%% Demonstration script for new NVU model
%% Version control
% This is the latest version of the NVU model: Version 2.1
% K+, NO, Astrocytic Ca2+, TRPV4, ECS, Neuron
%% Construct NVU
% The NVU consists of a number of submodules, implemented as MATLAB
% classes, presently an astrocyte, a lumped SMC/EC model, and a model of
% the wall mechanics.
% The parameters of each of these submodules are
% specified when the modules are constructed, here in the call to NVU, see
% for example the |SMCEC| part of the |NVU| call below:
% Options for the ODE solver (currently |ode15s|) are provided by
% specifying the |odeopts| parameter. The code works fine with default
% tolerances.
clear all
timeStart = datetime('now');
fprintf('Start time is %s\n', char(timeStart));
odeopts = odeset('RelTol', 1e-04, 'AbsTol', 1e-04, 'MaxStep', 0.5, 'Vectorized', 1);
XLIM1 = 95;
XLIM2 = 150; % End of simulation
% For current type 1 or 2 use max current strength 0.022
% For current type 3 use max current strength 0.042
% For current type 4 use max current strength 0.035
CURRENT_STRENGTH = 0.022; % Max strength of current input in mA/cm2
NEURONAL_START = 100; % Start of neuronal stimulation
CURRENT_TYPE = 1; % Types of current input. 1: normal, 2: two stimulations (second stimulation is 8 sec after and 1 sec long), 3: obtained from Zheng2010 experimental input data, 4: whisker pad (from experiment) + locus coeruleus (pain pathway)
% Used if CURRENT_STRENGTH = 1 or 2
NEURONAL_END = 120; % End of neuronal stimulation
% Used if CURRENT_STRENGTH = 3 or 4
ISI = 7; % INDEX for time period between stimulations [0.6,1,2,3,4,6,8]
stim = 1; % INDEX for length of initial stimulation [2,8,16]
% Used if CURRENT_STRENGTH = 4: scaling for the two stimulation components,
% alpha for whisker pad and beta for locus coeruleus/pain. Default for both
% is 1.
% I_total = alpha * I_Wh + beta * I_LC
alpha = 1;
beta = 1;
J_PLC = 0.11; % Jplc value in EC: 0.11 for steady state, 0.3 for oscillations
GLU_SWITCH = 1; % Turn on glutamate input (for NO and Ca2+ pathways)
NO_PROD_SWITCH = 1; % Turn on Nitric Oxide production
TRPV_SWITCH = 1; % Turn on TRPV4 Ca2+ channel from AC to PVS
O2SWITCH = 1; % 0: ATP is plentiful, 1: ATP is limited (oxygen-limited regime, default)
% Load initial NVU
nv = NVU(Neuron('SC_coup', 11.5, 'CurrentType', CURRENT_TYPE, 'O2switch', O2SWITCH, 'startpulse', NEURONAL_START, 'lengthpulse', NEURONAL_END - NEURONAL_START, 'Istrength', CURRENT_STRENGTH, 'GluSwitch', GLU_SWITCH, 'NOswitch', NO_PROD_SWITCH), ...
Astrocyte('R_decay', 0.15, 'trpv_switch', TRPV_SWITCH, 'startpulse', NEURONAL_START, 'lengthpulse', NEURONAL_END - NEURONAL_START), ...
WallMechanics('wallMech', 1.7), ...
SMCEC('J_PLC', J_PLC, 'NOswitch', NO_PROD_SWITCH), 'odeopts', odeopts);
% Adjust time vector
nv.neuron.params.dt = 0.001; dt = nv.neuron.params.dt;
nv.T = 0:dt:XLIM2;
numTimeSteps = length(nv.T);
%% Load whisker stimulation input data from file, save as I_Wh and put into Neuron.m
if nv.neuron.params.CurrentType == 3 || nv.neuron.params.CurrentType == 4
load Zheng2010_data.mat
actual_ISI = info.isi_duration(ISI);
actual_stim = info.condition_stim_duration(stim);
sum_neural_wh = zeros(size(neural_tim_vector));
for animal = 1:11
for experiment = 1:10
sum_neural_wh = sum_neural_wh+neural_data(:,ISI,stim,experiment,animal)'; % Sum all data
mean_neural_wh = sum_neural_wh./110; % Average the neural data over all animals and experiments, animals*experiments=110
neural_tim_vector_shifted = neural_tim_vector + NEURONAL_START; % Shift so stimulation begins at NEURONAL_START
interp_neural_wh = interp1(neural_tim_vector_shifted, mean_neural_wh, nv.T); % Interpolate so there is data for all timesteps for NVU
interp_neural_wh(isnan(interp_neural_wh))=0.02; % Remove NaNs
nv.neuron.input_data = interp_neural_wh; % Replace dummy in Neuron with input data, leave it at that for CURRENT_TYPE = 3
I_Wh = interp_neural_wh; % Save as whisker pad current I_Wh
%% Construct additional pain pathway stimulation I_LC and input total current I_total to Neuron.m
if nv.neuron.params.CurrentType == 4
% Construct first stimulation, set to work for any NEURONAL_START or any
% initial stimulus duration (2,8,16 s)
time_1 = linspace(0, actual_stim, 10000);
I_1 = 0.0006 * time_1.^2 + 0.1; % Chosen for the shape! Can be modified if needed
time_1 = time_1 + NEURONAL_START; % Shift so starts at NEURONAL_START
I_1 = interp1(time_1, I_1, nv.T); % Make same size as nv.T
I_1(isnan(I_1)) = 0; % Replace NaNs with zeros
% Construct second stimulation with duration 2 sec
time_2 = linspace(0, 1, 10000);
I_2 = 0.1*ones(size(time_2));
time_2 = time_2 + NEURONAL_START + actual_stim + actual_ISI;
I_2 = interp1(time_2, I_2, nv.T);
I_2(isnan(I_2)) = 0;
% Add together
I_LC = I_1 + I_2;
% Total current (whisker pad plus LC)
I_total = alpha*I_Wh + beta*I_LC;
% Input to Neuron.m
nv.neuron.input_data = I_total;
%% Run the simulation
% Find a point in time 20 sec before neuronal stimulation has begun (preNeuronalStimTime1)
% and the point in time when stimulation begins (preNeuronalStimTime2) and get the values for
% CBF, CBV, HBR, CMRO2 at that time, then find the midpoint between the min and max and normalise with that value.
% Done in this way so that it also works when the variables are oscillatory (i.e. J_PLC = 0.3)
np = nv.neuron.params; % Shortcut for neuron parameters
preNeuronalStimTime1 = floor((NEURONAL_START-20)*numTimeSteps/XLIM2);
preNeuronalStimTime2 = floor((NEURONAL_START)*numTimeSteps/XLIM2);
CBF = nv.out('CBF'); CBV = (nv.out('CBV'))'; HBR = (nv.out('HbR'))'; CMRO2 = nv.out('CMRO2');
CBF_0 = 0.5*( max(CBF(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) + min(CBF(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) );
CBV_0 = 0.5*( max(CBV(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) + min(CBV(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) );
HBR_0 = 0.5*( max(HBR(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) + min(HBR(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) );
CMRO2_0 = 0.5*( max(CMRO2(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) + min(CMRO2(preNeuronalStimTime1:preNeuronalStimTime2)) );
%Normalised variables
HBT_N = CBF_N .* HBR_N ./ CMRO2_N; % Total hemoglobin (normalised)
HBO_N = (HBT_N - 1) - (HBR_N - 1) + 1; % Oxyhemoglobin (normalised)
BOLD_N = 100 * np.V_0 * ( np.a_1 * (1 - HBR_N) - np.a_2 * (1 - CBV_N) ); % BOLD (percentage increase from 0)
%% Plot experimental and model CBF from data file
if nv.neuron.params.CurrentType == 3 || nv.neuron.params.CurrentType == 4
sum_cbf = zeros(size(cbf_tim_vector));
for animal = 1:11
for experiment = 1:10
sum_cbf = sum_cbf+cbf_data(:,ISI,stim,experiment,animal)';
mean_cbf = (sum_cbf./110) - 1;
cbf_tim_vector_shifted = cbf_tim_vector + NEURONAL_START; % Shift so stimulation begins at NEURONAL_START
plot(cbf_tim_vector_shifted, mean_cbf, ':k', nv.T, (nv.out('CBF')-CBF_0)./CBF_0, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('\Delta CBF')
xlabel('Time [s]')
xlim([90 150])
ylim([-0.05 0.3])
title(['CBF with initial duration ' num2str(actual_stim) ', ISI ' num2str(actual_ISI)] );
p1=patch([100 100+actual_stim 100+actual_stim 100],[-0.05 -0.05 0.3 0.3],'k');
set(p1,'FaceAlpha',0.1,'EdgeColor', 'none');
p2=patch([100+actual_stim+actual_ISI 100+actual_stim+actual_ISI+1 100+actual_stim+actual_ISI+1 100+actual_stim+actual_ISI],[-0.05 -0.05 0.3 0.3],'k');
set(p2,'FaceAlpha',0.1,'EdgeColor', 'none');
%% Plot figures - whatever you want
hold all;
plot(nv.T, nv.out('v_sa'), 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('v_{sa} [mV]');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, nv.out('v_k'), 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('v_k [mV]');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, nv.out('O2')*1e3, 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('O2 [\muM]');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, (nv.out('CBF')-CBF_0)./CBF_0, 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('\Delta CBF / CBF_0');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, nv.out('R')*1e6, 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('Radius [\mum]');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, nv.out('K_s')/1e3, 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('K_s [mM]');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, nv.out('Ca_k'), 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('Ca_k [\muM]');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, nv.out('K_k')/1e3, 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('K_k [mM]');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
hold all;
plot(nv.T, BOLD_N, 'LineWidth', 1);
ylabel('\Delta BOLD (%)');
xlim([XLIM1 XLIM2])
timeEnd = datetime('now');
fprintf('End time is %s\n', char(timeEnd));