@Description: Functions and regex patterns to identifies and return morph_file
name from param_cond.py.
@Author: Sri Ram Sagar Kappagantula
@e-mail: skappag@masonlive.gmu.edu
@Date: 5th Mar, 2018.
import re
import logging
import numpy as np
from ajustador.helpers.loggingsystem import getlogger
logger = getlogger(__name__)
def find_morph_file(line):
"Finds the 'morph_file =' is in the given input line"
re_obj = re.compile(r"morph_file\s*=\s*\{", re.I)
return True if re_obj.match(line) else False
def get_morph_file_name(line, neuron_type):
"Get morph file name from the the line if it matches with pattern in re_obj."
re_obj = re.compile(r"\s*'([a-zA-Z0-9]+)'\s*:\s*'([A-Z0-9.a-z_\-]+)'\s*", re.I)
if re_obj.search(line):
return dict(re_obj.findall(line)).get(neuron_type, None)
return None
def update_morph_file_name(line, neuron_type, file_name):
" Update morph file name into in param_cond.py file based on neuron type"
pattern = r"\'{}\'\s*:\s*\'[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-_]+\'".format(neuron_type)
repl = "'{}':'{}'".format(neuron_type, file_name)
return re.sub(pattern, repl, line)
def clone_and_change_morph_file(param_cond_file, model_path, model, neuron_type, non_conds, sample_name=''):
''' Inputs param_cond_file == string => Absolute path of cond_file.
model_path == Path objects => model Path objects.
model == string => model name.
neuron_type == string => Neuron model.
from ajustador.basic_simulation import morph_morph_file
from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import get_file_abs_path
from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import get_file_name_with_version
from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import make_model_path_obj
from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_param_cond import extract_morph_file_from_cond
morph_features = ('RM', 'Eleak', 'RA', 'CM')
model_obj = make_model_path_obj(model_path, model)
logger.debug("\n{} \n{}".format(param_cond_file, neuron_type))
print("PARAM_COND_FILE", param_cond_file)
morph_file = extract_morph_file_from_cond(param_cond_file, neuron_type) #PROBLEM HERE. NOT RETURNING CORRECT FILE FOR D2?
logger.debug('\n{} \n{}'.format(model_path, morph_file))
src_morph_file_path = get_file_abs_path(model_path, morph_file)
if 'conductance_save' in src_morph_file_path:
new_morph_file_path = get_file_name_with_version(src_morph_file_path)
morph_morph_file(model_obj, neuron_type, src_morph_file_path, new_file = open(new_morph_file_path,'w'),
**{k:v for k,v in non_conds.items() if k in morph_features})
return new_morph_file_path
new_morph_file_path = str(model_path/'conductance_save'/morph_file)[:-2]+'_'+sample_name+'.p'
morph_morph_file(model_obj, neuron_type, src_morph_file_path, new_file = open(new_morph_file_path, 'w'),
**{k:v for k,v in non_conds.items() if k in morph_features})
return new_morph_file_path