// $Id: declist.hoc,v 1.81 2005/01/31 20:56:53 billl Exp $

strdef mchnms
objref tmplist,tmplist2,tmpobj,stack,SO,aa,XO,YO
if (! name_declared("datestr")) load_file("setup.hoc")
tmplist = new List()
stack = new List()
proc declist() {}

//* Declarations

begintemplate String2
public s,t,x,append,prepend,exec
strdef s,t
proc init() {
  if (numarg() == 1) { s=$s1 }
  if (numarg() == 2) { s=$s1 t=$s2 }
  if (numarg() == 3) { s=$s1 t=$s2 x=$3 }
proc append () { local i
  if (argtype(1)==2) sprint(t,"%s%s",s,$s1)
  for i=2,numarg() sprint(t,"%s%s",t,$si)
proc prepend () { local i
  if (argtype(1)==2) sprint(t,"%s%s",$s1,s)
  for i=2,numarg() sprint(t,"%s%s",$si,t)
proc exec () {
  if (numarg()==1) sprint(t,"%s%s",$s1,s)
endtemplate String2

// template Union
// USAGE: XO=new Union(val) where val can be a number string or object
//        XO=new Union(list,index) will pick up a string or object from list
//        XO=new Union(vec,index)  will pick up a number from vector
//        XO=new Union(&dbl,index) will pick up a number from double array
// Union allows storage of a double, string or object
// It is useful as a localobj in an obfunc since it will permit returning anything
// It also makes it easy to pick up any kind of value out of a list, vector or array
begintemplate Union
public ty,x,s,o
strdef s
objref o[2]
double x[2]
external sfunc,tstr
// 1arg -- store a num, string or obj
// 2arg -- pick up type out of list
proc init() { local ii
  x=x[1]=0 ty=-1
  if (numarg() == 1) {
    ty = argtype(1)
    if (ty==0) { x=$1
    } else if (ty==2) { s=$s1 
    } else if (ty==1) { o=$o1 
    } else printf("Union ERR: argtype not recognized %d\n",ty)
  } else if (numarg()==2) {
    if (argtype(1)==1) {
      if (isobj($o1,"Vector")) { 
        if (ii<0 || ii>=$o1.size) {
          printf("Union ERR: vec index (%d) out of bounds for %s\n",ii,$o1)
          return }
        ty=0 x=$o1.x[ii] o=$o1
      } else if (isobj($o1,"List")) {
        if (ii<0 || ii>=$o1.count) {
          printf("Union ERR: list index (%d) out of bounds for %s\n",ii,$o1)
          return }
        if (isobj($o1.object(ii),"String")) { // will handle String2
          ty=2 s=$o1.object(ii).s o=$o1.object(ii) x=ii
        } else { ty=1 o=$o1.object(ii) x=ii }
    } else if (argtype(1)==3) {
      ty=0 x=$&1[ii] // could check - but no + bound checking possible

func isobj () {
  if (sfunc.substr(tstr,$s2)==0) return 1 else return 0
endtemplate Union

//* SNO: generic template to store strings numbers and objects
begintemplate SNO
public s,t,u,n,o,set
public ov,ol,set,get,pr,init
strdef s,t,u,tstr
objref o[3],this
double n[3]

proc init() {
  if (numarg() >= 2) {s=$s1 n[0]=$2}
  if (numarg() >= 4) {t=$s3 n[1]=$4}
  if (numarg() == 6) {u=$s5 n[2]=$6}

proc ov () { local a,sz
  if (numarg()>=1) a=$1 else a=0
  if (numarg()==1) sz=$2 else sz=100
  o[a]=new Vector(sz)
proc ol () { 
  if (numarg()==1) a=$1 else a=0
  o[a]=new List() 
proc set () { local ii
  if (numarg()==1) ii=$1 else ii=0
  if (ii==0) tstr=s else if (ii==1) tstr=t else if (ii==2) tstr=u else {
    printf("ERROR: only 3 items in SNO: %s\n",this) return } 
  sprint(tstr,"%s = %s.n[%d]",tstr,this,ii)
proc get () { local ii
  if (numarg()==1) ii=$1 else ii=0
  if (ii==0) {
    sprint(tstr,"%s.n[%d] = %s",this,ii,this.s)
  } else   if (ii==1) {
    sprint(tstr,"%s.n[%d] = %s",this,ii,this.t)
  } else   if (ii==2) {
    sprint(tstr,"%s.n[%d] = %s",this,ii,this.u)
  } else { printf("ERROR: only 3 items in SNO: %s\n",this) return } 
proc pr () { local ii
  if (numarg()==1) ii=$1 else ii=0
  if (ii==0) {
    sprint(tstr,"print %s.s,\" \",%s,\" \",%s.n[%d]",this,s,this,ii)
  } else   if (ii==1) {
    sprint(tstr,"print %s.t,\" \",%s,\" \",%s.n[%d]",this,t,this,ii)
  } else   if (ii==2) {
    sprint(tstr,"print %s.u,\" \",%s,\" \",%s.n[%d]",this,u,this,ii)
  } else { printf("ERROR: only 3 items in SNO: %s\n",this) return } 
endtemplate SNO

//* list iterator ltr
// usage 'for ltr(tmplist) { print XO }' :: 1 arg, assumes XO as dummy
// usage 'for ltr(YO, tmplist) { print YO }' 2 arg, specify dummy
// usage 'for ltr(XO, tmplist, &x) { print XO,x }' :: 3 args, define counter (else i1 default)
//                        :: note that x, i1 must be globally defined
// usage 'for ltr(XO, tmplist, 5) { print XO,x }' :: 3 args, only print out 0-5
iterator ltr () { local i,max,ifl
  max=-1 ifl=0 // iterator flag
  if (numarg()==3) {
    if (argtype(3)==3) {ifl=1 $&3=0}
    if (argtype(3)==0) max=$3
  if (! ifl) i1=0
  if (numarg()==1) {
    if (max==-1) max=$o1.count()-1
    for i = 0, max {
      XO = $o1.object(i)
  } else {
    if (max==-1) max=$o2.count()-1
    for i = 0, max {
      $o1 = $o2.object(i)
      if (ifl) { $&3+=1 } else { i1+=1 }
    $o1 = nil

//* list iterator ltrb -- backwards list iterator
// usage 'for ltrb(tmplist) { print XO }' :: 1 arg, assumes XO as dummy
// usage 'for ltrb(YO, tmplist) { print YO }' 2 arg, specify dummy
// usage 'for ltrb(XO, tmplist, &x) { print XO,x }' :: 3 args, define counter (else i1 default)
//                                                 :: note that x, i1 must be defined
iterator ltrb () { local i
  if (numarg()==1) {
    for (i=$o1.count()-1;i>=0;i-=1) {
      XO = $o1.object(i)
    tmpobj=$o1 XO=nil
  } else {
    if (numarg()==3) $&3=$o2.count-1 else i1=$o2.count-1
    for (i=$o2.count()-1;i>=0;i-=1) {
      $o1 = $o2.object(i)
      if (numarg()==3) { $&3-=1 } else { i1-=1 }
    $o1 = nil

// lrm(LIST,STR) will remove item with string from LIST
proc lrm () { local cnt
  if (argtype(2)==2) {
    for ltrb(XO,$o1) if (strm(XO.s,$s2)) { $o1.remove(i1) cnt+=1 }
    printf("%s found %d time\n",$s2,cnt)
  } else {

// lrepl(LIST,#,OBJ) will replace item at location # with OBJ
proc lrepl () { $o1.remove($2) $o1.insrt($2,$o3) }

// lswap(list,#1,#2) swap items on a list
proc lswap () { local a,b
  if ($2<$3) {a=$2 b=$3} else {a=$3 b=$2}

// proc shl() show a list
proc shl () { 
  if (numarg()==1) tmpobj=$o1 else tmpobj=tmplist 
  if (tmpobj.count==0) return
  if (isstring(tmpobj.object(0),tstr)) {
    for ltr(XO,tmpobj) print XO.s
  } else for ltr(XO,tmpobj) print XO
// lfu() = ltr follow-up, pick out a single item from the last ltr request
// lfu(list,num[,obj])
proc lfu () { 
  if (numarg()==1) { 
    if (argtype(1)==0) XO=tmpobj.object($1)
    if (argtype(1)==1) tmpobj=$o1
  if (numarg()==2) {
    if (argtype(1)==1 && argtype(2)==0) {tmpobj=$o1 XO=$o1.object($2)}
    if (argtype(1)==0 && argtype(2)==1) {$o2=tmpobj.object($1)}
  if (numarg()==3) {
    if (argtype(1)==1 && argtype(2)==0 && argtype(3)==1) { tmpobj=$o1 $o3=$o1.object($2) }
  if (numarg()==4) {
    $o2=tmpobj.object($1)  $o4=tmpobj.object($3) 
//* list iterator ltr2
// usage 'for ltr2(XO, YO, list1, list2) { print XO,YO }'
iterator ltr2() { local i,cnt
  if (numarg()==5) $&5=0 else i1=0
  if ($o3.count != $o4.count) { print "ltr2 WARNING: lists have different lengths" 
    if ($o3.count<$o4.count) cnt=$o3.count else cnt=$o4.count
  for i = 0, cnt-1 {
    $o1 = $o3.object(i)
    $o2 = $o4.object(i)
    if (numarg()==5) { $&5+=1 } else { i1+=1 }
  $o1=nil $o2=nil

//* list pairwise iterator ltrp
// usage 'for ltrp(XO, YO, list) { print XO,YO }' takes them pairwise
iterator ltrp() { local i
  if (numarg()==4) {$&4=0} else {i1 = 0}
  for (i=0;i<$o3.count()-1;i+=2) {
    $o1 = $o3.object(i) $o2 = $o3.object(i+1)
    if (numarg()==4) { $&4+=1 } else { i1+=1 }
  $o1=nil $o2=nil

//* list iterator sltr
// usage 'for sltr(XO, string) { print XO }'
iterator sltr() { local i
  tmplist = new List($s2)
  if (numarg()==3) {$&3=0} else {i1=0}
  for i = 0, tmplist.count() - 1 {
    $o1 = tmplist.object(i)
    if (numarg()==3) { $&3+=1 } else { i1+=1 }
  $o1 = nil

//* listedit() allows you to remove things by clicking
proc listedit () {
  if (numarg()==0) { print "listedit(list,str) gives browser(list,str) for removing items" return}
  if (numarg()==1) {
  if (! isstring($o1.object(0),temp_string_)) {print "Give name for string of object?" return }
    sprint(temp_string_,"proc ledt1 () {sprint(temp_string_,%s,hoc_ac_,%s.object(hoc_ac_).%s)}","\"%d:%s\"",$o1,"s")
  } else {
    sprint(temp_string_,"proc ledt1 () {sprint(temp_string_,%s,hoc_ac_,%s.object(hoc_ac_).%s)}","\"%d:%s\"",$o1,$s2)
  $o1.browser("Double click on item to remove",temp_string_,"ledt1()")

//* listXO() connects stuff to XO from a list
proc listXO () {
  if (numarg()==1) {
    $o1.browser("Double click")
    sprint(temp_string_,"print hoc_ac_,\":XO -> \",%s.object(hoc_ac_) XO = %s.object(hoc_ac_)",$o1,$o1)
  } else if (numarg()==2) {
    sprint(temp_string_,"XO = %s.object(hoc_ac_) print %s.object(hoc_ac_).%s",$o1,$o1,$s2)
  } else if (numarg()==3) {
    sprint(temp_string_,"XO = %s.object(hoc_ac_) print %s.object(hoc_ac_).%s,%s.object(hoc_ac_).%s",$o1,$o1,$s2,$o1,$s3)

//* lcatstr(list,s1,s2,...) make new List("s1") new List("s2") ... in one list
proc lcatstr() { local i
  if (numarg()<3) { print "lcatstr(l1,s1,s2,...) puts new Lists into l1" return }
  $o1 = new List($s2)
  for i=3,numarg() {
    tmplist2 = new List($si)
    for ltr(XO,tmplist2) { $o1.append(XO) }  

//* sublist() places a sublist in LIST0 from LIST1 index BEGIN to END inclusive
proc sublist () { local ii
  for ii=$3,$4 {

//* catlist() concats LIST2...LISTN on end of LIST1
proc catlist () { local i
  for i = 2, numarg() {
    for ltr(YO,$oi) {

//* mechlist() creates a LIST of all this CELL type's TEMPLATE type
// list, cell, template
// make a list of mechanisms belonging to a certain template
proc mechlist () { local num,ii
//  mchnms = ""  // not a good storage since runs out of room
  if (numarg()==0) { print "mechlist(list, cell, template)" return}
  $o1 = new List($s2)
  num = $o1.count
  for ii=0,num-1 {
  for (ii=num-1;ii>=0;ii=ii-1) { $o1.remove(ii) }

//* lp() loop through a list running command in object's context
// assumes list in tmplist
// with 1 args run $o1.object().obj_elem
// with 2 args run comm($o1.object().obj_elem)
proc lp () {
  for ii=0,tmplist.count-1 {
    printf("%s ",tmplist.object(ii))
    if (numarg()==2) {
    } else {

//* prlp() loop through a list printing object name and result of command
proc prlp () {
  if (numarg()>0) if (argtype(1)==1) tmpobj=$o1
  for ltr(XO,tmpobj) {
    printf("%d %s ",i1,XO)
    if (numarg()>1) {
      sprint(temp_string_,"print %s.%s",XO,$s2)
    } else { print "" }

//** repl_str(str,stra,strb,scratch): replace stra with strb in string
// will only replace first string match
proc repl_str() {
  if (sfunc.head($s1,$s2,$s4) == -1) { print $s2," not in ",$s1  return }

//** repl_mstr(str,stra,strb,scratch): replace stra with strb in string
// multiple replace
proc repl_mstr() {
  while (sfunc.head($s1,$s2,$s4) != -1) {

//** clean_str(str,scratch,s1,s2,s3,...)
// remove serial $si from string
proc clean_str () { local i
  for i=3,numarg() {
    while (sfunc.head($s1,$si,$s2) != -1) { 

// aa (or $o2) becomes a list of strings from file $s1
proc aaaa () { local flag
  if (numarg()==2) { tmpfile.ropen($s1) aa=$o2 flag=0
  } else if (numarg()==1) { tmpfile.ropen($s1) flag=1
  } else { tmpfile.ropen("aa") flag=1 }
  if (flag==1) if (isobj(aa,"List")) { aa.remove_all() } else { aa=new List() }
  while (tmpfile.gets(temp_string_)>0) {
    tmpobj=new String(temp_string_)

//* objid() find information about object -- replaces var2obj, canobj, objnum
obfunc objid () { local flag localobj xo
  xo=new Union()
  if (argtype(1)==1) sprint(xo.s,"tmpobj=%s",$o1) else sprint(xo.s,"tmpobj=%s",$s1)
  execute(xo.s) // change variable name to object name
  return xo

//* var2obj() and canobj() -- find true object names
// var2obj("tstr"[,"objvar"]) replaces variable name with actual name of the object
// default into XO; optional second arg allows to place somewhere else
// eg tstr="TC[0].ampa" var2obj(tstr) -> AMPA[0]
proc var2obj () { local flag
  if (numarg()==1) flag=1 else flag=0
  if (flag) sprint($s1,"XO=%s",$s1) else sprint($s1,"%s=%s",$s2,$s1)
  execute($s1) // change variable name to object name
  if (flag) sprint($s1,"%s",XO) else sprint($s1,"%s",$s2)
  printf("var2obj() PLEASE REPLACE WITH objid()\n") 

//** objnum(OBJ) -- find object number
func objnum () {
  if (argtype(1)==1) sprint(temp_string_,"%s",$o1) else temp_string_=$s1
  if (sscanf(temp_string_,"%*[^[][%d]",&x) != 1) x=-1
  printf("objnum() PLEASE REPLACE WITH objid()\n") 
  return x

//** canobj(obj[,"OBJVAR"]) -- default will assign to XO
// canonical object -- return canonical identity for an object
// eg canobj(tc,"YO") -- figure out what tc is and assign it to YO
proc canobj () { local flag
  if (numarg()==1) flag=1 else flag=0
  if (flag) sprint(tstr,"XO=%s",$o1) else sprint(tstr,"%s=%s",$s2,$o1)
  execute(tstr) // change variable name to object name
  printf("canobj() PLEASE REPLACE WITH objid()\n") 

//* push() and pop() for objects -- returns
proc push () { local i
  for i=1,numarg() stack.append($oi)

proc pop () { local i
  if ((numarg()>0 && stack.count<numarg()) || stack.count==0) {
    print "ERR: stack underflow" return
  if (numarg()>=1) {
    for i=1,numarg() {
  } else { 

strdef tmstr
func time () { local tti
  if (numarg()==1) execute1($s1) else execute1(tmstr)
  if (tti<60) print tti,"s" else print tti/60,"m"
  return tti