#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iomanip>
#include <unistd.h>
//#include <omp.h>
#include "nr.h"
#include "neuron_structures.h"
#include "get_morphology.h"
#include "vgated_channels.h"
#include "synaptic_channels.h"
#include "ion_transport.h"
#include "interneuron_update.h"
#include "update.h"
* Note:
* compile using Makefile; executable created with included Makefile is mySim
* nr.cpp contains matrix math functions from numerical recipes
* neuron_structures.h contains the structure definition for the neuron
* get_morphology.cpp contains the functions to read the morphology data for cell n123; requires n123_neighborslist.txt and n123_trim.txt
* vgated_channels.cpp contains voltage gated channel functions
* synaptic_channels.cpp contains the synaptic channel functions
* ion_transport.cpp contains the membrane transporter functions
* interneuron_update.cpp contains functions for a simple interneuron for small network simulations
* update.cpp contains the function to call all the membrane channels, transporters, leaks update the current at each time point as well as the leak current functions;
* update.cpp also contains the implicit euler function for updating voltage and the function to write data
* this code can be run with parallel processing using intel omp if installed; makefile must be written accordingly
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]){
* Data file structure and structure "Compartment" both defined in neuron_structures.h
Datafile filelist;
Compartment old_neuron[183]; // this is the neuron that will be read from neuron n123 data; new neuron will be made depending on maximum compartment length specified
Compartment neuron_copy[183];
Compartment basket[1];
/* if scaling of the gaba_a current is desired; these are passed to update_currents() and can be used there: */
double A = 1.; //soma gaba scale
double B = 1.; //prox apical gaba scale
double C = 1.; //distal apical gaba scale
/* open data files for writing */
filelist.vmptr = fopen("results/vmdata", "w");
filelist.inaptr = fopen("results/inadata", "w");
filelist.mnaptr = fopen("results/mnadata", "w");
filelist.hnaptr = fopen("results/hnadata", "w");
filelist.snaptr = fopen("results/snadata", "w");
filelist.ikdrptr = fopen("results/ikdrdata", "w");
filelist.mkdrptr = fopen("results/mkdrdata", "w");
filelist.ikaptr = fopen("results/ikadata", "w");
filelist.ihptr = fopen("results/ihdata", "w");
filelist.mihptr = fopen("results/mihdata", "w");
filelist.sahpptr = fopen("results/sahp", "w");
filelist.mahpptr = fopen("results/mahp", "w");
filelist.itotalptr = fopen("results/itotal", "w");
filelist.ikmptr = fopen("results/ikmdata", "w");
filelist.icatptr = fopen("results/icatdata", "w");
filelist.ca_in_ptr = fopen("results/ca_in_data", "w");
filelist.glutptr = fopen("results/glut_data", "w");
filelist.nmdaptr = fopen("results/nmda_data", "w");
filelist.ampaptr = fopen("results/ampa_data", "w");
filelist.kiptr = fopen("results/ki", "w");
filelist.koptr = fopen("results/ko", "w");
filelist.naiptr = fopen("results/nai", "w");
filelist.naoptr = fopen("results/nao", "w");
filelist.cliptr= fopen("results/cli", "w");
filelist.cloptr = fopen("results/clo", "w");
filelist.kcc2ptr = fopen("results/kcc2", "w");
filelist.nkcc1ptr = fopen("results/nkcc1", "w");
filelist.clleak = fopen("results/clleak", "w");
filelist.nakpump = fopen("results/nakpump", "w");
filelist.capump = fopen("results/capump", "w");
filelist.nacax = fopen("results/nacax", "w");
filelist.gaba = fopen("results/gaba", "w");
filelist.gaba_cl = fopen("results/gaba_cl", "w");
filelist.gaba_open = fopen("results/gaba_open", "w");
filelist.egaba = fopen("results/egaba", "w");
filelist.gaba_conc = fopen("results/gaba_conc", "w");
filelist.ecl = fopen("results/ecl", "w");
filelist.iktotal = fopen("results/iktotal", "w");
filelist.inatotal = fopen("results/inatotal", "w");
filelist.icltotal = fopen("results/icltotal", "w");
filelist.icatotal = fopen("results/icatotal", "w");
filelist.icarptr = fopen("results/icar", "w");
filelist.icalptr = fopen("results/ical", "w");
filelist.bc_vm = fopen("results/bc_vm", "w");
filelist.bc_ahp = fopen("results/bc_ahp", "w");
filelist.bc_cai = fopen("results/bc_cai", "w");
filelist.bc_Isyn = fopen("results/bc_Isyn", "w");
filelist.bc_ina = fopen("results/bc_ina", "w");
filelist.bc_ikdr = fopen("results/bc_ikdr", "w");
filelist.inaleak = fopen("results/inaleak", "w");
filelist.ikleak = fopen("results/ikleak", "w");
filelist.na6_0 = fopen("results/na6_0", "w");
filelist.na6_1 = fopen("results/na6_1", "w");
filelist.na6_3 = fopen("results/na6_3", "w");
filelist.na6_4 = fopen("results/na6_4", "w");
filelist.na6_5 = fopen("results/na6_5", "w");
filelist.dk_kcc2 = fopen("results/dk_kcc2", "w");
FILE * hvst = fopen("results/hvst", "w");
/* get morphological parameters for neuron n123 and calculate distance from soma for each compartment */
/* set max size of compartments: */
double max_dx = 200.; // max compartment length, in um
int count_new = 0;
int create_new[183];
/* determine how many compartments necessary to represtent neuron, based on maximum size of compartments specified above */
for(int seg = 0; seg<183; seg++){
if(neuron_copy[seg].dx > max_dx){
create_new[seg] = neuron_copy[seg].dx/max_dx; // number of new compartments to create for each original compartment based on length of original
//cout << "creating new compartments for seg " << seg << ": " << create_new << endl;
count_new = count_new + create_new[seg];
else create_new[seg] = 0;
int new_total_segments = 183+count_new;
count_new = new_total_segments;
cout << "new total segments: " << new_total_segments << endl;
Compartment neuron[new_total_segments];
/* create the neuron, based on morphologic info from n123 with maximum compartment length specified above */
reset_grid(neuron_copy, neuron, create_new);
set_resistance(neuron, count_new); // calculates the nonuniform membrane and axial resistances
cout << "compartment 1 radius: " << neuron[1].radius << " and length: " << neuron[1].dx << endl;
/* set simulation time */
double end_time = 2500.;
/* set time for GABAA stimulus to start */
double stim_time = 10.;
/* set time step size in ms */
double h = 2.e-2;
double duration = 100.; // this variable is passed to the update_currents function; not currently used but can be used to set different stimulus durations
/* set interval for printing data */
int printdata = 100000.;
int printval = 10.;
/* set initial conditions */
for(int i = 0; i<count_new; i++){
neuron[i].na_i = 10.;
neuron[i].na_o = 140.;
neuron[i].k_i = 110.;
neuron[i].k_o = 3.;
neuron[i].cl_i = 4.5;
neuron[i].cl_o = 136.5;
neuron[i].hco3_i = 12.;
neuron[i].hco3_o = 20.;
neuron[i].ca_i = 0.00006;
neuron[i].ca_o = 1.0;
neuron[i].Vm = -66.;
neuron[i].cm = 1.5*1.0e-6; // F/cm2
neuron[i].lastrelease = -10000000.;
neuron[i].glut_conc = 0.;
neuron[i].Icl_gaba = 0.;
neuron[i].Icl_gaba_syn = 0.;
neuron[i].Ihco3_gaba_syn = 0.;
neuron[i].Ihco3_gaba = 0.;
neuron[i].na_i_diff= 0.;
neuron[i].na_o_diff = 0.;
neuron[i].k_i_diff = 0.;
neuron[i].k_o_diff = 0.;
neuron[i].cl_i_diff = 0.;
neuron[i].cl_o_diff = 0.;
neuron[i].ca_i_diff = 0.;
neuron[i].ca_o_diff = 0.;
/* set calcium buffer, using f = 100 mM-1 ms-1, b = .1 ms-1, total buffer = .03 mM */
neuron[i].buffer = .1*(1.562)/(100.*neuron[i].ca_i + .1); // changed for 30e-3
/* set potassium buffer to steady state */
double buffer_max = 50.0; // mM
double k1 = 50.*0.0002; // ms-1
double k2 =k1/(1+exp((neuron->k_o-15.0)/-1.15));
neuron[i].kbuffer = buffer_max*k1/(neuron[i].k_o*k2 + k1);
/* basket cell initial conditions */
basket[0].cm = 1.e-6;
basket[0].na_i = 10.;
basket[0].na_o = 140.;
basket[0].k_i = 110.;
basket[0].k_o = 3.5;
basket[0].ca_i = 5.e-5;
basket[0].ca_o = 1.0;
set_conductances(neuron, count_new);
cout << "gmax_nmda, 0: " << neuron[0].gmax_nmda << endl;
cout << "gmax_ampa, 0: " << neuron[0].gmax_ampa << endl;
/* begin time loop */
for(double time = 0.; time<end_time; time+=h){
/* compartment loops - first calculates membrane currents, next calculates diffusion for each compartment */
/* these loops can be parallelized */
/* calculate membrane currents */
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i = 0; i<count_new; i++){
update_currents(&neuron[i], i, time, h, stim_time, duration, basket[0].Vm, A, B, C);
} // end compartment loop 1
/* if desire to calculate small network with a second cell named "basket" */
// basket_update(&basket[0], time, h, neuron[0].Vm);
/* calculate longitudinal diffusion of ions */
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i<count_new; i++) {
long_diffusion(neuron, i, h);
for(int i=0; i<count_new; i++) {
neuron[i].na_i = neuron[i].na_i + neuron[i].na_i_diff;
neuron[i].na_o = neuron[i].na_o + neuron[i].na_o_diff;
neuron[i].k_i = neuron[i].k_i + neuron[i].k_i_diff;
neuron[i].k_o = neuron[i].k_o + neuron[i].k_o_diff;
neuron[i].cl_i = neuron[i].cl_i + neuron[i].cl_i_diff;
neuron[i].cl_o = neuron[i].cl_o + neuron[i].cl_o_diff;
neuron[i].ca_i = neuron[i].ca_i + neuron[i].ca_i_diff;
neuron[i].ca_o = neuron[i].ca_o + neuron[i].ca_o_diff;
} // end compartment loop 2
* new voltage for each compartment is placed in Vm_new
* *******************************************************/
cable_eqn_ie(neuron, h, count_new);
for(int i = 0; i<count_new; i++) {
neuron[i].Vm = neuron[i].Vm_new;
/* print to file at given intervals, defined by "printval" (printing at shorter intervals during action potentials) */
if(neuron[0].Vm > -57. || basket[0].Vm > -57) printval=10.;
else printval = 1000.;
if(printdata >= printval){
print_data(filelist, neuron, basket, time, count_new);
printdata = 0;
cout << "time is: " << time << endl;
} printdata++;
} // end time loop
return 0;