# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# graphutil.py ---
# Filename: graphutil.py
# Description:
# Author: Subhasis Ray
# Maintainer:
# Created: Sun Mar 18 13:42:28 2012 (+0530)
# Version:
# Last-Updated: Wed Mar 28 18:27:26 2012 (+0530)
# By: subha
# Update #: 103
# URL:
# Keywords:
# Compatibility:
# Commentary:
# Change log:
# Code:
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from . import moose
def moosegraph(element, ies=['childMsg'], ied=['parentMsg'], iv=[], keep_solitary=False):
"""Create a graph out of all objects under teh element
specified. Ignore edges going outside the subtree rooted at
If element is a string, it can be a wildcard path in MOOSE
ies is a list of sourcefields to be ignored when constructing edges.
ied is a list of destination fields to be ignored when
constructing edges.
iv is a list of paths, possibly wildcards, to be ignored when
building vertex set.
keep_solitary -- if True solitary nodes are not discarded
Note that this is a temporary solution. We rely on neighbours
field to create the graph. Ideally we should use the messages
between objects. A bug in Messages does not allow us to access the
fields on both sides properly in the general case. We shall switch
to messgaes once that bug is fixed."""
path = None
if isinstance(element, str):
path = element
elif isinstance(element, moose.Id):
path = element.getPath()
elif isinstance(element, moose.ObjId):
path = element.getField('path')
elif isinstance(element, moose.Neutral):
path = element.path
raise TypeError('Require Id, ObjId, Neutral or string object for element')
iv_re = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in iv]
ies_re = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in ies]
ied_re = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in ied]
if '#' in path:
all_v = moose.wildcardFind(path)
if path.endswith('/'):
path = '%s##' % (path)
path = '%s/##' % (path)
all_v = moose.wildcardFind(path)
valid_v = []
# Collect all not-to-be-ignored vertices
for vv in all_v:
include = True
for iv in iv_re:
if iv.search(vv.path):
include = False
if include:
graph = nx.DiGraph()
graph.add_nodes_from([vv.id_ for vv in valid_v])
for vv in graph.nodes():
for fname in vv[0].getFieldNames('srcFinfo'):
matches = [True for regex in ies_re if regex.search(fname)]
if matches:
nlist = vv[0].getNeighbors(fname)
for nn in nlist:
if nn in graph.nodes():
src = graph.edge[vv][nn]['src']
except KeyError:
graph.add_edge(vv, nn, src=set([fname]))
for fname in vv[0].getFieldNames('destFinfo'):
matches = [True for regex in ied_re if regex.search(fname)]
if matches:
nlist = vv[0].getNeighbors(fname)
for nn in nlist:
if nn in graph.nodes():
dest = graph.edge[vv][nn]['dest']
except KeyError:
graph.add_edge(nn, vv, dest=set([fname]))
for fname in vv[0].getFieldNames('sharedFinfo'):
nlist = vv[0].getNeighbors(fname)
for nn in nlist:
if nn in graph.nodes():
src = graph.edge[vv][nn]['src']
except KeyError:
graph.add_edge(vv, nn, src=set([fname]))
dest = graph.edge[nn][vv]['dest']
except KeyError:
graph.add_edge(nn, vv, dest=set([fname]))
if not keep_solitary:
solitary=[ n for n,d in graph.degree_iter() if d==0 ]
return graph
def draw_moosegraph(graph, pos=None, label_edges=True):
if pos is None:
pos = nx.spring_layout(graph)
edge_labels = {}
if label_edges:
for ee in graph.edges():
src = ','.join(graph.edge[ee[0]][ee[1]]['src'])
except KeyError:
src = '?'
dest = ','.join(graph.edge[ee[0]][ee[1]]['dest'])
except KeyError:
dest = '?'
label = '%s-%s' % (src, dest)
edge_labels[ee] = label
nx.draw(graph, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos, edge_labels)
import unittest
import pylab
class TestMooseGraph(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
cell = moose.Neutral('/n')
comp1 = moose.Compartment('/n/c1')
chan = moose.HHChannel('/n/c1/ch')
moose.connect(comp1, 'channel', chan, 'channel')
comp2 = moose.Compartment('/n/c2')
comp2.connect('raxial', comp1, 'axial')
self.graph = moosegraph('/n')
def test_edgelabels(self):
for ee in self.graph.edges():
keys = self.graph.edge[ee[0]][ee[1]].keys()
self.assertTrue('src' in keys)
self.assertTrue('dest' in keys)
def test_vertexid(self):
for vv in self.graph.nodes():
self.assertTrue(isinstance(vv, moose.Id))
def test_plot(self):
if '__main__' == __name__:
# graphutil.py ends here