from make_tree_from_parent_vec import make_tree_from_parent_vec
from collections import OrderedDict
from auxilliary import Aux
import numpy as np
import cell
from file_io import *
from get_parent_from_neuron import get_parent_from_neuron
import as sio
from io import StringIO
import csv
import math

# input_dict = clean_creat_aux_3_mat(load_creat_aux_3_mat('/home/devloop0/inputCreatAux3.mat'))
# A = input_dict['A']
# Parent = input_dict['Parent']
# cmVec = input_dict['cmVec']
# NSeg = input_dict['NSeg']
# N = input_dict['N']
# nrn = create_neuron(input_dict)
# FN_TopoList = './64TL.csv'
fmatrixFN = './Fmatrix.csv'
def create_auxilliary_data_3(A, N, NSeg, Parent, cmVec,parent_seg,bool_model,seg_start,n_segs,seg_to_comp,data_dir):
    bool_model = np.array(bool_model)
    FTYPESTR = 'float'
    FatherBase = [0 for i in range(N - 1)]
    for i in range(N - 1, 0, -1):#iterating all over the matrix from the end
        if  A[i - 1, i] !=0: # if i-1 element's parents is i then k is i+1
            k = i
        else:# find where
            k = np.where(A[i:,i - 1] != 0)[0] + i + 1
            k = k[0]
        FatherBase[i - 1] = k
    FatherBase = np.array(FatherBase)
    d = np.diag(A).T
    e, f = [0 for i in range(N)], [0 for i in range(N)]
    for i in range(1, N-1):
        f[i-1] = A[i-1, FatherBase[i-1]-1]
        e[i] = A[FatherBase[i-1]-1, i-1]
        f[-1] = 0
        f[-2] = A[-2,-1]
        e[-1] = A[-1,-2]
    f = np.array(f)
    e = np.array(e)
    [e,f] = readEFDirectly(fmatrixFN)
    Ksx = np.array(parent_seg)
    Ks = [0]
    for i in range(2, Ksx.size + 1):
        print(str(i) + ',' + str(N + 2 - i - 1))
        Ks.append(N + 1 - Ksx[N + 2 - i - 1])
    Ks = np.array(Ks)
    aux = Aux()
    aux.Ks = Ks.astype(
    FatherBase = Ks[1:]
    Father = np.append(FatherBase, [FatherBase.size + 2, FatherBase.size + 2])
    FIdxsX = []
    for i in range(1, int(np.ceil(np.log2(N)) + 3 + 1)):
        CurF = np.array(list(range(1, Father.size + 1)))
        for j in range(1, 2 ** (i - 1) + 1):
            CurF = Father[np.subtract(CurF, 1)].astype(
    FIdxsX = np.array(FIdxsX)
    ind = np.where(np.all(FIdxsX == FIdxsX[-1], 1))[0][0] + 1
    if ind != 0:
        FIdxsX = FIdxsX[:ind - 1,:]
    LognDepth = FIdxsX.shape[0]
    FIdxsX = FIdxsX[:,:N]
    aux.FIdxsX = FIdxsX
    aux.LognDepth = LognDepth
    Nx = N
    SonNoVec, ParentUsed = np.zeros(Nx), np.zeros(Nx)
    for seg in range(1, Nx + 1):
        if seg == 1:
            parentIndex = 1    
            parentIndex = Nx + 1 - aux.Ks[Nx + 2 - seg - 1]
        ParentUsed[parentIndex - 1] = ParentUsed[parentIndex - 1] + 1
        SonNoVec[seg - 1] = ParentUsed[parentIndex - 1]
    SonNoVec[0] = 0
    aux.SonNoVec = SonNoVec
    if np.max(SonNoVec) > 2:
        raise ValueError('error np.max(SonNoVec) > 2')
    tree_dict = make_tree_from_parent_vec(aux, Ks, N)
    Depth = tree_dict['Depth']
    Level = tree_dict['Level']
    FLevel = tree_dict['FLevel']
    SegStartI = tree_dict['SegStartI']
    SegEndI = tree_dict['SegEndI']
    Fathers = tree_dict['Fathers']
    aux.Depth = Depth
    aux.Level = Level
    aux.FLevel = FLevel
    aux.SegStartI = SegStartI
    aux.SegEndI = SegEndI
    aux.Fathers = Fathers
    RelVec = tree_dict['RelVec']
    RelStarts = tree_dict['RelStarts']
    RelEnds = tree_dict['RelEnds']
    aux.RelVec = np.add(RelVec,1)
    aux.RelStarts = np.add(RelStarts,1)
    aux.RelEnds = np.add(RelEnds,1)
    LastLevelsI = np.where(Level == np.max(Level))[0][0] + 1
    EndLastLevelsI = SegEndI[LastLevelsI - 1]
    KsB = Ks
    KsB = np.append(KsB, [EndLastLevelsI])
    aux.KsB = KsB
    FN = data_dir + '/BasicConst' + str(N) + 'Seg.mat'
    FNP = data_dir + '/BasicConst' + str(N) + 'SegP.mat'
    FNM = data_dir + '/ParamsMat' + str(N) + '.mat'

    FN_csv = data_dir + '/BasicConst' +  'Seg.csv'
    FNP_csv = data_dir + '/BasicConst' +  'SegP.csv'
    FN_uint16 = data_dir + '/BasicConst' + str(N) + 'Seg_uint16.mat'
    FN_double = data_dir + '/BasicConst' + str(N) + 'Seg_double.mat'

    FNP_uint16 = data_dir + '/BasicConst' + str(N) + 'SegP_uint16.mat'
    FNP_double = data_dir + '/BasicConst' + str(N) + 'SegP_double.mat'
    aux.d = d
    aux.e = e
    aux.f = f
    aux.Cms = cmVec
    FN_dict = OrderedDict()
    FN_dict['N'] = np.array([np.uint16(N)])
    FN_dict['e'] = np.double(e)
    FN_dict['f'] = np.double(f)
    FN_dict['Ks'] = np.uint16(Ks)
    FN_dict['auxCms'] = np.double(aux.Cms);
    FN_dict['nrnHasHH'] = np.uint16(bool_model)
    FN_data = ''
    for k in FN_dict:
        s = StringIO()
        np.savetxt(s, FN_dict[k].flatten(), fmt='%.9f', newline=',')
        st = s.getvalue()
        FN_data += st + '\n'
    with open(FN_csv, 'w') as fn_f:

    sio.savemat(FN, FN_dict)

    FN_dict_uint16 = {}
    FN_dict_uint16['N'] = np.uint16(N)
    FN_dict_uint16['Ks'] = np.uint16(Ks)
    FN_dict_uint16['nrnHasHH'] = np.uint16(bool_model)
    sio.savemat(FN_uint16, FN_dict_uint16)

    FN_dict_double = {}
    FN_dict_double['e'] = np.double(e)
    FN_dict_double['f'] = np.double(f)
    FN_dict_double['auxCms'] = np.double(aux.Cms)
    sio.savemat(FN_double, FN_dict_double)

    CompByLevel32 = np.zeros((0, 32))
    CompByFLevel32 = np.zeros((0, 32))
    nFComps, nComps = np.array([]), np.array([])
    LRelated, FLRelated = [], []
    nRoundForThisLevel = np.array([])
    for CurLevel in range(Depth + 1):
        CurComps = np.add(np.where(Level == CurLevel)[0], 1)
        nComps = np.append(nComps, [CurComps.size])
        Longer = np.multiply(np.ones(int(np.ceil(CurComps.size / 32.0) * 32)), CurComps[-1])
        Longer[:CurComps.size] = CurComps
        StuffToAdd = Longer.reshape((int(Longer.size / 32), 32))
        StartPoint = CompByLevel32.shape[0] + 1
        CompByLevel32 = np.vstack((CompByLevel32, StuffToAdd))
        EndPoint = CompByLevel32.shape[0]
        LRelated.append(list(range(StartPoint, EndPoint + 1)))
        nRoundForThisLevel = np.append(nRoundForThisLevel, [CompByLevel32.shape[0]])
        if CurLevel < Depth:
            CurComps = np.add(np.where(FLevel == CurLevel + 1)[0], 1)
            nFComps = np.append(nFComps, [CurComps.size])
            Longer = np.multiply(np.ones(int(np.ceil(CurComps.size / 32.0) * 32)), CurComps[-1])
            Longer[:CurComps.size] = CurComps
            StuffToAdd = Longer.reshape((int(Longer.size / 32), 32))
            StartPoint = CompByFLevel32.shape[0] + 1
            CompByFLevel32 = np.vstack((CompByFLevel32, StuffToAdd))
            EndPoint = CompByFLevel32.shape[0]
            FLRelated.append(list(range(StartPoint, EndPoint + 1)))
    LRelated = np.array(LRelated)
    FLRelated = np.array(FLRelated).astype(object)
    LRelStarts, LRelEnds, LRelCN, LRelVec = cell.cell_2_vec(LRelated)
    LRelStarts = np.add(LRelStarts, 1)
    LRelEnds = np.add(LRelEnds, 1)
    if Depth == 0:
        FLRelStarts, FLRelEnds, FLRelCN, FLRelVec = [], [], [], []
        FLRelStarts, FLRelEnds, FLRelCN, FLRelVec = cell.cell_2_vec(FLRelated)
        FLRelStarts = np.add(FLRelStarts, 1)
        FLRelEnds = np.add(FLRelEnds, 1)
    NComps = NSeg.size
    CompsMid = np.zeros((NComps, 1))
    for i in range(1, NComps + 1):
        CompsMid[i - 1] = seg_start[i - 1] + np.floor(n_segs[i - 1] / 2)

    aux.LRelStarts = LRelStarts
    aux.LRelEnds = LRelEnds
    aux.FLRelStarts = FLRelStarts
    aux.FLRelEnds = FLRelEnds

    CompDepth32 = CompByLevel32.shape[0]
    aux.CompDepth32 = CompDepth32
    CompFDepth32 = CompByFLevel32.shape[0]
    CompsMid[0] += 1
    Nd32 = np.ceil(N / 32.0)
    N32 = Nd32 * 32
    nFathers = Fathers.size
    CallForFathers = tree_dict['CallForFathers']
    nCallForFather = CallForFathers.size
    aux.nCallForFather = nCallForFather
    FNP_dict = OrderedDict()
    FNP_dict['N'] = np.array(np.uint16([N]))
    FNP_dict['NComps'] = np.array(np.uint16([NComps]))
    FNP_dict['e'] = np.double(e)
    FNP_dict['f'] = np.double(f)
    FNP_dict['Ks'] = np.uint16(Ks)
    FNP_dict['SegToComp'] = np.uint16(seg_to_comp)
    FNP_dict['cmVec'] = np.double(cmVec)
    FNP_dict['nrnHasHHSize'] = np.array(np.uint16([bool_model.shape[0]]))
    FNP_dict['nrnHasHHT'] = bool_model
    FNP_dict['SonNoVec'] = np.uint16(SonNoVec)
    FNP_dict['Depth'] = np.array(np.uint16([Depth]))
    FNP_dict['LognDepth'] = np.array(np.uint16([LognDepth]))
    FNP_dict['nFathers'] = np.array(np.uint16([nFathers]))
    FNP_dict['nCallForFather'] = np.array(np.uint16([nCallForFather]))
    FNP_dict['RelStarts'] = np.uint16(aux.RelStarts)
    FNP_dict['RelEnds'] = np.uint16(aux.RelEnds)
    FNP_dict['RelVec'] = np.uint16(aux.RelVec)
    FNP_dict['SegStartI'] = np.uint16(aux.SegStartI)
    FNP_dict['SegEndI'] = np.uint16(aux.SegEndI)
    FNP_dict['auxFathers'] = np.uint16(aux.Fathers)
    FNP_dict['FIdxsXT'] = np.uint16(FIdxsX)
    FNP_dict['CompDepth32'] = np.uint16(np.array([CompDepth32]))
    FNP_dict['CompFDepth32'] = np.uint16(np.array([CompFDepth32]))
    FNP_dict['CompByLevel32T'] = np.uint16(CompByLevel32)
    FNP_dict['CompByFLevel32T'] = np.uint16(CompByFLevel32)
    aux.CompDepth32 = CompDepth32
    aux.CompFDepth32 = CompFDepth32
    FNP_dict['auxLRelStartsSize'] = np.uint16(np.array([aux.LRelStarts.size]))
    FNP_dict['auxLRelStarts_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.LRelStarts, 1))
    FNP_dict['auxLRelEnds_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.LRelEnds, 1))
    FNP_dict['auxFLRelStartsSize'] = np.uint16(np.array([aux.FLRelStarts.size]))
    FNP_dict['auxFLRelStarts_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.FLRelStarts, 1))
    FNP_dict['auxFLRelEnds_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.FLRelEnds, 1))
    FNP_dict['auxKsB_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.KsB, 1))
    FNP_data = ''
    for k in FNP_dict:
        s = StringIO()
        np.savetxt(s, FNP_dict[k].flatten(), fmt='%.9f', newline=',')
        st = s.getvalue()
        FNP_data += st + '\n'
    with open(FNP_csv, 'w') as fnp_f:

    sio.savemat(FNP, FNP_dict)
    FNP_dict['auxKsB_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.KsB, 1))

    FNP_dict_uint16 = {}
    FNP_dict_uint16['N'] = np.array(np.uint16([N]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['Ks'] = np.uint16(Ks)
    FNP_dict_uint16['SegToComp'] = np.uint16(seg_to_comp)
    FNP_dict_uint16['nrnHasHHSize'] = np.array(np.uint16([bool_model.shape[0]]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['nrnHasHHT'] = bool_model.T
    FNP_dict_uint16['SonNoVec'] = np.uint16(SonNoVec)
    FNP_dict_uint16['Depth'] = np.array(np.uint16([Depth]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['LognDepth'] = np.array(np.uint16([LognDepth]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['nFathers'] = np.array(np.uint16([nFathers]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['nCallForFather'] = np.array(np.uint16([nCallForFather]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['RelStarts'] = np.uint16(RelStarts)
    FNP_dict_uint16['RelEnds'] = np.uint16(RelEnds)
    FNP_dict_uint16['RelVec'] = np.uint16(RelVec)
    FNP_dict_uint16['SegStartI'] = np.uint16(SegStartI)
    FNP_dict_uint16['SegEndI'] = np.uint16(SegEndI)
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxFathers'] = np.uint16(aux.Fathers)
    FNP_dict_uint16['FIdxsXT'] = np.uint16(FIdxsX.T)
    FNP_dict_uint16['CompDepth32'] = np.uint16(np.array([CompDepth32]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['CompFDepth32'] = np.uint16(np.array([CompFDepth32]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['CompByLevel32T'] = np.uint16(CompByLevel32.T)
    FNP_dict_uint16['CompByFLevel32T'] = np.uint16(CompByFLevel32.T)
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxLRelStartsSize'] = np.uint16(np.array([aux.RelStarts.size]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxLRelStarts_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.LRelStarts, 1))
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxLRelEnds_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.LRelEnds, 1))
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxFLRelStartsSize'] = np.uint16(np.array([aux.FLRelStarts.size]))
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxFLRelStarts_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.FLRelStarts, 1))
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxFLRelEnds_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.FLRelEnds, 1))
    FNP_dict_uint16['auxKsB_1'] = np.uint16(np.subtract(aux.KsB, 1))
    sio.savemat(FNP_uint16, FN_dict_uint16)

    FNP_dict_double = {}
    FNP_dict_double['e'] = np.double(e)
    FNP_dict_double['f'] = np.double(f)
    FNP_dict_double['cmVec'] = np.double(cmVec)
    sio.savemat(FNP_double, FNP_dict_double)

    return FN, FNP, FNM, aux
def readEFDirectly(fn):
    data = np.genfromtxt(fn, dtype=np.float64, delimiter=' ')
    f = np.flipud(data[:,1])
    e = np.flipud(data[:,2])

    return [e,f]