#!/bin/sh # $1 is the path of the folder containing results to be plotted # $2 is the index of the first neuron to be plotted # $3 is the index of the second neuron to be plotted # $4 is the index of the third neuron to be plotted i=1; j=300; k=400 DATAPATH=results if (($#>0)); then if ! [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then DATAPATH=$1 shift fi if (($#>2)); then i=$1; j=$2; k=$3 elif (($#>1)); then i=$1; j=$2; elif (($#>0)); then i=$1; fi fi i1=$((2*i)) i2=$((2*i+1)) j1=$((2*j)) j2=$((2*j+1)) k1=$((2*k)) k2=$((2*k+1)) /usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist <<EOF set term x11 "Synaptic activations" set size 1,1 set origin 0,0 set multiplot set size 1,0.3 set origin 0,0.7 set bmargin at screen 0.7 set format x "" set ylabel "Neuron 1" plot '$DATAPATH/Atransmit.dsv' using 1:$i1 with lines title "AMPA", \ '$DATAPATH/Atransmit.dsv' using 1:$i2 with lines title "NMDA" set size 1,0.3 set origin 0,0.4 set tmargin at screen 0.7 set bmargin at screen 0.4 set ylabel "Neuron 300" plot '$DATAPATH/Atransmit.dsv' using 1:$j1 with lines title "AMPA", \ '$DATAPATH/Atransmit.dsv' using 1:$j2 with lines title "NMDA" set ylabel "Fraction of Receptors Activated" set size 1,0.4 set origin 0,0 set tmargin at screen 0.4 unset bmargin set ylabel "Neuron 400" set format x set xlabel "Time (ms)" plot '$DATAPATH/Atransmit.dsv' using 1:$k1 with lines title "GABA-A", \ '$DATAPATH/Atransmit.dsv' using 1:$k2 with lines title "GABA-B" unset multiplot EOF exit