 *  test_random_binomial.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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/* BeginDocumentation
Name: testsuite::test_random_binomial - test of binomial random deviates 

Synopsis: (test_random_binomial) run -> compare binomial random numbers with desired distribution.

  Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of binomial random deviate generator.
  This test performs a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the random numbers generated
  by the binomial random deviate generator. It draws realizations and compares 
  the observed cumulative distribution function against the theoretical one.

  The test was implemented following

Author:  July 2011, Moritz Deger
SeeAlso: rdevdict::binomial

/unittest (6688) require
/unittest using

% The factorial is needed to compute the binomial coefficients that occur
% in the probability mass function.
% Direct computation of factorial. If n exceeds 12, integer values can
% not represent the number. This makes the test fail.
  dup 12 leq assert_or_die
  /x Set 1 /ret Set 
  {x 1 lt {exit} if 
  x ret mul /ret Set 
  x 1 sub /x Set } loop 
} def

% binomial prob of (k, p, n), k out of n with prob p 
/binomialprob{ /n Set  /p Set  /k Set
  n factorial k factorial  n k sub factorial mul cvd div    %binomial coefficient
  p k pow mul
  1 p sub  n k sub pow mul
} def

% binomial CDF of (k, p, n), k out of n with prob p 
  /n Set /p Set /kl Set
  0.0 /res Set
  0 /cou Set
  {cou kl gt {exit} if           % check if counter > k, exit if true
   cou p n binomialprob res add /res Set    % add probability of stack to return value
   cou 1 add /cou Set                             % increment the counter
   } loop
  res                       % return res
} def

% estimate CDF of observed data
  /data Set
  1 add /kp1 Set
  0 /cdfcount Set
  data { kp1 lt {cdfcount 1 add /cdfcount Set} if } forall 
  cdfcount data length_a cvd div
} def

% compute kalpha to compare against 
% python code to get value:
% import scipy.stats
% import scipy.optimize
% alpha = 0.05
% kalpha = scipy.optimize.fmin( lambda x: abs(1-alpha-scipy.stats.ksprob(x)), 1)
0.51962891 /kalpha Set

% actual test, seed as argument
% n should not exceed 12 because then factorial fails
  % get seeded random deviate generator
  /seedn Set
  /n Set
  /p Set
  10000 /nsample Set 
  rngdict /MT19937 get seedn CreateRNG /rng Set
  rng rdevdict /binomial get CreateRDV /bino Set
  % set parameters and draw random numbers
  bino << /p p /n n >> SetStatus
  bino nsample RandomArray /data Set

  % test the realizations against the theorical distribution
  0.0 /teststat Set
  dup n gt {exit} if          % check if stack > n, exit if true 
  dup dup data observedcdf    % 2x counter and observed CDF value on stack
  exch p n binomialcdf        % counter, obs. and theoretical CDF on stack
  % compute difference of obs. and theo., memorize only if larger than old value.
  sub dup abs teststat geq {/teststat Set} {pop} ifelse
  1 add                       % increment stack counter
  } loop
  % test result (supremum of errors against kolmogorov distribution)
  n sqrt teststat mul kalpha leq assert_or_die
} def

% run the test with several seeds, n and p
0.2 12 11652 testbino
0.1 8 7562 testbino
0.7 11 8766576 testbino