# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" ChemconnectUtil.py Some of the command function are written """
__author__ = "Harsha Rani"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Harsha Rani and NCBS Bangalore"
__credits__ = ["NCBS Bangalore"]
__license__ = "GNU GPL"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Harsha Rani"
__email__ = "hrani@ncbs.res.in"
__status__ = "Development"
__updated__ = "Mar 11 2019"
import moose
import numpy as np
import pickle
import matplotlib
import os
import random
direct = os.path.dirname(__file__)
colormap_file = open(os.path.join(direct, "rainbow2.pkl"), "r")
colorMap = pickle.loads(colormap_file.read().encode('utf8'))
ignoreColor= ["mistyrose","antiquewhite","aliceblue","azure","bisque","black","blanchedalmond","blue","cornsilk","darkolivegreen","darkslategray","dimgray","floralwhite","gainsboro","ghostwhite","honeydew","ivory","lavender","lavenderblush","lemonchiffon","lightcyan","lightgoldenrodyellow","lightgray","lightyellow","linen","mediumblue","mintcream","navy","oldlace","papayawhip","saddlebrown","seashell","snow","wheat","white","whitesmoke","aquamarine","lightsalmon","moccasin","limegreen","snow","sienna","beige","dimgrey","lightsage"]
matplotcolor = {}
for name,hexno in matplotlib.colors.cnames.items():
def getRandColor():
k = random.choice(matplotcolor.keys())
if k in ignoreColor:
return getRandColor()
#return matplotcolor[k]
return str(matplotlib.colors.cnames[k])
def getColor(iteminfo):
""" Getting a textcolor and background color for the given mooseObject \
If textcolor is empty replaced with green \
background color is empty replaced with blue
if textcolor and background is same as it happend in kkit files \
replacing textcolor with random color\
The colors are not valid there are siliently replaced with some values \
but while model building can raise an exception
textcolor = moose.element(iteminfo).textColor
bgcolor = moose.element(iteminfo).color
if(textcolor == ''): textcolor = 'green'
if(bgcolor == ''): bgcolor = 'orange'
if(textcolor == bgcolor):
textcolor = getRandColor()
textcolor = colorCheck(textcolor)
bgcolor = colorCheck(bgcolor)
# if moose.exists(iteminfo):
# moose.element(iteminfo).textColor = textcolor
# moose.element(iteminfo).color = bgcolor
def colorCheck(fc_bgcolor):
""" textColor or background can be anything like string or tuple or list \
if string its taken as colorname further down in validColorcheck checked for valid color, \
but for tuple and list its taken as r,g,b value.
if isinstance(fc_bgcolor,str):
if fc_bgcolor.startswith("#"):
fc_bgcolor = fc_bgcolor
elif fc_bgcolor.isdigit():
""" color is int a map from int to r,g,b triplets from pickled color map file """
tc = (int(fc_bgcolor))*2
if tc < len(colorMap):
pickledColor = colorMap[tc]
pickledColor = (255, 0, 0)
fc_bgcolor = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (pickledColor)
elif fc_bgcolor.isalpha() or fc_bgcolor.isalnum():
fc_bgcolor = validColorcheck(fc_bgcolor)
for r in ['[',']','(',')']:
fc_bgcolor = fc_bgcolor.replace(r,"")
fc_bgcolor = fc_bgcolor.split(",")
c = 0
hexlist ="#"
for n in fc_bgcolor:
if c < 3:
hexlist = hexlist+str("%02x" % int(n))
c = c+1;
fc_bgcolor = hexlist
def validColorcheck(color):
Both in Qt4.7 and 4.8 if not a valid color it makes it as back but in 4.7 there will be a warning mssg which is taken here
checking if textcolor or backgroundcolor is valid color, if 'No' making white color as default
where I have not taken care for checking what will be backgroundcolor for textcolor or textcolor for backgroundcolor
#if QColor(color).isValid():
if matplotlib.colors.is_color_like(color):
if color == "blue":
color = "orange"
color = matplotlib.colors.cnames[color.lower()]
return color
def xyPosition(objInfo,xory):
return float(moose.element(objInfo).getField(xory))
except ValueError as e:
return float(0)
def setupMeshObj(modelRoot):
''' Setup compartment and its members pool,reaction,enz cplx under self.meshEntry dictionaries \
self.meshEntry with "key" as compartment,
value is key2:list where key2 represents moose object type,list of objects of a perticular type
e.g self.meshEntry[meshEnt] = { 'reaction': reaction_list,'enzyme':enzyme_list,'pool':poollist,'cplx': cplxlist }
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 1.0
ymin = 0.0
ymax = 1.0
listOfitems = {}
positionInfoExist = True
meshEntry = {}
if meshEntry:
meshEntry = {}
xcord = []
ycord = []
meshEntryWildcard = '/##[ISA=ChemCompt]'
if modelRoot != '/':
meshEntryWildcard = modelRoot+meshEntryWildcard
for meshEnt in moose.wildcardFind(meshEntryWildcard):
mollist = []
realist = []
enzlist = []
cplxlist = []
tablist = []
funclist = []
mol_cpl = moose.wildcardFind(meshEnt.path+'/##[ISA=PoolBase]')
funclist = moose.wildcardFind(meshEnt.path+'/##[ISA=Function]')
enzlist = moose.wildcardFind(meshEnt.path+'/##[ISA=EnzBase]')
realist = moose.wildcardFind(meshEnt.path+'/##[ISA=ReacBase]')
tablist = moose.wildcardFind(meshEnt.path+'/##[ISA=StimulusTable]')
if mol_cpl or funclist or enzlist or realist or tablist:
for m in mol_cpl:
if isinstance(moose.element(m.parent),moose.CplxEnzBase):
objInfo = m.parent.path+'/info'
elif isinstance(moose.element(m),moose.PoolBase):
objInfo =m.path+'/info'
if moose.exists(objInfo):
meshEntry[meshEnt] = {'enzyme':enzlist,
positionInfoExist = not(len(np.nonzero(xcord)[0]) == 0 \
and len(np.nonzero(ycord)[0]) == 0)
if positionInfoExist:
xmin = min(xcord)
xmax = max(xcord)
ymin = min(ycord)
ymax = max(ycord)
return meshEntry,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,positionInfoExist,listOfitems
def getxyCord(xcord,ycord,list1,listOfitems):
for item in list1:
# if isinstance(item,Function):
# objInfo = moose.element(item.parent).path+'/info'
# else:
# objInfo = item.path+'/info'
if not isinstance(item,moose.Function):
objInfo = item.path+'/info'
if moose.exists(objInfo):
def setupItem(modelPath,cntDict):
'''This function collects information of what is connected to what. \
eg. substrate and product connectivity to reaction's and enzyme's \
sumtotal connectivity to its pool are collected '''
#print " setupItem"
sublist = []
prdlist = []
zombieType = ['ReacBase','EnzBase','Function','StimulusTable']
for baseObj in zombieType:
path = '/##[ISA='+baseObj+']'
if modelPath != '/':
path = modelPath+path
if ( (baseObj == 'ReacBase') or (baseObj == 'EnzBase')):
for items in moose.wildcardFind(path):
sublist = []
prdlist = []
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(items,'subOut')
subNo = uniqItem
for sub in uniqItem:
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(items,'prd')
prdNo = uniqItem
if (len(subNo) == 0 or len(prdNo) == 0):
print ("\nSubstrate Product is empty for "+items.path)
for prd in uniqItem:
if (baseObj == 'CplxEnzBase') :
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(items,'toEnz')
for enzpar in uniqItem:
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(items,'cplxDest')
for cplx in uniqItem:
if (baseObj == 'EnzBase'):
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(items,'enzDest')
for enzpar in uniqItem:
cntDict[items] = sublist,prdlist
elif baseObj == 'Function':
for items in moose.wildcardFind(path):
sublist = []
prdlist = []
item = items.path+'/x[0]'
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(item,'input')
for funcpar in uniqItem:
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(items,'valueOut')
for funcpar in uniqItem:
cntDict[items] = sublist,prdlist
# elif baseObj == 'Function':
# #ZombieSumFunc adding inputs
# inputlist = []
# outputlist = []
# funplist = []
# nfunplist = []
# for items in moose.wildcardFind(path):
# for funplist in moose.element(items).neighbors['valueOut']:
# for func in funplist:
# funcx = moose.element(items.path+'/x[0]')
# uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(funcx,'input')
# for inPut in uniqItem:
# inputlist.append((inPut,'st',countuniqItem[inPut]))
# cntDict[func] = inputlist
for tab in moose.wildcardFind(path):
tablist = []
uniqItem,countuniqItem = countitems(tab,'output')
for tabconnect in uniqItem:
cntDict[tab] = tablist
def countitems(mitems,objtype):
items = []
items = moose.element(mitems).neighbors[objtype]
uniqItems = set(items)
#countuniqItems = Counter(items)
countuniqItems = dict((i, items.count(i)) for i in items)
def findCompartment(element):
if element.path == '/':
return moose.element('/')
elif mooseIsInstance(element, ["CubeMesh", "CylMesh","EndoMesh","NeuroMesh"]):
return (element)
return findCompartment(moose.element(element.parent))
def mooseIsInstance(element, classNames):
return moose.element(element).__class__.__name__ in classNames