# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# brunel-alpha-nest.py
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This version uses NEST's RandomConvergentConnect functions.

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

import nest
import nest.raster_plot

import time
from numpy import exp

def ComputePSPnorm(tauMem, CMem, tauSyn):
  """Compute the maximum of postsynaptic potential
     for a synaptic input current of unit amplitude
     (1 pA)"""

  a = (tauMem / tauSyn)
  b = (1.0 / tauSyn - 1.0 / tauMem)

  # time of maximum
  t_max = 1.0/b * ( -nest.sli_func('LambertWm1',-exp(-1.0/a)/a) - 1.0/a )

  # maximum of PSP for current of unit amplitude
  return exp(1.0)/(tauSyn*CMem*b) * ((exp(-t_max/tauMem) - exp(-t_max/tauSyn)) / b - t_max*exp(-t_max/tauSyn))


startbuild = time.time()

dt      = 0.1    # the resolution in ms
simtime = 1000.0 # Simulation time in ms
delay   = 1.5    # synaptic delay in ms

# Parameters for asynchronous irregular firing
g       = 5.0
eta     = 2.0
epsilon = 0.1  # connection probability

order     = 2500
NE        = 4*order
NI        = 1*order
N_neurons = NE+NI
N_rec     = 50 # record from 50 neurons

CE    = int(epsilon*NE) # number of excitatory synapses per neuron
CI    = int(epsilon*NI) # number of inhibitory synapses per neuron  
C_tot = int(CI+CE)      # total number of synapses per neuron

# Initialize the parameters of the integrate and fire neuron
tauSyn = 0.5
tauMem = 20.0
CMem = 250.0
theta  = 20.0
J      = 0.1 # postsynaptic amplitude in mV

# normalize synaptic current so that amplitude of a PSP is J
J_unit = ComputePSPnorm(tauMem, CMem, tauSyn)
J_ex  = J / J_unit
J_in  = -g*J_ex

# threshold rate, equivalent rate of events needed to
# have mean input current equal to threshold
nu_th  = (theta * CMem) / (J_ex*CE*exp(1)*tauMem*tauSyn)
nu_ex  = eta*nu_th
p_rate = 1000.0*nu_ex*CE

nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": dt, "print_time": True})

print "Building network"

neuron_params= {"C_m":        CMem,
                "tau_m":      tauMem,
                "tau_syn_ex": tauSyn,
                "tau_syn_in": tauSyn,
                "t_ref":      2.0,
                "E_L":        0.0,
                "V_reset":    0.0,
                "V_m":        0.0,
                "V_th":       theta}

nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_alpha", neuron_params)


nest.SetDefaults("poisson_generator",{"rate": p_rate})


nest.SetStatus(espikes,[{"label": "brunel-py-ex",
                   "withtime": True,
                   "withgid": True}])

nest.SetStatus(ispikes,[{"label": "brunel-py-in",
                   "withtime": True,
                   "withgid": True}])

print "Connecting devices."

nest.CopyModel("static_synapse","excitatory",{"weight":J_ex, "delay":delay})
nest.CopyModel("static_synapse","inhibitory",{"weight":J_in, "delay":delay})



print "Connecting network."

# We now iterate over all neuron IDs, and connect the neuron to
# the sources from our array. The first loop connects the excitatory neurons
# and the second loop the inhibitory neurons.

print "Excitatory connections"

nest.RandomConvergentConnect(nodes_ex, nodes_ex+nodes_in, CE,model="excitatory")

print "Inhibitory connections"

nest.RandomConvergentConnect(nodes_in, nodes_ex+nodes_in, CI,model="inhibitory")


print "Simulating."


endsimulate= time.time()

events_ex = nest.GetStatus(espikes,"n_events")[0]
rate_ex   = events_ex/simtime*1000.0/N_rec
events_in = nest.GetStatus(ispikes,"n_events")[0]
rate_in   = events_in/simtime*1000.0/N_rec

num_synapses = nest.GetDefaults("excitatory")["num_connections"]+\

build_time = endbuild-startbuild
sim_time   = endsimulate-endbuild

print "Brunel network simulation (Python)"
print "Number of neurons :", N_neurons
print "Number of synapses:", num_synapses
print "       Exitatory  :", int(CE*N_neurons)+N_neurons
print "       Inhibitory :", int(CI*N_neurons)
print "Excitatory rate   : %.2f Hz" % rate_ex
print "Inhibitory rate   : %.2f Hz" % rate_in
print "Building time     : %.2f s" % build_time
print "Simulation time   : %.2f s" % sim_time

nest.raster_plot.from_device(espikes, hist=True)