# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "HarshaRani"
__credits__ = ["Upi Lab"]
__license__ = "GPL3"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "HarshaRani"
__email__ = "hrani@ncbs.res.in"
__status__ = "Development"
__updated__ = "Sep 03 2018"
mooseAddChemSolver and mooseDeleteChemSolver is for adding and deleting only
Chemical solver
import moose
from moose.fixXreacs import fixXreacs
def positionCompt( compt ):
i = 0
while (i != len(compt)-1):
compt[i+1].x1 += compt[i].x1
compt[i+1].x0 += compt[i].x1
i += 1
def mooseDeleteChemSolver(modelRoot):
"""Delete solvers from Chemical Compartment """
compts = moose.wildcardFind(modelRoot + '/##[ISA=ChemCompt]')
if all(isinstance(x, (moose.CubeMesh,moose.CylMesh)) for x in compts):
for compt in compts:
if moose.exists(compt.path + '/stoich'):
st = moose.element(compt.path + '/stoich')
st_ksolve = st.ksolve
st_dsolve = st.dsolve
if moose.exists((st_ksolve).path):
print("KSolver is deleted for modelpath %s " % st_ksolve)
if moose.exists((st_dsolve).path) and st_dsolve.path != '/':
print("DSolver is deleted for modelpath %s " % st_dsolve)
return ("mooseDeleteChemSolver is only for deleting Chemical Model solver which has to be `CubeMesh` or `CylMesh` found ",list(set([x.className for x in compts]) - set(['CubeMesh',"CylMesh"])))
def stdSolvertype(solverName):
if solverName.lower() in ["gssa","gillespie","stochastic","gsolve"]:
return "gssa"
elif solverName.lower() in ["gsl","runge kutta","deterministic","ksolve","rungekutta","rk5","rkf","rk"]:
return "gsl"
elif solverName.lower() in ["ee","exponential euler","exponentialeuler","neutral"]:
return "ee"
return "ee"
def mooseAddChemSolver(modelRoot, solver):
Add the solvers only if all are Chemical compartment
compts = moose.wildcardFind(modelRoot + '/##[ISA=ChemCompt]')
if all(isinstance(x, (moose.CubeMesh,moose.CylMesh)) for x in compts):
if not compts:
return ("Atleast one compartment is required ")
elif ( len(compts) > 3 ):
return ("Warning: setSolverOnCompt Cannot handle " , len(compts) , " chemical compartments\n")
comptinfo = moose.Annotator(moose.element(compts[0]).path + '/info')
previousSolver = stdSolvertype(comptinfo.solver)
currentSolver = stdSolvertype(solver)
if previousSolver != currentSolver:
comptinfo.solver = currentSolver
if (moose.exists(compts[0].path + '/stoich')):
# "A: and stoich exists then delete the stoich add solver"
setCompartmentSolver(modelRoot, currentSolver)
return True
if not moose.exists(compts[0].path + '/stoich'):
# " stoich exist, doing nothing"
setCompartmentSolver(modelRoot, currentSolver)
return True
return ("mooseAddChemSolver is only for adding Chemical Model which has to be `CubeMesh` or `CylMesh` found ",list(set([x.className for x in compts]) - set(['CubeMesh',"CylMesh"])))
def setCompartmentSolver(modelRoot, solver):
If Solver type is 'gsl' or 'gssa' do add Solver
if 'ee' nothing
if solver != 'ee':
comptlist = dict((c.volume, c) for c in moose.wildcardFind(modelRoot + '/##[ISA=ChemCompt]'))
vollist = sorted(comptlist.keys())
compts = [comptlist[key] for key in vollist]
#compts = [key for key, value in sorted(comptlist.items(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k))]
if (len(compts) >1 ):
fixXreacs( modelRoot )
vollist = sorted(comptlist.keys())
compts = [comptlist[key] for key in vollist]
#compts = [key for key, value in sorted(comptlist.items(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k))]
for compt in compts:
if solver != 'ee':
if (solver == 'gsl'):
ksolve = moose.Ksolve(compt.path + '/ksolve')
if (solver == 'gssa') :
ksolve = moose.Gsolve(compt.path + '/gsolve')
if (len(compts) > 1):
dsolve = moose.Dsolve(compt.path+'/dsolve')
stoich = moose.Stoich(compt.path + '/stoich')
stoich.ksolve = ksolve
if (len(compts) > 1):
stoich.dsolve = dsolve
stoich.compartment = compt
stoich.path = compt.path + "/##"
dsolveList = moose.wildcardFind(modelRoot+'/##[ISA=Dsolve]')
i = 0
while(i < len(dsolveList)-1):
i += 1
if not modelRoot[:1].startswith('/'):
modelRoot ='/'+modelRoot
print( " Solver is added to model path `%s` with `%s` solver" % (modelRoot,solver) )