 *  test_tsodyks_facilitating.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 /* BeginDocumentation
Name: test_tsodyks_facilitating - sli script for overall test of tsodyks_synapse synapse model

Synopsis: (test_tsodyks_facilitating) run -> compare cout with comments in file

Script to test Tsodyks short term plasticity facilitating synapses according to
'Neural Networks with Dynamic Synapses'
Misha Tsodyks, Klaus Pawelzik, Henry Markram
Neural computation 10, 821--853 (1998)

reproduces figure 1 B,(C)

author:  Markus Diesmann, Moritz Helias
date:	 March 2006


/unittest (7039) require
/unittest using

ResetKernel      % clear all existing network elements

userdict begin

      1 /local_num_threads Set
      8 /total_num_virtual_procs Set
      0.1 /h Set

      /Tau 60.0 def	     % membrane time constant
      /Theta 15.0 def	     % threshold
      /U0 0.0 def	     % reset potential of Vm
      /C Tau 1.0 div def     % Tau [ms] / 1.0 GOhm in NEST units
      /TauR 2.0 def	     % refractory time
      /Tau_psc 1.5 def       % time constant of PSC (=Tau_inact)
      /Tau_rec 130.0 def     % recovery time
      /Tau_fac 530.0 def     % facilitation time
      /U 0.03 def	     % facilitation parameter U
      /A 1540.0 def	     % PSC weight in pA
      /f 20.0 1000.0 div def % frequency in Hz given converted to 1/ms

      /Tend 1200.0 def	     % simulation time
      /TIstart 50.0 def      % start of current
      /TIend 1050.0 def      % end of current
      % set resolution and limits on delays
      % limits must be set BEFORE connecting any elements
        /resolution h
	/local_num_threads local_num_threads
%       /total_num_virtual_procs total_num_virtual_procs
      >> SetStatus

      cout 15 setprecision

      << /tau_psc Tau_psc 
         /tau_rec Tau_rec
	 /tau_fac Tau_fac
	 /U U
	 /delay 0.1
	 /weight A
	 /u 0.0
	 /x 1.0
      >> SetDefaults
      /iaf_tum_2000 Create /neuron1 Set

      neuron1 << /tau_m Tau
	         /t_ref_tot TauR
		 /t_ref_abs TauR
		 /tau_syn_ex Tau_psc
		 /tau_syn_in Tau_psc
		 /C_m C
		 /V_reset U0
		 /E_L U0
                 /V_m U0  
		 /V_th Theta
      >> SetStatus
      % neuron1 GetStatus info
      /iaf_tum_2000 Create /neuron2 Set

      neuron2 << /tau_m Tau
	         /t_ref_tot TauR
		 /t_ref_abs TauR
		 /tau_syn_ex Tau_psc
		 /tau_syn_in Tau_psc
		 /C_m C
		 /V_reset U0
		 /E_L U0
		 /V_th Theta
                 /V_m U0
      >> SetStatus
      % neuron2 GetStatus info
      /I0 Theta C mul Tau div 1.0 1.0 f div TauR sub Tau div neg exp sub div def
      /dc_generator Create /dc_gen Set
      dc_gen << /amplitude I0 /start TIstart /stop TIend >> SetStatus

      /voltmeter Create /vm Set
      vm << /withtime true
	    /to_memory true
	    /interval 25.0
      >> SetStatus

      /spike_detector Create /sp_det Set
      sp_det << /withtime true /withgid true >> SetStatus

      dc_gen neuron1 Connect

      vm neuron2 Connect

      neuron1 neuron2 /tsodyks_synapse Connect

      Tend Simulate

      vm [/events [/times /V_m]] get cva
      6 ToUnitTestPrecision
      Transpose /vm_sim Set  % array of recorded data

      % to print to screen
      %vm_sim {
      %  ==	  
      %} forall

[25 0]
[50 0]
[75 0]
[100 4.739750000000000e-01]
[125 7.706030000000000e-01]
[150 1.297120000000000e+00]
[175 1.757990000000000e+00]
[200 2.114420000000000e+00]
[225 2.714490000000000e+00]
[250 2.785530000000000e+00]
[275 3.546150000000000e+00]
[300 3.272710000000000e+00]
[325 4.233240000000000e+00]
[350 3.583070000000000e+00]
[375 4.788130000000000e+00]
[400 3.739560000000000e+00]
[425 5.233850000000000e+00]
[450 3.767230000000000e+00]
[475 5.593890000000000e+00]
[500 3.687720000000000e+00]
[525 5.888270000000000e+00]
[550 3.881790000000000e+00]
[575 6.132580000000000e+00]
[600 4.042850000000000e+00]
[625 6.338430000000000e+00]
[650 4.178550000000000e+00]
[675 6.514250000000000e+00]
[700 4.294460000000000e+00]
[725 6.666160000000000e+00]
[750 4.394600000000000e+00]
[775 6.798620000000000e+00]
[800 4.481930000000000e+00]
[825 6.914990000000000e+00]
[850 4.558640000000000e+00]
[875 7.017830000000000e+00]
[900 4.626440000000000e+00]
[925 7.109160000000000e+00]
[950 4.686650000000000e+00]
[975 7.190620000000000e+00]
[1000 4.740350000000000e+00]
[1025 7.263560000000000e+00]
[1050 4.788430000000000e+00]
[1075 7.329110000000000e+00]
[1100 4.831650000000000e+00]
[1125 3.185220000000000e+00]
[1150 2.099830000000000e+00]
[1175 1.384290000000000e+00]
] /vm_expected Set

vm_sim vm_expected eq assert_or_die


endusing % unittest