function Data_Time_Series(mode)
% This function creates the model data depicted in Figure 5-6 of
% Characterization of K-Complexes and Slow Wave Activity in a Neural Mass Model
% A Weigenand, M Schellenberger Costa, H-VV Ngo, JC Claussen, T Martinetz
% PLoS Computational Biology. 2014;10:e1003923
% To ensure availability of the simulation routine it should be called from Create_Data.m
% Parameter settings
case 1:
Param_N3 = [ 6.5; % sigma_e
2; % g_KNa
0E-3]; % dphi
case 2:
Param_N2 = [ 4.6; % sigma_e
1.33; % g_KNa
0E-3]; % dphi
% No stimulation so set everything to zero
var_stim = zeros(8,1);
% Duration of the stimulation
T = 15;
% Run the two simulations
[Ve_N2{i}, ~] = Cortex_mex(T, Param_N2, var_stim);
[Ve_N3{i}, ~] = Cortex_mex(T, Param_N3, var_stim);
save('Data/EEG_Data_N2.mat', 'Ve_N2');
save('Data/EEG_Data_N3.mat', 'Ve_N3');