This is the example 7, an axon under mechanical loading defined in the input_data.txt file. In the output folder, in the *.dat file, you have the potential vs time at a given point along the axon Execution line: ./ processor solver example_7 with processor = cpu or gpu, and solver = E or I. input_data.txt-> This file is mandatory when you are using the mechanical model. It is loaded by the mechinical_model.cpp file to extract the strain configuration. The file is composed by only one line with the following values (as columns): 1- Case Integer that represents the specific case in the Shi's paper experiments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. 2- Kappa See the mechanical model paper (BMMB) 3- Epsilon macro at t=0 Calculated by the mechanical 4- Epsilon damage at t=0 Calculated by the mechanical 5- Epsilon damage at t=infinity Calculated by the mechanical If you are not using the mechanical model, this file is not necessary.