from moose_nerp.prototypes.inject_func import ParadigmParams, StimParams, StimLocParams

example_pulse_seqeunce = {1:[0,1],2:[2,3],3:[0,1]}

AP_1 =  ParadigmParams(f_pulse=50., n_pulse=1, A_inject=1e-9, f_burst=1, n_burst=1, f_train=1, n_train=1, width_AP=0.005, AP_interval=0.01, n_AP=1, ISI=-0.040, name="1_AP")
PSP_1 = ParadigmParams(f_pulse = 1., n_pulse=1,A_inject=1e-9, f_burst=1, n_burst=1, f_train=1, n_train=1, width_AP=0.005, AP_interval=0.01, n_AP=0, ISI=0, name="1_PSP")

TestPlas = ParadigmParams(f_pulse = 5, n_pulse = 3,A_inject=0, f_burst=1, n_burst=1, f_train=1, n_train=1, width_AP=0.005, AP_interval=0.01, n_AP=0, ISI=0, name="TestPlas")

inject = ParadigmParams(f_pulse = 5, n_pulse = 0,A_inject=0.25e-9, f_burst=1, n_burst=1, f_train=1, n_train=1, width_AP=0.005, AP_interval=0.01, n_AP=0, ISI=0, name="inject")

#This list is required to assign different stim paradigms if specified by the arg_parser
               'AP_1': AP_1,
               'PSP_1': PSP_1 }

#stim_dendrite list must correspond to dendrites in morphology.p
location=StimLocParams(which_spines='all',spine_density = 0.2, pulse_sequence=None,  stim_dendrites=['p1b1b1'])

Stimulation = StimParams(Paradigm = inject,stim_delay = 0.02,StimLoc=location)

#pulse sequence should be of the form:
#{1:[0,1],2:[2,3],3:[0,1]} -- for each pulse specify a list of spines to stimulate