 *  ticket-481.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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/* BeginDocumentation

Name: testsuite::ticket-481 - Ensure that poisson_generator_ps delivers spikes to more than one node

Synopsis: (ticket-481) run -> NEST exits if test fails

Ensure that poisson_generator_ps delivers spikes to more than one node.

Peiran Gao reported to nest_bugs that poisson_generator_ps.

First analysis indicates that spikes are lost if poisson_generator_ps is connected
to target neurons using different synapse models, even if those are just copies of
the same underlying class.
Author: Hans Ekkehard Plesser, 2010-11-03; based on original reproducer by Peiran Gao

/unittest (8831) require
/unittest using
M_ERROR setverbosity

% if true, exec and show results instead of asserting
/debugging false def

% expects on stack: 
% syn model 2
% syn model 1
% neuron model
% returns: whether voltage for either neurons exceeded Vref
 /syn2 Set
 /syn1 Set
 /model Set
 debugging {
   model cvs ( ) join syn1 cvs join ( ) join syn2 cvs join ( : ) join =only 
 } if 

 /dt -3 dexp def  % 0.125 ms
 /Vref -70.0 def
 0 << /tics_per_ms 1.0 dt div round /resolution dt >> SetStatus

 model << /V_m Vref /E_L Vref /V_th 1e10 /I_e 0.0  >> Create /n1 Set
 model << /V_m Vref /E_L Vref /V_th 1e10 /I_e 0.0  >> Create /n2 Set
 /poisson_generator_ps << /rate 10000.0 /start 0.0  >> Create  /pg Set
 /voltmeter << /interval dt >>                         Create /vm1 Set
 /voltmeter << /interval dt >>                         Create /vm2 Set

 pg n1 syn1 Connect
 pg n2 syn2 Connect
 vm1 n1 Connect
 vm2 n2 Connect  

 1000 Simulate
 vm1 [/events /V_m] get cva Max Vref gt  
 vm2 [/events /V_m] get cva Max Vref gt  

} def 


  % this case always went well  
  /iaf_psc_delta_canon /static_synapse /static_synapse Run
} debugging { exec = } { assert_or_die } ifelse

% identical synapse models, must pass

  /static_synapse /hoo CopyModel
  /iaf_psc_delta_canon /hoo /hoo Run
} debugging { exec = } { assert_or_die } ifelse

% mixed case, must throw execption
% must be last in test script, since exception occurs in middle of
% simulation, leaving kernel in unresettable state.

  /static_synapse /foo CopyModel
  /static_synapse /goo CopyModel
  /iaf_psc_delta_canon /foo /goo Run
} debugging { exec = } { fail_or_die } ifelse