 *  poisson_generator_ps.h
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <vector>
#include "nest.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "stimulating_device.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "exp_randomdev.h"
#include "connection.h"

Name: poisson_generator_ps - simulate neuron firing with Poisson processes 
(with arbitrary dead time) statistics and exact timing

  The poisson_generator_ps generator simulates a neuron firing with Poisson 
  statistics (with dead time), ie, exponentially distributed interspike 
  intervals plus constant dead time, spike events have exact timing 
  (i.e. not binned).

   The following parameters appear in the element's status dictionary:

   rate     - mean firing rate. (double, var)
   dead_time - minimal time between two spikes. (double, var)

   - This generator must be connected to all its targets using the
     same synapse model. Failure to do so will only be detected at
   - This generator has only been validated in a very basic manner.

   Sends: SpikeEvent
SeeAlso: poisson_generator, spike_generator, Device, StimulatingDevice

namespace nest{

   * Poisson generator (with dead time) with precisely timed spikes.
   * This Poisson process (with dead time) generator sends different spike 
   * trains to all its targets.
   * All spikes are sent individually with offsets identifying their precise
   * times.
   * @ingroup Devices
  class poisson_generator_ps: public Node
    typedef Node base;
    poisson_generator_ps(const poisson_generator_ps&);

    bool has_proxies() const {return false;}
    bool is_off_grid() const {return true;}  // uses off_grid events

    using Node::event_hook;

    port check_connection(Connection&, port);

    void get_status(DictionaryDatum &) const;
    void set_status(const DictionaryDatum &);

    void init_state_(const Node&);
    void init_buffers_();
    void calibrate();

     * Update state.
     * Update cannot send spikes directly, since we need to identify each
     * target to know the time of the most recent spike sent. Since target
     * information is in the Connectors, we send a DSSpikeEvent to all 
     * targets, which is reflected to this->event_hook() with target 
     * information.
     * @see event_hook, DSSpikeEvent
    void update(Time const &, const long_t, const long_t);
     * Send out spikes.
     * Called once per target to dispatch actual output spikes.
     * @param contains target information.
    void event_hook(DSSpikeEvent&);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

     * Store independent parameters of the model.
    struct Parameters_ {
      double_t                rate_;        //!< process rate [Hz]
      double_t                dead_time_;   //!< dead time [ms]

       * Number of targets.
       * This is a hidden parameter; must be placed in parameters,
       * even though it is an implementation detail, since it 
       * concerns the connections and must not be affected by resets.
      size_t num_targets_;

      Parameters_();  //!< Sets default parameter values

      void get(DictionaryDatum&) const;  //!< Store current values in dictionary
      void set(const DictionaryDatum&);  //!< Set values from dicitonary

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    struct Buffers_ {
      typedef std::pair<Time, double_t> SpikeTime;

       * Time of next spike represented as time stamp and offset, for each target.
       *   - first: time stamp
       *   - second: offset (<=0)
       * @note first == Time::neg_inf() marks that no spike has been generated yet
       *   and that an initial interval needs to be drawn.
      std::vector<SpikeTime> next_spike_;   

      //! Map port to target GID
      typedef std::map<port,index> PortGIDMap;

       * Map sender port to target GID.
       * This is a kludge to solve #482, i.e., to protect against several senders
       * using the same port.
       * Entries are added when a DSSpikeEvent is received through a new port.
       * For subsequent DSSpikeEvents through the same port, they must be
       * for the same target.
       * @see assert_unique_port
      PortGIDMap port_targets_;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    struct Variables_ {
      double_t                inv_rate_ms_; //!< 1000.0 / Parameters_.rate_
      librandom::ExpRandomDev exp_dev_;  //!< random deviate generator

       * @name update-hook communication.
       * The following variables are used for direct communication from 
       * update() to event_hook(). They rely on the fact that event_hook()
       * is called instantaneuously from update().
       * Spikes are sent at times t that fulfill
       *   t_min_active_ < t <= t_max_active_
      Time t_min_active_;  //!< start of generator activity in slice 
      Time t_max_active_;  //!< end of generator activity in slice 

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    StimulatingDevice<CurrentEvent> device_;
    Parameters_ P_;
    Variables_  V_;
    Buffers_    B_;

port poisson_generator_ps::check_connection(Connection& c, port receptor_type)
  DSSpikeEvent e;
  port receptor = c.get_target()->connect_sender(e, receptor_type);
  ++P_.num_targets_;     // count number of targets
  return receptor;

void poisson_generator_ps::get_status(DictionaryDatum &d) const

void poisson_generator_ps::set_status(const DictionaryDatum &d)
  Parameters_ ptmp = P_;  // temporary copy in case of errors
  ptmp.set(d);               // throws if BadProperty

  // We now know that ptmp is consistent. We do not write it back
  // to P_ before we are also sure that the properties to be set
  // in the parent class are internally consistent.

  // if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
  P_ = ptmp;

} // namespace