# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Chemical Signalling model loaded into moose can be save into Genesis-Kkit format """

__author__           = "Harsha Rani"
__copyright__        = "Copyright 2017, Harsha Rani and NCBS Bangalore"
__credits__          = ["NCBS Bangalore"]
__license__          = "GNU GPL"
__version__          = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__       = "Harsha Rani"
__email__            = "hrani@ncbs.res.in"
__status__           = "Development"
__updated__          = "Dec 08 2018"

# 2018
# Dec 08: using restoreXreacs from fixXreacs 
# Nov 22: searched for _xfer_ instead of xfer
# Nov 21: xfer pool are not written and cleaned up if part of Reaction/Enzyme or notes, 
#         group are checked under all the mesh
# Oct 16: Channels are written back to genesis
#         only zeroth element is taken for written back to genesis, this is true for CubeMesh and CylMesh
# 2017
# Aug 8 : All the moose object which doesn't have compartment are not written. Error message are appended

import sys
import random
import re
import moose
from moose.chemUtil.chemConnectUtil import *
from moose.chemUtil.graphUtils import *
from moose.fixXreacs import restoreXreacs
foundmatplotlib_ = False
    import matplotlib
    foundmatplotlib_ = True
except Exception as e:

GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE = ((248, 0, 255), (240, 0, 255), (232, 0, 255), (224, 0, 255), (216, 0, 255), (208, 0, 255),
 (200, 0, 255), (192, 0, 255), (184, 0, 255), (176, 0, 255), (168, 0, 255), (160, 0, 255), (152, 0, 255), (144, 0, 255),
 (136, 0, 255), (128, 0, 255), (120, 0, 255), (112, 0, 255), (104, 0, 255), (96, 0, 255), (88, 0, 255), (80, 0, 255),
 (72, 0, 255),  (64, 0, 255), (56, 0, 255), (48, 0, 255), (40, 0, 255), (32, 0, 255), (24, 0, 255), (16, 0, 255),
 (8, 0, 255),  (0, 0, 255), (0, 8, 248), (0, 16, 240), (0, 24, 232), (0, 32, 224), (0, 40, 216), (0, 48, 208),
 (0, 56, 200),  (0, 64, 192), (0, 72, 184), (0, 80, 176), (0, 88, 168), (0, 96, 160), (0, 104, 152), (0, 112, 144),
 (0, 120, 136),  (0, 128, 128), (0, 136, 120), (0, 144, 112), (0, 152, 104), (0, 160, 96), (0, 168, 88), (0, 176, 80),
 (0, 184, 72), (0, 192, 64), (0, 200, 56), (0, 208, 48), (0, 216, 40), (0, 224, 32), (0, 232, 24), (0, 240, 16), (0, 248, 8),
 (0, 255, 0), (8, 255, 0), (16, 255, 0), (24, 255, 0), (32, 255, 0), (40, 255, 0), (48, 255, 0), (56, 255, 0), (64, 255, 0),
 (72, 255, 0), (80, 255, 0), (88, 255, 0), (96, 255, 0), (104, 255, 0), (112, 255, 0), (120, 255, 0), (128, 255, 0),
 (136, 255, 0), (144, 255, 0), (152, 255, 0), (160, 255, 0), (168, 255, 0), (176, 255, 0), (184, 255, 0), (192, 255, 0),
 (200, 255, 0), (208, 255, 0), (216, 255, 0), (224, 255, 0), (232, 255, 0), (240, 255, 0), (248, 255, 0), (255, 255, 0),
 (255, 248, 0), (255, 240, 0), (255, 232, 0), (255, 224, 0), (255, 216, 0), (255, 208, 0), (255, 200, 0), (255, 192, 0),
 (255, 184, 0),  (255, 176, 0), (255, 168, 0), (255, 160, 0), (255, 152, 0), (255, 144, 0), (255, 136, 0), (255, 128, 0),
 (255, 120, 0), (255, 112, 0),  (255, 104, 0), (255, 96, 0), (255, 88, 0), (255, 80, 0), (255, 72, 0), (255, 64, 0),
 (255, 56, 0), (255, 48, 0), (255, 40, 0), (255, 32, 0), (255, 24, 0), (255, 16, 0), (255, 8, 0), (255, 0, 0))

#Todo : To be written
#               --StimulusTable

def mooseWriteKkit( modelpath, filename, sceneitems={}):
    global foundmatplotlib_
    if not foundmatplotlib_:
        print('No maplotlib found.'
            '\nThis module can be installed by following command in terminal:'
            '\n\t sudo apt install python-maplotlib', "")
        return False
        error = ""

        if filename.rfind('.') != -1:
            filename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')]
            filename = filename[:len(filename)]
        filename = filename+'.g'
        global NA
        NA = 6.0221415e23
        global cmin,cmax,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
        cmin, xmin, ymin = 0, 0, 0
        cmax, xmax, ymax = 1, 1, 1
        compt = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=ChemCompt]')
        maxVol = estimateDefaultVol(compt)
        positionInfoExist = True
        if compt:
            if bool(sceneitems):
                cmin,cmax,xmin1,xmax1,ymin1,ymax1 = findMinMax(sceneitems)
            elif not bool(sceneitems):
                srcdesConnection = {}
                meshEntry,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,positionInfoExist,sceneitems = setupMeshObj(modelpath)
                if not positionInfoExist:
                    #cmin,cmax,sceneitems = autoCoordinates(meshEntry,srcdesConnection)
                    sceneitems = autoCoordinates(meshEntry,srcdesConnection)

            if not positionInfoExist:
                # if position are not from kkit, then zoom factor is applied while
                # writing to genesis. Like if position is from pyqtSceneItem or auto-coordinates
                cmin,cmax,xmin1,xmax1,ymin1,ymax1 = findMinMax(sceneitems)
                for k,v in list(sceneitems.items()):
                    anno = moose.element(k.path+'/info')
                    #x1 = calPrime(v['x'])
                    #y1 = calPrime(v['y'])
                    #sceneitems[k]['x'] = x1
                    #sceneitems[k]['y'] = y1

            f = open(filename, 'w')
            writeHeader (f,maxVol)

            gtId_vol = writeCompartment(modelpath,compt,f)
            errors = ""
            error = writePool(modelpath,f,gtId_vol,sceneitems)
            errors = errors+error

            reacList,error= writeReac(modelpath,f,sceneitems)
            errors = errors+error
            enzList,error = writeEnz(modelpath,f,sceneitems)
            errors = errors+error

            chanList, error = writeConcChan(modelpath,f,sceneitems)
            errors = errors+error
            error = writeStimulus(modelpath,f)
            errors = errors+error

            error = writeSumtotal(modelpath,f)
            errors = errors+error

            f.write("simundump xgraph /graphs/conc1 0 0 99 0.001 0.999 0\n"
                    "simundump xgraph /graphs/conc2 0 0 100 0 1 0\n")
            tgraphs = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=Table2]')
            first, second = " ", " "
            if tgraphs:
                first,second = writeplot(tgraphs,f)
            if first:
            f.write("simundump xgraph /moregraphs/conc3 0 0 100 0 1 0\n"
                    "simundump xgraph /moregraphs/conc4 0 0 100 0 1 0\n")
            if second:
            f.write("simundump xcoredraw /edit/draw 0 -6 4 -2 6\n"
                    "simundump xtree /edit/draw/tree 0 \\\n"
                    "  /kinetics/#[],/kinetics/#[]/#[],/kinetics/#[]/#[]/#[][TYPE!=proto],/kinetics/#[]/#[]/#[][TYPE!=linkinfo]/##[] \"edit_elm.D <v>; drag_from_edit.w <d> <S> <x> <y> <z>\" auto 0.6\n"
                    "simundump xtext /file/notes 0 1\n")
            if tgraphs:
            print('Written to file '+filename)
            return errors, True
            print("Warning: writeKkit:: No model found on " , modelpath)
            return False

def findMinMax(sceneitems):

    cmin = 0.0
    cmax = 1.0
    xmin,xymin = 0.0,0.0
    xmax,xymax = 1.0,1.0
    xycord = []
    xcord = []
    ycord = []
    for k,v in list(sceneitems.items()):
    xmin = min(xcord)
    xmax = max(xcord)
    ymin = min(ycord)
    ymax = max(ycord)
    cmin = min(xycord)
    cmax = max(xycord)
    return cmin,cmax,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax

def calPrime(x):
    prime = int((20*(float(x-cmin)/float(cmax-cmin)))-10)
    return prime

def storeCplxEnzMsgs( enz, f ):
    for sub in enz.neighbors["subOut"]:
        s = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( moose.element(sub) ) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(enz) + " SUBSTRATE n \n";
        s = s+ "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( enz ) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath( sub ) +        " REAC sA B \n";
    for prd in enz.neighbors["prd"]:
        s = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( enz ) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(prd) + " MM_PRD pA\n";
        f.write( s )
    for enzOut in enz.neighbors["enzOut"]:
        s = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( enzOut ) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(enz) + " ENZYME n\n";
        s = s+ "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( enz ) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(enzOut) + " REAC eA B\n";
        f.write( s )

def storeMMenzMsgs( enz, f):
    subList = enz.neighbors["subOut"]
    prdList = enz.neighbors["prd"]
    enzDestList = enz.neighbors["enzDest"]
    for esub in subList:
        es = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(esub)) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(enz) + " SUBSTRATE n \n";
        es = es+"addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(enz) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(esub)) + " REAC sA B \n";

    for eprd in prdList:
        es = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( enz ) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath( moose.element(eprd)) + " MM_PRD pA \n";
    for eenzDest in enzDestList:
        enzDest = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( moose.element(eenzDest)) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath( enz ) + " ENZYME n \n";

def storeEnzMsg( enzList, f):
    for enz in enzList:
        enzClass = enz.className
        if (enzClass == "ZombieMMenz" or enzClass == "MMenz"):
            storeMMenzMsgs(enz, f)
            storeCplxEnzMsgs( enz, f )

def storeChanMsg(chanList,f):
    for channel in chanList:
        for chanOL in channel.neighbors['out']:
            eo = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(channel)) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(chanOL))+ " REAC B A \n";
            eo = eo +"addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(chanOL)) + " /kinetics/"+trimPath(moose.element(channel))+" PRODUCT n vol \n";
        for chanIL in channel.neighbors['in']:
            ei = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(channel)) + " /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(chanIL))+ " REAC A B \n";
            ei = ei +"addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(chanIL)) + " /kinetics/"+trimPath(moose.element(channel))+" SUBSTRATE n vol \n";
        for chanSNC in channel.neighbors['setNumChan']:
            cff =  "addmsg /kinetics/"+trimPath(moose.element(chanSNC))+ " /kinetics/"+trimPath(moose.element(channel))+ " NUMCHAN n \n"

def writeConcChan(modelpath,f,sceneitems):
    error = ""
    concChanList = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=ConcChan]')
    for cChan in concChanList:
        if findCompartment(cChan) == moose.element('/'):
            error = error + " \n "+cChan.path+ " doesn't have compartment ignored to write to genesis"
            x = random.randrange(0,10)
            y = random.randrange(0,10)
            textcolor = ""
            color = ""
            if len(moose.element(cChan).neighbors['setNumChan']) == 1:
                chanParent = moose.element(moose.element(cChan).neighbors['setNumChan'][0])
            if not (isinstance(chanParent,moose.PoolBase)):
                print(" raise exception Channel doesn't have pool as parent %s",moose.element(cChan).path)
                return False,"raise exception Channel doesn't have pool as parent"
                vol = chanParent.volume * NA * 1e-3;
                cinfo = cChan.path+'/info'
                if moose.exists(cinfo):
                    x = moose.Annotator(cinfo).getField('x')
                    y = moose.Annotator(cinfo).getField('y')
                    #x = sceneitems[cChan]['x']
                    #y = sceneitems[cChan]['y']
                    color = moose.Annotator(cinfo).getField('color')
                    color = getColorCheck(color,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)

                    textcolor = moose.Annotator(cinfo).getField('textColor')
                    textcolor = getColorCheck(textcolor,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
                    error = error + "\n x and y co-ordinates are not specified for `" + cChan.name+ "` zero will be assigned \n "
                if color == "" or color == " ":
                    color = getRandomColor()
                if textcolor == ""  or textcolor == " ":
                    textcolor = getRandomColor()
                f.write("simundump kchan /kinetics/" + trimPath(cChan)+ " " + str(int(1)) + " " + str(cChan.permeability)+  " " +
                    str(int(0)) + " " +
                    str(int(0)) + " " +
                    str(int(0)) + " " +
                    str(int(0)) + " " +
                    str("") + " " +
                    str(textcolor) + " " + str(color) + " \"\"" +
                    " " + str(int(x)) + " " + str(int(y)) + " "+str(int(0))+"\n")
    return concChanList,error
def writeEnz( modelpath,f,sceneitems):
    error = ""
    enzList = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=EnzBase]')
    for enz in enzList:
        if findCompartment(enz) == moose.element('/'):
            error = error + " \n "+enz.path+ " doesn't have compartment ignored to write to genesis"
            x = random.randrange(0,10)
            y = random.randrange(0,10)
            textcolor = ""
            color = ""
            k1 = 0;
            k2 = 0;
            k3 = 0;
            nInit = 0;
            concInit = 0;
            n = 0;
            conc = 0;
            if len(moose.element(enz).neighbors['enzDest']) == 1:
                enzParent = moose.element(moose.element(enz).neighbors['enzDest'][0])
            if not (isinstance(enzParent,moose.PoolBase)):
                print(" raise exception enz doesn't have pool as parent %s",moose.element(enz).path)
                return False
                vol = enzParent.volume * NA * 1e-3;
                isMichaelisMenten = 0;
                enzClass = enz.className
                if (enzClass == "ZombieMMenz" or enzClass == "MMenz"):
                    k1 = enz.numKm
                    k3 = enz.kcat
                    k2 = 4.0*k3;
                    k1 = (k2 + k3) / k1;
                    isMichaelisMenten = 1;

                elif (enzClass == "ZombieEnz" or enzClass == "Enz"):
                    k1 = enz.k1
                    k2 = enz.k2
                    k3 = enz.k3
                    if enz.neighbors['cplx']:
                        cplx = enz.neighbors['cplx'][0]
                        nInit = cplx.nInit[0];
                        cplx = moose.Pool(enz.path+"/cplx")
                        moose.connect( enz, 'cplx', cplx, 'reac' )
                        nInit = cplx.nInit

                einfo = enz.path+'/info'
                if moose.exists(einfo):
                    x = sceneitems[enz]['x']
                    y = sceneitems[enz]['y']
                    color = moose.Annotator(einfo).getField('color')
                    color = getColorCheck(color,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)

                    textcolor = moose.Annotator(einfo).getField('textColor')
                    textcolor = getColorCheck(textcolor,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
                    error = error + "\n x and y co-ordinates are not specified for `" + enz.name+ "` zero will be assigned \n "
                if color == "" or color == " ":
                    color = getRandomColor()
                if textcolor == ""  or textcolor == " ":
                    textcolor = getRandomColor()
                f.write("simundump kenz /kinetics/" + trimPath(enz) + " " + str(int(0))+  " " +
                    str(concInit) + " " +
                    str(conc) + " " +
                    str(nInit) + " " +
                    str(n) + " " +
                    str(vol) + " " +
                    str(k1) + " " +
                    str(k2) + " " +
                    str(k3) + " " +
                    str(0) + " " +
                    str(isMichaelisMenten) + " " +
                    "\"\"" + " " +
                    str(textcolor) + " " + str(color) + " \"\"" +
                    " " + str(int(x)) + " " + str(int(y)) + " "+str(int(0))+"\n")
    return enzList,error

def nearestColorIndex(color, color_sequence):
    #Trying to find the index to closest color map from the rainbow pickle file for matching the Genesis color map
    distance = [ (color[0] - temp[0]) ** 2 + (color[1] - temp[1]) ** 2 + (color[2] - temp[2]) ** 2
                 for temp in color_sequence]
    minindex = 0
    for i in range(1, len(distance)):
        if distance[minindex] > distance[i] : minindex = i

    return minindex

def storeReacMsg(reacList,f):
    for reac in reacList:
        reacPath = trimPath( reac);
        sublist = reac.neighbors["subOut"]
        prdlist = reac.neighbors["prd"]
        for sub in sublist:
            s = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( sub ) + " /kinetics/" + reacPath +  " SUBSTRATE n \n";
            s =  s + "addmsg /kinetics/" + reacPath + " /kinetics/" + trimPath( sub ) +  " REAC A B \n";

        for prd in prdlist:
            s = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( prd ) + " /kinetics/" + reacPath + " PRODUCT n \n";
            s = s + "addmsg /kinetics/" + reacPath + " /kinetics/" + trimPath( prd ) +  " REAC B A\n";
            f.write( s)

def writeReac(modelpath,f,sceneitems):
    error = ""
    reacList = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=ReacBase]')
    for reac in reacList:
        if findCompartment(reac) == moose.element('/'):
            error = error + " \n "+reac.path+ " doesn't have compartment ignored to write to genesis"
            color = ""
            textcolor = ""
            kf = reac.numKf
            kb = reac.numKb
            # if sceneitems != None:
            #     value = sceneitems[reac]
            #     x = calPrime(value['x'])
            #     y = calPrime(value['y'])

            rinfo = reac.path+'/info'
            if moose.exists(rinfo):
                x = sceneitems[reac]['x']
                y = sceneitems[reac]['y']

                color = moose.Annotator(rinfo).getField('color')
                color = getColorCheck(color,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)

                textcolor = moose.Annotator(rinfo).getField('textColor')
                textcolor = getColorCheck(textcolor,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
                x = 0
                y = 0
                error = error + "\n x and y co-ordinates are not specified for `" + reac.name+ "` zero will be assigned \n "
            if color == "" or color == " ":
                color = getRandomColor()
            if textcolor == ""  or textcolor == " ":
                textcolor = getRandomColor()
            f.write("simundump kreac /kinetics/" + trimPath(reac) + " " +str(0) +" "+ str(kf) + " " + str(kb) + " \"\" " +
                    str(color) + " " + str(textcolor) + " " + str(int(x)) + " " + str(int(y))  + " "+ str(0)+"\n")
    return reacList,error
def trimPath(mobj):
    original = mobj
    mobj = moose.element(mobj)
    found = False
    while not isinstance(mobj,moose.ChemCompt) and mobj.path != "/":
        mobj = moose.element(mobj.parent)
        found = True
    if mobj.path == "/":
        print(original, " object doesn't have compartment as a parent ")
    #other than the kinetics compartment, all the othername are converted to group in Genesis which are place under /kinetics
    # Any moose object comes under /kinetics then one level down the path is taken.
    # e.g /group/poolObject or /Reac
    if found:
        if mobj.name != "kinetics":# and ( (mobj.className != "CubeMesh") and (mobj.className != "CylMesh") and (mobj.className != "EndoMesh") and (mobj.className != "NeuroMesh")):
            splitpath = original.path[(original.path.find(mobj.name)):len(original.path)]
            pos = original.path.find(mobj.name)
            #ss = re.compile(r'\b%s\b' %mobj.name)
            #a = re.search(ss, original.path)
            #pos = a.start()
            slash = original.path.find('/',pos+1)
            splitpath = original.path[slash+1:len(original.path)]
        splitpath = re.sub("\[[0-9]+\]", "", splitpath)
        s = splitpath.replace("_dash_",'-')
        s = splitpath.replace("_space_","_")
        return s

# def writeSumtotal( modelpath,f):
#     funclist = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[ISA=Function]')
#     for func in funclist:
#         funcInputs = moose.element(func.path+'/x[0]')
#         s = ""
#         for funcInput in funcInputs.neighbors["input"]:
#             s = s+ "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(funcInput)+ " /kinetics/" + trimPath(moose.element(func.parent)) + " SUMTOTAL n nInit\n"
#         f.write(s)

def writeSumtotal( modelpath,f):
    error = ""
    funclist = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=Function]')
    s = ""
    for func in funclist:
        fInfound  = True
        fOutfound = True
        funcInputs = moose.element(func.path+'/x[0]')
        if not len(funcInputs.neighbors["input"]):
            fInfound = False
            error = error +' \n /'+ (moose.element(func)).parent.name+ '/'+moose.element(func).name + ' function doesn\'t have input which is not allowed in genesis. \n This function is not written down into genesis file\n'

        if not len(func.neighbors["valueOut"]):
            error = error +'Function'+func.path+' has not been connected to any output, this function is not written to genesis file'
            fOutfound = False
            for srcfunc in func.neighbors["valueOut"]:
                if srcfunc.className in ["ZombiePool","ZombieBufPool","Pool","BufPool"]:
                    functionOut = moose.element(srcfunc)
                    error = error +' \n Function output connected to '+srcfunc.name+ ' which is a '+ srcfunc.className+' which is not allowed in genesis, this function '+(moose.element(func)).path+' is not written to file'
                    fOutfound = False

        if fInfound and fOutfound:
            srcPool = []
            for funcInput in funcInputs.neighbors["input"]:
                if funcInput not in srcPool:
                    if trimPath(funcInput) != None and trimPath(functionOut) != None:
                        s = "addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath(funcInput)+ " /kinetics/"+ trimPath(functionOut)+ " SUMTOTAL n nInit\n"
                    error = error + '\n Genesis doesn\'t allow same moluecule connect to function mutiple times. \n Pool \''+ moose.element(funcInput).name + '\' connected to '+ (moose.element(func)).path
    return error

def writeStimulus(modelpath,f):
    error = ""
    if len(moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=StimulusTable]')):
        error = error +'\n StimulusTable is not written into genesis. This is in Todo List'
    return error

def storePlotMsgs( tgraphs,f):
    s = ""
    if tgraphs:
        for graph in tgraphs:
            slash = graph.path.find('graphs')
            if not slash > -1:
                slash = graph.path.find('graph')
            if slash > -1:
                foundConc = True
                if not ( (graph.path.find('conc1') > -1 ) or
                            (graph.path.find('conc2') > -1 ) or
                            (graph.path.find('conc3') > -1 ) or
                            (graph.path.find('conc4') > -1) ):
                    foundConc = False

                #conc = graph.path.find('conc')
                # if conc > -1 :
                #     tabPath = graph.path[slash:len(graph.path)]
                # else:
                #     slash1 = graph.path.find('/',slash)
                #     tabPath = "/graphs/conc1" +graph.path[slash1:len(graph.path)]
                if foundConc == True:
                    tabPath = "/"+graph.path[slash:len(graph.path)]
                    slash1 = graph.path.find('/',slash)
                    tabPath = "/graphs/conc1" +graph.path[slash1:len(graph.path)]

                if len(moose.element(graph).msgOut):
                    poolPath = (moose.element(graph).msgOut)[0].e2.path
                    poolEle = moose.element(poolPath)
                    poolName = poolEle.name
                    bgPath = (poolEle.path+'/info')
                    bg = moose.Annotator(bgPath).color
                    bg = getColorCheck(bg,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
                    tabPath = re.sub("\[[0-9]+\]", "", tabPath)
                    s = s+"addmsg /kinetics/" + trimPath( poolEle ) + " " + tabPath + \
                            " PLOT Co *" + poolName + " *" + str(bg) +"\n";

def writeplot( tgraphs,f ):
    first, second = " ", " "
    if tgraphs:
        for graphs in tgraphs:
            slash = graphs.path.find('graphs')
            if not slash > -1:
                slash = graphs.path.find('graph')
            if slash > -1:
                foundConc = True
                if not ( (graphs.path.find('conc1') > -1 ) or
                            (graphs.path.find('conc2') > -1 ) or
                            (graphs.path.find('conc3') > -1 ) or
                            (graphs.path.find('conc4') > -1) ):
                    foundConc = False
                if foundConc == True:
                    tabPath = "/"+graphs.path[slash:len(graphs.path)]
                    slash1 = graphs.path.find('/',slash)
                    tabPath = "/graphs/conc1" +graphs.path[slash1:len(graphs.path)]

                if len(moose.element(graphs).msgOut):
                    poolPath = (moose.element(graphs).msgOut)[0].e2.path
                    poolEle = moose.element(poolPath)
                    poolAnno = (poolEle.path+'/info')
                    fg = moose.Annotator(poolAnno).textColor
                    fg = getColorCheck(fg,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
                    tabPath = re.sub("\[[0-9]+\]", "", tabPath)
                    if tabPath.find("conc1") >= 0 or tabPath.find("conc2") >= 0:
                        first = first + "simundump xplot " + tabPath + " 3 524288 \\\n" + "\"delete_plot.w <s> <d>; edit_plot.D <w>\" " + str(fg) + " 0 0 1\n"
                    if tabPath.find("conc3") >= 0 or tabPath.find("conc4") >= 0:
                        second = second + "simundump xplot " + tabPath + " 3 524288 \\\n" + "\"delete_plot.w <s> <d>; edit_plot.D <w>\" " + str(fg) + " 0 0 1\n"
    return first,second

def writePool(modelpath,f,volIndex,sceneitems):
    error = ""
    color = ""
    textcolor = ""

    for p in moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][ISA=PoolBase]'):
        if findCompartment(p) == moose.element('/'):
            error = error + " \n "+p.path+ " doesn't have compartment ignored to write to genesis"
            slave_enable = 0
            if (p.className == "BufPool" or p.className == "ZombieBufPool"):
                pool_children = p.children
                if pool_children== 0:
                    slave_enable = 4
                    for pchild in pool_children:
                        if not(pchild.className == "ZombieFunction") and not(pchild.className == "Function"):
                            slave_enable = 4
                            slave_enable = 0
            if (p.parent.className != "Enz" and p.parent.className !='ZombieEnz'):
                #Assuming "p.parent.className !=Enzyme is cplx which is not written to genesis"

                # x = sceneitems[p]['x']
                # y = sceneitems[p]['y']
                # if sceneitems != None:
                #     value = sceneitems[p]
                #     x = calPrime(value['x'])
                #     y = calPrime(value['y'])
                pinfo = p.path+'/info'
                if moose.exists(pinfo):
                    x = sceneitems[p]['x']
                    y = sceneitems[p]['y']
                    x = 0
                    y = 0
                    error = error  + " \n x and y co-ordinates are not specified for `" + p.name+ "` zero will be assigned"+ " \n "

                if moose.exists(pinfo):
                    color = moose.Annotator(pinfo).getField('color')
                    color = getColorCheck(color,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
                    textcolor = moose.Annotator(pinfo).getField('textColor')
                    textcolor = getColorCheck(textcolor,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
                poolsCmpt = findCompartment(p)
                geometryName = volIndex[float(poolsCmpt.volume)]
                volume = p.volume * NA * 1e-3
                if color == "" or color == " ":
                    color = getRandomColor()
                if textcolor == ""  or textcolor == " ":
                    textcolor = getRandomColor()
                f.write("simundump kpool /kinetics/" + trimPath(p) + " 0 " +
                        str(p.diffConst) + " " +
                        str(0) + " " +
                        str(0) + " " +
                        str(0) + " " +
                        str(p.nInit) + " " +
                        str(0) + " " + str(0) + " " +
                        str(volume)+ " " +
                        str(slave_enable) +
                        " /kinetics"+ geometryName + " " +
                        str(color) +" " + str(textcolor) + " " + str(int(x)) + " " + str(int(y)) + " "+ str(0)+"\n")
    return error

def getColorCheck(color,GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE):
    if isinstance(color, str):
        if color.startswith("#"):
            color = ( int(color[1:3], 16)
                                , int(color[3:5], 16)
                                , int(color[5:7], 16)
            index = nearestColorIndex(color, GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
            index = index/2
            return index
        elif color.startswith("("):
            color = eval(color)[0:3]
            index = nearestColorIndex(color, GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
            #This is because in genesis file index of the color is half
            index = index/2
            return index
            index = color
            return index
    elif isinstance(color, tuple):
        color = [int(x) for x in color[0:3]]
        index = nearestColorIndex(color, GENESIS_COLOR_SEQUENCE)
        return index
    elif isinstance(color, int):
        index = color
        return index
        raise Exception("Invalid Color Value!")

def getRandomColor():
    ignoreColor= ["mistyrose","antiquewhite","aliceblue","azure","bisque","black","blanchedalmond","blue","cornsilk","darkolivegreen","darkslategray","dimgray","floralwhite","gainsboro","ghostwhite","honeydew","ivory","lavender","lavenderblush","lemonchiffon","lightcyan","lightgoldenrodyellow","lightgray","lightyellow","linen","mediumblue","mintcream","navy","oldlace","papayawhip","saddlebrown","seashell","snow","wheat","white","whitesmoke","aquamarine","lightsalmon","moccasin","limegreen","snow","sienna","beige","dimgrey","lightsage"]
    matplotcolor = {}
    for name,hexno in matplotlib.colors.cnames.items():

    k = random.choice(list(matplotcolor.keys()))
    if k in ignoreColor:
        return getRandomColor()
        return k
def writeCompartment(modelpath,compts,f):
    index = 0
    volIndex = {}
    for compt in compts:
        if compt.name != "kinetics":
            x = xmin+6
            y = ymax+1
            f.write("simundump group /kinetics/" + compt.name + " 0 " + "blue" + " " + "green"       + " x 0 0 \"\" defaultfile \\\n" )
            f.write( "  defaultfile.g 0 0 0 " + str(int(x)) + " " + str(int(y)) + " 0\n")
    i = 0
    l = len(compts)
    geometry = ""
    for compt in compts:
        # if isinstance(compt,moose.CylMesh):
        #     print " 1 "
        #     size = (compt.volume/compt.numDiffCompts)
        # else:    
        size = compt.volume
        ndim = compt.numDimensions
        vecIndex = l-i-1
        i = i+1
        x = xmin+4
        y = ymax+1
        #geometryname = compt.name
        if vecIndex > 0:
            geometry = geometry+"simundump geometry /kinetics" +  "/geometry[" + str(vecIndex) +"] 0 " + str(size) + " " + str(ndim) + " sphere " +" \"\" white black "+ str(int(x)) + " " +str(int(y)) +" 0\n";
            volIndex[float(size)] = "/geometry["+str(vecIndex)+"]"
            #geometry = geometry+"simundump geometry /kinetics/"  +  str(geometryname) + " " +str(size) + " " + str(ndim) + " sphere " +" \"\" white black " + str(int(x)) + " "+str(int(y))+ " 0\n";
            #volIndex[float(size)] = geometryname
            #geometry = geometry+"simundump geometry /kinetics/"  +  str(geometryname) + " " + str(size) + " " + str(ndim) + " sphere " +" \"\" white black " + str(int(x)) + " "+str(int(y))+ " 0\n";
            geometry = geometry+"simundump geometry /kinetics"  +  "/geometry 0 " + str(size) + " " + str(ndim) + " sphere " +" \"\" white black " + str(int(x)) + " "+str(int(y))+ " 0\n";
            volIndex[float(size)] = "/geometry"
            #volIndex[float(size)] = geometryname
    return volIndex

def writeGroup(modelpath,f):
    ignore = ["graphs","moregraphs","geometry","groups","conc1","conc2","conc3","conc4","model","data","graph_0","graph_1","graph_2","graph_3","graph_4","graph_5"]
    for g in moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+'/##[0][TYPE=Neutral]'):
        if not g.name in ignore:
            if trimPath(g) != None:
                x = xmin+1
                y = ymax+1
                f.write("simundump group /kinetics/" + trimPath(g) + " 0 " +    "blue" + " " + "green"   + " x 0 0 \"\" defaultfile \\\n")
                f.write("  defaultfile.g 0 0 0 " + str(int(x)) + " " + str(int(y)) + " 0\n")

def writeHeader(f,maxVol):
    simdt = 0.001
    plotdt = 0.1
    rawtime = 100
    maxtime = 100
    defaultVol = maxVol
            "// kkit Version 11 flat dumpfile\n\n"
            "// Saved on " + str(rawtime)+"\n"
            "include kkit {argv 1}\n"
            "FASTDT = " + str(simdt)+"\n"
            "SIMDT = " +str(simdt)+"\n"
            "CONTROLDT = " +str(plotdt)+"\n"
            "PLOTDT = " +str(plotdt)+"\n"
            "MAXTIME = " +str(maxtime)+"\n"
            "TRANSIENT_TIME = 2"+"\n"
            "VARIABLE_DT_FLAG = 0"+"\n"
            "DEFAULT_VOL = " +str(defaultVol)+"\n"
            "VERSION = 11.0 \n"
            "setfield /file/modpath value ~/scripts/modules\n"
    f.write( "//genesis\n"
            "initdump -version 3 -ignoreorphans 1\n"
            "simobjdump table input output alloced step_mode stepsize x y z\n"
            "simobjdump xtree path script namemode sizescale\n"
            "simobjdump xcoredraw xmin xmax ymin ymax\n"
            "simobjdump xtext editable\n"
            "simobjdump xgraph xmin xmax ymin ymax overlay\n"
            "simobjdump xplot pixflags script fg ysquish do_slope wy\n"
            "simobjdump group xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req plotfield expanded movealone \\\n"
                    "  link savename file version md5sum mod_save_flag x y z\n"
            "simobjdump geometry size dim shape outside xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req x y z\n"
            "simobjdump kpool DiffConst CoInit Co n nInit mwt nMin vol slave_enable \\\n"
                    "  geomname xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req x y z\n"
            "simobjdump kreac kf kb notes xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req x y z\n"
            "simobjdump kenz CoComplexInit CoComplex nComplexInit nComplex vol k1 k2 k3 \\\n"
                    "  keepconc usecomplex notes xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req link x y z\n"
            "simobjdump stim level1 width1 delay1 level2 width2 delay2 baselevel trig_time \\\n"
                    "  trig_mode notes xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req is_running x y z\n"
            "simobjdump xtab input output alloced step_mode stepsize notes editfunc \\\n"
                    "  xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req baselevel last_x last_y is_running x y z\n"
            "simobjdump kchan perm gmax Vm is_active use_nernst notes xtree_fg_req \\\n"
                    "  xtree_textfg_req x y z\n"
            "simobjdump transport input output alloced step_mode stepsize dt delay clock \\\n"
                    "  kf xtree_fg_req xtree_textfg_req x y z\n"
            "simobjdump proto x y z\n"

def estimateDefaultVol(compts):
    maxVol = 0
    vol = []
    for compt in compts:
    if len(vol) > 0:
        return max(vol)
    return maxVol

def writeNotes(modelpath,f):
    notes = ""
    #items = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+"/##[ISA=ChemCompt],/##[ISA=ReacBase],/##[ISA=PoolBase],/##[ISA=EnzBase],/##[ISA=Function],/##[ISA=StimulusTable]")
    items = []
    items = moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+"/##[0][ISA=ChemCompt]") +\
            moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+"/##[0][ISA=PoolBase]") +\
            moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+"/##[0][ISA=ReacBase]") +\
            moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+"/##[0][ISA=EnzBase]") +\
            moose.wildcardFind(modelpath+"/##[0][ISA=Function]") +\
    for item in items:
        if not re.search("xfer",item.name):
            if moose.exists(item.path+'/info'):
                info = item.path+'/info'
                notes = moose.Annotator(info).getField('notes')
                if (notes):
                    f.write("call /kinetics/"+ trimPath(item)+"/notes LOAD \ \n\""+moose.Annotator(info).getField('notes')+"\"\n")

def writeFooter1(f):
    f.write("\nenddump\n // End of dump\n")

def writeFooter2(f):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import os
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    filepath, filenameWithext = os.path.split(filename)
    if filenameWithext.find('.') != -1:
        modelpath = filenameWithext[:filenameWithext.find('.')]
        modelpath = filenameWithext

    output = modelpath+"_.g"
    written = mooseWriteKkit('/'+modelpath,output)

    if written:
            print(" file written to ",output)
            print(" could be written to kkit format")