* iaf_psc_alpha_canon.cpp
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "iaf_psc_alpha_canon.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "dict.h"
#include "integerdatum.h"
#include "doubledatum.h"
#include "dictutils.h"
#include "numerics.h"
#include "universal_data_logger_impl.h"
#include <limits>
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Recordables map
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
nest::RecordablesMap<nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon> nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::recordablesMap_;
namespace nest
* Override the create() method with one call to RecordablesMap::insert_()
* for each quantity to be recorded.
template <>
void RecordablesMap<iaf_psc_alpha_canon>::create()
// use standard names whereever you can for consistency!
insert_(names::V_m, &iaf_psc_alpha_canon::get_V_m_);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructors defining default parameters and state
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
: tau_m_ ( 10.0 ), // ms
tau_syn_( 2.0 ), // ms
c_m_ (250.0 ), // pF
t_ref_ ( 2.0 ), // ms
E_L_ (-70.0 ), // mV
I_e_ ( 0.0 ), // pA
U_th_ (-55.0-E_L_), // mV, rel to E_L_
U_min_ (-std::numeric_limits<double_t>::infinity()), // mV
U_reset_(-70.0-E_L_), // mV, rel to E_L_
: y0_(0.0),
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Parameter and state extractions and manipulation functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::Parameters_::get(DictionaryDatum &d) const
def<double>(d, names::E_L, E_L_);
def<double>(d, names::I_e, I_e_);
def<double>(d, names::V_th, U_th_+E_L_);
def<double>(d, names::V_min, U_min_+E_L_);
def<double>(d, names::V_reset, U_reset_+E_L_);
def<double>(d, names::C_m, c_m_);
def<double>(d, names::tau_m, tau_m_);
def<double>(d, names::tau_syn, tau_syn_);
def<double>(d, names::t_ref, t_ref_);
def<long>(d, names::Interpol_Order, Interpol_);
double nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::Parameters_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d)
// if U0_ is changed, we need to adjust all variables defined relative to U0_
const double ELold = E_L_;
updateValue<double>(d, names::E_L, E_L_);
const double delta_EL = E_L_ - ELold;
updateValue<double>(d, names::tau_m, tau_m_);
updateValue<double>(d, names::tau_syn, tau_syn_);
updateValue<double>(d, names::C_m, c_m_);
updateValue<double>(d, names::t_ref, t_ref_);
updateValue<double>(d, names::I_e, I_e_);
if (updateValue<double>(d, names::V_th, U_th_))
U_th_ -= E_L_;
U_th_ -= delta_EL;
if (updateValue<double>(d, names::V_min, U_min_))
U_min_ -= E_L_;
U_min_ -= delta_EL;
if (updateValue<double>(d, names::V_reset, U_reset_))
U_reset_ -= E_L_;
U_reset_ -= delta_EL;
long_t tmp;
if ( updateValue<long_t>(d, names::Interpol_Order, tmp) )
if ( NO_INTERPOL <= tmp && tmp < END_INTERP_ORDER )
Interpol_ = static_cast<interpOrder>(tmp);
throw BadProperty("Invalid interpolation order. "
"Valid orders are 0, 1, 2, 3.");
if ( U_reset_ >= U_th_ )
throw BadProperty("Reset potential must be smaller than threshold.");
if ( U_reset_ < U_min_ )
throw BadProperty("Reset potential must be greater equal minimum potential.");
if ( c_m_ <= 0 )
throw BadProperty("Capacitance must be strictly positive.");
if ( Time(Time::ms(t_ref_)).get_steps() < 1 )
throw BadProperty("Refractory time must be at least one time step.");
if ( tau_m_ <= 0 || tau_syn_ <= 0 )
throw BadProperty("All time constants must be strictly positive.");
if ( tau_m_ == tau_syn_ )
throw BadProperty("Membrane and synapse time constant(s) must differ."
"See note in documentation.");
return delta_EL;
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::State_::get(DictionaryDatum &d,
const Parameters_& p) const
def<double>(d, names::V_m, y3_ + p.E_L_); // Membrane potential
def<double>(d, names::t_spike, Time(Time::step(last_spike_step_)).get_ms());
def<double>(d, names::offset, last_spike_offset_);
def<bool>(d, names::is_refractory, is_refractory_);
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::State_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_& p, double delta_EL)
if ( updateValue<double>(d, names::V_m, y3_) )
y3_ -= p.E_L_;
y3_ -= delta_EL;
nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::Buffers_::Buffers_(iaf_psc_alpha_canon& n)
: logger_(n)
nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::Buffers_::Buffers_(const Buffers_&, iaf_psc_alpha_canon& n)
: logger_(n)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Default and copy constructor for node
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
: Node(),
nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::iaf_psc_alpha_canon(const iaf_psc_alpha_canon& n)
: Node(n),
B_(n.B_, *this)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Node initialization functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::init_state_(const Node& proto)
const iaf_psc_alpha_canon& pr = downcast<iaf_psc_alpha_canon>(proto);
S_ = pr.S_;
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::init_buffers_()
B_.currents_.clear(); // includes resize
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::calibrate()
V_.h_ms_ = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
V_.PSCInitialValue_ = 1.0 * numerics::e / P_.tau_syn_;
V_.gamma_ = 1/P_.c_m_ / ( 1/P_.tau_syn_ - 1/P_.tau_m_ );
V_.gamma_sq_ = 1/P_.c_m_ /( ( 1/P_.tau_syn_ - 1/P_.tau_m_ )
* ( 1/P_.tau_syn_ - 1/P_.tau_m_ ) );
// pre-compute matrix for full time step
V_.expm1_tau_m_ = numerics::expm1(-V_.h_ms_/P_.tau_m_);
V_.expm1_tau_syn_ = numerics::expm1(-V_.h_ms_/P_.tau_syn_);
V_.P30_ = -P_.tau_m_ / P_.c_m_ * V_.expm1_tau_m_;
V_.P31_ = V_.gamma_sq_ * V_.expm1_tau_m_ - V_.gamma_sq_ * V_.expm1_tau_syn_
- V_.h_ms_ * V_.gamma_ * V_.expm1_tau_syn_ - V_.h_ms_ * V_.gamma_;
V_.P32_ = V_.gamma_ * V_.expm1_tau_m_ - V_.gamma_ * V_.expm1_tau_syn_;
// t_ref_ is the refractory period in ms
// refractory_steps_ is the duration of the refractory period in whole
// steps, rounded down
V_.refractory_steps_ = Time(Time::ms(P_.t_ref_)).get_steps();
assert(V_.refractory_steps_ >= 1); // since t_ref_ >= sim step size, this can only fail in error
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Update and spike handling functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::update(Time const & origin,
const long_t from, const long_t to)
assert(to >= 0);
assert(static_cast<delay>(from) < Scheduler::get_min_delay());
assert(from < to);
// at start of slice, tell input queue to prepare for delivery
if ( from == 0 )
/* Neurons may have been initialized to superthreshold potentials.
We need to check for this here and issue spikes at the beginning of
the interval.
if ( S_.y3_ >= P_.U_th_ )
emit_instant_spike_(origin, from,
for ( long_t lag = from ; lag < to ; ++lag )
// time at start of update step
const long_t T = origin.get_steps() + lag;
// if neuron returns from refractoriness during this step, place
// pseudo-event in queue to mark end of refractory period
if (S_.is_refractory_ && (T + 1 - S_.last_spike_step_ == V_.refractory_steps_))
B_.events_.add_refractory(T, S_.last_spike_offset_);
// save state at beginning of interval for spike-time interpolation
V_.y0_before_ = S_.y0_;
V_.y2_before_ = S_.y2_;
V_.y3_before_ = S_.y3_;
// get first event
double_t ev_offset;
double_t ev_weight;
bool end_of_refract;
if ( !B_.events_.get_next_spike(T, ev_offset, ev_weight, end_of_refract) )
{ // No incoming spikes, handle with fixed propagator matrix.
// Handling this case separately improves performance significantly
// if there are many steps without input spikes.
// update membrane potential
if ( !S_.is_refractory_ )
S_.y3_ = V_.P30_*(P_.I_e_+S_.y0_) + V_.P31_*S_.y1_ + V_.P32_*S_.y2_ +
V_.expm1_tau_m_ * S_.y3_ + S_.y3_;
// lower bound of membrane potential
S_.y3_ = ( S_.y3_ < P_.U_min_ ? P_.U_min_ : S_.y3_);
// update synaptic currents
S_.y2_ = V_.expm1_tau_syn_ * V_.h_ms_ * S_.y1_
+ V_.expm1_tau_syn_ * S_.y2_ + V_.h_ms_ * S_.y1_ + S_.y2_;
S_.y1_ = V_.expm1_tau_syn_ * S_.y1_ + S_.y1_;
/* The following must not be moved before the y1_, y2_ update,
since the spike-time interpolation within emit_spike_ depends
on all state variables having their values at the end of the
if ( S_.y3_ >= P_.U_th_ )
emit_spike_(origin, lag, 0, V_.h_ms_);
// We only get here if there is at least on event,
// which has been read above. We can therefore use
// a do-while loop.
// Time within step is measured by offsets, which are h at the beginning
// and 0 at the end of the step.
double_t last_offset = V_.h_ms_; // start of step
do {
// time is measured backward: inverse order in difference
const double_t ministep = last_offset - ev_offset;
// check for threshold crossing during ministep
// this must be done before adding the input, since
// interpolation requires continuity
if ( S_.y3_ >= P_.U_th_ )
emit_spike_(origin, lag, V_.h_ms_-last_offset, ministep);
// handle event
if ( end_of_refract )
S_.is_refractory_ = false; // return from refractoriness
S_.y1_ += V_.PSCInitialValue_ * ev_weight; // spike input
// store state
V_.y2_before_ = S_.y2_;
V_.y3_before_ = S_.y3_;
last_offset = ev_offset;
} while ( B_.events_.get_next_spike(T, ev_offset, ev_weight,
end_of_refract) );
// no events remaining, plain update step across remainder
// of interval
if ( last_offset > 0 ) // not at end of step, do remainder
if ( S_.y3_ >= P_.U_th_ )
emit_spike_(origin, lag, V_.h_ms_-last_offset, last_offset);
} // else
// Set new input current. The current change occurs at the
// end of the interval and thus must come AFTER the threshold-
// crossing interpolation
S_.y0_ = B_.currents_.get_value(lag);
// logging
} // from lag = from ...
//function handles exact spike times
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::handle(SpikeEvent & e)
assert(e.get_delay() > 0 );
/* We need to compute the absolute time stamp of the delivery time
of the spike, since spikes might spend longer than min_delay_
in the queue. The time is computed according to Time Memo, Rule 3.
const long_t Tdeliver = e.get_stamp().get_steps() + e.get_delay() - 1;
Tdeliver, e.get_offset(), e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity());
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::handle(CurrentEvent& e)
assert(e.get_delay() > 0);
const double_t c=e.get_current();
const double_t w=e.get_weight();
// add weighted current; HEP 2002-10-04
w * c);
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::handle(DataLoggingRequest& e)
// auxiliary functions ---------------------------------------------
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::set_spiketime(Time const & now)
S_.last_spike_step_ = now.get_steps();
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::propagate_(const double_t dt)
const double_t ps_e_TauSyn = numerics::expm1(-dt/P_.tau_syn_); // needed in any case
// y3_ remains unchanged at 0.0 while neuron is refractory
if ( !S_.is_refractory_ )
const double_t ps_e_Tau = numerics::expm1(-dt/P_.tau_m_);
const double_t ps_P30 = -P_.tau_m_/P_.c_m_*ps_e_Tau;
const double_t ps_P31 = V_.gamma_sq_ * ps_e_Tau - V_.gamma_sq_ * ps_e_TauSyn
- dt*V_.gamma_*ps_e_TauSyn - dt*V_.gamma_;
const double_t ps_P32 = V_.gamma_*ps_e_Tau - V_.gamma_* ps_e_TauSyn;
S_.y3_ = ps_P30 * (P_.I_e_ + S_.y0_) + ps_P31 * S_.y1_
+ ps_P32 * S_.y2_ + ps_e_Tau * S_.y3_ + S_.y3_;
// lower bound of membrane potential
S_.y3_ = ( S_.y3_< P_.U_min_ ? P_.U_min_ : S_.y3_);
// now the synaptic components
S_.y2_ = ps_e_TauSyn * dt * S_.y1_ + ps_e_TauSyn * S_.y2_ + dt * S_.y1_ + S_.y2_;
S_.y1_ = ps_e_TauSyn * S_.y1_ + S_.y1_;
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::emit_spike_(Time const &origin, const long_t lag,
const double_t t0, const double_t dt)
// we know that the potential is subthreshold at t0, super at t0+dt
// compute spike time relative to beginning of step
const double_t spike_offset = V_.h_ms_ - (t0 + thresh_find_(dt));
set_spiketime(Time::step(origin.get_steps() + lag + 1));
S_.last_spike_offset_ = spike_offset;
// reset neuron and make it refractory
S_.y3_ = P_.U_reset_;
S_.is_refractory_ = true;
// send spike
SpikeEvent se;
network()->send(*this, se, lag);
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::emit_instant_spike_(Time const &origin, const long_t lag,
const double_t spike_offs)
assert(S_.y3_ >= P_.U_th_); // ensure we are superthreshold
// set stamp and offset for spike
set_spiketime(Time::step(origin.get_steps() + lag + 1));
S_.last_spike_offset_ = spike_offs;
// reset neuron and make it refractory
S_.y3_ = P_.U_reset_;
S_.is_refractory_ = true;
// send spike
SpikeEvent se;
network()->send(*this, se, lag);
// finds threshpassing
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::thresh_find_(double_t const dt) const
switch (P_.Interpol_) {
case NO_INTERPOL: return dt;
case LINEAR : return thresh_find1_(dt);
case QUADRATIC : return thresh_find2_(dt);
case CUBIC : return thresh_find3_(dt);
throw BadProperty("Invalid interpolation order in iaf_psc_alpha_canon.");
return 0;
// finds threshpassing via linear interpolation
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::thresh_find1_(double_t const dt) const
double_t tau = ( P_.U_th_ - V_.y3_before_ ) * dt / ( S_.y3_ - V_.y3_before_ );
return tau;
// finds threshpassing via quadratic interpolation
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::thresh_find2_(double_t const dt) const
const double_t h_sq = dt * dt;
const double_t derivative = - V_.y3_before_/P_.tau_m_ + (P_.I_e_ + V_.y0_before_ + V_.y2_before_)/P_.c_m_;
const double_t a = (-V_.y3_before_/h_sq) + (S_.y3_/h_sq) - (derivative/dt);
const double_t b = derivative;
const double_t c = V_.y3_before_;
const double_t sqr_ = std::sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c + 4*a*P_.U_th_);
const double_t tau1 = (-b + sqr_) / (2*a);
const double_t tau2 = (- b - sqr_) / (2*a);
if (tau1 >= 0)
return tau1;
else if (tau2 >= 0)
return tau2;
return thresh_find1_(dt);
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::thresh_find3_(double_t const dt) const
const double_t h_ms = dt;
const double_t h_sq = h_ms*h_ms;
const double_t h_cb = h_sq*h_ms;
const double_t deriv_t1 = - V_.y3_before_/P_.tau_m_ + (P_.I_e_ + V_.y0_before_ + V_.y2_before_)/P_.c_m_;
const double_t deriv_t2 = - S_.y3_/P_.tau_m_ + (P_.I_e_ + S_.y0_ + S_.y2_)/P_.c_m_;
const double_t w3_ = (2 * V_.y3_before_ / h_cb) - (2 * S_.y3_ / h_cb)
+ ( deriv_t1 / h_sq) + ( deriv_t2 / h_sq) ;
const double_t w2_ = - (3 * V_.y3_before_ / h_sq) + (3 * S_.y3_ / h_sq)
- ( 2 * deriv_t1 / h_ms) - ( deriv_t2 / h_ms) ;
const double_t w1_ = deriv_t1;
const double_t w0_ = V_.y3_before_;
//normal form : x^3 + r*x^2 + s*x + t with coefficients : r, s, t
const double_t r = w2_ / w3_;
const double_t s = w1_ / w3_;
const double_t t = (w0_ - P_.U_th_) / w3_;
const double_t r_sq= r*r;
//substitution y = x + r/3 : y^3 + p*y + q == 0
const double_t p = - r_sq / 3 + s;
const double_t q = 2 * ( r_sq * r ) / 27 - r * s / 3 + t;
const double_t D = std::pow( (p/3), 3) + std::pow( (q/2), 2);
double_t tau1;
double_t tau2;
double_t tau3;
const double_t roh = std::sqrt( -(p*p*p)/ 27 );
const double_t phi = std::acos( -q/ (2*roh) );
const double_t a = 2 * std::pow(roh, (1.0/3.0));
tau1 = (a * std::cos( phi/3 )) - r/3;
tau2 = (a * std::cos( phi/3 + 2* numerics::pi/3 )) - r/3;
tau3 = (a * std::cos( phi/3 + 4* numerics::pi/3 )) - r/3;
const double_t sgnq = (q >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
const double_t u = -sgnq * std::pow(std::fabs(q)/2.0 + std::sqrt(D), 1.0/3.0);
const double_t v = - p/(3*u);
tau1= (u+v) - r/3;
if (tau1 >= 0) {
return tau1;
else {
return thresh_find2_(dt);
//set tau to the smallest root above 0
double tau = (tau1 >= 0) ? tau1 : 2*h_ms;
if ((tau2 >=0) && (tau2 < tau)) tau = tau2;
if ((tau3 >=0) && (tau3 < tau)) tau = tau3;
return (tau <= V_.h_ms_) ? tau : thresh_find2_(dt);