// Maurice Petroccine, SUNY Albany (mpetroccione@albany.edu)
// Last updated on 11/19/2021

// This code applies 100 excitatory and inhibitory inputs onto to a ball and stick model and reports the number of action potentials recorded at the soma.
// The simulation is run for different frequencies of excitatory and inhibitory input.
// All inputs are random uniform location along the dendrite are active with a frequency discribed by a gaussian distribution around the specified mean value.
// The timing of the inputs is generated prior to running this code (see premade.hoc)
// Time step: 0.025 ms
// Window duration: 50 ms
// to run type go("FileNameGoesHere") where you substitute what you want to name the file for FileNameGoesHere
// File will appear in the same folder as the hoc file after it is done (make sure simulation is finished before opening)
// Necessary files needed to run: 

load_file ("nrngui.hoc")
load_file ("ranstream.hoc")
model_type = 1															// choose whether the model should be (1)180 um for WT or (2) 266 um for KO
dt = 0.025																// time step of integration
tstop = 1050															// ms, each simulation stops after it reaches 1050 ms
repetitions = 1															// number of repetitions for each excitatory inhibitory input pair
strdef preface, dirstr
preface = "."
sprint(dirstr, "%s/all_tau_vecs.hoc", preface)
num_excit_step = 5														// set the number of excitatory frequency steps
num_inhib_step = 5														// set the number of inhibotry frequency steps
/***** TOPOLOGY *****/
create soma, dend														// creates soma and a dendrite 
connect dend(0), soma(1)							
access dend 															// sets the access to the dendrite	

soma {
	L = 15																// um, length of the soma
	diam = 15															// um, diameter of the soma
	nseg = 1
if (model_type == 1){
	dend {
		L = 180															// um, length of the dendrite, WT = 180 um
		diam = 2.75														// um, starting diameter of the dendrite	
		nseg = 51														// # of segments
		diam(0:1) = 2.75:1												// diameter of dendrite tapers from 2.75 um to 1 um
if (model_type == 2){
	dend {
		L = 266															// um, length of the dendrite, KO = 266 um
		diam = 2.75														// um, starting diameter of the dendrite	
		nseg = 51														// # of segments
		diam(0:1) = 2.75:1												// diameter of dendrite tapers from 2.75 um to 1 um

soma {
	insert caL
		 pbar_caL = 0.0001
	insert caL13
		pcaLbar_caL13 = 0.0001
	insert kas
		gkbar_kas = 0.00025
	insert kir
		gkbar_kir = 0.00025
		qfact_kir = 1
	insert krp
		gkbar_krp = 0.002
	insert nap
		gnabar_nap = 0.0001325
	insert caldyn
	insert na3
		gbar_na3 = 0.035
	insert kdr
		gkdrbar_kdr = 0.03
	insert cadyn
	insert pas	
		g_pas = 0.95e-4
		e_pas = -65
	celsius = 23
	ek = -80	
	ena = 65
	ecal = 118
	Ra = 100																// Ohm-cm
	cm = 1																	// uF/cm2	

dend {
	insert kdr
		gkdrbar_kdr = 0.003
	insert caL
		 pbar_caL = 1e-5
	insert caL13
		pcaLbar_caL13 = 1e-5
	insert kas
		gkbar_kas = 0.000025
	insert kir
		gkbar_kir = 0.00025
		qfact_kir = 1
	insert krp
		gkbar_krp =  0.0002
	insert pas
		g_pas = 0.95e-4
		e_pas = -65
		ek = -80
//		ena = 65
		ecal =118
		celsius = 20
		Ra = 100															// Ohm-cm
		cm = 2																// uF/cm2

cai0_ca_ion = 0.001															// mM, Churchill & Macvicar (1998)
cao0_ca_ion = 1.2															// mM, Ca2+ concentration in external solution
cali0_cal_ion = 0.001														// mM, Churchill & Macvicar (1998)
calo0_cal_ion = 1.2															// mM, Ca2+ concentration in external solution
CAINF = 1e-5																// mM, steady state intracell ca conc.
TAUR = 43																	// ms, time const of ca diffusion - Jackson & Redman (2003)
CA_DRIVE = 10000
CA_PUMP = 0.02
proc set_cainf() {	NEW_CAINF = $1											// Ca2+ dynamics, from Mattioni
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {cainf_cadyn = NEW_CAINF}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {cainf_caldyn = NEW_CAINF}
proc set_taur() {	NEW_TAUR = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {taur_cadyn = NEW_TAUR}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {taur_caldyn = NEW_TAUR}
proc set_cadrive() { 	NEW_DRIVE = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {drive_cadyn = NEW_DRIVE}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {drive_caldyn = NEW_DRIVE}
proc set_pump() {	NEW_PUMP = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {pump_cadyn = NEW_PUMP}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {pump_caldyn = NEW_PUMP}

celsius = 23																// recordings took place at room temperature
ek = -80																	// potassium reversal potential
v_init = -71.5																// initial voltage

ISI = 10 																	// default NetStim parameters - will be overwritten
NUM = 220
START = 50

objref syn_ampa[NUM], syn_nmda[NUM], ns, syn_gaba[NUM]

objref r2, vec																// creates objects for assigning random placement of the input location
r2 = new Random(11021986)							
vec = new Vector(1000)

proc setlocation() { local i												// procedure for generating a random location for the inputs 
	r2 = new Random(11021986*(repetitions*l+z))								// change the seed of the RNG for each run
	r2.uniform(0.001, 0.999)												// generate values between 0.001 and 0.999 with a uniform distribution
	for i = 0, NUM-1 {														// set the dendritic location of the excitatory inputs based on these generated values
		dend syn_nmda[i] = new NMDA(vec.x[i])
		dend syn_ampa[i] = new AMPA(vec.x[i])
	r2.repick																// repick the from the set of random numbers
	for i = 0, NUM-1 {														// set the dendritic location of the inhibitory inputs based on these generated values
		dend syn_gaba[i] = new GABA(vec.x[i])

objref  nc[NUM], nc2[NUM], nc3[NUM]

objref tvec, tvec2, nil
objref  tvec, fvec

fvec = new File()															// object for opening pre-generated lists of input times
tvec = new Vector()															// vector for transfering excitatory stimulation times
tvec2 = new Vector ()														// vector for transfering ihibitory stimulation times

objref nsa, nsa2												
objref nsalist, nsa2list
nsalist = new List()														// creates list for storing excitatory stimulation times
nsa2list = new List()														// creates list for storing inhibitory stimulation times

proc makenetstims2() { local i												// procedure to produce netstims to trigger the excitatory inputs
	nsalist.remove_all()													// clears previously stored values	
	for i = 0, tvec.size - 1 {
		nsa = new NetStim()
		nsalist.o(i).interval = ISI											// ISI doesn't matter because there is only 1 stimulus per netstim
		nsalist.o(i).number = 1												// # of stims per netstim
		nsalist.o(i).start = tvec.x[i] 										// start time is read from tvec	
		nsalist.o(i).noise = 0												// no noise

proc makenetstims3() { local i												// procedure to produce netstims to trigger the inhibitory inputs
	nsa2list.remove_all()													// clears the inputs from previous runs
	for i = 0, tvec2.size - 1 {
		nsa2 = new NetStim()
		nsa2list.o(i).interval = ISI										// ISI doesn't matter because there is only 1 stimulus per netstim
		nsa2list.o(i).number = 1											// # of stims per netstim
		nsa2list.o(i).start = tvec2.x[i] 									// start time is read from tvec2
		nsa2list.o(i).noise = 0												// no noise

proc instrumentation() { local i											// creates netcons to link AMPA and NMDA point processes and set their weight
	for i = 0,nsalist.count()-1 {
		if (model_type == 1){
			nc[i] = new NetCon(nsalist.o(i), syn_ampa[i])					// sets the weight to WT values for AMPA and NMDA inputs
				nc[i].weight = 0.84744
				nc[i].delay = 0
			nc2[i] = new NetCon(nsalist.o(i), syn_nmda[i])					// 
				nc2[i].weight = 0.56
				nc2[i].delay = 0
		if (model_type == 2){
			nc[i] = new NetCon(nsalist.o(i), syn_ampa[i])					// sets the weight to KO values for AMPA and NMDA inputs
				nc[i].weight = 0.84744
				nc[i].delay = 0
			nc2[i] = new NetCon(nsalist.o(i), syn_nmda[i])					// 
				nc2[i].weight = 0.56
				nc2[i].delay = 0	

proc instrumentation3() { local i											// creates netcons to link GABA point processes and set their weight
  for i = 0,nsa2list.count()-1 {
    nc3[i] = new NetCon(nsa2list.o(i), syn_gaba[i])	
		nc3[i].weight = 0.171												// sets weight for the GABA inputs
		nc3[i].delay = 0													// no delay

objref mobj
mobj = new Matrix(num_excit_step, num_inhib_step)							// makes a matrix for storing the output of the simulation

objref g																	// create a new graph that displays the voltage at the soma 
g = new Graph()
g.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
g.addvar("soma.v(0.5)", 1, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)

objref apc																	// creates an object for counting the action potentials at the soma (threshold = 0 mV)
	soma apc = new APCount(0.5)
	apc.thresh = 0

objref tfil																	// creates tfil for writing to output file
	tfil = new File()
objref ap_vec																// object for storing AP count
objref tfil2																// creates tfil2 for writing to output file
	tfil2 = new File()
objref ap_vec																// object for storing AP count in matrix

strdef tmpstr																// creates a temporary string for writing the file name
strdef tmpstr2
strdef tmpstr3
strdef ap_name
proc initialize() {															// Sets model to initial state (time, voltage)
	t = 0
u = 0
proc integrate() {															// moves the simulation forward
	g.begin()																// and updates the graph
	while (t<tstop) {
ap_vec = new Vector()
proc go() {																	// the run command - note: does not work without have the access set to the dendrite
	for m = 1,num_excit_step {
		for l = 1,num_inhib_step { 
			for z = 0,repetitions-1 {
				sprint(tmpstr2, "WT%dHZ_ex_times_%d.dat", (m*5), z+1)		// selects the pregenerated file of random excitatory onset times
				fvec.ropen(tmpstr2)											// opens file of random onset times		
				tvec.scanf(fvec)											// scans these values into tvec
				sprint(tmpstr3, "WT%dHZ_inhib_times_%d.dat",  (l*5), z+1)	// selects the pregenerated file of random inhibitory onset times
				fvec.ropen(tmpstr3)											// opens file of random onset times	
				tvec2.scanf(fvec)											// scans these values into tvec2
				setlocation()												// procedure to place inputs randomly throughout the dendrite
				makenetstims2(100)											// procedure to set the timing of excitatory inputs
				makenetstims3(100)											// procedure to set the timing of inhibitory inputs
				instrumentation()											// procedure to set the weight of excitatory inputs	
				instrumentation3()											// procedure to set the weight of inhibitory inputs
				start_sim()													// starts the simulation
				ap_vec.append(apc.n)										// records AP count to ap_vec
				print u
				u = u+1
			sprint(tmpstr, "%s%dHZ_ex_%dHZ_inhib.dat", $s1, (m*5),(l*5))		// creates a string to name the file
			tfil.wopen(tmpstr)												// opens the output file
			xytofile(ap_vec, tmpstr)										// procedure to write the number of APs to the output file
			tfil.close()													// closes the ouput file
			mobj.x[m][l] = ap_vec.mean
			z = 0
			ap_vec.resize(0)												// resizes ap_vec to 0 removing previous values

	matrixtofile(mobj, "matrix_output.dat")

proc start_sim() {									
	initialize()															// initialize the individual simulation	
	integrate()																// run the individual simulation

proc xytofile() { local b													// procedure to write the number of action potentials to a file and name the file
  print "writing to ", $s2													// notifies when writing to file
  tfil.printf("\n%s\n", ap_name)
  for b=0,$o1.size()-1 {tfil.printf("%g\n", ap_vec.x[b])}
  tfil.printf("MEAN AP COUNT\n%g", ap_vec.mean())

proc matrixtofile() { local b												// procedure to write the number of action potentials to a file and name the file
  print "writing to ", $s2	
	tfil2.wopen("matrix_output.dat")										 // notifies when writing to file
 proc ap_label (){															// procedure for creating the file lable for the current iteration
	sprint(ap_name, "APCount\t%g", $1)