import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import struct
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
from extractModel_mappings import allparams_from_mapping
import subprocess
import csv
import bluepyopt as bpop
import shutil, errno
import pandas as pd
## set up filepaths
paramsCSV = '../params/params.csv'
data_dir = '../Data/'
run_dir = '../bin'
vs_fn = '/tmp/Data/VHotP'
ntimestep = 100000
nstims = 1
nGpus = len([devicenum for devicenum in os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] if devicenum != ","])
if not os.path.isdir('/tmp/Data'):
def copyanything(src, dst):
shutil.copytree(src, dst)
except OSError as exc: # python >2.5
if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:
shutil.copy(src, dst)
else: raise
def nrnMread(fileName):
f = open(fileName, "rb")
nparam = struct.unpack('i',[0]
typeFlg = struct.unpack('i',[0]
return np.fromfile(f,np.double)
def nrnMreadH5(fileName):
f = h5py.File(fileName,'r')
dat = f['Data'][:][0]
return np.array(dat)
def readParamsCSV(fileName):
fields = ['Param name', 'Base value','Lower bound', 'Upper bound']
df = pd.read_csv(fileName,skipinitialspace=True, usecols=fields)
paramsList = [tuple(x) for x in df.values]
return paramsList
def run_model(stim_ind,real_ind):
stim_ind: index to send as arg to neuroGPU
params: DEPRECATED remove
p_object: process object that stops when neuroGPU done
global_rank = 0
volts_fn = vs_fn + str(stim_ind) + '.h5'
if os.path.exists(volts_fn):
#print("removing ", volts_fn, " from ", global_rank)
#!{'../bin/neuroGPU'+str(global_rank),str(stim_ind), str(global_rank)}
p_object = subprocess.Popen(['../bin/neuroGPU',str(stim_ind)],
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, # <-- redirect stderr to stdout
with p_object.stdout:
for line in iter(p_object.stdout.readline, b''):
return p_object
def stim_swap(idx, i):
Stim swap takes 'idx' which is the stim index % 8 and 'i' which is the actual stim idx
and then deletes the one at 'idx' and replaces it with the stim at i so that
neuroGPU reads stims like 13 as stim_raw5 (13 % 8)
old_stim = '../Data/Stim_raw' + str(idx) + '.csv'
old_time = '../Data/times' + str(idx) + '.csv'
if os.path.exists(old_stim):
os.rename(r'../Data/Stim_raw' + str(i) + '.csv', r'../Data/Stim_raw' + str(idx) + '.csv')
os.rename(r'../Data/times' + str(i) + '.csv', r'../Data/times' + str(idx) + '.csv')
def getVolts(idx):
'''Helper function that gets volts from data and shapes them for a given stim index'''
fn = vs_fn + str(idx) + '.h5' #'.h5'
curr_volts = nrnMreadH5(fn)
#fn = vs_fn + str(idx) + '.dat' #'.h5'
#curr_volts = nrnMread(fn)
Nt = int(len(curr_volts)/ntimestep)
shaped_volts = np.reshape(curr_volts, [Nt,ntimestep])
return shaped_volts
def main():
nstims = 8 # only running first 8 stims
###### TEN COPIES OF ORIG PARAMS FOR DEBUG #################
param_values = np.genfromtxt(paramsCSV)
print(param_values.shape, " : param value shape")
###### CREATE MAPPING #################
data = nrnMread("../Data/VHotP0.dat")
# # run neuroGPU -- set up for either ONE gpu or 8
# if nGpus == 1:
# for i in range(0,nstims):
# if i != 0:
# # swaps stim0.csv and times0.csv for stimi.csv and timesi.csv
# stim_swap(0,i)
# # run ... wait is built into run model
# run_model(0,i)
# else:
# run_model(0,0)
# else:
# for i in range(0,nstims):
# # run ... wait is built into run model
# run_model(i,i)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# for file in os.listdir('../Data'):
# if 'h5' in file:
# print("replacing: ", file)
# os.remove('../Data/' + file)
# for file in os.listdir('/tmp/Data'):
# shutil.move("/tmp/Data/"+ file, "../Data/" + file)