do_ != 0) && (! terminate_);
Time const& Scheduler::get_slice_origin() const
return clock_;
Time Scheduler::get_previous_slice_origin() const
return clock_ - Time::step(min_delay_);
Time const Scheduler::get_time() const
return clock_ + Time::step(from_step_);
thread Scheduler::get_num_threads() const
return n_threads_;
thread Scheduler::get_num_processes() const
return Communicator::get_num_processes();
thread Scheduler::get_process_id(thread vp) const
return vp % Communicator::get_num_processes();
bool Scheduler::is_local_node(Node* n) const
return is_local_vp(n->get_vp());
bool Scheduler::is_local_vp(thread vp) const
return get_process_id(vp) == Communicator::get_rank();
thread Scheduler::suggest_vp(index gid) const
return gid % Communicator::get_num_virtual_processes();
thread Scheduler::vp_to_thread(thread vp) const
return vp / Communicator::get_num_processes();
thread Scheduler::thread_to_vp(thread t) const
return t * Communicator::get_num_processes() + Communicator::get_rank();
bool Scheduler::get_simulated() const
return simulated_;
void Scheduler::set_off_grid_communication(bool off_grid_spiking)
off_grid_spiking_ = off_grid_spiking;
bool Scheduler::get_off_grid_communication() const
return off_grid_spiking_;
bool Scheduler::is_updated() const
return (to_do_==0) || terminate_;
bool Scheduler::update_reference() const
return update_ref_;
librandom::RngPtr Scheduler::get_rng(const thread thrd) const
assert(thrd < static_cast<thread>(rng_.size()));
return rng_[thrd];
librandom::RngPtr Scheduler::get_grng() const
return grng_;
void Scheduler::calibrate_clock()
void Scheduler::prepare_node_(Node *n)
// Frozen nodes are initialized and calibrated, so that they
// have ring buffers and can accept incoming spikes. They
// are not placed in the nodes_vec_, as they shall not be
// updated. See #414.
void Scheduler::send_remote(thread t, SpikeEvent& e, const long_t lag)
// Put the spike in a buffer for the remote machines
for (int_t i = 0; i < e.get_multiplicity(); ++i)
void Scheduler::send_offgrid_remote(thread t, SpikeEvent& e, const long_t lag)
// Put the spike in a buffer for the remote machines
OffGridSpike ogs(e.get_sender().get_gid(), e.get_offset());
for (int_t i = 0; i < e.get_multiplicity(); ++i)
delay Scheduler::get_modulo(delay d)
// Note, here d may be 0, since bin 0 represents the "current" time
// when all evens due are read out.
assert(d < moduli_.size());
return moduli_[d];
delay Scheduler::get_slice_modulo(delay d)
// Note, here d may be 0, since bin 0 represents the "current" time
// when all evens due are read out.
assert(d < slice_moduli_.size());
return slice_moduli_[d];
delay Scheduler::get_min_delay()
return min_delay_;
delay Scheduler::get_max_delay()
return max_delay_;
size_t Scheduler::get_slice() const
return slice_;
void Scheduler::terminate()
#endif //SCHEDULER_H