from moose_nerp.prototypes.util import NamedList, NamedDict from moose_nerp.prototypes.syn_proto import SynChannelParams, MgParams, DesensitizationParams from . import param_cond #Parameters for inhibitory synpases: #Erev, tau1, tau2 (SI units) #C is concentration of Mg, A is 1/eta and B is 1/gamma, #Rebekah's: #These params are too insensitive to voltage #mgparams={'A':(1/18.0), 'B':(1/99.0), 'C': 1.4} #Classic (allows significant calcium at resting potential): #mgparams={'A':(1/3.57), 'B':(1/62.0), 'C': 1.4} #Intermediate desenYN = 0 _NMDA_MgParams = MgParams(A = 1/18.0,#3.57,#18.0, B = 1/99.0,#62.0,#99.0, C = 1.0) #Sriram uses 0.109e-9 for AMPA and 0.9e-9 for Gaba _SynGaba = SynChannelParams(Erev = -60e-3, tau1 = 0.25e-3, tau2 = 3.75e-3, Gbar = 0.2e-9, nmdaCaFrac = 0.0, var=0.05) SynGabaNPY = SynChannelParams(Erev = -60e-3, #NPY tau1 = 0.25e-3, tau2 = 80.75e-3, Gbar = 0.5e-9, nmdaCaFrac = 0.0, var=0.05) _SynAMPA = SynChannelParams(Erev = 5e-3, tau1 = 1.1e-3*2, tau2 = 2.0e-3*2, Gbar = 5e-9, var=0.05, nmdaCaFrac = 0.001, spinic = 2) _SynNMDA = SynChannelParams(Erev = 5e-3, tau1 = 2.23e-3*2, tau2 = 56.25e-3*5, Gbar = 1e-9, var=0,#0.05, MgBlock = _NMDA_MgParams, spinic = 2, NMDA=True, nmdaCaFrac = 0.05, ) #spinic: False or absent - do not add to spines # True of 1 - add to spines if present, o.w. dendrites # 2 - add to spines only #nmdaCaFra fraction of nmda current carried by calcium #Note that since Ca reversal produces ~2x driving potential, #need to make this half of typical value. Default is 0.02 in Moose SYNAPSE_TYPES = NamedDict( 'SYNAPSE_TYPES', ampa = _SynAMPA, gaba = _SynGaba, nmda = _SynNMDA, ) DesensitizationParams = NamedDict('Synapse_desensitization',gaba = None, nmda=None, ampa=DesensitizationParams(dep_per_spike=0.39,dep_tau=0.8)) #These will be used by synconn in, since AMPA and NMDA synapses usually go together #for same reason, the next lines only list ampa and gaba, and nmda are created the same as ampa NAME_AMPA='ampa' NAME_NMDA='nmda' # number of synapses at each distance _gaba = {param_cond.prox:4,, param_cond.dist:4} _ampa= {param_cond.prox:1,, param_cond.dist:3} NumSyn={'gaba':_gaba, 'ampa':_ampa}