It is strongly recommended to define the simulation in an bash file. It is also possible executing directly the executable file defining previously the folders, variables, etc. Following the template given in this folder will simplify dramatically the execution of a simulation. In each of the examples exposed here, you have the corresponding bash file to configure and execute the simulation. Once you define the folder to work and configure the bash file, you can execute the simulation as follows: ./ processor solver case_defined_by_the_user where the parameters for the bash file are processor: cpu -> This is the sequential version of Neurite gpu -> This is the parallel version of Neurite solver: I -> For the implicit scheme. Use a dtf bigger than 1 E -> For the explicit scheme. Use a dtf smaller or equal to one case_defined_by_the_user -> You define inside the bash file a case in which you configure the parameters and options needed by Neurite. Type man ./neurite.7 inside the documentation folder for further information. This is the list of examples shown here: example_1 -> Only the HH model. 1 element example_2 -> Axon myelinated without branching example_3 -> Axon one branching point example_4 -> Passive cable without branching example_5 -> Passive cable with one branching point example_6 -> Passive symmetric tree synthetically created example_7 -> Axon under mechanical loading example_8 -> Passive segmented dendrites example_9 -> Long myelinated axon: parallel advantages