#### SGI model main file ####
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright 2009-2013 Jan Moren
# Only use this when actually running batch code. Don't want to miss
# important stuff
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
import nest
from nest import topology
import math
import os, os.path
import re
import errno
import sys
import getopt
import time
import pickle
import numpy
import numpy.random
import json
from copy import deepcopy
from SGI2class import *
nest.sli_run("M_ERROR setverbosity")
nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": 0.1})
#nest.SetKernelStatus({"local_num_threads": 8})
debug = False
#debug = True
#print "Rank: %d" %(nest.Rank())
# Parameters
## Cols = X = horizontal extent, from 0.0 to xdim
## Rows = Y = vertical extent, from ydim/2 to -ydim/2
paramsets = {}
# These parameter settings reproduce the model as used in [Moren2013]
paramsets['original'] = {
'xsize': 4.81, # surface size, mm
'ysize': 2.77*2,
'spar': 1.0, # density adjustment parameter
'in_pitch': 0.0375, # interneuron distance, mm
'd_red': 2.0, # density reduction for sparse layers
'kernprop': 0.25, # kernel connection density
'build': 0.1, # build-burst strength
'fback': 0.12, # build-inhibitory strength
'a_angle': 2.0, # Angles for the below parameters
'b_angle': 35.0,
'a_nmda': 0.203, # qv-burst nmda strength by angle
'b_nmda': 0.1144,
'a_inhib': 0.374, # integrator-burst inhibitory strengh
'b_inhib': 0.2359}
# Small-scale model, used for interfacing with a robot. Not adapted for
# current NEST versions; unlikely to work properly atm.
paramsets['smallscale'] = {
'xsize': 4.81, # surface size, mm
'ysize': 2.77*2,
'spar': 1.78, # density adjustment parameter
'in_pitch': 0.1, # interneuron distance, mm
'd_red': 1.5, # density reduction for sparse layers
'kernprop': 1.0, # kernel connection density
'build': 0.12, # build-burst strength
'fback': 0.145, # build-inhibitory strength
'a_angle': 2.0, # Angles for the below parameters
'b_angle': 35.0,
'a_nmda': 0.24, # qv-burst nmda strength by angle
'b_nmda': 0.21,
'a_inhib': 0.29, # integrator-burst inhibitory strengh
'b_inhib': 0.22}
xsize = paramsets[paramset]['xsize']
ysize = paramsets[paramset]['ysize']
spar = paramsets[paramset]['spar']
in_pitch = paramsets[paramset]['in_pitch']
outf = paramsets[paramset]['d_red']
kernprop = paramsets[paramset]['kernprop']
buildpar = paramsets[paramset]['build']
fback = paramsets[paramset]['fback']
a_angle = paramsets[paramset]['a_angle']
b_angle = paramsets[paramset]['b_angle']
a_nmda = paramsets[paramset]['a_nmda']
b_nmda = paramsets[paramset]['b_nmda']
a_inhib = paramsets[paramset]['a_inhib']
b_inhib = paramsets[paramset]['b_inhib']
# Surface parameters
in_cols = int(xsize/in_pitch)
in_rows = int(ysize/in_pitch)
out_cols = int(in_cols/outf) # number of rows and columns for output layers
out_rows = int(in_rows/outf)
out_pitch = xsize*1.0/out_cols
if nest.Rank() == 0 and debug:
print "full: (%d, %d) = %d \t Reduced: (%d, %d) = %d \t pitch %f - %f \n" % (in_cols,
in_rows, in_cols*in_rows, out_cols, out_rows, out_cols*out_rows,
in_pitch, out_pitch)
# Parameters for the synthetic inhibitory input
# Really obsolete, as the input is not actually spatial at all.
syn_cols = 7
syn_rows = 7
syn_pitch = xsize*1.0/syn_cols
xin = 4
yin = 3
# these parameters are used only without angle-dependent parameters when
# tuning the model, and then we always set these through the command line.
inhibpar = 0.4
nmdapar = 0.21
# Monkey retina-collicular mapping parameters
A = 3.0
bx = 1.4
by = 1.8
# basic synaptic conductance values
ampaw =0.72
nmdaw = 1.2
gabaw = -0.04
# For our simulations - fewer connections mean compensating for it
amw = ampaw*2.0
nmw = nmdaw*2.0
gbw = gabaw *2.0
inw = ampaw
syninw = amw
# Default random seed
# Number of OpenMP threads to use
synbuildinhw = gabaw*.095 # integrator inhibition of inhibitory neurons (0.095)
syninhinhw = gabaw*3.0 # inhibitory signal to the integrator from SNpr and
# deep inhibitory neuron layer
synconspeed = 5.0
synconinspeed = 5.0
synconinhibspeed = 10.0
# initial input
spikerate = 200
spikepop = 500
inhspikerate = 100*120
# default angle for input stimulus. Normally set through the command line
retx = 9.0
rety = 0.0
simtime = 400 # milliseconds
# General initialization
def show_help():
print """
Usage: %s [-nibs <val>] [-l] [--savepar] [-h] output
-n, --nmda=VAL set QV->burst nmda synapse strength factor
-i, --inhib=VAL set cMRF->burst inhibitory strength factor
NOTE: if either of nmda or inhib is not set, the strengths of the parameter
not set will be distributed according to the preset parameters in the
beginning of this file. You need to set both to keep both fixed.
-b, --build=VAL set build->burst strength factor
--fback=VAL set build ->deep inhibitory feedback strength
--retx=VAL Retinal angular coordinates (9, 0)
--rseed=VAL set initial random seed (integer)
--spikerate=VAL set input rate (x500 neurons)
--stime=VAL simulation time (milliseconds)
--music Use MUSIC integration
--omp=VAL How many OpenMP threads to use (1)
--nosave Do not save any simulation results on disk
--noinhib Do not activate deep layer inhibitory feedback
-l, --loadpar load surface parameters from a precalculated
parameter file (%s.par)
--savepar calculate and save a surface parameter file
IMPORTANT: do not run on multiple CPUs
-h, --help show a brief help text
""" % (simname, simname)
simname = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0])
argv = sys.argv[1:]
savedata = True # Whether to save data files for later analysis
loadparams = False
saveparams = False
doinhibition = True
domusic = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "n:i:b:l", ["nmda=", "inhib=",
"build=","rseed=", "fback=", "retx=", "rety=", "spikerate=",
"stime=", "omp=", "noinhib", "loadpar", "savepar", "music", "nosave"])
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "--retx":
retx = float(arg)
if opt == "--rety":
rety = float(arg)
if opt == "--rseed":
sseed = int(arg)
if opt == "--spikerate":
spikerate = int(arg)
if opt == "--stime":
simtime = int(arg)
if opt == "--music":
if opt == "--omp":
ompnr = int(arg)
if opt == "--nosave":
if opt == "--noinhib":
if opt == "--fback":
fback = float(arg)
if opt in ("-n", "--nmda"):
nmdapar = float(arg)
a_nmda = nmdapar
b_nmda = nmdapar
if opt in ("-i", "--inhib"):
inhibpar = float(arg)
a_inhib = inhibpar
b_inhib = inhibpar
if opt in ("-b", "--build"):
buildpar = float(arg)
if opt in ("-l", "--loadpar"):
loadparams = True
if opt == "--savepar":
saveparams = True
loadparams = False
if len(args)<1 and not (saveparams or (not savedata)):
print "ERROR: Specify one output name.\n"
if len(args) == 1:
savename = args[0]
elif len(args) > 1:
print "ERROR: The script takes only one file argument\n"
savename = "save"
nest.SetKernelStatus({"local_num_threads": ompnr})
nproc = nest.GetKernelStatus('total_num_virtual_procs')
seeds = (sseed-1)*(nproc*2+1)+1
srange = range(seeds,seeds+nproc)
nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds': srange})
nest.SetKernelStatus({'grng_seed' : (seeds+nproc)})
pyrngs = [numpy.random.RandomState(s) for s in range(seeds+nproc+1,seeds+2*nproc+1)]
## Sanity check
if nproc>1:
if loadparams == False and saveparams == False:
print """
ERROR: you must load parameters from a parameter file when using more
than one process for the simulation.
First run once using _one_ process only to generate the parameter file:
python [yourmodel.py] --savepar
if saveparams == True:
print """
ERROR: You must run "--saveparams" using only one process and no threads:
python [yourmodel.py] --savepar
#### Parameters for the neuron models ###
# General dictionary
gen_dict = {
'V_peak' : 0.0,
'V_reset' :-65.0,
't_ref' : 0.0,
'g_L' : 4.0, # 2.0
'C_m' : 62.0,
'E_ex' : 0.0,
'E_in' :-75.0,
'E_L' :-65.0,
'V_m' :-65.0,
'Delta_T' : 2.0,
'tau_w' : 20.0, # 20.0
'a' : 0.2,
'b' : 30.0,
'V_th' :-47.0,
'tau_syn_ex': 0.2,
'tau_syn_in': 3.0,
'I_e' : 0.0,
'NMDA_gain' : 3.0,
'E_n' : 0.0,
'tau_syn_n' : 3.0
# The synthetic integrator pool parameters
intdict = {
'Smax': 100.0,
'Gamma': 1.,
'Reset': 0.5
# number of integrators in the pool
synnr = 100
# SGS and SO
fname = simname+".par"
if loadparams:
if debug:
print "Loading parameter file"
f = open(fname, "rb")
#paramdata = json.load(f)
paramdata = pickle.load(f)
except IOError:
print "Failed to load parameter data from", fname,"\n"
## wide field neuron
wifi = Surface(in_rows, in_cols, in_pitch, A, bx, by)
wifi.dict = gen_dict
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "wifi_neuron", wifi.dict)
wifi.create_layer("wifi_neuron", paramdata)
## narrow field neuron
nafi = Surface(in_rows, in_cols, in_pitch, A, bx, by)
nafi.dict = gen_dict
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "nafi_neuron", nafi.dict)
nafi.create_layer("nafi_neuron", paramdata)
# SGI layer neurons
## Quasivisual neuron
qv = Surface(in_rows, in_cols, in_pitch, A, bx, by)
qv.dict = deepcopy(gen_dict)
# Fast GABAa
qv.dict['tau_syn_in'] = 1.5
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "qv_neuron", qv.dict)
qv.create_layer("qv_neuron", paramdata)
## qv inhibitory neuron
qvinh = Surface(in_rows, in_cols, in_pitch, A, bx, by)
qvinh.dict = deepcopy(gen_dict)
# Fast GABAa
qvinh.dict['tau_syn_in'] = 1.5
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "qvinhup_neuron", qvinh.dict)
qvinh.create_layer("qvinhup_neuron", paramdata)
## buildup neuron
build = Surface(in_rows, in_cols, in_pitch, A, bx, by)
build.dict = deepcopy(gen_dict)
# Fast GABAa
build.dict['tau_syn_in'] = 1.5
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "buildup_neuron", build.dict)
build.create_layer("buildup_neuron", paramdata)
## buildup inhibitory neuron
buildinh = Surface(in_rows, in_cols, in_pitch, A, bx, by)
buildinh.dict = deepcopy(gen_dict)
# Fast GABAa
buildinh.dict['tau_syn_in'] = 1.5
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "buildinhup_neuron", buildinh.dict)
buildinh.create_layer("buildinhup_neuron", paramdata)
## burst neuron
burst = Surface(out_rows, out_cols, out_pitch, A, bx, by)
burst.dict = deepcopy(gen_dict)
#burst.dict['I_e'] = 50.0
burst.dict['C_m'] = 40.0
burst.dict['tau_syn_in'] = 1.5
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "burst_neuron", burst.dict)
burst.create_layer("burst_neuron", paramdata)
# Input port for the synapses need to be set at this level, rather than in the
# topological connections
nmdasynapsedict = {
nest.CopyModel("static_synapse", "nmda_synapse", nmdasynapsedict)
## Inhibitory neuron
inhib = Surface(out_rows, out_cols, out_pitch, A, bx, by)
inhib.dict = deepcopy(gen_dict)
inhib.dict['tau_syn_in'] = 1.5
inhib.dict['C_m'] = 62.0
nest.CopyModel("aeif_cond_nmda_alpha", "inhib_neuron", inhib.dict)
inhib.create_layer("inhib_neuron", paramdata)
## Synthetic integrator neuron pool
integ = Blob()
nest.CopyModel("synth_integrator", "integrate", integ.dict)
integ.create_blob("integrate", synnr)
# Cache parameters for speedier startup
if saveparams:
paramdata[wifi.nname] = wifi.save_params()
paramdata[nafi.nname] = nafi.save_params()
paramdata[qv.nname] = qv.save_params()
paramdata[qvinh.nname] = qvinh.save_params()
paramdata[build.nname] = build.save_params()
paramdata[buildinh.nname] = buildinh.save_params()
paramdata[burst.nname] = burst.save_params()
paramdata[inhib.nname] = inhib.save_params()
f = open(fname, "wb")
pickle.dump(paramdata, f, -1)
if not domusic:
print "Parameters saved. Exiting."
except IOError:
print "Failed to save parameter file."
if debug:
print "Rank: %d: Model creation time: %.1f s" %(nest.Rank(), lpend-lpstart)
# Connections
# Wide-field projection to QV - may be weak.
wifi_qv_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.20}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": amw*spar, # should be on
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Wide-field projection to build neurons; will be asymmetrical
wifi_build_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.20}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": amw*spar,
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Narrow-field projection to QV
nafi_qv_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.20}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": amw*spar, #should be 2.0
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Narrow-field projection to build neurons
nafi_build_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.20}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": amw*spar,
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# SGI connections
qv_qv_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.5}},
"delays": 5.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.6,
"p_center": amw*spar,
"anchor": [0.3, 0.0]}},
"kernel": (.7*kernprop), #0.25
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# qv-inhib connection for rate limitation
qv_qvinh_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.6}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.4,
"p_center": amw*spar, # 0.5
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# inhib-qv feedback connection for rate limitation
qvinh_qv_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.6}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.4, # 0.4 cheap way for flat
"p_center": gbw*spar,
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Normal input connection to qv neurons
qv_build_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": .5}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.5,
"p_center": amw*0.2*spar, # orig 0.1
"anchor": [0.2, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# The burst neuron connection from the input layer
qv_burst_connect = {
"point_a": a_angle,
"val_a": nmw*a_nmda*spar, #nmw*nmdapar,
"point_b": b_angle,
"val_b": nmw*b_nmda*spar, #nmw*nmdapar,
"radius": 1.5,
"sigma": 0.5,
"kernel": kernprop,
"delay": 1.0,
"synapse": "nmda_synapse"
# Build neuron intraconnection, to create the activation wave (moving hill)
# that in turn shuts down burst neurons through the inhibitory interneurons
build_build_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.5}},
"delays": 5.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.6,
"p_center": amw*spar,
"anchor": [0.3, 0.0]}},
"kernel": (.7*kernprop),
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Build neuron intraconnection, to create the activation wave (moving hill)
# that in turn shuts down burst neurons through the inhibitory interneurons
# build-inhib connection for rate limitation
build_buildinh_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.6}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.4,
"p_center": amw*.5*spar, # 0.5
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# inhib-build feedback connection for rate limitation
buildinh_build_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.6}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.4, # 0.4 cheap way for flat
"p_center": gbw*3*spar,
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Connect build neurons to their burst counterparts
build_burst_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": .5}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.4,
"p_center": amw*buildpar*spar, #0.10
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Return connection from burst to build neurons
burst_build_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.5}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma": 0.3, #0.3
"p_center": amw*2.0, # 2.0 for a buildup peak
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
#Buildup neurons to the inhibitory interlayer
# we give it a wider prjection area than is motivated by recent research.
# It's a simplification, but a necessary one
build_inhib_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 2.0}}, # actually more like 0.5
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":1.0,
"p_center": amw*fback*spar, # amw*0.10
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": .20*kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Burst neurons to the inhibitory interlayer
burst_inhib_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.5}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.1,
"p_center": 0.1*amw*spar,
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": 0.1*kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# inhibitory interlayer coactivation
inhib_inhib_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.5}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":.4,
"p_center": amw*2.3*spar, # was 2.3
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# backprojections from the deep inhibitory layer
inhib_burst_inh_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.5}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":0.5,
"p_center": gbw*4,
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": 1.0*kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
inhib_qv_inh_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": 0.5}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": {"gaussian":
{ "sigma":0.5,
"p_center": gbw*4,
"anchor": [0.0, 0.0]}},
"kernel": kernprop,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
# Create the connections themselves
topology.ConnectLayers(wifi.net, qv.net, wifi_qv_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(wifi.net, build.net, wifi_build_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(nafi.net, qv.net, nafi_qv_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(nafi.net, build.net, nafi_build_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(qv.net, qv.net, qv_qv_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(qv.net, qvinh.net, qv_qvinh_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(qvinh.net, qv.net, qvinh_qv_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(qv.net, build.net, qv_build_connect)
burst.nmdacon(qv, pyrngs, qv_burst_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(build.net, build.net, build_build_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(build.net, buildinh.net, build_buildinh_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(buildinh.net, build.net, buildinh_build_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(build.net, burst.net, build_burst_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(burst.net,build.net, burst_build_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(build.net, inhib.net, build_inhib_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(burst.net, inhib.net, burst_inhib_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(inhib.net, inhib.net, inhib_inhib_connect)
if doinhibition:
topology.ConnectLayers(inhib.net, burst.net, inhib_burst_inh_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(inhib.net, qv.net, inhib_qv_inh_connect)
## Synthetic integration
synoutw = gabaw*inhibpar
integ_burst_connect = {
"point_a": a_angle, # degrees
"val_a": gabaw*a_inhib,
"point_b": b_angle,
"val_b": gabaw*b_inhib,
"delay": synconspeed,
"synapse": "static_synapse"
burst.inhibcon(integ, integ_burst_connect)
nest.ConvergentConnect(nest.GetNodes(burst.net)[0], integ.blob,
syninw*kernprop, synconinspeed, "static_synapse")
nest.ConvergentConnect(integ.blob, nest.GetNodes(buildinh.net)[0],
synbuildinhw*1.0, synconspeed, "static_synapse")
# integration reset
if doinhibition:
nest.ConvergentConnect(nest.GetNodes(inhib.net)[0], integ.blob, syninhinhw,
synconinhibspeed*1.0, "static_synapse")
if debug:
print "Rank: %d: connection time: %.1f s" %(nest.Rank(), lpend-lpstart)
### Synthetic input ###
# the pitch and stuff just sets the surface size for standalone running, but
# also specifies the layout of inputs if we use MUSIC integration
spikes = Surface(in_rows, in_cols, in_pitch, A, bx, by)
# SCS input layer
inlatency = -1.0
# This is all only when interfacing the model with remote systems.
if domusic:
nest.CopyModel("music_event_in_proxy", "spin_proxy",
params={'port_name': 'SC_right_input'})
if inlatency>0:
nest.SetAcceptableLatency("SC_right_input", inlatency)
sppar = spikes.save_params()
spins = sppar["SXY"]
spfreeze = sppar["freeze"]
spkeys=spins.keys() # Get UIDs
print "inp totals #:", len(spkeys)
spvid = list(set(spkeys)-set(spfreeze)) # exlude frozen ones
spvalid=[[k, spins[k]] for k in spvid] # get compound list with only
# valid UIDs
for sp in snr:
nest.SetStatus([sp[0]], {'music_channel': i})
inplist.append([i, sp[1]])
# Need to still assign a channel to these or they get a #0 default
for sp in spfreeze:
nest.SetStatus([sp], {'music_channel': i})
# Without MUSIC.
nest.CopyModel("poisson_generator", "syn_generator", params={'rate': 0.0})
inp = spikes.retxy_to_xy((retx,rety))
spinput = spikes.create_free_layer("syn_generator", [inp])
# Test code for spatial input
# 0 angle 9 degree radius, and 45 angle 8 degree radius
#inp0900 = spikes.retxy_to_xy((9.0, 0.0))
#inp0845 = spikes.retxy_to_xy((5.66, 5.66))
#(spinput1, spinput2) = spikes.create_free_layer("syn_generator", [inp0900,
# inp0845])
# Wide field input
spikes_wifi_logpo_connect = {
"radius": 1.5,
"variance": 0.6,
"weight": amw*.07,
"shift": 0.5
# Narrow field input
spikes_nafi_connect = {
"connection_type": "convergent",
"synapse_model": "static_synapse",
"mask": {
"circular": {"radius": .2}},
"delays": 1.0,
"weights": amw*.15,
"kernel": 1.0,
"allow_autapses": False,
"allow_multapses": False
spikes.logpolar(wifi, spikes_wifi_logpo_connect)
topology.ConnectLayers(spikes.net, nafi.net, spikes_nafi_connect)
if not domusic:
nest.SetStatus(spinput, {"rate": spikerate*spikepop*1.0})
# synthetic SNpr inhibition
if domusic:
inspikes = nest.Create("music_event_in_proxy", 1)
nest.SetStatus(inspikes, {"port_name":"SNpr_right"})
if inlatency>0:
nest.SetAcceptableLatency("SNpr_right", inlatency)
nest.GetNodes(burst.net)[0], gbw*1.0, synconspeed, "static_synapse")
nest.ConvergentConnect(inspikes, integ.blob, syninhinhw*1.0, synconspeed, "static_synapse")
inspikes = Surface(syn_rows, syn_cols, syn_pitch)
nest.CopyModel("poisson_generator", "insyn_generator", params={'rate': 0.0})
nest.GetNodes(burst.net)[0], gbw*1.0, synconspeed, "static_synapse")
nest.ConvergentConnect(nest.GetNodes(inspikes.net)[0], integ.blob, syninhinhw*1.0, synconspeed, "static_synapse")
if debug:
print "Rank: %d: odds and ends: %.1f s" %(nest.Rank(), lpend-lpstart)
# Save on disk
def mkdir_safe(path):
except OSError, e:
# print "errno: ", e
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
# print "pass"
# print "raise"
if savedata==True:
if not os.path.isdir(simname):
print "\n '", simname,"' exists as a file. Can't create directory of\
the same name.\n"
savepath = simname
nest.SetKernelStatus({'data_path': savepath, 'overwrite_files': True})
wifidata = wifi.save_data(savename)
nafidata = nafi.save_data(savename)
qvdata = qv.save_data(savename)
builddata = build.save_data(savename)
buildinhdata = buildinh.save_data(savename)
burstdata = burst.save_data(savename)
inhibdata = inhib.save_data(savename)
integdata = integ.save_data(savename)
simdata = {}
simdata["simtime"] = simtime
simdata["datadir"] = savename
simdata["simdir"] = simname
simdata["params"] = {
'inhib': inhibpar,
'nmda': nmdapar,
'build': buildpar,
'rand': sseed,
'fback': fback,
'retx': retx,
'rety': rety,
'runs': 1}
simdata["surfaces"] = [wifidata, nafidata, qvdata, builddata,
buildinhdata, burstdata, inhibdata]
simdata["blobs"] =[integdata]
fname = os.path.join(simname, savename+".sim")
f = open(fname, "w")
json.dump(simdata, f, separators=(', ',':'))
except IOError:
print "Failed to save simulation data. Aborting."
if domusic:
# burst output
itemburst = burst.save_params()["SXY"]
aburst = sorted(itemburst.items()) # sorted (id, (xcoord, ycoord))
burstnr = len(aburst)
print "burst #:", burstnr
burst_motor = nest.Create("music_event_out_proxy",1)
nest.SetStatus(burst_motor, {"port_name":"burst_right_motor"})
i = 0
for ab in aburst:
nest.Connect([ab[0]], burst_motor, {'music_channel':i})
proxylist.append([i, ab[1]])
# deep inhibitory output
iteminhib = inhib.save_params()["SXY"]
ainhib = iteminhib.keys()
inhib_motor = nest.Create("music_event_out_proxy", 1)
nest.SetStatus(inhib_motor, {"port_name":"inhib_right_motor"})
if doinhibition:
for inid in ainhib:
nest.Connect([inid], inhib_motor, {'music_channel':0})
dummy = nest.Create("iaf_neuron", 1)
nest.Connect(dummy, inhib_motor, {'music_channel':0})
# save parameters for MUSIC-connected modules
if saveparams:
fname = "M_"+simname+".json"
f = open(fname, "w")
json.dump({'burst': proxylist, 'spinput': inplist}, f, separators=(', ',':'))
except IOError:
print "Failed to save Music parameter data."
# Hacky way to delete unneeded neurons
if debug:
print "Rank: %d: saving: %.1f s" %(nest.Rank(), lpend-lpstart)
if debug:
print "Rank: %d: freeze: %.1f s" %(nest.Rank(), lpend-lpstart)
simstart =time.time()
# Specific run for the two-target simulation used in [Moren2013]
# inhibit and stabilize
#nest.SetStatus(topology.GetElement(inspikes.net,[xin,yin]), {"rate": inhspikerate*1.0})
# start the saccade
#nest.SetStatus(topology.GetElement(inspikes.net,[xin,yin]), {"rate": inhspikerate*0.0})
# reinhibit, remove target
#nest.SetStatus(topology.GetElement(inspikes.net,[xin,yin]), {"rate": inhspikerate*1.0})
#nest.SetStatus((spinput1), {"rate": spikerate*spikepop*0.0})
# new target
#nest.SetStatus((spinput2), {"rate": spikerate*spikepop*1.0})
# start new saccade
#nest.SetStatus(topology.GetElement(inspikes.net,[xin,yin]), {"rate": inhspikerate*0.0})
if not domusic:
nest.SetStatus(topology.GetElement(inspikes.net,[xin,yin]), {"rate": inhspikerate*1.0})
nest.SetStatus(topology.GetElement(inspikes.net,[xin,yin]), {"rate": inhspikerate*0.0})
print "Release"
allstart = time.time()
if True:
for i in range(2, int((simtime)/50)):
stepstart = time.time()
if nest.Rank() == 0:
if debug:
print "ms: %d" %(i*50)
stepend = time.time()
steptime =stepend-stepstart
if nest.Rank() == 0:
print "at %s-%sms: %.2f s\t %.1f times" % (i*50, (i+1)*50, steptime,
for i in range(0, int(simtime/50)):
stepstart = time.time()
stepend = time.time()
steptime =stepend-stepstart
if nest.Rank() == 0:
print "at %s-%sms: %.2f s\t %.1f times" % (i*50, (i+1)*50, steptime,
if nest.Rank() == 0:
print "Simulation time: %.1f s \t %.1f times" % (simend-simstart,
print "\tactive time: %.1f s \t %.1f times" % (simend-allstart,