 *  tarrayobj.cc
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "tarrayobj.h"
#include "datum.h"
#include "token.h"

#ifdef assert
#undef assert
#define assert(a) 

size_t TokenArrayObj::allocations=0;

TokenArrayObj::TokenArrayObj(size_t s, const Token &t, size_t alloc)
    size_t a = (alloc == 0)? s : alloc;

TokenArrayObj::TokenArrayObj(const TokenArrayObj &a)
    if(a.p != NULL)
        Token *from = a.p;
        Token *to   = p;
        while(to < begin_of_free_storage)
            *to++ = *from++;

        delete [] p;

void TokenArrayObj::allocate(size_t new_s, size_t new_c, size_t new_a, const Token &t )
// This resize function is private and does an unconditional resize, using
// all supplied parameters.

    alloc_block_size = new_a;
    size_t min_l;
    size_t old_s = size();

    assert(new_c != 0);
    assert(new_a != 0);
    Token *h = new Token[new_c];
    assert(h != NULL);

    if(t != Token())
      for(Token *hi=h; hi <h+new_c; ++hi)

    end_of_free_storage  = h + new_c;  // [,) convention
    begin_of_free_storage= h + new_s;
        if(old_s < new_s)
            min_l = old_s;
            min_l = new_s;
        for(size_t i=0; i< min_l; ++i) // copy old parts
        delete [] p;
    p = h;


void TokenArrayObj::resize(size_t s, size_t alloc, const Token &t )
    alloc_block_size = (alloc == 0)? alloc_block_size : alloc;

    if((s!=size() && (s!=0)) || (size()==0 && alloc_block_size != 0))
        allocate(s, s+alloc_block_size, alloc_block_size, t);

void TokenArrayObj::resize(size_t s,  const Token &t )

const TokenArrayObj & TokenArrayObj::operator=(const TokenArrayObj &a)
    if(capacity() >= a.size())
            // This branch also covers the case where a is the null-vector.
        Token *to = begin();
        Token *from = a.begin();
        while(from < a.end())
            *to++ = *from++;
        while(to < end())
        begin_of_free_storage = p+a.size();
        assert(begin_of_free_storage <= end_of_free_storage);

    } else
        if(p !=NULL)
            delete [] p;
            p = NULL;
        Token *to = begin();
        Token *from = a.begin();
        while(from < a.end())
            *to++ = *from++;
        begin_of_free_storage = to;
        assert(begin_of_free_storage <= end_of_free_storage);
    return *this;

// re-allocate, if the actual buffer is larger
// than alloc_block_size

// bool TokenArrayObj::shrink(void)
// {
//     static const size_t hyst=1;
//     size_t old_size = size();

//     size_t n = old_size/alloc_block_size + 1 + hyst;
//     size_t new_capacity = n*alloc_block_size;

//     if( new_capacity < capacity())
//     {
//       allocate(old_size, new_capacity, alloc_block_size);
//       return true;
//     }
//     return false;
// }

bool TokenArrayObj::shrink(void)
    size_t new_capacity = size();

    if( new_capacity < capacity())
      allocate(size(), new_capacity, alloc_block_size);
      return true;
    return false;

bool TokenArrayObj::reserve(size_t new_capacity)
    if(new_capacity > capacity() )
      allocate(size(), new_capacity, alloc_block_size);        
      return true;
    return false;

void TokenArrayObj::rotate(Token *first, Token *middle, Token *last)

// This algorithm is taken from the HP STL implementation.
    if((first < middle) && (middle < last)) 
        for(Token *i = middle; ;)
            i++; first++;
            if(first == middle)
                if(i == last) return;
                middle = i;
            else if (i == last)
                i = middle;

void TokenArrayObj::erase(Token* first, Token *last)
   // this algorithm we also use in replace_move
   // array is decreasing. we move elements after point of
   // erasure from right to left
   Token *from = last; 
   Token *to   = first;
   Token *end = begin_of_free_storage; // 1 ahead  as conventional

   while (from<end)
	   to->p->removeReference();  // deleting NULL pointer is safe in ISO C++
       to->p=from->p; // move
       from->p=NULL;  // might be overwritten or not
   while (last>to)      // if sequence we have to erase is 
   {                    // longer than the sequence to the
       --last;            // right of it, we explicitly delete the 
	   last->p->removeReference();    // elements which are still intact
       last->p=NULL;      // after the move above.

// as for strings erase tolerates i+n >=  size()
void TokenArrayObj::erase(size_t i, size_t n)
    if (i+n<size())
	erase(p+i, p+i+n );
	erase(p+(i), p+size());

void TokenArrayObj::clear(void)
        delete [] p;
    p = begin_of_free_storage = end_of_free_storage = NULL;
    alloc_block_size = 1;

// reduce() could be further optimized by testing wether the
// new size leads to a resize. In this case, one could simply
// re-construct the array with the sub-array.

void TokenArrayObj::reduce(Token* first, Token *last)
    assert(first>= p);

        // First step: shift all elements to the begin of
        // the array.
    Token *i= p, *l= first;

    if(first > begin())
        while(l < last)
            i++; l++;
        assert( l == last);
        i = last;

    assert( i == p + (last - first));

    while (i < end()) 
    begin_of_free_storage = p + (size_t)(last-first);

// as assign for strings reduce tolerates i+n >= size() 
void TokenArrayObj::reduce(size_t i, size_t n)
 if (i+n<size())
  reduce(p+i, p+i+n );
  reduce(p+(i), p+size());

void TokenArrayObj::insert(size_t i, size_t n, const Token &t)
// pointer argument pos would not be efficient because we
// have to recompute pointer anyway after reallocation 
    reserve(size()+n);                                        // reallocate if necessary

    Token *pos  = p + i;                     // pointer to element i (starting with 0)
    Token *from = begin_of_free_storage-1;   // first Token which has to be moved
    Token *to   = from + n;                  // new location of first Token
    while(from >= pos)                     
      to->p = from->p;         // move             
      from->p = NULL;          // knowing that to->p is
      --from; --to;            // NULL before
    for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)                // insert n copies of Token t;
      *(pos++) = t;
    begin_of_free_storage+=n;                // new size is old + n

void TokenArrayObj::insert_move(size_t i, TokenArrayObj &a)
    reserve(size()+a.size());                                 // reallocate if necessary
    assert(begin_of_free_storage + a.size() <= end_of_free_storage);  // check 

    Token *pos  = p + i;                     // pointer to element i (starting with 0)
    Token *from = begin_of_free_storage-1;   // first Token which has to be moved
    Token *to   = from + a.size();           // new location of first Token

    while(from >= pos)                     
      to->p = from->p;        // move                
      from->p = NULL;         // knowing that to->p is
      --from; --to;           // NULL before

    from = a.p;
    to   = p + i;
    while( from < a.end())                
        to->p = from->p;  // we cannot do this in the loop
        from->p = NULL;   // above because of overlapping

    begin_of_free_storage+=a.size();         // new size is old + n
    a.begin_of_free_storage = a.p;           // a is empty.

void TokenArrayObj::assign_move(TokenArrayObj &a, size_t i, size_t n)

  Token *from = a.begin()+i;
  Token *end  = a.begin()+i+n;  
  Token *to   = p;          
  while (from < end)       
    to->p = from->p;
    from->p = NULL;

  begin_of_free_storage = p+n; 

void TokenArrayObj::assign(const TokenArrayObj &a, size_t i, size_t n)

  Token *from = a.begin()+i;
  Token *end  = a.begin()+i+n;  
  Token *to   = p;          
  while (from < end)       
    *to = *from;

  begin_of_free_storage = p+n; 

void TokenArrayObj::insert_move(size_t i, Token &t)
    reserve(size()+1);                                 // reallocate if necessary
    assert(begin_of_free_storage + 1 <= end_of_free_storage);  // check 

    Token *pos  = p + i;                     // pointer to element i (starting with 0)
    Token *from = begin_of_free_storage-1;   // first Token which has to be moved
    Token *to   = from + 1;                  // new location of first Token

    while(from >= pos)                   
      to->p = from->p;         // move                
      from->p = NULL;          // knowing that to->p is
      --from; --to;            // NULL before

    (p+i)->p=t.p;                           // move contens of t

    begin_of_free_storage+=1;               // new size is old + 1

void TokenArrayObj::replace_move(size_t i, size_t n, TokenArrayObj &a)
  assert(i<size());               // assume index in range
  n = (size()-i<n)?(size()-i):n;  // n more than available is allowed

  long d=a.size()-n;     // difference size after the replacement,
                        // positive for increase

  reserve(size()+d);    // reallocate if necessary

  if (d>0)
    // array is increasing. we move elements after point of
    // replacement from left to right
   Token *from = begin_of_free_storage-1;
   Token *to   = begin_of_free_storage-1+d;
   Token *end = p+i+n-1; // 1 ahead (before)  as conventional

   while (from>end)
       to->p=from->p; // move
       from->p=NULL;  // might be overwritten or not
  else if (d<0)
      // array is decreasing. we move elements after point of
      // replacement from right to left
      Token *last = p+i+n;
      Token *from = last; 
      Token *to   = p+i+a.size();
      Token *end  = begin_of_free_storage; // 1 ahead  as conventional
      while (from<end)
	      to->p->removeReference();  // deleting NULL pointer is safe in ISO C++
	  to->p=from->p; // move
	  from->p=NULL;  // might be overwritten or not
      while (last>to)      // if sequence we have to erase is 
      {                    // longer than a plus the sequence to the
	  --last;            // right of it, we explicitly delete the 
	      last->p->removeReference();    // elements which are still intact
	  last->p=NULL;      // after the move above.
  begin_of_free_storage+=d;  // set new size

  // move contens of array a 
  Token *to   = p+i;  
  Token *end  = a.end();    // 1 ahead as conventional
  Token *from = a.begin();

	  to->p->removeReference();       // delete target before 
      to->p=from->p;      // movement, it is typically
      from->p= NULL;      // not the NULL pointer

void TokenArrayObj::append_move(TokenArrayObj &a ) 
    reserve(size()+a.size());                                 // reallocate if necessary
    assert(begin_of_free_storage + a.size() <= end_of_free_storage);  // check 

    Token *from = a.p;
    Token *to = begin_of_free_storage;

    while( from < a.end())                  // move 
    {                                       // knowing that to->p is
	to->p = from->p;                      // NULL before
        from->p = NULL;

    begin_of_free_storage+=a.size();         // new size is old + n
    a.begin_of_free_storage = a.p;           // a is empty.

bool TokenArrayObj::operator==(const TokenArrayObj &a) const

  //std::cout << "comparison of TokenArrayObj" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "p:   " << p << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "a.p: " << a.p << std::endl;

    if( p == a.p )
        return true;

    // experimentally replaced by line below 090120, Diesmann
    // because [] cvx has non NULL p
    //    if( p == NULL || a.p == NULL || size() != a.size())
    //    return false;

    if( size() != a.size() )
        return false;

    Token *i= begin(),*j = a.begin();
    while(i < end())
        if(!(*i++ == *j++))
            return false;
    return true;

void TokenArrayObj::info(std::ostream& out) const
    out << "TokenArrayObj::info\n";
    out << "p    = " << p << std::endl;
    out << "bofs = " << begin_of_free_storage << std::endl;
    out << "eofs = " << end_of_free_storage << std::endl;
    out << "abs  = " << alloc_block_size << std::endl;

bool TokenArrayObj::valid(void) const
  if(p == NULL)
    std::cerr << "TokenArrayObj::valid: Data pointer missing!" << std::endl;
    return false;

  if(begin_of_free_storage == NULL)
    std::cerr << "TokenArrayObj::valid: begin of free storage pointer missing!"
	 << std::endl;
    return false;

  if(end_of_free_storage == NULL)
    std::cerr << "TokenArrayObj::valid: end of free storage pointer missing!"
	 << std::endl;
    return false;

  if(begin_of_free_storage >end_of_free_storage)
    std::cerr << "TokenArrayObj::valid: begin_of_free_storage  > end_of_free_storage !"
	 << std::endl;
    return false;
  return true;

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TokenArrayObj& a)
    for(Token *i = a.begin(); i< a.end() ; ++i)
        out << *i << ' ';

    return out;