#!/bin/sh # $1 is the path of the folder containing results to be plotted # $2 is the index of the neuron for which data should be plotted if [ "-2" == $1 ] 2>/dev/null; then filename=funcoutfile2.dsv shift else filename=funcoutfile1.dsv fi i=1; j=300 if (($#>2)); then DATAPATH=$1 i=$2 j=$3 elif (($#>1)); then if (($1>=1)); then # if the first arg is a number DATAPATH=results i=$1 j=$2 else DATAPATH=$1 i=$2; j=$i fi elif (($#>0)); then DATAPATH=$1 else # echo no path given DATAPATH=results fi # echo reading from $DATAPATH/$filename /usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist <<EOF x11=1 if (x11==1) set term x11 size 650,450*1.5; \ else set term postscript portrait color; set out 'figures/funcout.eps' set multiplot set origin 0,0.75 set size 1,0.25 set bmargin at screen 0.75 set lmargin at screen 0.1 set format x "" #set key right center #set ylabel "Dendritic Voltage (mV)" #set yrange [-85:*] #plot '$DATAPATH/AV_d.dsv' using 1:$((i+1)) title "Neuron $i" with lines lt 1,\ # '$DATAPATH/AV_d.dsv' using 1:$((j+1)) title "Neuron $j" with lines lt 2 set key left top set ylabel "AMPA current" plot '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((i*4-2)) title "Neuron $i" with lines lt 1, \ '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((j*4-2)) title "Neuron $j" with lines lt 2 set origin 0,0.5 set bmargin at screen 0.5 set tmargin at screen 0.75 unset key #set ylabel "Somatic Voltage (mV)" #plot '$DATAPATH/AV_s.dsv' using 1:$((i+1)) title "Neuron $i" with lines lt 1,\ # '$DATAPATH/AV_s.dsv' using 1:$((j+1)) title "Neuron $j" with lines lt 2 #set yrange [*:*] set ylabel "GABA-A current" plot '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((i*4+0)) title "Neuron $i" with lines lt 1, \ '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((j*4+0)) title "Neuron $j" with lines lt 2 set size 1,0.25 set origin 0,0.25 set bmargin at screen 0.25 set tmargin at screen 0.5 set ylabel "NMDA current" plot '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((i*4-1)) title "Neuron $i" with lines lt 1, \ '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((j*4-1)) title "Neuron $j" with lines lt 2 set size 1,0.25 set origin 0,0 set bmargin at screen 0 set tmargin at screen 0.25 set bmargin set ylabel "GABA-B current" set format x set xlabel "Time (ms)" plot '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((i*4+1)) title "Neuron $i" with lines lt 1, \ '$DATAPATH/$filename' using 1:$((j*4+1)) title "Neuron $j" with lines lt 2 unset multiplot EOF exit