classdef Neuron < handle
function self = Neuron(varargin)
self.params = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
self.index = indices();
self.u0 = initial_conditions(self.index);
self.enabled = true(size(self.u0));
[self.idx_out, self.n_out] = output_indices();
function [du, varargout] = rhs(self, t, u, NO_k, R)
t = t(:).';
p = self.params;
idx = self.index;
%% State variables
% Elshin neuron model
v_sa = u(idx.v_sa, :); % membrane potential of soma/axon, mV
v_d = u(idx.v_d, :); % membrane potential of dendrite, mV
K_sa = u(idx.K_sa, :); % K+ concentration of soma/axon, mM
Na_sa = u(idx.Na_sa, :); % Na+ concentration of soma/axon, mM
K_d = u(idx.K_d, :); % K+ concentration of dendrite, mM
Na_d = u(idx.Na_d, :); % Na+ concentration of dendrite, mM
K_e = u(idx.K_e, :); % K+ concentration of ECS, mM
Na_e = u(idx.Na_e, :); % Na+ concentration of ECS, mM
Buff_e = u(idx.Buff_e, :); % Buffer concentration for K+ buffering in ECS, mM
O2 = u(idx.O2, :); % Tissue oxygen concentration, mM
CBV = u(idx.CBV, :); % BOLD CBV
HbR = u(idx.HbR, :); % BOLD deoxyhemoglobin concentration
% Gating variables
m1 = u(idx.m1, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon NaP channel (Na+)
m2 = u(idx.m2, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon KDR channel (K+)
m3 = u(idx.m3, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon KA channel (K+)
m4 = u(idx.m4, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite NaP channel (Na+)
m5 = u(idx.m5, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite NMDA channel (Na+)
m6 = u(idx.m6, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite KDR channel (K+)
m7 = u(idx.m7, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite KA channel (K+)
m8 = u(idx.m8, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon NaT channel (Na+)
h1 = u(idx.h1, :); % Inactivation gating variable, soma/axon NaP channel (Na+)
h2 = u(idx.h2, :); % Inactivation gating variable, soma/axon KA channel (K+)
h3 = u(idx.h3, :); % Inactivation gating variable, dendrite NaP channel (Na+)
h4 = u(idx.h4, :); % Inactivation gating variable, dendrite NMDA channel (Na+)
h5 = u(idx.h5, :); % Inactivation gating variable, dendrite KA channel (K+)
h6 = u(idx.h6, :); % Inactivation gating variable, soma/axon NaT channel (Na+)
% NO pathway
Ca_n = u(idx.Ca_n, :);
nNOS_act_n = u(idx.nNOS_act_n, :);
NO_n = u(idx.NO_n, :);
%% Algebraic Expressions
%% Elshin neuron model
%% Nernst potential for Na,K ions in soma and dendrite (Cl constant)
E_Na_sa = * log(Na_e ./ Na_sa);
E_K_sa = * log(K_e ./ K_sa);
E_Na_d = * log(Na_e ./ Na_d);
E_K_d = * log(K_e ./ K_d);
%% Ion fluxes
% Leak fluxes of Na,K,Cl in soma and dendrite using HH
J_Naleak_sa = p.gNaleak_sa * (v_sa - E_Na_sa);
J_Kleak_sa = p.gKleak_sa * (v_sa - E_K_sa);
J_Naleak_d = p.gNaleak_d * (v_d - E_Na_d);
J_Kleak_d = p.gKleak_d * (v_d - E_K_d);
% Na flux through NaP channel in soma using GHK
m1alpha = 1 ./ (6 * (1 + exp(-((0.143 * v_sa) + 5.67))));
m1beta = exp(-((0.143 * v_sa) + 5.67)) ./ (6 * (1 + exp(-((0.143 * v_sa) + 5.67))));
h1alpha = 5.12e-8 * exp(-((0.056 * v_sa) + 2.94));
h1beta = 1.6e-6 ./ (1 + exp(-(((0.2 * v_sa)) + 8)));
J_NaP_sa = (m1.^2 .* h1 .* p.gNaP_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (Na_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
% Na flux through NaT channel in soma using GHK
m8alpha = 0.32 * ((-v_sa - 51.9) ./ (exp(-(0.25 * v_sa + 12.975)) - 1));
m8beta = 0.28 * ((v_sa + 24.89) ./ (exp(0.2 * v_sa + 4.978) - 1));
h6alpha = 0.128 * exp(-(0.056 * v_sa + 2.94));
h6beta = 4 ./ (1 + exp(-(0.2 * v_sa + 6)));
J_NaT_sa = (m8.^3 .* h6 .* p.gNaT_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (Na_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
% K flux through KDR channel in soma using GHK
m2alpha = 0.016 * ((v_sa + 34.9) ./ (1 - exp(-((0.2 * v_sa) + 6.98))));
m2beta = 0.25 * exp(-((0.025 * v_sa) + 1.25));
J_KDR_sa =(m2.^2 .* p.gKDR_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (K_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* K_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
% K flux through KA channel in soma using GHKinput_current
m3alpha = 0.02 * ((v_sa + 56.9) ./ (1 - exp(-((0.1 * v_sa) + 5.69))));
m3beta = 0.0175 * ((v_sa + 29.9) ./ (exp(((0.1 * v_sa) + 2.99)) - 1));
h2alpha = 0.016 * exp(-((0.056 * v_sa) + 4.61));
h2beta = 0.5 ./ (1 + exp(-((0.2 * v_sa) + 11.98)));
J_KA_sa = (m3.^2 .* h2 .* p.gKA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (K_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* K_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
% Na flux through NaP channel in dendrite using GHK
m4alpha = 1 ./ (6 * (1 + exp(-((0.143 * v_d) + 5.67))));
m4beta = exp(-((0.143 * v_d) + 5.67)) ./ (6 * (1 + exp(-((0.143 * v_d) + 5.67))));
h3alpha = 5.12e-8 * exp(-((0.056 * v_d) + 2.94));
h3beta = 1.6e-6 ./ (1 + exp(-(((0.2 * v_d)) + 8)));
J_NaP_d = (m4.^2 .* h3 .* p.gNaP_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (Na_d - (exp(-v_d / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d /;
% Na/K flux through NMDA channel in dendrite using GHK
m5alpha = 0.5 ./ (1 + exp((13.5 - K_e) / 1.42));
m5beta = 0.5 - m5alpha;
h4alpha = 1 ./ (2000 * (1 + exp((K_e - 6.75) / 0.71)));
h4beta = 5e-4 - h4alpha;
J_NMDA_K_d = ( (m5 .* h4 .* p.gNMDA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (K_d - (exp(-v_d / .* K_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d / ) ./ (1 + 0.33 * p.Mg * exp(-(0.07 * v_d + 0.7)));
J_NMDA_Na_d = ( (m5 .* h4 .* p.gNMDA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (Na_d - (exp(-v_d / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d / ) ./ (1 + 0.33 * p.Mg * exp(-(0.07 * v_d + 0.7)));
% K flux through KDR channel in dendrite using GHK
m6alpha = 0.016 * ((v_d + 34.9) ./ (1 - exp(-((0.2 * v_d) + 6.98))));
m6beta = 0.25 * exp(-((0.025 * v_d) + 1.25));
J_KDR_d = (m6.^2 .* p.gKDR_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (K_d - (exp(-v_d / .* K_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d /;
% K flux through KA channel in dendrite using GHK
m7alpha = 0.02 * ((v_d + 56.9) ./ (1 - exp(-((0.1 * v_d) + 5.69))));
m7beta = 0.0175 * ((v_d + 29.9) ./ (exp(((0.1 * v_d) + 2.99)) - 1));
h5alpha = 0.016 * exp(-((0.056 * v_d) + 4.61));
h5beta = 0.5 ./ (1 + exp(-((0.2 * v_d) + 11.98)));
J_KA_d = (m7.^2 .* h5 .* p.gKA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (K_d - (exp(-v_d / .* K_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d /;
% flux through the NaK-ATPase pump
J_pump1_sa = (1 + (p.K_init_e ./ K_e)).^(-2) .* (1 + (p.Na_init_sa ./ Na_sa)) .^ (-3);
J_pump1init_sa = 0.0312; %(1 + (p.K_init_e / p.K_init_e)).^(-2) .* (1 + (p.Na_init_sa / p.Na_init_sa)).^(-3);
J_pump1_d = (1 + (p.K_init_e ./ K_e)).^(-2) .* (1 + (p.Na_init_d ./ Na_d)).^(-3);
J_pump1init_d = 0.0312; %(1 + (p.K_init_e / p.K_init_e)).^(-2) .* (1 + (p.Na_init_d / p.Na_init_d)).^(-3);
% Determine whether there is limited oxygen: O2switch=0 ATP is plentiful, O2switch=1 ATP is limited (oxygen-limited regime)
O2_p = p.O2_0 * (1 - p.O2switch) + O2 * p.O2switch;
J_pump2 = 2 * (1 + p.O2_0 ./ (((1 - p.alpha_O2) * O2_p) + p.alpha_O2 * p.O2_0)).^(-1);
J_pump_sa = p.Imax * J_pump1_sa .* J_pump2;
J_pump_d = p.Imax * J_pump1_d .* J_pump2;
J_Napump_sa = 3 * J_pump_sa;
J_Kpump_sa = -2 * J_pump_sa;
J_Napump_d = 3 * J_pump_d;
J_Kpump_d = -2 * J_pump_d;
%% Total ion fluxes
%Total ion fluxes in soma
J_Na_tot_sa = J_NaP_sa + J_Naleak_sa + J_Napump_sa + J_NaT_sa;
J_K_tot_sa = J_KDR_sa + J_KA_sa + J_Kleak_sa + J_Kpump_sa;
J_leak_tot_sa = p.gleak_sa * (v_sa - p.E_Cl_sa); % leak
% Total ion fluxes in dendrite
J_Na_tot_d = J_NaP_d + J_Naleak_d + J_Napump_d + J_NMDA_Na_d;
J_K_tot_d = J_KDR_d + J_KA_d + J_Kleak_d + J_Kpump_d + J_NMDA_K_d;
J_leak_tot_d = p.gleak_d * (v_d - p.E_Cl_d); % leak
% Total ion fluxes in soma and dendrite
J_tot_sa = J_Na_tot_sa + J_K_tot_sa + J_leak_tot_sa;
J_tot_d = J_Na_tot_d + J_K_tot_d + J_leak_tot_d;
%% Tissue oxygen
J_pump2_0 = 0.0952; % 2 * (1 + p.O2_0 ./ (((1 - p.alpha_O2) * 0) + p.alpha_O2 * p.O2_0)).^(-1);
J_pump2_O2_0 = 1; % 2 * (1 + p.O2_0 ./ (((1 - p.alpha_O2) * p.O2_0) + p.alpha_O2 * p.O2_0)).^(-1);
P_02 = (J_pump2 - J_pump2_0 ) ./ ( J_pump2_O2_0 - J_pump2_0);
CBF = p.CBF_init * (R.^4 / p.R_init^4);
J_O2_vascular = CBF .* ((p.O2_b - O2) ./ (p.O2_b - p.O2_0));
J_O2_background = p.CBF_init * P_02 * (1 - p.gamma_O2);
J_O2_pump = p.CBF_init * P_02 * p.gamma_O2 .* ((J_pump1_sa + J_pump1_d) ./ (J_pump1init_sa + J_pump1init_d));
f_out = CBV.^(1/p.d) + p.tau_TAT * (1/(p.tau_MTT + p.tau_TAT) .* ( CBF/p.CBF_init - CBV.^(1/p.d) ));
CMRO2 = J_O2_background + J_O2_pump;
CMRO2_init = p.CBF_init * P_02;
OEF = CMRO2 * p.E_0 ./ CBF;
%BOLD = p.V_0 * ( p.a_1 * (1 - HbR) - p.a_2 * (1 - CBV) );
%% NO pathway
% Glutamate input: vesicle released when the extracellular K+ is over 5.5 mM (Ke_switch)
Glu = self.shared(t, u);
% NO pathway
w_NR2A = Glu ./ (p.K_mA + Glu); %[-]
w_NR2B = Glu ./ (p.K_mB + Glu); %[-]
I_Ca = (-4 * p.v_n * p.G_M * p.P_Ca_P_M * (p.Ca_ex / p.M)) / (1 + exp(-80 * (p.v_n + 0.02))) * (exp(2 * p.v_n * p.F / (p.R_gas * p.T))) / (1 - exp(2 * p.v_n * p.F / (p.R_gas * p.T))); %[fA]
I_Ca_tot = I_Ca .* (p.n_NR2A * w_NR2A + p.n_NR2B * w_NR2B); %[fA]
CaM = Ca_n / p.m_c; %[uM]
tau_nk = p.x_nk ^ 2 ./ (2 * p.D_cNO); %[s]
p_NO_n = p.NOswitch * ( nNOS_act_n * p.V_max_NO_n * p.O2_n / (p.K_mO2_n + p.O2_n) * p.LArg_n / (p.K_mArg_n + p.LArg_n) ); %[uM/s]
c_NO_n = p.k_O2_n * NO_n.^2 * p.O2_n; %[uM/s]
d_NO_n = (NO_k - NO_n) ./ tau_nk; %[uM/s]
% ECS electrodiffusion TEST
Delta_K_e = 3.493 - K_e;
average_K_e = (3.493 + K_e)/2;
Delta_Na_e = 150 - Na_e;
average_Na_e = (150 + Na_e)/2;
Delta_v_e = -(8.315 * 300) / 96.485 * ( 1 * 3.6e-9 * Delta_K_e + 1 * 2.4e-9 * Delta_Na_e ) / ( 1 * 3.6e-9 * average_K_e + 1 * 2.4e-9 * average_Na_e );
flu_diff_Fick_K = (3.6e-9 / (1.24e-4)^2) * (Delta_K_e);
flu_diff_Fick_Na = (2.4e-9 / (1.24e-4)^2) * (Delta_Na_e);
flu_diff_el_K = (3.6e-9 / (1.24e-4)^2) * ( ((1 * 96.485)/(8.315 * 300)) * ( average_K_e * Delta_v_e ) );
flu_diff_el_Na = (2.4e-9 / (1.24e-4)^2) * (((1 * 96.485)/(8.315 * 300)) * ( average_Na_e * Delta_v_e ) );
flu_diff_K = flu_diff_Fick_K + flu_diff_el_K;
flu_diff_Na = flu_diff_Fick_Na + flu_diff_el_Na;
%% Conservation equations
%% Elshin neuron model
% change in membrane potential
du(idx.v_sa, :) = 1/p.Cm * ( -J_tot_sa + 1 / (2 * p.Ra * p.dhod.^2) * (v_d - v_sa) + self.input_current(t) );
du(idx.v_d, :) = 1/p.Cm * (-J_tot_d + 1 / (2 * p.Ra * p.dhod.^2) * (v_sa - v_d));
%change in concentration of Na,K in the soma
du(idx.Na_sa, :) = -p.As / (p.Farad * p.Vs) * J_Na_tot_sa + p.D_Na * (p.Vd + p.Vs) ./ (2 * p.dhod.^2 * p.Vs) * (Na_d - Na_sa);
du(idx.K_sa, :) = -p.As / (p.Farad * p.Vs) * J_K_tot_sa + p.D_K * (p.Vd + p.Vs) ./ (2 * p.dhod.^2 * p.Vs) * (K_d - K_sa);
%change in concentration of Na,K in the dendrite
du(idx.Na_d, :) = -p.Ad / (p.Farad * p.Vd) * J_Na_tot_d + p.D_Na * (p.Vs + p.Vd) ./ (2 * p.dhod.^2 * p.Vd) * (Na_sa - Na_d);
du(idx.K_d, :) = -p.Ad / (p.Farad * p.Vd) * J_K_tot_d + p.D_K * (p.Vs + p.Vd) ./ (2 * p.dhod.^2 * p.Vd) * (K_sa - K_d);
% change in buffer for K+ in the extracellular space
du(idx.Buff_e, :) = p.Mu * K_e .* (p.B0 - Buff_e) ./ (1 + exp(-((K_e - 5.5) ./ 1.09))) - (p.Mu * Buff_e);
% change in concentration of Na,K in the extracellular space
du(idx.Na_e, :) = 1/(p.Farad * p.fe) * (((p.As * J_Na_tot_sa) / p.Vs) + ((p.Ad * J_Na_tot_d) / p.Vd)) + flu_diff_Na;
du(idx.K_e, :) = 1/(p.Farad * p.fe) * (((p.As * J_K_tot_sa) / p.Vs) + ((p.Ad * J_K_tot_d) / p.Vd)) - du(idx.Buff_e) + flu_diff_K;
% change in tissue oxygen
du(idx.O2, :) = J_O2_vascular - J_O2_background - J_O2_pump;
% change in BOLD response
du(idx.CBV, :) = 1/(p.tau_MTT + p.tau_TAT) .* ( CBF/p.CBF_init - CBV.^(1/p.d) );
du(idx.HbR, :) = 1/p.tau_MTT * ( CMRO2./CMRO2_init - HbR./CBV .* f_out );
% Change in activation gating variables m
du(idx.m1, :) = 1000 * ((m1alpha .* (1 - m1)) - (m1beta .* m1));
du(idx.m2, :) = 1000 * ((m2alpha .* (1 - m2)) - (m2beta .* m2));
du(idx.m3, :) = 1000 * ((m3alpha .* (1 - m3)) - (m3beta .* m3));
du(idx.m4, :) = 1000 * ((m4alpha .* (1 - m4)) - (m4beta .* m4));
du(idx.m5, :) = 1000 * ((m5alpha .* (1 - m5)) - (m5beta .* m5));
du(idx.m6, :) = 1000 * ((m6alpha .* (1 - m6)) - (m6beta .* m6));
du(idx.m7, :) = 1000 * ((m7alpha .* (1 - m7)) - (m7beta .* m7));
du(idx.m8, :) = 1000 * ((m8alpha .* (1 - m8)) - (m8beta .* m8));
% Change in inactivation gating variables h
du(idx.h1, :) = 1000 * ((h1alpha .* (1 - h1)) - (h1beta .* h1));
du(idx.h2, :) = 1000 * ((h2alpha .* (1 - h2)) - (h2beta .* h2));
du(idx.h3, :) = 1000 * ((h3alpha .* (1 - h3)) - (h3beta .* h3));
du(idx.h4, :) = 1000 * ((h4alpha .* (1 - h4)) - (h4beta .* h4));
du(idx.h5, :) = 1000 * ((h5alpha .* (1 - h5)) - (h5beta .* h5));
du(idx.h6, :) = 1000 * ((h6alpha .* (1 - h6)) - (h6beta .* h6));
% NO pathway
du(idx.Ca_n, :) = (I_Ca_tot / (2 * p.F * p.V_spine) - (p.k_ex * (Ca_n - p.Ca_rest))) / (1 + p.lambda_buf); %[uM/s]
du(idx.nNOS_act_n, :) = p.V_maxNOS * CaM ./ (p.K_actNOS + CaM) - p.mu2_n * nNOS_act_n; %[uM/s]
du(idx.NO_n, :) = p_NO_n - c_NO_n + d_NO_n; %[uM/s]
du = bsxfun(@times, self.enabled, du);
if nargout == 2
Uout = zeros(self.n_out, size(u, 2));
Uout(self.idx_out.Glu, :) = Glu; %self.input_Glu(t);
Uout(self.idx_out.w_NR2A, :) = w_NR2A;
Uout(self.idx_out.w_NR2B, :) = w_NR2B;
Uout(self.idx_out.I_Ca, :) = I_Ca;
Uout(self.idx_out.I_Ca_tot, :) = I_Ca_tot;
Uout(self.idx_out.CaM, :) = CaM;
Uout(self.idx_out.tau_nk, :) = tau_nk;
Uout(self.idx_out.p_NO_n, :) = p_NO_n;
Uout(self.idx_out.c_NO_n, :) = c_NO_n;
Uout(self.idx_out.d_NO_n, :) = d_NO_n;
Uout(self.idx_out.current, :) = self.input_current(t);
Uout(self.idx_out.CBF, :) = CBF;
Uout(self.idx_out.OEF, :) = OEF;
Uout(self.idx_out.CMRO2, :) = CMRO2;
Uout(self.idx_out.CMRO2_init, :) = CMRO2_init;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_KDR_sa, :) = J_KDR_sa;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_KA_sa, :) = J_KA_sa;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_Kleak_sa, :) = J_Kleak_sa;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_Kpump_sa, :) = J_Kpump_sa;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_KDR_d, :) = J_KDR_d;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_KA_d, :) = J_KA_d;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_Kleak_d, :) = J_Kleak_d;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_Kpump_d, :) = J_Kpump_d;
Uout(self.idx_out.J_NMDA_K_d, :) = J_NMDA_K_d;
Uout(self.idx_out.flu_diff_K, :) = flu_diff_K;
Uout(self.idx_out.flu_diff_Fick_K, :) = flu_diff_Fick_K;
Uout(self.idx_out.flu_diff_el_K, :) = flu_diff_el_K;
varargout = {Uout};
function [Glu, J_K_NEtoSC, J_Na_NEtoSC, NO_n, O2] = shared(self, t, u) %shared variables
t = t(:).';
p = self.params;
idx = self.index;
NO_n = u(idx.NO_n, :);
Buff_e = u(idx.Buff_e, :); % Buffer concentration for K+ buffering in ECS, mM
v_sa = u(idx.v_sa, :); % membrane potential of soma/axon, mV
v_d = u(idx.v_d, :); % membrane potential of dendrite, mV
K_sa = u(idx.K_sa, :); % K+ concentration of soma/axon, mM
Na_sa = u(idx.Na_sa, :); % Na+ concentration of soma/axon, mM
K_d = u(idx.K_d, :); % K+ concentration of dendrite, mM
Na_d = u(idx.Na_d, :); % Na+ concentration of dendrite, mM
K_e = u(idx.K_e, :); % K+ concentration of ECS, mM
Na_e = u(idx.Na_e, :); % Na+ concentration of ECS, mM
m1 = u(idx.m1, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon NaP channel (Na+)
m2 = u(idx.m2, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon KDR channel (K+)
m3 = u(idx.m3, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon KA channel (K+)
m4 = u(idx.m4, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite NaP channel (Na+)
m5 = u(idx.m5, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite NMDA channel (Na+)
m6 = u(idx.m6, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite KDR channel (K+)
m7 = u(idx.m7, :); % Activation gating variable, dendrite KA channel (K+)
m8 = u(idx.m8, :); % Activation gating variable, soma/axon NaT channel (Na+)
h1 = u(idx.h1, :); % Inactivation gating variable, soma/axon NaP channel (Na+)
h2 = u(idx.h2, :); % Inactivation gating variable, soma/axon KA channel (K+)
h3 = u(idx.h3, :); % Inactivation gating variable, dendrite NaP channel (Na+)
h4 = u(idx.h4, :); % Inactivation gating variable, dendrite NMDA channel (Na+)
h5 = u(idx.h5, :); % Inactivation gating variable, dendrite KA channel (K+)
h6 = u(idx.h6, :); % Inactivation gating variable, soma/axon NaT channel (Na+)
O2 = u(idx.O2, :);
%% Glutamate function dependent on neuron membrane potential
Glu = p.GluSwitch * 0.5 * p.Glu_max * ( 1 + tanh( (K_e - p.Ke_switch) / p.Glu_slope) ); % based on extracellular K+ (Kager2000) - smooth
%% Fluxes for the ODEs - (unfortunately) must be reproduced in this function to share with Astrocyte.m
K = K_e;
E_Na_sa = * log(Na_e ./ Na_sa);
E_K_sa = * log(K_e ./ K_sa);
E_Na_d = * log(Na_e ./ Na_d);
E_K_d = * log(K_e ./ K_d);
J_Kleak_sa = p.gKleak_sa * (v_sa - E_K_sa);
J_KDR_sa =(m2.^2 .* p.gKDR_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (K_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* K))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
J_KA_sa = (m3.^2 .* h2 .* p.gKA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (K_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* K))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
J_Kleak_d = p.gKleak_d * (v_d - E_K_d);
J_NMDA_K_d = ( (m5 .* h4 .* p.gNMDA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (K_d - (exp(-v_d / .* K))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d / ) ./ (1 + 0.33 * p.Mg * exp(-(0.07 * v_d + 0.7)));
J_KDR_d = (m6.^2 .* p.gKDR_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (K_d - (exp(-v_d / .* K))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d /;
J_KA_d = (m7.^2 .* h5 .* p.gKA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (K_d - (exp(-v_d / .* K))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d /;
J_NaP_sa = (m1.^2 .* h1 .* p.gNaP_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (Na_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
J_Naleak_sa = p.gNaleak_sa * (v_sa - E_Na_sa);
J_NaT_sa = (m8.^3 .* h6 .* p.gNaT_GHk * p.Farad .* v_sa .* (Na_sa - (exp(-v_sa / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_sa /;
J_NaP_d = (m4.^2 .* h3 .* p.gNaP_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (Na_d - (exp(-v_d / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d /;
J_Naleak_d = p.gNaleak_d * (v_d - E_Na_d);
J_NMDA_Na_d = ( (m5 .* h4 .* p.gNMDA_GHk * p.Farad .* v_d .* (Na_d - (exp(-v_d / .* Na_e))) ./ ( * (1 - exp(-v_d / ) ./ (1 + 0.33 * p.Mg * exp(-(0.07 * v_d + 0.7)));
% Oxygen dependent ATP pump
O2_p = p.O2_0 * (1 - p.O2switch) + O2 * p.O2switch;
J_pump2 = 2 * (1 + p.O2_0 ./ (((1 - p.alpha_O2) * O2_p) + p.alpha_O2 * p.O2_0)).^(-1);
J_pump1_sa = (1 + (p.K_init_e ./ K)).^(-2) .* (1 + (p.Na_init_sa ./ Na_sa)) .^ (-3);
J_pump1_d = (1 + (p.K_init_e ./ K)).^(-2) .* (1 + (p.Na_init_d ./ Na_d)).^(-3);
J_pump_sa = p.Imax * J_pump1_sa .* J_pump2;
J_pump_d = p.Imax * J_pump1_d .* J_pump2;
J_Kpump_sa = -2 * J_pump_sa;
J_Kpump_d = -2 * J_pump_d;
J_Napump_sa = 3 * J_pump_sa;
J_Napump_d = 3 * J_pump_d;
J_K_tot_sa = J_KDR_sa + J_KA_sa + J_Kleak_sa + J_Kpump_sa;
J_K_tot_d = J_KDR_d + J_KA_d + J_Kleak_d + J_Kpump_d + J_NMDA_K_d;
J_Na_tot_sa = J_NaP_sa + J_Naleak_sa + J_Napump_sa + J_NaT_sa;
J_Na_tot_d = J_NaP_d + J_Naleak_d + J_Napump_d + J_NMDA_Na_d;
Delta_K_e = 3.493 - K_e;
average_K_e = (3.493 + K_e)/2;
Delta_Na_e = 150 - Na_e;
average_Na_e = (150 + Na_e)/2;
Delta_v_e = -(8.315 * 300) / 96.485 * ( 1 * 3.6e-9 * Delta_K_e + 1 * 2.4e-9 * Delta_Na_e ) / ( 1 * 3.6e-9 * average_K_e + 1 * 2.4e-9 * average_Na_e );
flu_diff_Fick_K = (3.6e-9 / (1.24e-4)^2) * (Delta_K_e);
flu_diff_el_K = (3.6e-9 / (1.24e-4)^2) * ( ((1 * 96.485)/(8.315 * 300)) * ( average_K_e * Delta_v_e ) );
flu_diff_K = flu_diff_Fick_K + flu_diff_el_K;
dKedt = 1/(p.Farad * p.fe) * (((p.As * J_K_tot_sa) / p.Vs) + ((p.Ad * J_K_tot_d) / p.Vd)) - (p.Mu * K_e .* (p.B0 - Buff_e) ./ (1 + exp(-((K_e - 5.5) ./ 1.09))) - (p.Mu * Buff_e)) + flu_diff_K;
J_K_NEtoSC = p.SC_coup * dKedt;
dNaedt = 1/(p.Farad * p.fe) * (((p.As * J_Na_tot_sa) / p.Vs) + ((p.Ad * J_Na_tot_d) / p.Vd));
% J_Na_NEtoSC = p.SC_coup * dNaedt;
J_Na_NEtoSC = -p.SC_coup * dKedt;
%% Current input to neuron
function current = input_current(self, t)
p = self.params;
if p.CurrentType == 1
current = p.Istrength * rectpuls(t - (p.t_0 + p.lengthpulse/2), p.lengthpulse);
elseif p.CurrentType == 2
current = p.Istrength * rectpuls(t - (p.t_0 + p.lengthpulse/2), p.lengthpulse) ...
+ p.Istrength * rectpuls(t - (p.t_0 + p.lengthpulse + 8 + 1/2), 1);
elseif p.CurrentType == 3 || p.CurrentType == 4
% Load experimental data and use as a scaled current input
dt = p.dt; XLIM2 = p.XLIM2;
T = 0:dt:XLIM2;
neural_data = self.input_data;
index_t = round(t/dt + 1); % Find index corresponding to time t
current = p.Istrength * neural_data(index_t);
function f = input_ECS(self, t)
% Input of K+ into the ECS, if you want to use set t0 and tend
% here and turn off other inputs
p = self.params;
f = zeros(size(t));
lengtht = p.ECS_length;
f(p.t0_ECS <= t & t < p.t0_ECS + lengtht ) = p.ECS_input;
function names = varnames(self)
names = [fieldnames(self.index); fieldnames(self.idx_out)];
function idx = indices() %for state variables
idx.CBV = 1;
idx.HbR = 2;
idx.v_sa = 3;
idx.v_d = 4;
idx.K_sa = 5;
idx.Na_sa = 6;
idx.K_d = 7;
idx.Na_d = 8;
idx.K_e = 9;
idx.Na_e = 10;
idx.Buff_e = 11;
idx.O2 = 12;
idx.m1 = 13;
idx.m2 = 14;
idx.m3 = 15;
idx.m4 = 16;
idx.m5 = 17;
idx.m6= 18;
idx.m7 = 19;
idx.m8 = 20;
idx.h1 = 21;
idx.h2 = 22;
idx.h3 = 23;
idx.h4 = 24;
idx.h5 = 25;
idx.h6 = 26;
idx.Ca_n = 27;
idx.nNOS_act_n = 28;
idx.NO_n = 29;
function [idx, n] = output_indices() %for variables in nargout loop
idx.Glu = 3;
idx.w_NR2A = 4;
idx.w_NR2B = 5;
idx.I_Ca = 6;
idx.I_Ca_tot = 7;
idx.CaM = 10;
idx.tau_nk = 11;
idx.p_NO_n = 12;
idx.c_NO_n = 13;
idx.d_NO_n = 14;
idx.current = 15;
idx.CBF = 16;
idx.OEF = 17;
idx.CMRO2 = 19;
idx.CMRO2_init = 20;
idx.J_KDR_sa = 21;
idx.J_KA_sa = 22;
idx.J_Kleak_sa = 23;
idx.J_Kpump_sa = 24;
idx.J_KDR_d = 25;
idx.J_KA_d = 26;
idx.J_Kleak_d = 27;
idx.J_Kpump_d = 28;
idx.J_NMDA_K_d = 18;
idx.flu_diff_K = 19;
idx.flu_diff_Fick_K = 20;
idx.flu_diff_el_K = 21;
n = numel(fieldnames(idx));
function params = parse_inputs(varargin)
parser = inputParser();
parser.addParameter('CurrentType', 1); % Type of current input. 1: normal, 2: two stimulations, 3: obtained from data, 4: data + LC pain pathway
parser.addParameter('GluSwitch', 1);
parser.addParameter('KSwitch', 1);
parser.addParameter('NOswitch', 1);
parser.addParameter('O2switch', 1);
% Glutamate parameters
parser.addParameter('Glu_max', 1846); % [uM] (one vesicle, Santucci2008)
parser.addParameter('Glu_slope', 0.1); % [mM] Slope of sigmoidal (M.E.)
parser.addParameter('Ke_switch', 5.5); % [mM] Threshold past which glutamate vesicle is released (M.E.)
% Elshin model constants
parser.addParameter('Istrength', 0.022); % Current input strength
parser.addParameter('SC_coup', 11.5); % [-] Coupling scaling factor, values can range between 1.06 to 14.95 according to estimation from experimental data of Ventura and Harris, Maximum dilation at 9.5
% BOLD constants
parser.addParameter('tau_MTT', 3); % [s] Transit time
parser.addParameter('tau_TAT', 20);
parser.addParameter('d', 0.4);
parser.addParameter('a_1', 3.4); % Buxton
parser.addParameter('a_2', 1);
parser.addParameter('V_0', 0.03);
parser.addParameter('E_0', 0.4);
% global constants
parser.addParameter('F', 9.65e4); %C mol^-1; Faraday's constant
parser.addParameter('R_gas', 8.315); %J mol^-1 K^-1; Gas constant
parser.addParameter('T', 300); % K; Temperature
% input
parser.addParameter('startpulse', 200);
parser.addParameter('lengthpulse', 200);
parser.addParameter('lengtht1', 10);
% Elshin neuron model
parser.addParameter('E_Cl_sa', -70); % Nernst potential for Cl- in soma [mV]
parser.addParameter('E_Cl_d', -70); % Nernst potential for Cl- in dendrite [mV]
parser.addParameter('Ra', 1.83e5); % Input resistance of dendritic tree [ohms]
parser.addParameter('dhod', 4.5e-2); % Half length of dendrite [cm]
parser.addParameter('As', 1.586e-5); % Surface area of soma [cm2]
parser.addParameter('Ad', 2.6732e-4); % Surface area of dendrite [cm2]
parser.addParameter('Vs', 2.16e-9); % Volume of soma [cm3]
parser.addParameter('Vd', 5.614e-9); % Volume of dendrite [cm3]
parser.addParameter('fe', 0.15); % ECS to neuron ratio
parser.addParameter('Cm', 7.5e-7); % Membrance capacitance [s/ohms cm2] *******
parser.addParameter('Farad', 96.485); % Faraday constant [C / mmol]
parser.addParameter('ph', 26.6995); % RT/F
parser.addParameter('Mu', 8e-4); % [m/s]
parser.addParameter('Mu2', 8e-4); % [m/s]
parser.addParameter('B0', 500); % Effective total buffer concentration [mM]
parser.addParameter('gNaP_GHk', 2e-6);
parser.addParameter('gKDR_GHk', 10e-5);
parser.addParameter('gKA_GHk', 1e-5);
parser.addParameter('gNMDA_GHk', 1e-5);
parser.addParameter('gNaT_GHk', 10e-5);
% parser.addParameter('gNaleak_sa', 9.5999e-6);
% parser.addParameter('gKleak_sa', 3.4564e-5);
% parser.addParameter('gleak_sa', 10*9.5999e-6);
% parser.addParameter('gNaleak_d', 1.0187e-5);
% parser.addParameter('gKleak_d', 3.4564e-5);
% parser.addParameter('gleak_d', 10*1.0187e-5);
% parser.addParameter('Imax', 0.013);
% parser.addParameter('gNaleak_sa', 4.1333e-5);
% parser.addParameter('gKleak_sa', 1.4623e-4);
% parser.addParameter('gleak_sa', 10*4.1333e-5);
% parser.addParameter('gNaleak_d', 4.1915e-5);
% parser.addParameter('gKleak_d', 1.4621e-4);
% parser.addParameter('gleak_d', 10*4.1915e-5);
% parser.addParameter('Imax', 0.013*4);
parser.addParameter('gNaleak_sa', 6.2378e-5);
parser.addParameter('gKleak_sa', 2.1989e-4);
parser.addParameter('gleak_sa', 10*6.2378e-5);
parser.addParameter('gNaleak_d', 6.2961e-5);
parser.addParameter('gKleak_d', 2.1987e-4);
parser.addParameter('gleak_d', 10*6.2961e-5);
parser.addParameter('Imax', 0.013*6);
parser.addParameter('O2_0', 0.02); % [mM]
parser.addParameter('alpha_O2', 0.05); % percentage of ATP production independent of O2
parser.addParameter('D_Na', 1.33e-5); % [cm2 / s]
parser.addParameter('D_K', 1.96e-5); % [cm2 / s]
parser.addParameter('K_init_e', 2.9);
parser.addParameter('Na_init_sa', 10);
parser.addParameter('Na_init_d', 10);
parser.addParameter('R_init', 1.9341e-5);
parser.addParameter('CBF_init', 3.2e-2);
parser.addParameter('O2_b', 4e-2);
parser.addParameter('gamma_O2', 0.10);
parser.addParameter('Mg', 1.2);
% NO pathway
parser.addParameter('m_c', 4); % [-] Number of Ca2+ bound per calmodulin (approximated as parameter, originally an algebraic variable that changed from 3.999 to 4)
parser.addParameter('K_mA', 650); % [uM] - fit to Santucci2008
parser.addParameter('K_mB', 2800); % [uM] - fit to Santucci2008
parser.addParameter('v_n', -0.04); % [V] ; the neuronal membrane potential , assumed to be approx constant in this model
parser.addParameter('G_M', 46000); % [fS]! was 46 pS! ; the conductance of the NMDA channel to Ca2+ compaired
parser.addParameter('P_Ca_P_M', 3.6); % [-] ; the relative conductance of the NMDA channel to Ca2+ compared to monovalent ions
parser.addParameter('Ca_ex', 2e3); % [microM] ; the external calcium concentration (in Comerford+David2008: 1.5 mM!)
parser.addParameter('M', 1.3e5); % [microM] ; the concentration of monovalent ions in the neuron
parser.addParameter('n_NR2A', 0.63); % [-] ; average number of NR2A NMDA receptors per synapse (Santucci2008)
parser.addParameter('n_NR2B', 11); % [-] ; average number of NR2B NMDA receptors per synapse (Santucci2008)
parser.addParameter('V_max_NO_n', 4.22); % [s^-1] ; maximum catalytic rate of NO production (Chen2006) - obtained from fig 6 & equ 17 & 18
parser.addParameter('O2_n', 200); % [uM] ; tissue O2 concentration in the neuron (M.E.)
parser.addParameter('K_mO2_n', 243); % [uM] ; Chen2006
parser.addParameter('LArg_n', 100); % [uM] ;
parser.addParameter('K_mArg_n', 1.5); % [uM] ;
parser.addParameter('k_O2_n', 9.6e-6); % [uM^-2 s^-1] ; % (Kavdia2002)
parser.addParameter('x_nk', 25); % [um] ; (M.E.)
parser.addParameter('D_cNO', 3300); % [um^2 s^-1] ; Diffusion coefficient NO (Malinski1993)
parser.addParameter('V_spine', 8e-8); % [nL] ; volume of the neuronal dendritic spine Santucci2008
parser.addParameter('k_ex', 1600); % [s^-1] ; decay rate constant of internal calcium concentration Santucci2008
parser.addParameter('Ca_rest', 0.1); % [uM] ; resting calcium concentration (in Comerford+David2008: 2.830 mM; in Santucci2008P: 0.1 \muM)
parser.addParameter('lambda_buf', 20); % [-] ; buffer capacity Santucci2008
parser.addParameter('V_maxNOS', 25e-3); % [] ; M.E.
parser.addParameter('K_actNOS', 9.27e-2); % [uM] ;
parser.addParameter('mu2_n', 0.0167); % [s^-1] ; rate constant at which the nNOS is deactivated Comerford2008
parser.addParameter('dt', 0.001);
parser.addParameter('XLIM2', 150);
parser.addParameter('input_data', linspace(0, 1200, 1000));
params = parser.Results;
params.t_0 = params.startpulse;
params.t_1 = params.t_0 + params.lengtht1;
params.t_2 = params.t_0 + params.lengthpulse;
params.t_3 = params.t_1 + params.lengthpulse;
function u0 = initial_conditions(idx)
u0 = zeros(length(fieldnames(idx)), 1);
u0(idx.CBV) = 1.3167; % [-]
u0(idx.HbR) = 0.6665; % [-]
u0(idx.v_sa) = -70.0337; % [mV]
u0(idx.v_d) = -70.0195; % [mV]
u0(idx.K_sa) = 134.1858; % [mM]
u0(idx.Na_sa) = 9.2691; % [mM]
u0(idx.K_d) = 134.4198; % [mM]
u0(idx.Na_d) = 9.3203; % [mM]
u0(idx.K_e) = 3.493; % [mM]
u0(idx.Na_e) = 150; % [mM]
u0(idx.Buff_e) = 165.9812; % [mM]
u0(idx.O2) = 0.0281; % [mM]
u0(idx.m1) = 0.01281; % [-]
u0(idx.m2) = 0.001209; % [-]
u0(idx.m3) = 0.1190; % [-]
u0(idx.m4) = 0.01284; % [-]
u0(idx.m5) = 0.000869; % [-]
u0(idx.m6) = 0.001213; % [-]
u0(idx.m7) = 0.1191; % [-]
u0(idx.m8) = 0.004962; % [-]
u0(idx.h1) = 0.9718; % [-]
u0(idx.h2) = 0.1214; % [-]
u0(idx.h3) = 0.9718; % [-]
u0(idx.h4) = 0.9899; % [-]
u0(idx.h5) = 0.1210; % [-]
u0(idx.h6) = 0.9961; % [-]
u0(idx.Ca_n) = 0.1; % [uM]
u0(idx.nNOS_act_n) = 0.318; % [uM]
u0(idx.NO_n) = 0.1671; % [uM]