This directory contains test scripts related to ticket 458
(lack of scaling for precise neurons).

Benchmarking tests
These tests check scaling by simulating the CUBA network running at 4Hz for 10s.       Shell script executing benchmark suite (includes PBS directives for Stallo)
cuba_458.sli           Configuration for simulation with iaf_psc_exp
cuba_ps_458.sli        Configuration for simulation with iaf_psc_exp_ps
run_benchmark_458.sli  Script running single benchmark

The executes the following tests in order

iaf_psc_exp     on-grid
iaf_psc_exp     off-grid
iaf_psc_exp_ps  on-grid
iaf_psc_exp_ps  off-grid

For each test, the following simulations are run in order
- single thread
- two threads
- two mpi procs @ one thread

The best way to see the scaling results is to collect the output of into a file an

grep 'Simulation time' FILENAME

For each of the four tests you will get FOUR output lines

simtime single thread
simtime two thread
simtime two mpi rank 0   (rank order is arbitrary)
simtime two mpi rank 1  

Quality tests
These tests run the CUBA benchmark with two threads or two mpi processes for 1s and compare the membrane
potentials of all neurons at the end. This tests whether the NEST concept that only the number of virtual
processes is relevant is respected.       Shell script executing benchmark suite (includes PBS directives for Stallo)
cuba_458.sli                  Configuration for simulation with iaf_psc_exp
cuba_ps_458.sli               Configuration for simulation with iaf_psc_exp_ps
run_benchmark_458_dumpVm.sli  Script running single benchmark

The test script merges, sorts and compares the voltage dumps from the 2-threads and 2-mpi runs and prints
OK or FAILED for each of the following cases (the non-precise case is labeled as "Plain")

iaf_psc_exp     on-grid   
iaf_psc_exp     off-grid  
iaf_psc_exp_ps  on-grid
iaf_psc_exp_ps  off-grid