# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# test_reader.py ---
# Filename: test_reader.py
# Description:
# Author:
# Maintainer:
# Created: Wed Jul 24 16:02:21 2013 (+0530)
# Version:
# Last-Updated: Sun Apr 17 16:13:01 2016 (-0400)
#           By: subha
#     Update #: 112
# URL:
# Keywords:
# Compatibility:

# Commentary:

# Change log:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# Code:

from __future__ import print_function
import unittest
import numpy as np
import moose
import neuroml as nml
from reader import NML2Reader

class TestFullCell(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.reader = NML2Reader(verbose=True)

        self.lib = moose.Neutral('/library')
        self.filename = 'test_files/NML2_FullCell.nml'
        for ncell in self.reader.nml_to_moose:
            if isinstance(ncell, nml.Cell):
                self.ncell = ncell
        self.mcell = moose.element('/library/SpikingCell')
        self.soma = moose.element(self.mcell.path + '/Soma')
        self.dendrite1 = moose.element(self.mcell.path + '/Dendrite1')
        self.dendrite2 = moose.element(self.mcell.path + '/Dendrite2')
        self.spine1 = moose.element(self.mcell.path + '/Spine1')

    def test_basicLoading(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.reader.filename, self.filename, 'filename was not set')
        self.assertIsNotNone(self.reader.doc, 'doc is None')

    def test_createCellPrototype(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.mcell, moose.Neuron)
        self.assertEqual(self.mcell.name, self.ncell.id)

    def test_createMorphology(self):
        for comp_id in moose.wildcardFind(self.mcell.path + '/##[ISA=Compartment]'):
            comp = moose.element(comp_id)
            p0 = self.reader.moose_to_nml[comp].proximal
            if p0:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(comp.x0, float(p0.x)*1e-6) # Assume micron unit for length
                self.assertAlmostEqual(comp.y0, float(p0.y)*1e-6)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(comp.z0, float(p0.z)*1e-6)
            p1 = self.reader.moose_to_nml[comp].distal
            self.assertAlmostEqual(comp.x, float(p1.x)*1e-6)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(comp.y, float(p1.y)*1e-6)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(comp.z, float(p1.z)*1e-6)

    def test_connectivity(self):
        """Test raxial-axial connectivity between MOOSE compartments when
        there is parent->child relation in NML2."""
        id_to_seg = dict([(seg.id, seg) for seg in self.ncell.morphology.segments])
        for seg in self.ncell.morphology.segments:
                pseg = id_to_seg[seg.parent.segment]
            except AttributeError:
            comp = self.reader.nml_to_moose[seg]
            pcomp = self.reader.nml_to_moose[pseg]
            TODO: what should this be updated to???
            self.assertIn(comp.id_, pcomp.neighbours['raxial'])'''

    def test_capacitance(self):
        for comp_id in moose.wildcardFind(self.mcell.path + '/##[ISA=Compartment]'):
            comp = moose.element(comp_id)
            # We know that a few um^2 compartment with uF/cm^2 specific capacitance must be around a pico Farad.
            self.assertTrue((comp.Cm > 0) and (comp.Cm < 1e-6))

    def test_protochans(self):
        """TODO: verify the prototype cahnnel."""
        for chan_id in moose.wildcardFind('/library/##[ISA=HHChannel]'):

    def test_HHChannels(self):
        """Verify copied channel in membrane properties."""
        self.assertTrue(moose.exists(self.soma.path + '/naChansSoma'))
        soma_na = moose.element(self.soma.path+'/naChansSoma')
        chans = moose.wildcardFind(self.mcell.path + '/##[ISA=HHChannel]')
        self.assertTrue(len(chans) < 3) # Only soma and dendrite2 have the channels
        self.assertAlmostEqual(soma_na.Gbar, 120e-2 * self.soma.diameter * self.soma.diameter * np.pi, places=6)

Not yet working in NML2...

class TestGran98(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.reader = NML2Reader()
        self.lib = moose.Neutral('/library')
        self.filename = 'test_files/Granule_98/Granule_98.nml'
        for ncell in self.reader.nml_to_moose:
            if isinstance(ncell, nml.Cell):
                self.ncell = ncell
        self.mcell = moose.element(moose.wildcardFind('/##[ISA=Cell]')[0])

    def test_CaPool(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

# test_reader.py ends here