 *  test_oversize_mask.sli
 *  This file is part of NEST.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
 *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% this test ensures that topology/ConnectLayers :: accepts oversized masks only
% when explicitly allowed

/unittest (8831) require
unittest using

  << /rows 1 /columns 1 /elements /iaf_neuron /edge_wrap true >> topology/CreateLayer ::

  << /positions [[0. 0.]] /elements /iaf_neuron /edge_wrap true >> topology/CreateLayer ::

% correct, grid-based
  make_grid_layer dup 
  << /connection_type (divergent)
     /mask << /grid << /rows 1 /columns 1 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die

% incorrect, grid-based, too wide
  make_grid_layer dup 
  << /connection_type (divergent)
     /mask << /grid << /rows 1 /columns 2 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} fail_or_die

% incorrect, grid-based, too tall
  make_grid_layer dup 
  << /connection_type (divergent)
     /mask << /grid << /rows 2 /columns 1 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} fail_or_die

% incorrect, grid-based, too wide and tall
  make_grid_layer dup 
  << /connection_type (divergent)
     /mask << /grid << /rows 2 /columns 2 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} fail_or_die

% correct, grid-based, too wide and tall, but oversized allowed
  make_grid_layer dup 
  << /connection_type (divergent)
     /mask << /grid << /rows 2 /columns 2 >> >>
     /allow_oversized_mask true
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die

% ----------------------------

% correct, circular
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /circular << /radius 0.5 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die

% incorrect, circular, too wide
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /circular << /radius 0.51 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} fail_or_die

% correct, circular, too wide but allowed
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /circular << /radius 0.51 >> >>
      /allow_oversized_mask true
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die

% ----------------------------------------------------------

% correct, doughnut
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /doughnut << /inner_radius 0.2 /outer_radius 0.5 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die

% incorrect, doughnut, too wide
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /doughnut << /inner_radius 0.2 /outer_radius 0.51 >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} fail_or_die

% correct, doughnut, too wide but allowed
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /doughnut << /inner_radius 0.2 /outer_radius 0.51 >> >>
      /allow_oversized_mask true
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die

% -------------------------------------------

% correct, rectangular
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /rectangular << /lower_left [-0.5 -0.5] /upper_right [0.5 0.5] >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die

% incorrect, rectangular, too wide
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /rectangular << /lower_left [-0.5 -0.5] /upper_right [0.51 0.5] >> >>
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} fail_or_die

% correct, rectangular, too wide but allowed
  make_free_layer dup
  << /connection_type (divergent)
      /mask << /rectangular << /lower_left [-0.5 -0.5] /upper_right [0.51 0.5] >> >>
      /allow_oversized_mask true
  topology/ConnectLayers ::
} pass_or_die
