
	demo file

	Simulations of networks using the object-oriented ability of NEURON

	5 neurons connected with GABA-A synapses
	Second-neighbor connections along a ring:
	(every cell connects all the others, except itself)

        cell1 - cell2
          |      |
        cell3  cell4      
           \   /

	Idem Fig.6C of the J Neurophysiol. paper

WARNING: to obtain patterns similar to Fig6c, use a max stimulation
amplitude of -0.02 nA and 20000 as simulation time...


Destexhe, A., Contreras, D., Sejnowski, T.J. and Steriade, M.  A model of
spindle rhythmicity in the isolated reticular thalamus. Journal of 
Neurophysiology 72: 803-818, 1994.

See also:



//  load and define general graphical procedures


objectvar g[20]			// max 20 graphs
ngraph = 0

proc addgraph() { local ii	// define subroutine to add a new graph
				// addgraph("variable", minvalue, maxvalue)
	ngraph = ngraph+1
	ii = ngraph-1
	g[ii] = new Graph()

if(ismenu==0) {
  nrnmainmenu()			// create main menu
  nrncontrolmenu()		// create control menu

//  general parameters

tstop = 5000
runStopAt = tstop
steps_per_ms = 5
celsius = 36
v_init = -70

//  create cells

load_file("RE.tem")			// load template for RE cell

ncells = 5				// sets the number of cells

objectvar RE[ncells]			// create an array of object variables

for(i=0; i<ncells; i=i+1) {
  RE[i] = new REcell()			// create RE cells from template

//  create connections

print " "
print " << Defining connectivity ... >>"
print " "

// The connectivity is defined here in a 1-dim ring of neurons;
// each neuron is connected to its neighbors according to a mininal (layer_min)
// and a maximal (layer_max) distance. 

layer_min = 1				// first neighbors
layer_max = 2

neighmax = 1 + 2 * layer_max		// cells in neighborhood
neighmin = 1 + 2 * (layer_min-1)	// cells not in neighborhood
if(layer_min == 0) neighmin = 0
neigh = neighmax-neighmin		// nb of cells connected

print " "
print " << Number of synapses per cell: ",neigh," >>"
print " "

objectvar syn[ncells][neigh]		// create object variables for synapses

for(i=0; i<ncells; i=i+1) {		// scan over each cell
  ns = 0
  for(k=(i-layer_max); k<(i+layer_max+1); k=k+1) {	// scan over postsyn

	if(k < 0) {			// boundaries = PERIODIC
		j = ncells + k 
	} else if(k >= ncells) {
		j = k - ncells
	} else {
		j = k

	dis = abs(i-k)

	if( (dis >= layer_min) && (dis <= layer_max) ) {  // distance OK?

	  print "<< GABA synapse from cell ",i," to cell ",j," >>"
	  syn[i][ns] = new GABA()

	  RE[j].soma syn[i][ns].loc(0.5)		// j is postsynaptic
	  setpointer syn[i][ns].pre, RE[i].soma.v(0.5)	// i is presynaptic

	  ns = ns + 1			// update synapse counter

print " "

//  create procedure for setting the synaptic weights

proc assign_synapses() {		// assign a value to all synapses
  for(i=0; i<ncells; i=i+1) {		// scan over each cell
    for(j=0; j<neigh; j=j+1) {		// scan over each connection
  	  syn[i][j].gmax = $1		// assign value of gmax

assign_synapses(0.25)			// assign value (in uS) to each synapse
					// sum of all synapses 1ust be of 1uS 
					// for each cell

//  insert random current pulse in each neuron

objectvar RG,Pulse[ncells]			// create object variables

RG = new Random()				// create random generator

for (i=0; i<ncells; i=i+1) {
	print "defining current pulse in RE[",i,"]"

	RE[i].soma Pulse[i] = new IClamp(.5)		// create current stim
// note: for older versions of NEURON, please use PulseStim instead of IClamp

	Pulse[i].dur = 200				// fixed duration
	Pulse[i].amp = RG.uniform(0,-0.02)		// random amplitude
	Pulse[i].del = RG.uniform(0,2000)		// random latency

//  add graphs

print " "
print " << Creating graphics ... >>"
print " "

for(i=0; i<ncells; i=i+1) {