% command to run this on the terminal is lualatex -shell-escape Pictogram_Sleep_Regulation.tex % requires pgfplots \pdfpxdimen=1in \divide\pdfpxdimen by 600 \documentclass[10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} %has to be compiled with ``lualatex -shell-escape Pictogram_TC.tex'' \usetikzlibrary{external, positioning, backgrounds, arrows.meta,decorations.pathmorphing} % set up externalization %\tikzexternalize[prefix=tikz/] % WARNING the name of the Image CANNOT be the same as the tex file \tikzsetnextfilename{Pictogram_TC} \tikzset{external/system call={lualatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"; convert -density 600 -compress LZW "\image".pdf -flatten -alpha off -colorspace RGB -depth 8 "\image".tif; convert -density 600 "\image".tif "\image".jpg;}} \tikzexternalize \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ s/.style = {shorten >=1pt}, every loop/.style={shorten >=1pt}, pop/.style = {rectangle, draw, text width=10em, text centered, minimum height=3em, rounded corners=3mm}, noise_C/.style = {decorate, decoration={zigzag}, s,-{Circle[fill=blue!30]}}, noise_T/.style = {decorate, decoration={zigzag}, s,-{Circle[fill=green!30]}}, Ex/.style = {rounded corners, s, -{Circle[fill=blue!30]}}, Tc/.style = {rounded corners, s, -{Circle[fill=green!30]}}, In/.style = {rounded corners, s, -|}, ] % Cortex populations \node (ex) at (0,0) [pop, fill=blue!30] {Pyramidal (p)}; \node (in) at (6,0) [pop, fill=yellow!30] {Inhibitory (i)}; % Thalamus Populations \node (tc) at (6,-2) [pop, fill=green!30] {Thalamocortical (t)}; \node (re) at (0,-2) [pop, fill=yellow!30] {Thalamic Reticular (r)}; % Connections within cortex \draw ( ex) edge [Ex, loop above] node[below left, xshift = -0.4em] {$N_{pp}$} ( ex) ([yshift= 0.2cm] ex.east) edge [Ex] node[above] {$N_{ip}$} ([yshift= 0.2cm]in.west) ([yshift=-0.2cm] in.west) edge [In] node[below] {$N_{pi}$} ([yshift=-0.2cm]ex.east) ( in) edge [In, loop above] node[below left, xshift = -0.4em] {$N_{ii}$} ( in) (0.5,1.22) edge [noise_C] node[right] {$\phi_n$} ([xshift= 0.5cm]ex.north) (6.5,1.22) edge [noise_C] node[right] {$\phi^{'}_n$} ([xshift= 0.5cm]in.north); % Connections within thalamus \draw (6.5,-3.22) edge [noise_T] node[right] {$\phi^{''}_{n}$}([xshift=0.5cm] tc.south) ([yshift= 0.15cm]tc.west) edge [Tc] node[above] {$N_{rt}$} ([yshift= 0.15cm] re.east) ([yshift=-0.15cm]re.east) edge [In] node[below] {$N_{tr}$} ([yshift=-0.15cm] tc.west) ( re) edge [In, loop below] node[above left, xshift = -0.4em] {$N_{rr}$} ( re); % TC connections \path (ex.south) edge [Ex] node[left] {$N_{rp}$} ([yshift= 0.02cm] re.north) (ex.south east) edge [Ex, bend right=15, yshift =-0.2em] node[at start,below]{$N_{tp}$} (tc.north west) (tc.north) edge [Tc] node[right] {$N_{it}$} ([yshift=-0.02cm] in.south) (tc.north west) edge [Tc, bend right=15, yshift = 0.2em] node[at start,above]{$N_{pt}$} (ex.south east); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}