#ifndef LAYER_H
#define LAYER_H

 *  layer.h
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <bitset>
#include "nest.h"
#include "subnet.h"
#include "position.h"
#include "dictutils.h"
#include "topology_names.h"
#include "ntree.h"
#include "connection_creator.h"
#include "selector.h"

namespace nest

   * Abstract base class for Layers of unspecified dimension.
  class AbstractLayer: public Subnet
     * Constructor.
    AbstractLayer() : depth_(1)

     * Virtual destructor
    virtual ~AbstractLayer();

     * Get position of node. Only possible for local nodes.
     * @param sind subnet index of node
     * @returns position of node as std::vector
    virtual std::vector<double_t> get_position_vector(const index sind) const = 0;

     * Returns displacement of node from given position. When using periodic
     * boundary conditions, will return minimum displacement.
     * @param from_pos  position vector in layer
     * @param to        node in layer to which displacement is to be computed
     * @returns vector pointing from from_pos to node to's position
    virtual std::vector<double_t> compute_displacement(const std::vector<double_t>& from_pos,
                                                       const index to) const = 0;

     * Returns distance to node from given position. When using periodic
     * boundary conditions, will return minimum distance.
     * @param from_pos  position vector in layer
     * @param to        node in layer to which displacement is to be computed
     * @returns length of vector pointing from from_pos to node to's position
    virtual double_t compute_distance(const std::vector<double_t>& from_pos,
                                      const index to) const = 0;

     * Connect this layer to the given target layer. The actual connections
     * are made in class ConnectionCreator.
     * @param target    target layer to connect to. Must have same dimension
     *                  as this layer.
     * @param connector connection properties
    virtual void connect(AbstractLayer& target, ConnectionCreator &connector) = 0;

     * Factory function for layers. The supplied dictionary contains
     * parameters which specify the layer type and type-specific
     * parameters.
     * @returns pointer to new layer
    static index create_layer(const DictionaryDatum&);

     * Return a vector with the GIDs of the nodes inside the mask.
     * @param mask            mask to apply.
     * @param anchor          position to center mask in.
     * @param allow_oversized allow mask to be greater than layer
     * @returns nodes in layer inside mask.
    virtual std::vector<index> get_global_nodes(const MaskDatum &mask, const std::vector<double_t> &anchor, bool allow_oversized) = 0;

     * Write layer data to stream.
     * For each node in layer, write one line to stream containing:
     * GID x-position y-position [z-position]
     * @param os     output stream
    virtual void dump_nodes(std::ostream & os) const = 0;

     * Dumps information about all connections of the given type having their source in
     * the given layer to the given output stream. For distributed simulations
     * this function will dump the connections with local targets only.
     * @param out output stream
     * @param synapse_id type of connection
    virtual void dump_connections(std::ostream & out, long synapse_id) = 0;

    using Subnet::local_begin;
    using Subnet::local_end;

     * Start of local children at given depth.
     * @param depth layer depth
     * @returns iterator for local nodes pointing to first node at given depth
    std::vector<Node*>::iterator local_begin(int_t depth);

     * End of local children at given depth.
     * @param depth layer depth
     * @returns iterator for local nodes pointing to the end of the given depth
    std::vector<Node*>::iterator local_end(int_t depth);

     * Start of local children at given depth.
     * @param depth layer depth
     * @returns iterator for local nodes pointing to first node at given depth
    std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator local_begin(int_t depth) const;

     * End of local children at given depth.
     * @param depth layer depth
     * @returns iterator for local nodes pointing to the end of the given depth
    std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator local_end(int_t depth) const;

     * GID for the single layer for which we cache global position information
    static index cached_ntree_layer_;

     * number of neurons at each position
    int_t depth_;

     * GID for the single layer for which we cache global position information
    static index cached_vector_layer_;

     * Clear the cache for global position information
    virtual void clear_ntree_cache_() const = 0;

     * Clear the cache for global position information
    virtual void clear_vector_cache_() const = 0;


  template<int D>
  class MaskedLayer;

   * Abstract base class for Layer of given dimension (D=2 or 3).
  template <int D>
  class Layer: public AbstractLayer
     * Creates an empty layer.

     * Copy constructor.
    Layer(const Layer &l);

     * Virtual destructor

     * Change properties of the layer according to the
     * entries in the dictionary.
     * @param d Dictionary with named parameter settings.
    void set_status(const DictionaryDatum&);

     * Export properties of the layer by setting
     * entries in the status dictionary.
     * @param d Dictionary.
    void get_status(DictionaryDatum&) const;

     * @returns The bottom left position of the layer
    const Position<D> & get_lower_left() const
      { return lower_left_; }

     * @returns extent of layer.
    const Position<D> & get_extent() const
      { return extent_; }

     * @returns center of layer.
    Position<D> get_center() const
      { return lower_left_ + extent_/2; }

     * @returns a bitmask specifying which directions are periodic
     std::bitset<D> get_periodic_mask() const
      { return periodic_; }

     * Get position of node. Only possible for local nodes.
     * @param sind local subnet index of node
     * @returns position of node identified by Subnet local index value.
    virtual Position<D> get_position(index sind) const = 0;

     * @param sind local subnet index of node
     * @returns position of node as std::vector
    std::vector<double_t> get_position_vector(const index sind) const;

     * Returns displacement of a position from another position. When using periodic
     * boundary conditions, will return minimum displacement.
     * @param from_pos  position vector in layer
     * @param to_pos    position to which displacement is to be computed
     * @returns vector pointing from from_pos to to_pos
    virtual Position<D> compute_displacement(const Position<D>& from_pos,
                                             const Position<D>& to_pos) const;

     * Returns displacement of node from given position. When using periodic
     * boundary conditions, will return minimum displacement.
     * @param from_pos  position vector in layer
     * @param to        node in layer to which displacement is to be computed
     * @returns vector pointing from from_pos to node to's position
    Position<D> compute_displacement(const Position<D>& from_pos,
                                             const index to) const;

    std::vector<double_t> compute_displacement(const std::vector<double_t>& from_pos,
                                               const index to) const;

     * Returns distance to node from given position. When using periodic
     * boundary conditions, will return minimum distance.
     * @param from_pos  position vector in layer
     * @param to        node in layer to which displacement is to be computed
     * @returns length of vector pointing from from_pos to node to's position
    double_t compute_distance(const Position<D>& from_pos,
                                      const index to) const;

    double_t compute_distance(const std::vector<double_t>& from_pos,
                              const index to) const;

     * Get positions for local nodes in layer.
    lockPTR<Ntree<D,index> > get_local_positions_ntree(Selector filter=Selector());

     * Get positions for all nodes in layer, including nodes on other MPI
     * processes. The positions will be cached so that subsequent calls for
     * the same layer are fast. One one layer is cached at the time, so the
     * user should group together all ConnectLayers calls using the same
     * pool layer.
    lockPTR<Ntree<D,index> > get_global_positions_ntree(Selector filter=Selector());

     * Get positions globally, overriding the dimensions of the layer and
     * the periodic flags. The supplied lower left corner and extent
     * coordinates are only used for the dimensions where the supplied
     * periodic flag is set.
    lockPTR<Ntree<D,index> > get_global_positions_ntree(Selector filter, std::bitset<D> periodic, Position<D> lower_left, Position<D> extent);

    std::vector<std::pair<Position<D>,index> >* get_global_positions_vector(Selector filter=Selector());

    virtual std::vector<std::pair<Position<D>,index> > get_global_positions_vector(Selector filter, const MaskDatum& mask, const Position<D>& anchor, bool allow_oversized);

     * Return a vector with the GIDs of the nodes inside the mask.
    std::vector<index> get_global_nodes(const MaskDatum &mask, const std::vector<double_t> &anchor, bool allow_oversized);

     * Connect this layer to the given target layer. The actual connections
     * are made in class ConnectionCreator.
     * @param target    target layer to connect to. Must have same dimension
     *                  as this layer.
     * @param connector connection properties
    void connect(AbstractLayer& target, ConnectionCreator &connector);

     * Write layer data to stream.
     * For each node in layer, write one line to stream containing:
     * GID x-position y-position [z-position]
     * @param os     output stream
    void dump_nodes(std::ostream & os) const;

     * Dumps information about all connections of the given type having their source in
     * the given layer to the given output stream. For distributed simulations
     * this function will dump the connections with local targets only.
     * @param out output stream
     * @param synapse_id type of connection
    void dump_connections(std::ostream & out, long synapse_id);

     * Layers do not allow entry to the ChangeSubnet command, nodes can not
     * be added by the user.
     * @returns false
    bool allow_entry() const
      { return false; }

     * Clear the cache for global position information
    void clear_ntree_cache_() const;

     * Clear the cache for global position information
    void clear_vector_cache_() const;

    lockPTR<Ntree<D,index> > do_get_global_positions_ntree_(const Selector& filter);

     * Insert global position info into ntree.
    virtual void insert_global_positions_ntree_(Ntree<D,index> & tree, const Selector& filter) = 0;

     * Insert global position info into vector.
    virtual void insert_global_positions_vector_(std::vector<std::pair<Position<D>,index> > &, const Selector& filter) = 0;

     * Insert local position info into ntree.
    virtual void insert_local_positions_ntree_(Ntree<D,index> & tree, const Selector& filter) = 0;

    Position<D> lower_left_;  ///< lower left corner (minimum coordinates) of layer
    Position<D> extent_;      ///< size of layer
    std::bitset<D> periodic_; ///< periodic b.c.

     * Global position information for a single layer
    static lockPTR<Ntree<D,index> > cached_ntree_;
    static std::vector<std::pair<Position<D>,index> > * cached_vector_;
    static Selector cached_selector_;

    friend class MaskedLayer<D>;

   * Class for applying masks to layers. Contains begin and end methods to
   * iterate over nodes inside a mask.
  template<int D>
  class MaskedLayer {

     * Regular constructor.
     * @param layer           The layer to mask
     * @param filter          Optionally select subset of neurons
     * @param mask            The mask to apply to the layer
     * @param include_global  If true, include all nodes, otherwise only local to MPI process
     * @param allow_oversized If true, allow larges masks than layers when using periodic b.c.
    MaskedLayer(Layer<D>& layer, Selector filter, const MaskDatum& mask, bool include_global, bool allow_oversized);

     * Constructor for applying "converse" mask to layer. To be used for
     * applying a mask for the target layer to the source layer. The mask
     * will be mirrored about the origin, and settings for periodicity for
     * the target layer will be applied to the source layer.
     * @param layer           The layer to mask (source layer)
     * @param filter          Optionally select subset of neurons
     * @param mask            The mask to apply to the layer
     * @param include_global  If true, include all nodes, otherwise only local to MPI process
     * @param allow_oversized If true, allow larges masks than layers when using periodic b.c.
     * @param target          The layer which the given mask is defined for (target layer)
    MaskedLayer(Layer<D>& layer, Selector filter, const MaskDatum& mask, bool include_global, bool allow_oversized, Layer<D>& target);


     * Iterate over nodes inside mask
     * @param anchor Position to apply mask to
     * @returns an iterator for the nodes inside the mask centered on the anchor position
    typename Ntree<D,index>::masked_iterator begin(const Position<D>& anchor);

     * @return end iterator
    typename Ntree<D,index>::masked_iterator end();


     * Will check that the mask can be applied to the layer. The mask must
     * have the same dimensionality as the layer, and a grid mask may only
     * be applied to a grid layer. Unless the allow_oversized flag is set,
     * the mask must also not be larger than the layer in case of periodic
     * boundary conditions. Will throw an exception if the mask does not
     * fit.
     * @param layer The layer to check for
     * @param allow_oversized If true, oversized masks are allowed
    void check_mask_(Layer<D>& layer, bool allow_oversized);

    lockPTR<Ntree<D,index> > ntree_;
    MaskDatum mask_;

  template<int D>
  MaskedLayer<D>::MaskedLayer(Layer<D>& layer, Selector filter, const MaskDatum& maskd, bool include_global, bool allow_oversized):
    if (include_global)
      ntree_ = layer.get_global_positions_ntree(filter);
      ntree_ = layer.get_local_positions_ntree(filter);

    check_mask_(layer, allow_oversized);

  template<int D>
  MaskedLayer<D>::MaskedLayer(Layer<D>& layer, Selector filter, const MaskDatum& maskd, bool include_global, bool allow_oversized, Layer<D>& target):
    if (include_global)
      ntree_ = layer.get_global_positions_ntree(filter, target.get_periodic_mask(), target.get_lower_left(), target.get_extent());
    //  ntree_ = layer.get_local_positions_ntree(filter, target.get_periodic_mask(), target.get_lower_left(), target.get_extent());

    check_mask_(target, allow_oversized);
    mask_ = new ConverseMask<D>(dynamic_cast<const Mask<D>&>(*mask_));

  template<int D>

  template<int D>
  typename Ntree<D,index>::masked_iterator MaskedLayer<D>::begin(const Position<D>& anchor)
    try {
      return ntree_->masked_begin(dynamic_cast<const Mask<D>&>(*mask_),anchor);
    } catch (std::bad_cast e) {
      throw BadProperty("Mask is incompatible with layer.");

  template<int D>
  typename Ntree<D,index>::masked_iterator MaskedLayer<D>::end()
    return ntree_->masked_end();

  template<int D>
    // Default center (0,0) and extent (1,1)
    for(int i=0;i<D;++i) {
      lower_left_[i] = -0.5;
      extent_[i] = 1.0;

  template<int D>
  Layer<D>::Layer(const Layer &l) :

  template<int D>
    if (cached_ntree_layer_ == get_gid()) {

    if (cached_vector_layer_ == get_gid()) {

  template<int D>
  Position<D> Layer<D>::compute_displacement(const Position<D>& from_pos,
                                             const index to) const
    return compute_displacement(from_pos,get_position(to));

  template<int D>
  std::vector<double_t> Layer<D>::compute_displacement(const std::vector<double_t>& from_pos,
                                                       const index to) const
    return std::vector<double_t>(compute_displacement(Position<D>(from_pos), to));

  template<int D>
  double_t Layer<D>::compute_distance(const Position<D>& from_pos,
                                      const index to) const
    return compute_displacement(from_pos, to).length();

  template<int D>
  double_t Layer<D>::compute_distance(const std::vector<double_t>& from_pos,
                                      const index to) const
    return compute_displacement(Position<D>(from_pos), to).length();

  template<int D>
  std::vector<double_t> Layer<D>::get_position_vector(const index sind) const
    return std::vector<double_t>(get_position(sind));

  template <int D>
  void Layer<D>::clear_ntree_cache_() const
    cached_ntree_ = lockPTR<Ntree<D,index> >();
    cached_ntree_layer_ = -1;

  template <int D>
  void Layer<D>::clear_vector_cache_() const
    if (cached_vector_ != 0)
      delete cached_vector_;
    cached_vector_ = 0;
    cached_vector_layer_ = -1;

} // namespace nest
