// maybe change sweep output to accord with newnetwork's sweep output
#include "network.h"
const size_t N_A = 400, N_E = size_t(N_A*ratio/(ratio+1)), N_I = N_A - N_E;
size_t N_in = N_E, N_prf = size_t(N_A*0.25);
const int Nnetworks=3, Nstims=3;
int gamma_prime = 0; // gamma cycle when external priming (syn_ff0) starts, index starts at 0
bool EIF = 0, HH = !EIF;
int funcout = 2; // what to funcoutfile?
// 0--nothing, 1--currents, 2--currents & (non v-dependent) conductances
const bool PING = 0; // is there PIN gamma?
const double t_max = 160;
const size_t Ntsteps = size_t(t_max/dt);
double t_rest = 15; // time before first feedforward spike
double t_stims[Nstims], t_ends[Nstims]; // times of external input starts and stops
double t_length = 5; // length of external input
double t_gamma = 30; // length of gamma cycle in ms
const double t_stim = 20; //time stimulus goes on
const double t_end = t_stim + 10; //time stimulus goes off
const double t_stim2 = t_end + 20; //time 2nd stimulus goes on
const double t_end2 = t_stim2 + (t_end-t_stim); //time 2nd stimulus goes off
*/ // t_stim & t_end for only 2 stims
const double f_in_off = eps; //input firing rate
const double f_in_on = 500; //input firing rate for active cells
const double connectivity = 1;
const double act = double(N_E*connectivity);
const char input = 'd', inhibition = 'd';
double ee = 1.0, ff = 1.0; // ee/ff is the ratio of recurrent to feed-forward input
double eeNMDAscale = 90.0/act * ee/(ee+ff), eiNMDAscale = 3.0/act * ee/(ee+ff);
double eeAMPAscale = eeNMDAscale/4, eiAMPAscale = eeNMDAscale/4;
//double eeAMPAscale = 40.0/act * ee/(ee+ff), eiAMPAscale = 10.0/act * ee/(ee+ff);
double GABAAscale = 2.0/act*ratio, GABABscale = 1300.0/act*ratio;
double inscale = 4.0, iniscale = 2.0/N_E;//inscale/N_E/6;
double ffAMPAscale = eeAMPAscale * ff/ee, ffNMDAscale = eeNMDAscale * ff/ee;
double PING_AMPAscale = eiAMPAscale*4, PING_NMDAscale = eiNMDAscale*4, PING_GABAscale = 20.0;
// from Fellous:
double eeAMPAscale=0.4/act, eiAMPAscale=0.1/act, eeNMDAscale = 30.0/act, eiNMDAscale=3.0/act;
double GABAAscale = 1.0/act, GABABscale=0;
double inscale = 32.0;
*/ // from Fellous
//output files
ofstream AV_dfile, AV_sfile, inspikesfile, Aspikecoordsfile;
ofstream Atransmitfile, sweepfile, outfile, funcoutfile1, funcoutfile2;
valarray<double> initinput(gslice_array<double> ginput,
double f_base, double t_on, double f_on, double t_off);
valarray<double> spikes2act(valarray<double> spikes, double alpha_x = 0.5, double tau = tau_AMPA, bool w=0);
void openfiles();
void record(double stats[7], size_t i, size_t j, double t);
void closefiles();
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
/******* READ COMMAND LINE INPUT *********/
if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] != '_') {
eeNMDAscale = atof(argv[1])/act * ee/(ee+ff);
//eiNMDAscale = eeNMDAscale/10;
eeAMPAscale = eeNMDAscale/4; // comment if you don't want AMPA to scale with NMDA
// inscale = max(inscale, eeAMPAscale*act);
eiAMPAscale = eeNMDAscale/4;
ffAMPAscale = eeAMPAscale * ff/ee;
ffNMDAscale = eeNMDAscale * ff/ee;
if (argc > 2 && *argv[2] != '_')
GABAAscale = atof(argv[2])/act*ratio;
if (argc > 3 && *argv[3] != '_')
N_prf = size_t(atof(argv[3])*N_A);
if (argc > 4 && *argv[4] != '_')
GABABscale = atof(argv[4])/act*ratio;
if (argc > 5 && *argv[5] != '_')
gamma_prime = atoi(argv[5]);
srand ( time(NULL) ); // initialize rand()
/******* INITIALIZE VARIABLES *********/
size_t i, j, cell, Ns[4], tstep, N_oth; // changed to Ns[4] from Ns[5] I don't know why it was Ns[5]
double t, stats[7], spiketime, off, PING_AMPA, PING_NMDA, PING_GABA=0, I_exts[N_A]={0.0}, dr;
// string filenames[] = {"results/array1.dsv","results/array2.dsv","results/array3.dsv"};
valarray<int> spikes_A(N_A*Nnetworks*Ntsteps);
valarray<double> w_in(N_in*N_A), syn_in(N_in), temp1;
valarray<double> allsyn_ff0(0.0,N_E*2*Ntsteps), syn_ff[Nnetworks];
for (j=0; j<Nnetworks; j++)
slice tinslice, s, tIslice, tffslice;
// valarray<int> Ispikes(N_I);
size_t start=0, alengths[] = {Ntsteps,N_prf}, astrides[] = {N_in,1};
valarray<size_t> lengths(alengths,2), strides(astrides,2), lengths2(lengths), strides2(strides);
lengths2[1] = size_t(N_prf*3/2), strides2[0] = N_E*2;
gslice AMPAsyns(0,lengths2,strides2),NMDAsyns(N_E,lengths2,strides2), othcells;
valarray<double> in_act(N_in*Ntsteps), taus(N_in), rate(N_in);
gslice actcells(start,lengths,strides); //input cells that fire with stimulus
Neuron Gamma_Inh("inh",input,inhibition);
Network allnetworks[Nnetworks];
// w_in = loadvalarray("w_in.dsv", N_in,N_A);
// outputvalarray(w_in, N_in, N_A,"w_in.dsv");
for (j=0; j<Nnetworks; j++)
allnetworks[j].initialize(N_A, N_in, connectivity, input, inhibition);
allnetworks[0].fillwsize(Ns); assert(N_E == Ns[1]); assert(N_I == Ns[2]);
Network Buffer1(N_A, w_in, connectivity, input, inhibition);
Buffer1.fillwsize(Ns); assert(N_E == Ns[1]); assert(N_I == Ns[2]);
Network Buffer2(N_A, w_in, connectivity, input, inhibition);
#ifdef __APPLE__
openfiles(); // for writing data. on cluster, __APPLE__ is not defined, so the files are not opened
if (!funcoutfile1.is_open())
funcout = 0; // if funcoutfile isn't open (eg. we're on cluster), don't write to it
// external input to all buffers
const bool spikinginput=0;
if (spikinginput) {
for (j=0; j<Nstims; j++) {
t_stims[j] = t_gamma*(j+1)-t_length + dt; // changed t_rest to dt
t_ends[j] = t_gamma*(j+1) + dt;
actcells = gslice(N_prf*j,lengths,strides);
in_act[actcells] = initinput(in_act[actcells], f_in_off, t_stims[j], f_in_on, t_ends[j]);
N_oth = N_in - N_prf*Nstims;
lengths2[0] = Ntsteps; lengths2[1] = N_oth; strides2[0] = N_in; strides2[1] = 1;
othcells = gslice(N_prf*Nstims,lengths2,strides2);
in_act[othcells] = initinput(in_act[othcells], f_in_off, t_stims[0], f_in_off, t_ends[0]);
/* i=1; s = slice(N_in,N_in/i,i);
in_act[s] = 1; */ // get initial interneuron inhibition (now implemented in Neuron::initialize())
lengths2[0] = size_t(t_max/t_gamma); lengths2[1] = size_t(N_in/2); strides2[0] = size_t(t_gamma/dt)*N_in; strides2[1] = 2;
gslice gs = gslice(size_t(2/dt)*N_in, lengths2, strides2);
in_act[gs] = 1; // everyone spikes first time step
*/ // simulate gamma inhibition
in_act = spikes2act(in_act, 0.9, tau_AMPA,1);
else {
bool gammamodulated=1;
for (cell = 0; cell<N_in; cell++) {
if (gammamodulated) {
taus[cell] = floor(cell/N_prf+1)*t_gamma+normrand(0,t_gamma*0.2)*1;
else {
taus[cell] = doubrand(2*t_gamma/4,Nstims*t_gamma+2*t_gamma/4);
taus[cell] = floor(taus[cell]/dt)*dt;
rate[cell] = normrand(30,5);
taus = valarraysort(taus);
outputvalarray(taus, N_in, 1,"taus.dsv");
} // rate-based input where taus gives the timing of the sharp event
// feedforward input to first buffer
if (1 && PING) {
spiketime = doubrand(0, 5);
for (i=0; i<N_prf; i++) {
for (off = t_gamma*gamma_prime + t_rest; off < t_max-7; off += t_gamma) {
allsyn_ff0[2*N_E*size_t((off+spiketime)/dt) + i] = 1; // spike in AMPAsyns
allsyn_ff0[2*N_E*size_t((off+spiketime)/dt) + i+N_E] = 1; // spike in NMDAsyns
else {
for (i=0; i<N_prf; i++) {
double duty = 15;
spiketime = doubrand(0, duty);
for (off = t_gamma*gamma_prime + t_rest; off < t_max-duty; off += 10) {
allsyn_ff0[2*N_E*size_t((off+spiketime)/dt) + i] = 1; // spike in AMPAsyns
allsyn_ff0[2*N_E*size_t((off+spiketime)/dt) + i+N_E] = 1; // spike in NMDAsyns
} // make the input to the first buffer of the same form as the expected activity of each buffer
outputvalarray(allsyn_ff0, N_E*2, Ntsteps,"results/inspikes.dsv");
allsyn_ff0[AMPAsyns] = spikes2act(allsyn_ff0[AMPAsyns], 0.9, tau_AMPA,0);
allsyn_ff0[NMDAsyns] = spikes2act(allsyn_ff0[NMDAsyns], 0.5, tau_NMDA,0);
/******* SIMULATION LOOP *********/
for (tstep = 0; tstep < Ntsteps; tstep++) {
t = tstep*dt;
if (spikinginput) {
tinslice = slice(tstep*N_in, N_in, 1);
syn_in = in_act[tinslice]; // external input for this timestep
else {
for (cell = 0; cell<N_in; cell++) {
double fr_sharp=200, tau_sharp=10, baseline=20;
// 150 Hz is peak firing rate during sharp event, 15 ms is length of sharp event, and 20 is baseline rate
dr = normrand(0,5.0)/sqrt(dt) + fr_sharp/dt*(t==taus[cell]) - (rate[cell]-baseline)/tau_sharp;
rate[cell] = rectify(rate[cell] + dr*dt);
syn_in[cell] = 0.00175*rate[cell];
outputvalarray(rate, 1, N_in,"results/OBrates.dsv");
tffslice = slice(tstep*N_E*2, N_E*2, 1);
syn_ff[0] = allsyn_ff0[tffslice];
/* if (floor(t)==1) {for (i=0; i<N_prf; i++) {I_exts[i] = 100;}}
else if (floor(t)==150) {for (i=0; i<N_prf; i++) {I_exts[i] = -75;}}
else if (floor(t)==50 || floor(t)==200) {for (i=0; i<N_prf; i++) {I_exts[i] = 0;}}
*/ // I_exts for this timestep
if (AV_sfile.is_open()) { // if we are recording data
AV_sfile << tstep*dt << " ";
AV_dfile << tstep*dt << " ";
Atransmitfile << tstep*dt << " ";
if (funcout) {
funcoutfile1 << tstep*dt << " ";
if (funcout ==2)
funcoutfile2 << tstep*dt << " ";
} // start output file lines with time
for (j=0; j<Nnetworks; j++) {
allnetworks[j].step(syn_in, syn_ff[j], I_exts, PING_GABA*PING_GABAscale);
for (i=0; i<N_A; i++) {
spikes_A[tstep*Nnetworks*N_A + j*N_A + i] = (stats[2] == 1);
if (i<N_E) {
PING_AMPA += stats[3]; PING_NMDA += stats[4];
if (j<Nnetworks-1) {
syn_ff[j+1][i] = stats[3];
syn_ff[j+1][i+N_E] = stats[4]; // 0:N_E-1 have AMPA and N_E:2*N_E-1 have NMDA
// outputvalarray(syn_ff[j], 1,N_E*2,filenames[j]);
if (AV_sfile.is_open()) // if we are recording data
} // get stats of all neurons in network
} // simulate timestep
if (PING) {
Gamma_Inh.step(PING_AMPA*PING_AMPAscale, PING_NMDA*PING_NMDAscale, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
PING_GABA = stats[5];
if (AV_sfile.is_open()) // if we are recording data
if (AV_sfile.is_open()) {
AV_sfile << endl;
AV_dfile << endl;
Atransmitfile << endl;
if (funcout) {
funcoutfile1 << endl;
if (funcout == 2)
funcoutfile2 << endl;
} // if we are recording data, end lines
} // end of timestep loop
if (AV_sfile.is_open()) {
} // close all files
/******* WRITE TO SWEEPFILE *********/
if (1 || argc >4) {
valarray<int> idealact(0,N_E*Nnetworks), trueact(0,N_E*Nnetworks), actoverlap(0,N_E*Nnetworks);
valarray<int> celllast50spikes(size_t(50/dt));
slice celllast50slice;
size_t net;
for (i=0; i<taus.size(); i++) {
net = size_t( (taus[i] - t_gamma/2)/t_gamma ); // which buffer should store this sharp event
idealact[net*N_E+i] = 1; // which cell should store this sharp event
} // determine ideal activity
for (j=0; j<Nnetworks; j++) {
for (i=0; i<N_E; i++) {
if (!isnan(stats[0])) {
celllast50slice = slice(size_t((t_max-50)/dt)*Nnetworks*N_A + j*N_A + i, size_t(50/dt)-2, Nnetworks*N_A);
celllast50spikes = spikes_A[celllast50slice];
if (celllast50spikes.sum() > 1) {
trueact[j*N_E + i] = 1;
else {
trueact[j*N_E + i] = 0;
else {
trueact[j*N_E + i] = -1;
}// trueact only catalogs activity of excitatory cells
} // determine true activity
actoverlap[idealact==trueact] = 1;
// calculate the gamma modulation index by comparing the phase distribution of sharp event onsets with
// a cosine wave with peak at the center of the cycle
valarray<double> phase = (taus - t_gamma/2), moving(taus.size()), osc(taus.size());
valarray<bool> bool1(taus.size()), bool2(taus.size()), bool3(taus.size());
valarray<int> bincount(taus.size());
size_t Nbins = phase.size();
double phasebin = 1.0/20, modindex, low, high;
for (i = 0; i<phase.size(); i++) {
phase[i] = (phase[i] - floor(phase[i]/t_gamma)*t_gamma )/t_gamma; // phase is in [0,1]
osc[i] = double(i)/osc.size()*2*pi; // osc is 0:2*pi/osc.size:2*pi
phase = valarraysort(phase);
for (i=0; i<Nbins; i++) {
low = double(i)/Nbins-phasebin; high = double(i)/Nbins+phasebin;
bincount = 0;
bool1 = phase>low;
bool2 = phase<high;
if (low<0)
bool2 = bool2 + ((phase - 1.0)>low);
else if (high>1)
bool1 = bool1 + ((phase + 1.0)<high);
bincount[bool1 && bool2] = 1;
moving[i] = bincount.sum();
moving = moving/(2*phasebin*Nbins);
moving = (moving - moving.sum()/moving.size())*-cos(osc)*2/Nbins;
modindex = moving.sum();
valarray<double> phasediff(phase);
double modindex1, modindex2;
phasediff = pow(phase - 0.5, 2);
modindex1 = sqrt(phasediff.sum()/phasediff.size()); // deviation of phase from t_gamma/2 (i.e. phase=0.5)
phasediff = pow(phase - phase.sum()/phase.size(), 2);
modindex2 = sqrt(phasediff.sum()/phasediff.size()); // standard deviation of phase
sweepfile.open("./results/sweepresults.dsv", ios::app);
sweepfile << (eeNMDAscale+ffNMDAscale)*act << "\t" << GABAAscale*act/ratio << "\t";
sweepfile << double(N_prf)/N_A << "\t" << GABABscale*act/ratio << "\t";
allnetworks[0].allneurons[size_t((N_A + N_E)/2)].fillwstats(stats);
sweepfile << setprecision(3) << stats[6] << "\t";
allnetworks[Nnetworks-1].allneurons[size_t((N_A + N_E)/2)].fillwstats(stats);
sweepfile << setprecision(3) << stats[6] << "\t";
sweepfile << setprecision(3) << idealact.sum() << "\t" ;
sweepfile << setprecision(3) << trueact.sum() << "\t";
sweepfile << setprecision(3) << actoverlap.sum() << "\t";
sweepfile << setprecision(3) << 1 - ( int(N_E*Nnetworks) - actoverlap.sum() )/double(idealact.sum()) << "\t";
sweepfile << setprecision(3) << modindex << "\t" << modindex1 << "\t" << modindex2;
sweepfile << endl;
} // end of sweepfile write
return 0;
} // end of main()
/******* HELPER FUNCTIONS *********/
valarray<double> initinput(gslice_array<double> ginput,
double f_base, double t_on, double f_on, double t_off
) { // fills a valarray with spikes given firing parameters for those cells
valarray<double> tmp(ginput);
size_t i, N = tmp.size()/Ntsteps;
if (t_on>=t_max)
t_on = t_max-dt;
slice oslice(0, N, 1), baseslice(0,N*size_t(t_on/dt),1);
slice onslice(N*size_t(t_on/dt),N*size_t((t_off-t_on)/dt),1);
slice offslice(N*size_t(t_off/dt),N*size_t((t_max-t_off)/dt),1);
valarray<double> basein(tmp[baseslice]), onin(tmp[onslice]), offin(tmp[offslice]);
valarray<bool> pos(tmp.size()); // spike times
tmp[baseslice] = connect(basein, f_base * dt/1000); // baseline spiking pattern
tmp[onslice] = connect(onin, f_on * dt/1000); // stimulus on spiking pattern
tmp[offslice] = connect(offin, f_base * dt/1000); // stimulus off spiking pattern
for (i=0; i<pos.size(); i++) {pos[i] = (tmp[i]>0);}
tmp[pos] = 1; // spike times
tmp[oslice] = 0; // no spikes in first time step
return tmp;
valarray<double> spikes2act(valarray<double> spikes, double alpha_x, double tau, bool w) {
// bool w tells whether to write the spikes of this input to inspikesfile
size_t i, t, N = spikes.size()/Ntsteps, spike;
for (i=0; i<N; i++){ //turn spikes into synaptic activation
for (t=1; t<Ntsteps; t++){
spike = int(spikes[i+t*N]);
//if (inspikesfile.is_open() && w) {inspikesfile << spike << " ";}
spikes[i+t*N] = spikes[i+(t-1)*N] * exp(-dt/tau);
if (spike == 1) {
spikes[i+t*N] = spikes[i+t*N]+alpha_x*(1-spikes[i+t*N]);
if (inspikesfile.is_open() && w) {inspikesfile << t*dt << "\t" << i << endl;}
if (inspikesfile.is_open() && w) {inspikesfile << endl;}
return spikes;
void openfiles() {
if (funcout) { // if we are writing to funcoutfile
funcoutfile1 << "Currents\nTime (ms)\tAMPA\tNMDA\tGABAA\tGABAB\n";
funcoutfile2 << "Conductances\nTime (ms)\tAMPA\tNMDA\tGABAA\tGABAB\n";
inspikesfile.open("./results/inspikes.dsv"); //initialize input
void record(double stats[7], size_t i, size_t j, double t) {
if (stats[2] == 1)
Aspikecoordsfile << t << "\t" << i+j*N_A << endl;
AV_sfile << stats[0] << " ";
AV_dfile << stats[1] << " ";
if (i<N_E && j<Nnetworks) {Atransmitfile << stats[3] << " " << stats[4] << " ";}
else {Atransmitfile << stats[5] << " " << stats[6] << " ";}
void closefiles() {
if (funcout) {
if (funcout==2)