# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

__author__           = "Dilawar Singh"
__copyright__        = "Copyright 2013, NCBS Bangalore"
__credits__          = ["NCBS Bangalore", "Bhalla Lab"]
__license__          = "GPL"
__version__          = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__       = "Dilawar Singh"
__email__            = "dilawars@ncbs.res.in"
__status__           = "Development"

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import moose
import moose.print_utils as pu
import re

# To support python 2.6. On Python3.6+, dictionaries are ordered by default.
# This is here to fill this gap.
from moose.OrderedDict import OrderedDict

def plotAscii(yvec, xvec = None, file=None):
    """Plot two list-like object in terminal using gnuplot.
    If file is given then save data to file as well.
    if xvec is None:
        plotInTerminal(yvec, list(range( len(yvec))), file=file)
        plotInTerminal(yvec, xvec, file=file)

def plotInTerminal(yvec, xvec = None, file=None):
    Plot given vectors in terminal using gnuplot.

    If file is not None then write the data to a file.
    import subprocess
    g = subprocess.Popen(["gnuplot"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
    g.stdin.write("set term dumb 100 25\n")
    g.stdin.write("plot '-' using 1:2 title '{}' with linespoints\n".format(file))
    if file:
        saveAsGnuplot(yvec, xvec, file=file)
    for i,j in zip(xvec, yvec):
        g.stdin.write("%f %f\n" % (i, j))

def xyToString( yvec, xvec, sepby = ' '):
    """ Given two list-like objects, returns a text string.
    textLines = []
    for y, x in zip( yvec, xvec ):
        textLines.append("{}{}{}".format(y, sepby, x))
    return "\n".join(textLines)

def saveNumpyVec( yvec, xvec, file):
    """save the numpy vectors to a data-file

    if file is None:
    print(("[INFO] Saving plot data to file {}".format(file)))
    textLines = xyToString( yvec, xvec)
    with open(file, "w") as dataF:

def saveAsGnuplot( yvec, xvec, file):
    ''' Save the plot as stand-alone gnuplot script '''
    if file is None:
    print(("[INFO] Saving plot data to a gnuplot-script: {}".format(file)))
    dataText = xyToString( yvec, xvec )
    text = []
    text.append("gnuplot << EOF")
    text.append("set term post eps")
    text.append("set output \"{0}.eps\"".format(file))
    text.append("plot '-' using 0:1 title '{0}'".format(file))
    with open(file+".gnuplot","w") as gnuplotF:

def scaleVector(vec, scaleF):
    """ Scale a vector by a factor """
    if scaleF == 1.0 or scaleF is None:
        return vec
        return [ x*scaleF for x in vec ]

def scaleAxis(xvec, yvec, scaleX, scaleY):
    """ Multiply each elements by factor """
    xvec = scaleVector( xvec, scaleX )
    yvec = scaleVector( yvec, scaleY )
    return xvec, yvec

def reformatTable(table, kwargs):
    """ Given a table return x and y vectors with proper scaling """
    clock = moose.Clock('/clock')
    if type(table) == moose.Table:
        vecY = table.vector
        vecX = np.arange(0, clock.currentTime, len(vecY))
    elif type(table) == tuple:
        vecX, vecY = table
    return (vecX, vecY)

def plotTable(table, **kwargs):
    """Plot a given table. It plots table.vector

    This function can scale the x-axis. By default, y-axis and x-axis scaling is
    done by a factor of 1.

    Pass 'xscale' and/or 'yscale' argument to function to modify scales.

    if not type(table) == moose.Table:
        msg = "Expected moose.Table, got {}".format( type(table) )
        raise TypeError(msg)

    vecX, vecY = reformatTable(table, kwargs)
    plt.plot(vecX, vecY, label = kwargs.get('label', ""))
    # This may not be available on older version of matplotlib.
        plt.legend(loc='best', framealpha=0.4)

def plotTables(tables, outfile=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot a list of tables onto one figure only.
    assert type(tables) == dict, "Expected a dict of moose.Table"
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 1.5*len(tables)))
    subplot = kwargs.get('subplot', True)
    for i, tname in enumerate(tables):
        if subplot:
            plt.subplot(len(tables), 1, i+1)
        yvec = tables[tname].vector
        xvec = np.linspace(0, moose.Clock('/clock').currentTime, len(yvec))
        plt.plot(xvec, yvec, label=tname)

        # This may not be available on older version of matplotlib.
            plt.legend(loc='best', framealpha=0.4)
            plt.legend(loc = 'best')

    if outfile:
        pu.dump("PLOT", "Saving plots to file {}".format(outfile))
            plt.savefig(outfile, transparent=True)
        except Exception as e:
                    , "Failed to save figure, plotting onto a window"

def plotVector(vec, xvec = None, **options):
    """plotVector: Plot a given vector. On x-axis, plot the time.

    :param vec: Given vector.
    :param **kwargs: Optional to pass to maplotlib.

    assert type(vec) == np.ndarray, "Expected type %s" % type(vec)
    legend = options.get('legend', True)

    if xvec is None:
        clock = moose.Clock('/clock')
        xx = np.linspace(0, clock.currentTime, len(vec))
        xx = xvec[:]

    assert len(xx) == len(vec), "Expecting %s got %s" % (len(vec), len(xvec))

    plt.plot(xx, vec, label=options.get('label', ''))
    if legend:
        # This may not be available on older version of matplotlib.
            plt.legend(loc='best', framealpha=0.4)

    if xvec is None:
        plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
        plt.xlabel(options.get('xlabel', ''))

    plt.ylabel = options.get('ylabel', '')
    plt.title(options.get('title', ''))

    if(options.get('legend', True)):
            plt.legend(loc='best', framealpha=0.4, prop={'size' : 9})
            plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size' : 9})

def saveRecords(records, xvec = None, **kwargs):
    Given a dictionary of data with (key, numpy array) pair, it saves them to a
    file 'outfile'

    :param outfile
    :param dataDict:
    :param **kwargs:
        comment: Adds comments below the header.
    if len(records) == 0:
        pu.warn("No data in dictionary to save.")
        return False

    outfile = kwargs.get('outfile', 'data.moose')
    clock = moose.Clock('/clock')
    assert clock.currentTime > 0
    yvecs = [ ]
    text = "time," + ",".join([ str(x) for x in records ])
    for k in records:
            yvec = records[k].vector
        except AttributeError as e:
            yevc = records[k]
    xvec = np.linspace(0, clock.currentTime, len(yvecs[0]))
    yvecs = [ xvec ] + yvecs
    if kwargs.get('comment', ''):
        text += ("\n"  + kwargs['comment'] )
    np.savetxt(outfile, np.array(yvecs).T, delimiter=',' , header = text)
    pu.info("Done writing data to %s" % outfile)

def plotRecords(records, xvec = None, **kwargs):
    dataDict = OrderedDict( )
        for k in sorted(records.keys(), key=str.lower):
            dataDict[k] = records[k]
    except Exception as e:
        dataDict = records

    legend = kwargs.get('legend', True)
    outfile = kwargs.get('outfile', None)
    subplot = kwargs.get('subplot', False)
    filters = [ x.lower() for x in kwargs.get('filter', [])]

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 1.5*len(dataDict)))
    #plt.rcParams.update( { 'font-size' : 10 } )
    for i, k in enumerate(dataDict):
        pu.info("+ Plotting for %s" % k)
        plotThis = False
        if not filters: plotThis = True
        for accept in filters:
            if accept in k.lower():
                plotThis = True

        if plotThis:
            if not subplot:
                yvec = dataDict[k].vector
                plotVector(yvec, xvec, label=k, **kwargs)
                plt.subplot(len(dataDict), 1, i+1)
                yvec = dataDict[k].vector
                plotVector(yvec, xvec, label=k, **kwargs)

    # title in Image.
    if 'title' in kwargs:

    if subplot:
        except: pass

    if outfile:
        pu.info("Writing plot to %s" % outfile)
        plt.savefig("%s" % outfile, transparent=True)
    plt.close( )

def plotTablesByRegex( regex = '.*', **kwargs ):
    """plotTables Plot all moose.Table/moose.Table2 matching given regex. By
    default plot all tables. Table names must be unique. Table name are used as

    :param regex: Python regular expression to be matched.
    :param **kwargs:
        - subplot = True/False; if True, each Table is plotted in a subplot.
        - outfile = filepath; If given, plot will be saved to this path.

    tables = moose.wildcardFind( '/##[TYPE=Table]' )
    tables += moose.wildcardFind( '/##[TYPE=Table2]' )
    toPlot = OrderedDict( )
    for t in sorted(tables, key = lambda x: x.name):
        if re.search( regex, t.name ):
            toPlot[ t.name ] = t
    return plotRecords( toPlot, None, **kwargs )