# Copyright (C) 2012 W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
# This file is part of igor.
# igor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# igor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with igor. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import io as _io
from .. import LOG as _LOG
from ..binarywave import TYPE_TABLE as _TYPE_TABLE
from ..binarywave import NullStaticStringField as _NullStaticStringField
from ..binarywave import DynamicStringField as _DynamicStringField
from ..struct import Structure as _Structure
from ..struct import DynamicStructure as _DynamicStructure
from ..struct import Field as _Field
from ..struct import DynamicField as _DynamicField
from ..util import byte_order as _byte_order
from ..util import need_to_reorder_bytes as _need_to_reorder_bytes
from .base import Record
class ListedStaticStringField (_NullStaticStringField):
"""Handle string conversions for multi-count dynamic parents.
If a field belongs to a multi-count dynamic parent, the parent is
called multiple times to parse each count, and the field's
post-unpack hook gets called after the field is unpacked during
each iteration. This requires alternative logic for getting and
setting the string data. The actual string formatting code is not
def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
parent_structure = parents[-1]
parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
d = self._normalize_string(parent_data[-1][self.name])
parent_data[-1][self.name] = d
class ListedStaticStringField (_NullStaticStringField):
"""Handle string conversions for multi-count dynamic parents.
If a field belongs to a multi-count dynamic parent, the parent is
called multiple times to parse each count, and the field's
post-unpack hook gets called after the field is unpacked during
each iteration. This requires alternative logic for getting and
setting the string data. The actual string formatting code is not
def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
parent_structure = parents[-1]
parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
d = self._normalize_string(parent_data[-1][self.name])
parent_data[-1][self.name] = d
class ListedDynamicStrDataField (_DynamicStringField, ListedStaticStringField):
_size_field = 'strLen'
_null_terminated = False
def _get_size_data(self, parents, data):
parent_structure = parents[-1]
parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
return parent_data[-1][self._size_field]
class DynamicVarDataField (_DynamicField):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'array' not in kwargs:
kwargs['array'] = True
super(DynamicVarDataField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
raise NotImplementedError()
def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
var_structure = parents[-1]
var_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, var_structure)
data = var_data[self.name]
d = {}
for i,value in enumerate(data):
key,value = self._normalize_item(i, value)
d[key] = value
var_data[self.name] = d
def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
raise NotImplementedError()
class DynamicSysVarField (DynamicVarDataField):
def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
name = 'K{}'.format(index)
return (name, value)
class DynamicUserVarField (DynamicVarDataField):
def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
name = value['name']
value = value['num']
return (name, value)
class DynamicUserStrField (DynamicVarDataField):
def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
name = value['name']
value = value['data']
return (name, value)
class DynamicVarNumField (_DynamicField):
def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
parent_structure = parents[-1]
parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
d = self._normalize_numeric_variable(parent_data[-1][self.name])
parent_data[-1][self.name] = d
def _normalize_numeric_variable(self, num_var):
t = _TYPE_TABLE[num_var['numType']]
if num_var['numType'] % 2: # complex number
return t(complex(num_var['realPart'], num_var['imagPart']))
return t(num_var['realPart'])
class DynamicFormulaField (_DynamicStringField):
_size_field = 'formulaLen'
_null_terminated = True
# From Variables.h
VarHeader1 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into VariablesRecord
_Field('h', 'numSysVars', help='Number of system variables (K0, K1, ...).'),
_Field('h', 'numUserVars', help='Number of user numeric variables -- may be zero.'),
_Field('h', 'numUserStrs', help='Number of user string variables -- may be zero.'),
# From Variables.h
VarHeader2 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into VariablesRecord
_Field('h', 'numSysVars', help='Number of system variables (K0, K1, ...).'),
_Field('h', 'numUserVars', help='Number of user numeric variables -- may be zero.'),
_Field('h', 'numUserStrs', help='Number of user string variables -- may be zero.'),
_Field('h', 'numDependentVars', help='Number of dependent numeric variables -- may be zero.'),
_Field('h', 'numDependentStrs', help='Number of dependent string variables -- may be zero.'),
# From Variables.h
UserStrVarRec1 = _DynamicStructure(
ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('h', 'strLen', help='The real size of the following array.'),
ListedDynamicStrDataField('c', 'data'),
# From Variables.h
UserStrVarRec2 = _DynamicStructure(
ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('l', 'strLen', help='The real size of the following array.'),
_Field('c', 'data'),
# From Variables.h
VarNumRec = _Structure(
_Field('h', 'numType', help='Type from binarywave.TYPE_TABLE'),
_Field('d', 'realPart', help='The real part of the number.'),
_Field('d', 'imagPart', help='The imag part if the number is complex.'),
_Field('l', 'reserved', help='Reserved - set to zero.'),
# From Variables.h
UserNumVarRec = _DynamicStructure(
ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('h', 'type', help='0 = string, 1 = numeric.'),
DynamicVarNumField(VarNumRec, 'num', help='Type and value of the variable if it is numeric. Not used for string.'),
# From Variables.h
UserDependentVarRec = _DynamicStructure(
ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('h', 'type', help='0 = string, 1 = numeric.'),
_Field(VarNumRec, 'num', help='Type and value of the variable if it is numeric. Not used for string.'),
_Field('h', 'formulaLen', help='The length of the dependency formula.'),
DynamicFormulaField('c', 'formula', help='Start of the dependency formula. A C string including null terminator.'),
class DynamicVarHeaderField (_DynamicField):
def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
raise NotImplementedError()
def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
var_structure = parents[-1]
var_data = self._get_structure_data(
parents, data, var_structure)
var_header_structure = self.format
data = var_data['var_header']
sys_vars_field = var_structure.get_field('sysVars')
sys_vars_field.count = data['numSysVars']
user_vars_field = var_structure.get_field('userVars')
user_vars_field.count = data['numUserVars']
user_strs_field = var_structure.get_field('userStrs')
user_strs_field.count = data['numUserStrs']
if 'numDependentVars' in data:
dependent_vars_field = var_structure.get_field('dependentVars')
dependent_vars_field.count = data['numDependentVars']
dependent_strs_field = var_structure.get_field('dependentStrs')
dependent_strs_field.count = data['numDependentStrs']
Variables1 = _DynamicStructure(
DynamicVarHeaderField(VarHeader1, 'var_header', help='Variables header'),
DynamicSysVarField('f', 'sysVars', help='System variables', count=0),
DynamicUserVarField(UserNumVarRec, 'userVars', help='User numeric variables', count=0),
DynamicUserStrField(UserStrVarRec1, 'userStrs', help='User string variables', count=0),
Variables2 = _DynamicStructure(
DynamicVarHeaderField(VarHeader2, 'var_header', help='Variables header'),
DynamicSysVarField('f', 'sysVars', help='System variables', count=0),
DynamicUserVarField(UserNumVarRec, 'userVars', help='User numeric variables', count=0),
DynamicUserStrField(UserStrVarRec2, 'userStrs', help='User string variables', count=0),
_Field(UserDependentVarRec, 'dependentVars', help='Dependent numeric variables.', count=0, array=True),
_Field(UserDependentVarRec, 'dependentStrs', help='Dependent string variables.', count=0, array=True),
class DynamicVersionField (_DynamicField):
def pre_pack(self, parents, byte_order):
raise NotImplementedError()
def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
variables_structure = parents[-1]
variables_data = self._get_structure_data(
parents, data, variables_structure)
version = variables_data['version']
if variables_structure.byte_order in '@=':
need_to_reorder_bytes = _need_to_reorder_bytes(version)
variables_structure.byte_order = _byte_order(need_to_reorder_bytes)
'get byte order from version: {} (reorder? {})'.format(
variables_structure.byte_order, need_to_reorder_bytes))
need_to_reorder_bytes = False
old_format = variables_structure.fields[-1].format
if version == 1:
variables_structure.fields[-1].format = Variables1
elif version == 2:
variables_structure.fields[-1].format = Variables2
elif not need_to_reorder_bytes:
raise ValueError(
'invalid variables record version: {}'.format(version))
if variables_structure.fields[-1].format != old_format:
_LOG.debug('change variables record from {} to {}'.format(
old_format, variables_structure.fields[-1].format))
elif need_to_reorder_bytes:
# we might need to unpack again with the new byte order
return need_to_reorder_bytes
VariablesRecordStructure = _DynamicStructure(
DynamicVersionField('h', 'version', help='Version number for this header.'),
_Field(Variables1, 'variables', help='The rest of the variables data.'),
class VariablesRecord (Record):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(VariablesRecord, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# self.header['version'] # record version always 0?
VariablesRecordStructure.byte_order = '='
stream = _io.BytesIO(bytes(self.data))
self.variables = VariablesRecordStructure.unpack_stream(stream)
self.namespace = {}
for key,value in self.variables['variables'].items():
if key not in ['var_header']:
_LOG.debug('update namespace {} with {} for {}'.format(
self.namespace, value, key))