* topologymodule.h
* This file is part of NEST.
* Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
* NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "slimodule.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "position.h"
#include "ntree.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "generic_factory.h"
namespace nest
class Parameter;
class AbstractMask;
class AbstractLayer;
template<int D>
class Layer;
class TopologyModule: public SLIModule
* Initialize module by registering models with the network.
* @param SLIInterpreter* SLI interpreter, must know modeldict
void init(SLIInterpreter*);
const std::string name(void) const;
const std::string commandstring(void) const;
static SLIType MaskType; ///< SLI type for masks
static SLIType ParameterType; ///< SLI type for parameters
* SLI functions: See source file for documentation
class CreateLayer_DFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} createlayer_Dfunction;
class GetPosition_iFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} getposition_ifunction;
class Displacement_a_iFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} displacement_a_ifunction;
class Distance_a_iFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} distance_a_ifunction;
class GetGlobalChildren_i_M_aFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} getglobalchildren_i_M_afunction;
class ConnectLayers_i_i_DFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} connectlayers_i_i_Dfunction;
class CreateMask_DFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} createmask_Dfunction;
class Inside_a_MFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} inside_a_Mfunction;
class And_M_MFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} and_M_Mfunction;
class Or_M_MFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} or_M_Mfunction;
class Sub_M_MFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} sub_M_Mfunction;
class Mul_P_PFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} mul_P_Pfunction;
class Div_P_PFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} div_P_Pfunction;
class Add_P_PFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} add_P_Pfunction;
class Sub_P_PFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} sub_P_Pfunction;
class CreateParameter_DFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} createparameter_Dfunction;
class GetValue_a_PFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} getvalue_a_Pfunction;
class DumpLayerNodes_os_iFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} dumplayernodes_os_ifunction;
class DumpLayerConnections_os_i_lFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} dumplayerconnections_os_i_lfunction;
class GetElement_i_iaFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} getelement_i_iafunction;
class Cvdict_MFunction: public SLIFunction
void execute(SLIInterpreter *) const;
} cvdict_Mfunction;
* Return a reference to the network managed by the topology module.
static Network &get_network();
typedef GenericFactory<AbstractMask> MaskFactory;
typedef GenericFactory<AbstractMask>::CreatorFunction MaskCreatorFunction;
* Register an AbstractMask subclass as a new mask type. The name will
* be found using the function T::get_name()
* @returns true if the new type was successfully registered, or false
* if a mask type with the same name already exists.
template<class T>
static bool register_mask();
* Register an AbstractMask subclass as a new mask type with the given
* name.
* @param name name of the new mask type.
* @returns true if the new type was successfully registered, or false
* if a mask type with the same name already exists.
template<class T>
static bool register_mask(const Name & name);
* Register a new mask type with the given name, with a supplied
* function to create mask objects of this type.
* @param name name of the new mask type.
* @param creator function creating objects of this type. The function
* will be called with the parameter dictionary as
* argument and should return a pointer to a new Mask
* object.
* @returns true if the new type was successfully registered, or false
* if a mask type with the same name already exists.
static bool register_mask(const Name& name, MaskCreatorFunction creator);
* Return a Mask object.
* @param t Either an existing MaskDatum, or a Dictionary containing
* mask parameters. The dictionary should contain a key with
* the name of the mask type, with a dictionary of parameters
* as value, and optionally an anchor.
* @returns Either the MaskDatum given as argument, or a new mask.
static lockPTRDatum<AbstractMask, &TopologyModule::MaskType> /*MaskDatum*/ create_mask(const Token &t);
* Create a new Mask object using the mask factory.
* @param name Mask type to create.
* @param d Dictionary with parameters specific for this mask type.
* @returns dynamically allocated new Mask object.
static AbstractMask *create_mask(const Name& name, const DictionaryDatum &d);
typedef GenericFactory<Parameter> ParameterFactory;
typedef GenericFactory<Parameter>::CreatorFunction ParameterCreatorFunction;
* Register an Parameter subclass as a new parameter type with the
* given name.
* @param name name of the new parameter type.
* @returns true if the new type was successfully registered, or false
* if a parameter type with the same name already exists.
template<class T>
static bool register_parameter(const Name & name);
* Register a new parameter type with the given name, with a supplied
* function to create parameter objects of this type.
* @param name name of the new parameter type.
* @param creator function creating objects of this type. The function
* will be called with the parameter dictionary as
* argument and should return a pointer to a new
* Parameter object.
* @returns true if the new type was successfully registered, or false
* if a parameter type with the same name already exists.
static bool register_parameter(const Name& name, ParameterCreatorFunction creator);
* Return a Parameter object.
* @param t Either an existing ParameterDatum, or a DoubleDatum
* containing a constant value for this parameter, or a
* Dictionary containing parameters. The dictionary
* should contain a single key with the name of the parameter
* type, with a dictionary of parameters as value.
* @returns Either the ParameterDatum given as argument, or a new
* parameter.
static lockPTRDatum<Parameter, &TopologyModule::ParameterType> /*ParameterDatum*/ create_parameter(const Token &);
* Create a new Parameter object using the parameter factory.
* @param name Parameter type to create.
* @param d Dictionary with parameters specific for this parameter
* type.
* @returns dynamically allocated new Parameter object.
static Parameter *create_parameter(const Name& name, const DictionaryDatum &d);
* Return a reference to the mask factory class.
static MaskFactory &mask_factory_();
* Return a reference to the parameter factory class.
static ParameterFactory ¶meter_factory_();
* - @c net must be static, so that the execute() members of the
* SliFunction classes in the module can access the network.
static Network* net_;
* Exception to be thrown if the wrong argument type
* is given to a function
* @ingroup KernelExceptions
class LayerExpected: public KernelException
: KernelException("LayerExpected") {}
~LayerExpected() throw () {}
std::string message();
Network &TopologyModule::get_network()
assert(net_ != 0);
return *net_;
template<class T>
bool TopologyModule::register_mask()
return mask_factory_().register_subtype<T>(T::get_name());
template<class T>
bool TopologyModule::register_mask(const Name& name)
return mask_factory_().register_subtype<T>(name);
bool TopologyModule::register_mask(const Name& name, MaskCreatorFunction creator)
return mask_factory_().register_subtype(name, creator);
AbstractMask *TopologyModule::create_mask(const Name& name, const DictionaryDatum &d)
return mask_factory_().create(name,d);
template<class T>
bool TopologyModule::register_parameter(const Name& name)
return parameter_factory_().register_subtype<T>(name);
bool TopologyModule::register_parameter(const Name& name, ParameterCreatorFunction creator)
return parameter_factory_().register_subtype(name, creator);
} // namespace nest