 *  iaf_psc_alpha_presc.cpp
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "iaf_psc_alpha_presc.h"

#include "exceptions.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "dict.h"
#include "integerdatum.h"
#include "doubledatum.h"
#include "dictutils.h"
#include "numerics.h"
#include "universal_data_logger_impl.h"

#include <limits>

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * Recordables map
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

nest::RecordablesMap<nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc> nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::recordablesMap_;

namespace nest
   * Override the create() method with one call to RecordablesMap::insert_() 
   * for each quantity to be recorded.
  template <>
  void RecordablesMap<iaf_psc_alpha_presc>::create()
    // use standard names whereever you can for consistency!
    insert_(names::V_m, &iaf_psc_alpha_presc::get_V_m_);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * Default constructors defining default parameters and state
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
  : tau_m_  ( 10.0    ),  // ms
    tau_syn_(  2.0    ),  // ms
    c_m_    (250.0    ),  // pF
    t_ref_  (  2.0    ),  // ms
    E_L_    (-70.0    ),  // mV
    I_e_    (  0.0    ),  // pA
    U_th_   (-55.0-E_L_),  // mV, rel to E_L_
    U_min_  (-std::numeric_limits<double_t>::infinity()), 

  : y0_(0.0),

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * Parameter and state extractions and manipulation functions
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::Parameters_::get(DictionaryDatum &d) const
  def<double>(d, names::E_L, E_L_);
  def<double>(d, names::I_e, I_e_);
  def<double>(d, names::V_th, U_th_+E_L_);
  def<double>(d, names::V_min, U_min_+E_L_);
  def<double>(d, names::V_reset, U_reset_+E_L_);
  def<double>(d, names::C_m, c_m_);
  def<double>(d, names::tau_m, tau_m_);
  def<double>(d, names::tau_syn, tau_syn_);
  def<double>(d, names::t_ref, t_ref_);
  def<long>(d, names::Interpol_Order, Interpol_);

double nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::Parameters_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d)
  // if E_L_ is changed, we need to adjust all variables defined relative to E_L_
  const double ELold = E_L_;
  updateValue<double>(d, names::E_L, E_L_);
  const double delta_EL = E_L_ - ELold;

  updateValue<double>(d, names::tau_m, tau_m_);
  updateValue<double>(d, names::tau_syn, tau_syn_);
  updateValue<double>(d, names::C_m, c_m_);
  updateValue<double>(d, names::t_ref, t_ref_);
  updateValue<double>(d, names::I_e, I_e_);

  if (updateValue<double>(d, names::V_th, U_th_)) 
    U_th_ -= E_L_;
    U_th_ -= delta_EL;

  if (updateValue<double>(d, names::V_min, U_min_)) 
    U_min_ -= E_L_;
    U_min_ -= delta_EL;

  if (updateValue<double>(d, names::V_reset, U_reset_)) 
    U_reset_ -= E_L_;
    U_reset_ -= delta_EL;
  long_t tmp;
  if ( updateValue<long_t>(d, names::Interpol_Order, tmp) )
    if ( NO_INTERPOL <= tmp && tmp < END_INTERP_ORDER )
      Interpol_ = static_cast<interpOrder>(tmp);
      throw BadProperty("Invalid interpolation order. "
                        "Valid orders are 0, 1, 2, 3.");

  if ( U_reset_ >= U_th_ )
    throw BadProperty("Reset potential must be smaller than threshold.");

  if ( U_reset_ < U_min_ )
    throw BadProperty("Reset potential must be greater equal minimum potential.");
  if ( c_m_ <= 0 )
    throw BadProperty("Capacitance must be strictly positive.");
  if ( t_ref_ < 0 )
    throw BadProperty("Refractory time must not be negative.");
  if ( tau_m_ <= 0 || tau_syn_ <= 0 )
    throw BadProperty("All time constants must be strictly positive.");

  if ( tau_m_ == tau_syn_ )
    throw BadProperty("Membrane and synapse time constant(s) must differ."
		      "See note in documentation.");

  return delta_EL;

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::State_::get(DictionaryDatum &d, 
                                            const Parameters_& p) const
  def<double>(d, names::V_m, y3_ + p.E_L_); // Membrane potential
  def<double>(d, names::t_spike, Time(Time::step(last_spike_step_)).get_ms());
  def<double>(d, names::offset, last_spike_offset_);

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::State_::set(const DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_& p, double delta_EL)
  if ( updateValue<double>(d, names::V_m, y3_) )
    y3_ -= p.E_L_;
    y3_ -= delta_EL;

nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::Buffers_::Buffers_(iaf_psc_alpha_presc& n)
  : logger_(n)

nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::Buffers_::Buffers_(const Buffers_&, iaf_psc_alpha_presc& n)
  : logger_(n)

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * Default and copy constructor for node
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  : Node(), 

nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::iaf_psc_alpha_presc(const iaf_psc_alpha_presc& n)
  : Node(n), 
    B_(n.B_, *this)

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * Node initialization functions
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::init_state_(const Node& proto)
  const iaf_psc_alpha_presc& pr = downcast<iaf_psc_alpha_presc>(proto);
  S_ = pr.S_;

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::init_buffers_()
  B_.spike_y1_.clear();  // includes resize
  B_.spike_y2_.clear();  // includes resize
  B_.spike_y3_.clear();  // includes resize
  B_.currents_.clear();  // includes resize


void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::calibrate()

  V_.h_ms_ = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();

  V_.PSCInitialValue_ = 1.0 * numerics::e / P_.tau_syn_;

  V_.gamma_    = 1/P_.c_m_ / ( 1/P_.tau_syn_ - 1/P_.tau_m_ );
  V_.gamma_sq_ = 1/P_.c_m_ / ( ( 1/P_.tau_syn_ - 1/P_.tau_m_ ) * ( 1/P_.tau_syn_ - 1/P_.tau_m_ ) );

  // pre-compute matrix for full time step
  V_.expm1_tau_m_   = numerics::expm1(-V_.h_ms_/P_.tau_m_);
  V_.expm1_tau_syn_ = numerics::expm1(-V_.h_ms_/P_.tau_syn_);
  V_.P30_ = -P_.tau_m_ / P_.c_m_ * V_.expm1_tau_m_;
  V_.P31_ = V_.gamma_sq_ * V_.expm1_tau_m_ - V_.gamma_sq_ * V_.expm1_tau_syn_  
           - V_.h_ms_ * V_.gamma_ * V_.expm1_tau_syn_ - V_.h_ms_ * V_.gamma_; 
  V_.P32_ = V_.gamma_ * V_.expm1_tau_m_ - V_.gamma_ * V_.expm1_tau_syn_;

  // t_ref_ is the refractory period in ms
  // refractory_steps_ is the duration of the refractory period in whole
  // steps, rounded down
  V_.refractory_steps_ = Time(Time::ms(P_.t_ref_)).get_steps();
  assert(V_.refractory_steps_ >= 0);  // since t_ref_ >= 0, this can only fail in error

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::update(Time const & origin, 
				       const long_t from, const long_t to)
  assert(to >= 0);
  assert(static_cast<delay>(from) < Scheduler::get_min_delay());
  assert(from < to);

  /* Neurons may have been initialized to superthreshold potentials.
     We need to check for this here and issue spikes at the beginning of
     the interval.
  if ( S_.y3_ >= P_.U_th_ )
      set_spiketime(Time::step(origin.get_steps() + from + 1));
      S_.last_spike_offset_ = V_.h_ms_ * (1-std::numeric_limits<double_t>::epsilon());

      // reset neuron and make it refractory
      S_.y3_ = P_.U_reset_;
      S_.r_ = V_.refractory_steps_;

      // send spike
      SpikeEvent se;
      network()->send(*this, se, from);
  for ( long_t lag = from ; lag < to ; ++lag )
      // time at start of update step
      const long_t T = origin.get_steps() + lag;

      // save state at beginning of interval for spike-time interpolation
      V_.y0_before_ = S_.y0_;
      V_.y1_before_ = S_.y1_;
      V_.y2_before_ = S_.y2_;
      V_.y3_before_ = S_.y3_;

      /* obtain input to y3_
	 We need to collect this value even while the neuron is refractory,
	 since we need to clear any spikes that have come in from the 
	 ring buffer.
      const double_t dy3 = B_.spike_y3_.get_value(lag);

      if ( S_.r_ == 0 )
	// neuron is not refractory 
	S_.y3_ = V_.P30_ * (P_.I_e_+S_.y0_) + V_.P31_*S_.y1_ + V_.P32_*S_.y2_ + V_.expm1_tau_m_*S_.y3_  + S_.y3_;
	S_.y3_ += dy3;  // add input
	// enforce lower bound
	S_.y3_ = ( S_.y3_< P_.U_min_ ? P_.U_min_ : S_.y3_); 
      else if ( S_.r_ == 1 )
	// neuron returns from refractoriness during interval
	S_.r_ = 0;
	// Iterate third component (membrane pot) from end of
	// refractory period to end of interval.  As first-order
	// approximation, add a proportion of the effect of synaptic
	// input during the interval to membrane pot.  The proportion
	// is given by the part of the interval after the end of the
	// refractory period.
	S_.y3_ = P_.U_reset_ + // try fix 070623, md
           update_y3_delta_() + dy3 - dy3 * (1 - S_.last_spike_offset_/V_.h_ms_);

	// enforce lower bound
	S_.y3_ = ( S_.y3_< P_.U_min_ ? P_.U_min_ : S_.y3_); 
	// neuron is refractory 
	// y3_ remains unchanged at 0.0

      // update synaptic currents
      S_.y2_ =V_. expm1_tau_syn_*V_.h_ms_*S_.y1_  + V_.expm1_tau_syn_*S_.y2_ + V_.h_ms_*S_.y1_  +  S_.y2_;
      S_.y1_ = V_.expm1_tau_syn_*S_.y1_ + S_.y1_;
      // add synaptic inputs from the ring buffer
      // this must happen BEFORE threshold-crossing interpolation,
      // since synaptic inputs occured during the interval
      S_.y1_ += B_.spike_y1_.get_value(lag);  
      S_.y2_ += B_.spike_y2_.get_value(lag);

      //neuron spikes  
      if ( S_.y3_ >= P_.U_th_ )
	// compute spike time

	// The time for the threshpassing
	S_.last_spike_offset_ = V_.h_ms_ - thresh_find_(V_.h_ms_);

	// reset AFTER spike-time interpolation
	S_.y3_ = P_.U_reset_;
	S_.r_  = V_.refractory_steps_;
	// sent event
	SpikeEvent se;
	network()->send(*this, se, lag);

      // Set new input current. The current change occurs at the
      // end of the interval and thus must come AFTER the threshold-
      // crossing interpolation
      S_.y0_  = B_.currents_.get_value(lag);

      // logging

    }  // from lag = from ...

//function handles exact spike times
void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::handle(SpikeEvent & e)
  assert(e.get_delay() > 0 );

  const long_t Tdeliver = e.get_rel_delivery_steps(network()->get_slice_origin());

  const double_t spike_weight = V_.PSCInitialValue_ * e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity(); 
  const double_t dt = e.get_offset();

  // Building the new matrix for the offset of the spike
  // NOTE: We do not use get matrix, but compute only those
  //       components we actually need for spike registration
  const double_t ps_e_TauSyn = numerics::expm1(-dt/P_.tau_syn_); // needed in any case 
  const double_t ps_e_Tau    = numerics::expm1(-dt/P_.tau_m_);
  const double_t ps_P31      = V_.gamma_sq_ * ps_e_Tau - V_.gamma_sq_ * ps_e_TauSyn 
	                         - dt * V_.gamma_ * ps_e_TauSyn - dt * V_.gamma_;

  B_.spike_y1_.add_value(Tdeliver, spike_weight*ps_e_TauSyn + spike_weight);
  B_.spike_y2_.add_value(Tdeliver, spike_weight*dt*ps_e_TauSyn + spike_weight*dt);
  B_.spike_y3_.add_value(Tdeliver, spike_weight*ps_P31);

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::handle(CurrentEvent& e)
  assert(e.get_delay() > 0);

  const double_t c=e.get_current();
  const double_t w=e.get_weight();

  // add weighted current; HEP 2002-10-04
		      w * c);

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::handle(DataLoggingRequest& e)

// auxiliary functions ---------------------------------------------

void nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::set_spiketime(Time const & now)
  S_.last_spike_step_ = now.get_steps();

nest::Time nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::get_spiketime() const
  return Time::step(S_.last_spike_step_);

nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::update_y3_delta_() const
  /* We need to proceed in two steps:
     1. Update the synaptic currents as far as h_ms-last_spike_offset, when the refractory
        period ends.  y3_ is clamped to 0 during this time.
     2. Update y3_ from t_th to the end of the interval.  The synaptic
        currents need not be updated during this time, since they are
	anyways updated for the entire interval outside.

     Instead of calling get_matrix(), we compute only those components
     we actually need locally.

  // update synaptic currents
  const double t_th = V_.h_ms_ - S_.last_spike_offset_;
  double_t ps_e_TauSyn = numerics::expm1(-t_th/P_.tau_syn_); 
  //ps_y2_ = ps_P21_*y1_before_ + ps_P22_* y2_before_;
  const double ps_y2 = t_th * ps_e_TauSyn * V_.y1_before_ 
    + ps_e_TauSyn * V_.y2_before_ + t_th * V_.y1_before_ + V_.y2_before_ ;

  //ps_y1_ = y1_before_*ps_P11_;
  const double ps_y1 = ps_e_TauSyn * V_.y1_before_ + V_.y1_before_ ;

  // update y3_ over remaineder of interval
  const double_t dt = S_.last_spike_offset_;
  ps_e_TauSyn = numerics::expm1(-dt / P_.tau_syn_);
  const double_t ps_e_Tau = numerics::expm1(-dt/P_.tau_m_);
  const double_t ps_P30   = - P_.tau_m_ / P_.c_m_ * ps_e_Tau;
  const double_t ps_P31   =  V_.gamma_sq_ * ps_e_Tau - V_.gamma_sq_ * ps_e_TauSyn 
                             - dt*V_.gamma_*ps_e_TauSyn - dt*V_.gamma_;
  const double_t ps_P32   =  V_.gamma_*ps_e_Tau - V_.gamma_* ps_e_TauSyn;

  // y3_ == 0.0 at beginning of sub-step
  return  ps_P30 * (P_.I_e_+V_.y0_before_) + ps_P31 * ps_y1   + ps_P32 * ps_y2;


// finds threshpassing
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::thresh_find_(double_t const dt) const
  switch (P_.Interpol_) {
    case NO_INTERPOL: return dt;
    case LINEAR     : return thresh_find1_(dt);
    case QUADRATIC  : return thresh_find2_(dt);
    case CUBIC      : return thresh_find3_(dt);
      network()->message(SLIInterpreter::M_ERROR, "iaf_psc_alpha_presc::thresh_find_()",
			 "Invalid interpolation---Internal model error.");
      throw BadProperty();
  return 0;

// finds threshpassing via linear interpolation
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::thresh_find1_(double_t const dt) const
  double_t tau = ( P_.U_th_ - V_.y3_before_ ) * dt / ( S_.y3_ - V_.y3_before_ );
  return tau;
// finds threshpassing via quadratic interpolation
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::thresh_find2_(double_t const dt) const
  const double_t h_sq = dt * dt;
  const double_t derivative = - V_.y3_before_/P_.tau_m_ + (P_.I_e_ + V_.y0_before_ + V_.y2_before_)/P_.c_m_;
  const double_t a = (-V_.y3_before_/h_sq) + (S_.y3_/h_sq) - (derivative/dt);
  const double_t b = derivative;
  const double_t c = V_.y3_before_;
  const double_t sqr_ = std::sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c + 4*a*P_.U_th_);
  const double_t tau1 = (-b + sqr_) / (2*a);
  const double_t tau2 = (- b - sqr_) / (2*a);
  if (tau1 >= 0)
    return tau1;
  else if (tau2 >= 0)
    return tau2;
    return thresh_find1_(dt);
nest::double_t nest::iaf_psc_alpha_presc::thresh_find3_(double_t const dt) const
  const double_t h_ms_=dt;
  const double_t h_sq = h_ms_*h_ms_;
  const double_t h_cb = h_sq*h_ms_;
  const double_t deriv_t1 = - V_.y3_before_/P_.tau_m_ + (P_.I_e_ + V_.y0_before_ + V_.y2_before_)/P_.c_m_;
  const double_t deriv_t2 = - S_.y3_/P_.tau_m_ + (P_.I_e_ + S_.y0_ + S_.y2_)/P_.c_m_;
  const double_t w3_ = (2 * V_.y3_before_ / h_cb) - (2 * S_.y3_ / h_cb) 
                       + ( deriv_t1 / h_sq) + ( deriv_t2 / h_sq) ;
  const double_t w2_ = - (3 * V_.y3_before_ / h_sq) + (3 * S_.y3_ / h_sq) 
                       - ( 2 * deriv_t1 / h_ms_) - ( deriv_t2 / h_ms_) ;
  const double_t w1_ = deriv_t1;
  const double_t w0_ = V_.y3_before_;

  //normal form :    x^3 + r*x^2 + s*x + t with coefficients : r, s, t
  const double_t r = w2_ / w3_;
  const double_t s = w1_ / w3_;
  const double_t t = (w0_ - P_.U_th_) / w3_;
  const double_t r_sq= r*r;

  //substitution y = x + r/3 :  y^3 + p*y + q == 0 
  const double_t p = - r_sq / 3 + s;
  const double_t q = 2 * ( r_sq * r ) / 27 - r * s / 3 + t;

  const double_t D = std::pow( (p/3), 3) + std::pow( (q/2), 2);

  double_t tau1;
  double_t tau2;
  double_t tau3;
    const double_t roh = std::sqrt( -(p*p*p)/ 27 );
    const double_t phi = std::acos( -q/ (2*roh) );
    const double_t a = 2 * std::pow(roh, (1.0/3.0));
    tau1 = (a * std::cos( phi/3 )) - r/3;
    tau2 = (a * std::cos( phi/3 + 2* numerics::pi/3 )) - r/3;
    tau3 = (a * std::cos( phi/3 + 4* numerics::pi/3 )) - r/3;
    const double_t sgnq = (q >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
    const double_t u = -sgnq * std::pow(std::fabs(q)/2.0 + std::sqrt(D), 1.0/3.0);
    const double_t v = - p/(3*u);
    tau1= (u+v) - r/3;
    if (tau1 >= 0) {
      return tau1;
    else {
      return thresh_find2_(dt);
  //set tau to the smallest root above 0
  double tau = (tau1 >= 0) ? tau1 : 2*h_ms_;
  if ((tau2 >=0) && (tau2 < tau)) tau = tau2;
  if ((tau3 >=0) && (tau3 < tau)) tau = tau3;      
  return (tau <= h_ms_) ? tau : thresh_find2_(dt);