* get_morphology.cpp
* Created by Naomi Lewin on 11/14/08.
* Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iomanip>
#include "get_morphology.h"
#include "neuron_structures.h"
using namespace std;
void calc_distance(Compartment * neuron){
int seg;
int prev_neighbor = 0;
double dist;
FILE * dist_list = fopen("dist_list", "w");
for(seg = 0; seg < 5; seg++){
neuron[seg].distance = 0.0; // these are the somatic compartments therefore the distance from soma = 0;
fprintf(dist_list, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", seg, neuron[seg].distance, neuron[seg].radius, neuron[seg].dx);
for(seg = 5; seg < 183; seg++){
if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 1) prev_neighbor = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 2) prev_neighbor = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 3) prev_neighbor = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[2];
if(prev_neighbor > seg) cout << "ERROR: previous neighbor has higher value than segment number at segment " << seg << endl;
neuron[seg].distance = .5*(neuron[seg].dx + neuron[prev_neighbor].dx) + neuron[prev_neighbor].distance;
fprintf(dist_list, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", seg, neuron[seg].distance, neuron[seg].radius, neuron[seg].dx);
//cout << "seg: " << seg << " previous neighbor: " << prev_neighbor << endl << " distance: " << neuron[seg].distance << endl;;
void reset_grid(Compartment * neuron, Compartment * new_neuron, int * create_new){
// function to reset the maximum dx of the compartments
// uses previously calculated distance, dx, neighbor list
// creates new compartments
// resets dx
// resets neighbors
// resets total number of compartments
// count_new is the number of new compartments created in order to reach desired maximum dx
// set max size of compartments:
int counter = 0;
int final_index;
for(int seg=0; seg<183; seg++){
new_neuron[seg].dx = neuron[seg].dx/(create_new[seg]+1); // new length based on max grid
new_neuron[seg].radius = neuron[seg].radius;
new_neuron[seg].distance = neuron[seg].distance;
new_neuron[seg].num_neighbors = neuron[seg].num_neighbors;
//if(create_new[seg] == 0){
// copy neighbors:
if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 1) new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 2) {
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 3) {
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[2] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[2];
//} // copied variables for unchanged compartments into new structure
for(int seg = 0; seg<183; seg++){
// fill in the variables for the new compartments corresponding to each of the original compartments
int number_ofnews = create_new[seg];
int new_seg[number_ofnews];
for(int i=0; i<create_new[seg]; i++){
int index = 183 + counter;
new_seg[i] = index; // list of compartment numbers of new compartments corresponding to the old segment number we're currently dealing with
new_neuron[index].dx = new_neuron[seg].dx;
new_neuron[index].radius = new_neuron[seg].radius;
new_neuron[index].distance = new_neuron[seg].distance;
// for each condition (1, 2, or 3 neighbors) of the original compartment,
// set neighbors for original compartment:
// set neighbors for inital new compartment:
// set neighbors for middle new compartments:
// set neighbors for final new compartment:
if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 1) {
new_neuron[seg].num_neighbors = 1;
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0] = new_seg[0]; // new neighbor is first new compartment
int neighbor_index = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
for(int i=0; i<create_new[seg]; i++){
int index = new_seg[i];
if(i == 0){
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1]=seg; //[0] = seg;
if(create_new[seg]>1) new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0]=new_seg[i+1]; //[1] = new_seg[i+1];
else new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0]; //[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
else if(i == create_new[seg]-1){
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0]; //new_seg[i-1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = new_seg[i-1]; //neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
else {
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = new_seg[i+1]; //new_seg[i-1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = new_seg[i-1]; //new_seg[i+1];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
// replace the index in the original neighbor's list:
for(int i=0; i<neuron[neighbor_index].num_neighbors; i++){
if(neuron[neighbor_index].neighbor_list[i] == seg) new_neuron[neighbor_index].neighbor_list[i] = new_seg[number_ofnews-1];
else if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 2) {
new_neuron[seg].num_neighbors = 2;
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0] = new_seg[0]; //neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
//new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1]; //new_seg[0];
int neighbor_index = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0]; //neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
for(int i=0; i<create_new[seg]; i++){
int index = new_seg[i];
if(i == 0){
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = seg; //new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = seg;
if(create_new[seg]>1) new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = new_seg[i+1]; //neighbor_list[1] = new_seg[i+1];
else new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0]; //neighbor_list[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
else if(i == create_new[seg]-1){
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = new_seg[i-1]; //[0] = new_seg[i-1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0]; //[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
else {
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = new_seg[i+1]; //new_seg[i-1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = new_seg[i-1]; //new_seg[i+1];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
// replace the index in the original neighbor's list:
for(int i=0; i<neuron[neighbor_index].num_neighbors; i++){
if(neuron[neighbor_index].neighbor_list[i] == seg) new_neuron[neighbor_index].neighbor_list[i] = new_seg[number_ofnews-1];
else if(neuron[seg].num_neighbors == 3) {
new_neuron[seg].num_neighbors = 2;
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0] = new_seg[0]; //neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1] = new_neuron[seg].neighbor_list[2]; //new_seg[0];
int neighbor_index1 = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0]; //[1];
int neighbor_index2 = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1]; //[2];
for(int i=0; i<create_new[seg]; i++){
int index = new_seg[i];
if(i == 0){
if(create_new[seg]>1) {
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1]=seg; //[0] = seg;
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0]=new_seg[i+1]; //[1] = new_seg[i+1];
else {
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[2] = seg; //neuron[seg].neighbor_list[2];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 3;
final_index = index;
else if(i == create_new[seg]-1){
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[0]; //new_seg[i-1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = neuron[seg].neighbor_list[1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[2] = new_seg[i-1]; //neuron[seg].neighbor_list[2];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 3;
final_index = index;
else {
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[0] = new_seg[i+1]; //new_seg[i-1];
new_neuron[index].neighbor_list[1] = new_seg[i-1]; //new_seg[i+1];
new_neuron[index].num_neighbors = 2;
// replace the index in the original neighbor's list:
for(int i=0; i<neuron[neighbor_index1].num_neighbors; i++){
cout << "segment: " << seg << endl;
if(neuron[neighbor_index1].neighbor_list[i] == seg) {
new_neuron[neighbor_index1].neighbor_list[i] = new_seg[number_ofnews-1];
cout << "for segment " << neighbor_index1 << " new neighbor " << final_index << " at neighbor #: " << i << endl;
for(int i=0; i<neuron[neighbor_index2].num_neighbors; i++){
if(neuron[neighbor_index2].neighbor_list[i] == seg){
new_neuron[neighbor_index2].neighbor_list[i] = new_seg[number_ofnews-1];
cout << "for segment " << neighbor_index2 << " new neighbor " << final_index << " at neighbor #: " << i << endl;
} // filled in variables for changed and new compartments into new structure
void read_dimensions(Compartment * neuron){
FILE * fptr;
fptr = fopen("n123_trim.txt", "r");
char string[30];
int segment;
double length, rad, resist;
fscanf(fptr, "%s", string);
while( !feof( fptr ) ){
segment = atoi( string );
fscanf(fptr, "%s", string);
length = atof( string );
neuron[segment].dx = length;
fscanf(fptr, "%s", string);
rad = atof( string );
neuron[segment].radius = rad/2.; //rad/2.;
fscanf(fptr, "%s", string);
resist = atof( string );
neuron[segment].ra = resist; // this isn't used; axial resistance set later based on distance from soma
fscanf(fptr, "%s", string);
fclose( fptr );
void read_neighborlist(Compartment * neuron){
FILE * fptr1;
fptr1 = fopen("n123_neighborslist.txt", "r");
char string[30];
char * tokenPtr;
int i, segment, neighbor[3];
fscanf( fptr1, "%s", string);
while( !feof( fptr1 ) ){
for(i = 0; i<3; i++) neighbor[i] = -1;
tokenPtr = strtok( string, ",");
segment = atoi( tokenPtr );
i = 0;
while (tokenPtr != NULL ) {
tokenPtr = strtok( NULL, ",");
if (tokenPtr != NULL ) {
neighbor[i] = atoi( tokenPtr );
neuron[segment].num_neighbors = i;
for( int i = 0; i<3; i++) neuron[segment].neighbor_list[i] = neighbor[i];
fscanf( fptr1, "%s", string);
/* do last line: */
for(i = 0; i<3; i++) neighbor[i] = -1;
tokenPtr = strtok( string, ",");
segment = atoi( tokenPtr );
i = 0;
while (tokenPtr != NULL ) {
tokenPtr = strtok( NULL, ",");
if (tokenPtr != NULL ) {
neighbor[i] = atoi( tokenPtr );
neuron[segment].num_neighbors = i;
for( int i = 0; i<3; i++) neuron[segment].neighbor_list[i] = neighbor[i];
fclose( fptr1 );