 *  interpret.h
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

    interpret.h defines the SLI Interpreter class

#include <typeinfo>
#include <list>

#include "token.h"
#include "slitype.h"
#include "tokenstack.h"
#include "sliactions.h"
#include "slibuiltins.h"
#include "slimodule.h"

 * @defgroup SLIOutput How to notify the SLI user

 * @defgroup SLIMessaging Displaying messages to the user
 * @ingroup SLIOutput

 * @defgroup SLIError Raising (and displaying) errors
 * @ingroup SLIOutput

class Parser;
class Scanner;
class DictionaryStack;
class Dictionary;
class FunctionDatum;
class BoolDatum;
class DynModule;

namespace nest {
  class Network;

extern "C"{
  void SLIthrowsignal(int s);

class SLIInterpreter
  std::list<SLIModule *> modules;

  /* Flags and variables to control debugging and
   * optimizations.
  bool debug_mode_;       //!< True, if SLI level debugging is enabled.
  bool show_stack_;       //!< Show stack in debug mode.
  bool show_backtrace_;   //!< Show stack-backtrace on error.
  bool catch_errors_;     //!< Enter debugger on error.
  bool opt_tailrecursion_;//!< Optimize tailing recursion.
  int  call_depth_;       //!< Current depth of procedure calls.
  int  max_call_depth_;   //!< Depth until which procedure calls are debugged.

  unsigned long   cycle_count; 
  bool            cycle_guard;
  unsigned long   cycle_restriction; 

  int             verbositylevel;
  void inittypes(void);
  void initdictionaries(void);
  void initbuiltins(void);
  void initexternals(void);
    unsigned long   code_accessed;  // for code coverage analysis.
    unsigned long   code_executed;  // ration should be coverage

    Dictionary *statusdict;
    Dictionary *errordict;
    DictionaryStack *DStack;
    Parser  *parse;

    // Names of basics functions
    Name ilookup_name;
    Name ipop_name;
    Name isetcallback_name;
    Name iiterate_name;
    Name iloop_name;
    Name irepeat_name;
    Name ifor_name;
    Name iforallarray_name;
    Name iforalliter_name;
    Name iforallindexedarray_name;
    Name iforallindexedstring_name;
    Name iforallstring_name;

    Name pi_name;
    Name e_name;

    Name iparse_name;
    Name stop_name;
    Name end_name;
    // Names of symbols and objects
    Name null_name;
    Name true_name;
    Name false_name;
    Name mark_name;
    Name istopped_name; 
    Name systemdict_name;
    Name userdict_name;
    Name errordict_name;
    Name quitbyerror_name;
    Name newerror_name;
    Name errorname_name;
    Name commandname_name;
    Name signo_name;
    Name recordstacks_name;
    Name estack_name;
    Name ostack_name;
    Name dstack_name;
    Name commandstring_name;
    Name interpreter_name;

    // Names of basic errors
    Name ArgumentTypeError;
    Name StackUnderflowError;
    Name UndefinedNameError;
    Name WriteProtectedError;
    Name DivisionByZeroError;
    Name RangeCheckError;
    Name PositiveIntegerExpectedError;
    Name BadIOError;
    Name StringStreamExpectedError;
    Name CycleGuardError;
    Name SystemSignal;
    Name BadErrorHandler;
    Name KernelError;
    Name InternalKernelError;

    Token execbarrier_token; 
  // Debug Message levels as static consts
  /** @ingroup SLIMessaging
   *  @name Predefined error levels
   *  @{
  static const int M_ALL;  //!< Predefined error level for turning on
                           //!< the display of all messages; for use with verbosity(int).
  static const int M_DEBUG; //!< Predefined error level for debugging messages
  static const int M_STATUS;//!< Predefined error level for status messages
  static const int M_INFO; //!< Predefined error level for informational messages
  static const int M_WARNING; //!< Predefined error level for warning messages
  static const int M_ERROR; //!< Predefined error level for error messages
  static const int M_FATAL; //!< Predefined error level for failure messages
  static const int M_QUIET; //!< An error level above all others. Use to turn off messages completely.
  /** @} */

  static char const * const M_ALL_NAME;
  static char const * const M_DEBUG_NAME;
  static char const * const M_STATUS_NAME;
  static char const * const M_INFO_NAME;
  static char const * const M_WARNING_NAME;
  static char const * const M_ERROR_NAME;
  static char const * const M_FATAL_NAME;
  static char const * const M_QUIET_NAME;


  // These static members must be accessible from
  // the Datum constructors
  static SLIType Integertype;
  static SLIType Doubletype;
  static SLIType Stringtype;
  static SLIType Nametype;
  static SLIType Booltype;
  static SLIType Literaltype;
  static SLIType Arraytype;
  static SLIType Proceduretype;
  static SLIType Litproceduretype;
  static SLIType Dictionarytype;
  static SLIType Symboltype;
  static SLIType Functiontype;
  static SLIType Trietype;
  static SLIType Callbacktype;
  static SLIType Istreamtype;
  static SLIType XIstreamtype;
  static SLIType Ostreamtype;
  static SLIType IntVectortype;
  static SLIType DoubleVectortype;
  static SLIType Iteratortype;

  // SLIType default actions
  static DatatypeFunction         datatypefunction;
  static NametypeFunction         nametypefunction;
  static ProceduretypeFunction    proceduretypefunction;
  static LitproceduretypeFunction litproceduretypefunction;
  static FunctiontypeFunction     functiontypefunction;
  static TrietypeFunction         trietypefunction;
  static CallbacktypeFunction     callbacktypefunction;
  static XIstreamtypeFunction     xistreamtypefunction;

  // Basic Operations needed to run the default actions
  static const IlookupFunction      ilookupfunction;
  static const IsetcallbackFunction isetcallbackfunction;
  static const IiterateFunction     iiteratefunction;
  static const IloopFunction        iloopfunction;
  static const IrepeatFunction      irepeatfunction;
  static const IforFunction         iforfunction;
  static const IforallarrayFunction iforallarrayfunction;
  static const IforalliterFunction  iforalliterfunction;
  static const IforallindexedarrayFunction iforallindexedarrayfunction;
  static const IforallindexedstringFunction iforallindexedstringfunction;
  static const IforallstringFunction iforallstringfunction;

  // State variables of the Interpreter

  Token   ct;            // callback; see comments in execute(void)
  TokenStack      OStack;
  TokenStack      EStack;
  // public member functions:

  int startup(); //!< Initialise the interpreter by reading in the startup files.

   * Execute the supplied command string.
  int execute(const std::string &);

   * Start the interpreter and run the startup code.
  int execute(int v=0);

  //  int execute_protected(void);

   * Run the interpreter with a prepared execution stack. 
   * The function returns, if the execution stack has reached the given level. 
  int execute_(size_t exitlevel=0);
  int execute_debug_(size_t exitlevel=0);
  void createdouble(Name const&, double);
  void createcommand(Name const&, SLIFunction const *);
  void createcommand(Name const&, Name const&, SLIFunction const *);
  void createconstant(Name const&, const Token&);

  /** Lookup a name searching all dictionaries on the stack.
   *  The first occurrence is reported. If the Name is not found,
   *  @a VoidToken is returned.
  const Token & lookup(const Name &n) const;

  /** Lookup a name searching all dictionaries on the stack.
   *  The first occurrence is reported. If the Name is not found,
   *  an UndefinedName exceptiopn is thrown.
  const Token & lookup2(const Name &n) const;
  /** Lookup a name searching only the bottom level dictionary.
   *  If the Name is not found,
   *  @a VoidToken is returned.
  const Token & baselookup(const Name &n) const; // lookup in a specified

  /** Test for a name searching all dictionaries on the stack.
  bool known(const Name &n) const;

  /** Test for a name in the bottom level dictionary.
  bool baseknown(const Name &n) const;

  /** Bind a Token to a Name.
   *  The token is copied. This can be an expensive operation for large
   *  objects. Also, if the token is popped off one of the stacks after
   *  calling def, it is more reasonable to use SLIInterpreter::def_move.
  void def(Name const&, Token const &);

  /** Unbind a previously bound Token from a Name.
   * Throws UnknownName Exception.
  void undef(Name const&);

  /** Bind a Token to a Name in the bottom level dictionary.
   *  The Token is copied.
  void basedef(const Name &n, const Token &t);

  /** Bind a Token to a Name.
   *  like def, however, the Datum object is moved from the token into the
   *  dictionary, thus, no memory allocation or copying is needed. 
  void def_move(Name const&, Token &);
  /** Bind a Token to a Name in the bottom level dictionary.
   *  The Token is moved.
  void basedef_move(const Name &n, Token &t);

  void setcycleguard(Index);
  void removecycleguard(void);

   * Increment call depth level.
   * The value of call_depth_ is used to control
   * the step mode. 
   * Step mode is disabled for call_depth_ >= max_call_depth_.
   * This gives the user the opportunity to skip over nested 
   * calls during debugging.
  void inc_call_depth()

   * Decrement call depth level.
   * The value of call_depth_ is used to control
   * the step mode. 
   * Step mode is disabled for call_depth_ >= max_call_depth_.
   * This gives the user the opportunity to skip over nested 
   * calls during debugging.
  void dec_call_depth()

   * Set call depth level to a specific value.
   * The value of call_depth_ is used to control
   * the step mode. 
   * Step mode is disabled for call_depth_ >= max_call_depth_.
   * This gives the user the opportunity to skip over nested 
   * calls during debugging.
  void set_call_depth(int l)

   * Return current call depth level.
   * The value of call_depth_ is used to control
   * the step mode. 
   * Step mode is disabled for call_depth_ >= max_call_depth_.
   * This gives the user the opportunity to skip over nested 
   * calls during debugging.
  int get_call_depth() const
    return call_depth_;

   * Set maximal call depth level to a specific value.
   * The value of call_depth_ is used to control
   * the step mode. 
   * Step mode is disabled for call_depth_ >= max_call_depth_.
   * This gives the user the opportunity to skip over nested 
   * calls during debugging.
  void set_max_call_depth(int d)

   * Return value of maximal call depth level.
   * The value of call_depth_ is used to control
   * the step mode. 
   * Step mode is disabled for call_depth_ >= max_call_depth_.
   * This gives the user the opportunity to skip over nested 
   * calls during debugging.
  int get_max_call_depth() const
    return max_call_depth_;

   * Returns true, if step mode is active.
   * The step mode is active in debug mode if
   * call_depth_ < max_call_depth_
  bool step_mode() const
    return debug_mode_ && (call_depth_ < max_call_depth_);

   * Returns true, if debug mode is turned on.
  bool get_debug_mode() const
    return debug_mode_;

   * Turn debug mode on.
  void debug_mode_on()

   * Turn debug mode off.
  void debug_mode_off()

   * Switch stack display on or off in debug mode. 
  void toggle_stack_display();

   * Show Debug options. 
  void debug_options() const;

   * Prompt user for commands during debug mode.
   * In this function, the user can enter simple commands
   * to debug code executed by the interpreter.
  char debug_commandline(Token &);

   * Returns true, if tailing recursion optimization is done.
  bool optimize_tailrecursion() const
    return opt_tailrecursion_;

   * Enable tail-recursion optimization.
   * Tail-recursion can be optimizes in such a way
   * that the execution stack is not growing with each
   * recursion level.
   * This optimization may improve performance for
   * applications which heavily rely on deep recusions.
   * However, during debugging, tail-recursion 
   * optimization removes important information from the 
   * execution stack.
  void optimize_tailrecursion_on()

   * Disable tail-recursion optimization.
   * Tail-recursion can be optimizes in such a way
   * that the execution stack is not growing with each
   * recursion level.
   * This optimization may improve performance for
   * applications which heavily rely on deep recusions.
   * However, during debugging, tail-recursion 
   * optimization removes important information from the 
   * execution stack.
  void optimize_tailrecursion_off()

   * True, if a stack backtrace should be shown on error.
   * Whenever an error or stop is raised, the execution stack is 
   * unrolled up to the nearest stopped context.
   * In this process it is possible to display a stack backtrace 
   * which allows the user to diagnose the origin and possible 
   * cause of the error.
   * For applications which handle themselfs, this backtrace may be
   * disturbing. So it is possible to switch this behavior on and 
   * off. 
  bool show_backtrace() const
    return show_backtrace_;
   * Switch stack backtrace on.
   * Whenever an error or stop is raised, the execution stack is 
   * unrolled up to the nearest stopped context.
   * In this process it is possible to display a stack backtrace 
   * which allows the user to diagnose the origin and possible 
   * cause of the error.
   * For applications which handle themselfs, this backtrace may be
   * disturbing. So it is possible to switch this behavior on and 
   * off. 
  void backtrace_on();

   * Switch stack backtrace off.
   * Whenever an error or stop is raised, the execution stack is 
   * unrolled up to the nearest stopped context.
   * In this process it is possible to display a stack backtrace 
   * which allows the user to diagnose the origin and possible 
   * cause of the error.
   * For applications which handle themselfs, this backtrace may be
   * disturbing. So it is possible to switch this behavior on and 
   * off. 
  void backtrace_off();

  bool catch_errors() const
    return catch_errors_;

  void catch_errors_on()

  void catch_errors_off()

  void stack_backtrace(int n);

  /** Cause the SLI interpreter to raise an error.
   *  This function is used by classes derived from SLIFunction to raise
   *  an error.
   *  \n
   *  raiseerror() is an interface to the SLI interpreter's error 
   *  handling mechanism (see The Red Book for details). If an error
   *  is raised, the following actions are performed:
   *  - the value of errordict /newerror is set to true
   *  - the value of errordict /command is set to the name of the command
   *    which raised the error   
   *  - If the value of errordict /recorstack is true,
   *    the state of the interpreter is saved:
   *    - the operand stack is copied to errordict /ostack
   *    - the execution stack is copied to errordict /estack
   *    - the dictionary stack is copied to errordict /dstack
   *  - the dictionary stack is cleared. 
   *  - stop is called. Stop then tries to find an enclosing stopped 
   *    context and calls the associated function. 
   *  This mechanism is explained in detail in The PostScript Reference Manual.
   *  \n
   *  If the user did not establish any stopped context, the default
   *  stopped context for the SLI interpreter will be executed, which
   *  includes display of an error message and stopping program
   *  execution.
   *  \n
   *  Please note that before raiserror() is called, the state of the
   *  operand and execution stack shall be restored to their initial
   *  state.
   *  @param err  The argument is the name of the error, specified as
   *  a string.
   *  The name of the currently active function will be used as the
   *  function name.
   *  @ingroup SLIError
   *  @see raiseerror(Name),
   *  raiseerror(Name,Name), raiseagain()
  void raiseerror(const char* err) { raiseerror(Name(err));}

  /** Cause the SLI interpreter to raise an error.
   *  This function is used by classes derived from SLIFunction to raise
   *  an error.
   *  \n
   *  raiseerror() is an interface to the SLI interpreter's error 
   *  handling mechanism (see The Red Book for details). If an error
   *  is raised, the following actions are performed:
   *  - the value of errordict /newerror is set to true
   *  - the value of errordict /command is set to the name of the command
   *    which raised the error   
   *  - If the value of errordict /recorstack is true,
   *    the state of the interpreter is saved:
   *    - the operand stack is copied to errordict /ostack
   *    - the execution stack is copied to errordict /estack
   *    - the dictionary stack is copied to errordict /dstack
   *  - the dictionary stack is cleared. 
   *  - stop is called. Stop then tries to find an enclosing stopped 
   *    context and calls the associated function. 
   *  This mechanism is explained in detail in The PostScript Reference Manual.
   *  \n
   *  If the user did not establish any stopped context, the default
   *  stopped context for the SLI interpreter will be executed, which
   *  includes display of an error message and stopping program
   *  execution.
   *  \n
   *  Please note that before raiserror() is called, the state of the
   *  operand and execution stack shall be restored to their initial
   *  state.
   *  @param err  The argument is the name of the error.
   *  For conveniency, there is also a variant of this function that takes a string as
   *  the argument.
   *  @ingroup SLIError
   *  @see raiseerror(const char*),
   *  raiseerror(Name,Name), raiseagain()
  void raiseerror(Name err);

   * Handle exceptions thrown by any execute().
   * This raiseerror is the first step in handling C++ exceptions
   * thrown by an execute() call. In particular,
   * - the name of the calling function is recorded;
   * - the command is popped from the execution stack;
   * - the error message is extracted from those exceptions that are
   *   derived from SLIException.
   * - handling is forwarded to raiserror(Name, Name).
  void raiseerror(std::exception &err);

  /** Cause the SLI interpreter to raise an error.
   *  This function is used by classes derived from SLIFunction to raise
   *  an error.
   *  \n
   *  raiseerror() is an interface to the SLI interpreter's error 
   *  handling mechanism (see The Red Book for details). If an error
   *  is raised, the following actions are performed:
   *  - the value of errordict /newerror is set to true
   *  - the value of errordict /command is set to the name of the command
   *    which raised the error   
   *  - If the value of errordict /recorstack is true,
   *    the state of the interpreter is saved:
   *    - the operand stack is copied to errordict /ostack
   *    - the execution stack is copied to errordict /estack
   *    - the dictionary stack is copied to errordict /dstack
   *  - the dictionary stack is cleared. 
   *  - stop is called. Stop then tries to find an enclosing stopped 
   *    context and calls the associated function. 
   *  This mechanism is explained in detail in The PostScript Reference Manual.
   *  \n
   *  If the user did not establish any stopped context, the default
   *  stopped context for the SLI interpreter will be executed, which
   *  includes display of an error message and stopping program
   *  execution.
   *  \n
   *  Please note that before raiserror() is called, the state of the
   *  operand and execution stack shall be restored to their initial
   *  state.
   *  @param cmd  The first argument is the name of the calling function.
   *  @param err  The second argument is the name of the error.
   *  @ingroup SLIError
   *  @see raiseerror(const char*), raiseerror(Name),
   *  raiseagain()
  void raiseerror(Name cmd, Name err);

  /** Print a description of a raised error. 
   *  The errordict members errorname, command and message together 
   *  with the function input parameters decides the nature of the
   *  output message. The function use the message() function to 
   *  print the error.
   *  Replaces the SLI :print_error function.
   *  @param cmd  The name of the function that raised the error.
   *  @see raiseerror(const char*), raiseerror(Name),
   *  raiseerror(Name,Name)
  void print_error(Token cmd);

  /** Re-raise the last error.
   *  raiseagain re-raises a previously raised error. This is useful
   *  if an error handler cannot cope with a particular error (e.g. a signal)
   *  and wants to pass it to an upper level handler. Thus, nestet error handlers
   *  are possible. 
   *  @ingroup SLIError
   *  @see raiseerror(const char*), raiseerror(Name),
   *  raiseerror(Name,Name)
  void raiseagain(void);

   *  @todo Document this function.
   *  @ingroup SLIError
  void raisesignal(int);

  // Message loging mechanism

  /** Set the verbosity level of the SLI messaging mechanism.
   *  Only messages having an error level that is equal to or greater
   *  than this level will be displayed by the interpreter.
   *  @see verbosity(void), message(), debug(), status(), info(), warning(),
   *  error(), fatal()
   *  @ingroup SLIMessaging
  void verbosity(int);

  /** Retrieve the current verbosity level of the SLI messaging mechanism.
   *  Only messages having an error level that is equal to or greater
   *  than this level will be displayed by the interpreter.
   *  \n
   *  You may use any positive integer here. For conveniency,
   *  there exist five predifined error levels:  \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_ALL=0,  display all messages \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_DEBUG=5,  display debugging messages and above \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_DEBUG=7,  display status messages and above \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_INFO=10, display information messages and above \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_WARNING=20, display warning messages and above \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_ERROR=30, display error messages and above \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_FATAL=40, display failure messages and above \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_QUIET=100, suppress all messages \n
   *  Thus, by calling verbosity(SLIInterpreter::M_WARNING) you
   *  indicate that you are interested in seeing error messages and
   *  more important messages only.
   *  @see verbosity(void), message(), debug(), status(), info(), warning(),
   *  error(), fatal()
   *  @ingroup SLIMessaging
  int  verbosity(void) const;

  /** Display a message. 
   *  @param level  The error level that shall be associated with the
   *  message. You may use any poitive integer here. For conveniency,
   *  there exist five predifined error levels:  \n
   * (SLIInterpreter::M_ALL=0, for use with verbosity(int) only, see there), \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_DEBUG=5, a debugging message \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_DEBUG=7, a status message \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_INFO=10, an informational message \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_WARNING=20, a warning message \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_ERROR=30, an error message \n
   *  SLIInterpreter::M_FATAL=40, a failure message.
   * (SLIInterpreter::M_QUIET=100, for use with verbosity(int) only, see there), \n
   *  @param from   A string specifying the name of the function that
   *  sends the message.
   *  @param test   A string specifying the message text.
   *  The message will ony be displayed if the current verbosity level
   *  is greater than or equal to the specified level.
   *  \n
   *  If two or more messages are issued after each other, that have
   *  the same <I>from</I> and <I>level</I> argument, the messages will 
   *  be grouped toghether in the output.
   *  @see verbosity(void), verbosity(int)
   *  @ingroup SLIMessaging
  void message(int level, const char from[], const char text[], 
	       const char errorname[] = "") const;

  /** Function used by the message(int, const char*, const char*) function.
   *  Prints a message to the specified output stream. 
   *  @param out        output stream
   *  @param levelname  name associated with input level
  void message(std::ostream& out, const char levelname[], 
	       const char from[], const char text[],
	       const char errorname[] = "") const;

  void terminate(int returnvalue=-1);

  Name  getcurrentname(void) const;
  unsigned long cycles(void) const
      return cycle_count;

  template<class T>  void addmodule(void);
  void addmodule(SLIModule *);

   * Add a linked dynamic module to the interpreter.
   * Initializers (commandstrings) for linked dynamic modules are executed
   * by sli-init.sli after all C++ initialization is done.
   * Do not use this for modules loaded at runtime!
  void addlinkeddynmodule(DynModule *, nest::Network *);

  FunctionDatum * Ilookup(void) const;
  FunctionDatum * Iiterate(void) const;
   * Throw StackUnderflow exception if too few elements on stack.
   * @param n Minimum number of elements required on stack.
   * @throw StackUnderflow if fewer that @c n elements on stack.
  void assert_stack_load(size_t n); 


// This function template is a workaround for the parameterless
// template member function, given below. As of
// egcs-2.91.16 980328 (gcc-2.8.0 release)
// the compiler is not able to parse a call like
// engine.addmodule<ModuleX>();
// (Stroustrup97), Sec 13.3.1 (p335)

template<class T>
void addmodule(SLIInterpreter &i )
  i.addmodule(new T);

template<class T>
void SLIInterpreter::addmodule(void)
   SLIModule *m=new T();


void SLIInterpreter::assert_stack_load(size_t n) 
  if ( OStack.load() < n)
    throw StackUnderflow(n, OStack.load());
