%%% script to assess basic firing stats of simulations, called by
%%% retained_graph_properties.m
% get spike data for neurons
% MSspks = out.STms;
% MSspks(:,1) = MSspks(:,1)+1; % change from zero-base to 1-base index
MSidxs = unique(MSspks(:,1));
Nmsidxs = numel(MSidxs);
% FSspks = out.STfs;
% FSspks(:,1) = FSspks(:,1)+1; % change from zero-base to 1-base index
FSidxs = unique(FSspks(:,1));
Nfsidxs = numel(FSidxs);
% simulation parameters
simT = SIMPARAMS.sim.tfinal; % in ms
T = simT * 1e-3; % in seconds
% get stats for all MSNs
MSrate = zeros(Nms,1); MS_CVisi = zeros(Nms,1);
for j = 1:Nmsidxs
currix = find(MSspks(:,1) == MSidxs(j));
% basic rate
MSrate(MSidxs(j)) = numel(currix) / T;
% ISIs
ts = MSspks(currix,2)*1e-3; % in seconds
ISIs = diff(ts);
MS_CVisi(MSidxs(j)) = std(ISIs)/mean(ISIs);
% get stats for all FSIs
FSrate = zeros(Nfs,1); FS_CVisi = zeros(Nfs,1);
for j = 1:Nfsidxs
currix = find(FSspks(:,1) == FSidxs(j));
% basic rate
FSrate(FSidxs(j)) = numel(currix) / T;
% ISIs
ts = FSspks(currix,2)*1e-3; % in seconds
ISIs = diff(ts);
FS_CVisi(FSidxs(j)) = std(ISIs)/mean(ISIs);
%%%% plot empirical CDFs...
%%% NOTE that stats structure returned by cdfplot has all info you need in
%%% it...
[hM,MSstats] = cdfplot(MSrate); hold on
[hF,FSstats] = cdfplot(FSrate); set(hF,'Color',[1 0 0])
phF = get(hF,'Parent'); set(phF,'XScale','log')
title('ECDF plots for firing rates')
xlabel('x=firing rate (spikes/s)')
[hMCV,MSCVstats] = cdfplot(MS_CVisi); hold on
[hFCV,FSCVstats] = cdfplot(FS_CVisi(~isnan(FS_CVisi))); set(hFCV,'Color',[1 0 0])
title('ECDF plots for ISI CV')
xlabel('x=ISI CV')