function Data_Thalamus()
% This function creates the data depicted in Figure 3 of
% A thalamocortical neural mass model of the EEG during NREM sleep and its
% response to auditory stimulation.
% M Schellenberger Costa, A Weigenand, H-VV Ngo, L Marshall, J Born, T Martinetz,
% JC Claussen.
% PLoS Computational Biology (in review).
% Move to source folder(assuming it contains the figures folder
cd ..;
% Check if the executable exists and compile if needed
if(exist('Thalamus_mex.mesa64', 'file')==0)
mex CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -std=c++11 -O3" Thalamus_mex.cpp Thalamic_Column.cpp;
% Add the path to the simulation routine
% Go back into figures folder
cd Figures;
for i=1:6
switch (i)
case 1
Param_Thalamus = [0.018; % g_LK
0.062]; % g_h
Name = 'I';
case 2
Param_Thalamus = [0.032; % g_LK
0.062]; % g_h
Name = 'II';
case 3
Param_Thalamus = [0.025; % g_LK
0.025]; % g_h
Name = 'III';
case 4
Param_Thalamus = [0.04; % g_LK
0.066]; % g_h
Name = 'IV';
case 5
Param_Thalamus = [0.052; % g_LK
0.066]; % g_h
Name = 'V';
case 6
Param_Thalamus = [0.052; % g_LK
0.04]; % g_h
Name = 'VI';
T = 15; % Duration of the simulation
[Vt, Vr, ah] = Thalamus_mex(T, Param_Thalamus); %#ok<ASGLU>
% Save the data
save(['Data/Timeseries_Thalamus_',Name], 'Vt', 'Vr', 'ah', 'T');