// Maurice Petroccine, SUNY Albany (mpetroccione@albany.edu)
// Last updated on 11/29/2021

// This code applies a single (NMDA) input to the dendrite of a ball and stick model and records the peak amplitude and t50 of the EPSC recorded from the soma.
// A simulation is run for each segment of the dendrite while systematically varying the weight and tau of the NMDA input.
// Time step: 0.025 ms
// Window duration: 400 ms
// to run type go("FileNameGoesHere") where you substitute what you want to name the file for FileNameGoesHere
// File will appear in the same folder as the hoc file after it is done (make sure simulation is finished before opening)
// Necessary files needed to run: 

load_file ("nrngui.hoc")
model_type = 1													// choose whether the model should be WT (1) or KO (2)
num_g_step = 20 												// the number of steps over which the input weight will be incremented
num_d_step = 50													// the number of steps over which to move the input along the dendrite (= to nseg)
wNMDA = 0.1														// the initial weight of the NMDA input
distance_offset = 0												// offset for input location			
dt = 0.025														// time step of simulation

strdef preface, dirstr
preface = "."
sprint(dirstr, "%s/all_tau_vecs.hoc", preface)					// opens all_tau_vecs.hoc

/***** TOPOLOGY *****/
create soma, dend
connect dend(0), soma(1)
access dend 

soma {															// creates soma and a dendrite 
	L = 15														// um, length of the soma
	diam = 15													// um, diameter of the some
	nseg = 1

if (model_type == 1){											// sets dendrite for WT model	
	dend {
		L = 180													// um, length of the dendrite, WT = 180 um
		diam = 2.75												// um, starting diameter of the dendrite	
		nseg = 51												// # of segments
		diam(0:1) = 2.75:1										// diameter of dendrite tapers from 2.75 um to 1 um
if (model_type == 2){											//// sets dendrite for KO model	
	dend {
		L = 266													// um, length of the dendrite, KO = 266 um
		diam = 2.75												// um, starting diameter of the dendrite	
		nseg = 51												// # of segments
		diam(0:1) = 2.75:1										// diameter of dendrite tapers from 2.75 um to 1 um

/***** BIOPHYSICS *****/
forall {
	Ra = 100													// MOhm, axial resistance
	cm = 1														// uF/cm2

soma {															// inserts conductances in the soma
	insert caL													// experimental data obtained using Cs+ based internal solution, therefore all K+ conductances were removed
	insert caL13									
		pcaLbar_caL13 = 4.25e-7 
	insert car
	insert cat
	insert naf
		gnabar_naf = 0.16										// sodium conductances		
		hshift_naf = 0
	insert nap
		gnabar_nap = 0.0005
	insert caldyn												// inserts calcium dynamics in the soma
	insert cadyn									
	celsius = 23												// recordings took place at room temperature

dend {															// inserts conductances in the dendrite - see soma for more info
	insert naf
		gnabar_naf = 0.0195
	insert nap
		gnabar_nap = 1.38e-7
	insert caL
	insert caL13
		pcaLbar_caL13 = 4.25e-7 
	insert car
	insert cat
	insert caldyn
	insert cadyn
	ena = 60

celsius = 23													// recordings took place at room temperature			
cao = 1.2														// mM, 
ena = 60														// mV, sodium reversal potential
v_init = 40														// mV, initial voltage
cai0_ca_ion = 0.001												// mM, modifided, [Ca2+] in external solution  
cao0_ca_ion = 1.2												// mM, Churchill 1998 
cali0_cal_ion = 0.001											// mM, Churchill 1998
calo0_cal_ion = 1.2												// mM, modifided, [Ca2+] in external solution 
CAINF = 1e-5													// mM, steady state intracell ca conc.
TAUR = 43														// ms, time const of ca diffusion - Jackson 2003
CA_DRIVE = 10000
CA_PUMP = 0.02

proc set_cainf() {	NEW_CAINF = $1								//Ca2+ concentrations and dynamics, from Mattioni
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {cainf_cadyn = NEW_CAINF}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {cainf_caldyn = NEW_CAINF}

proc set_taur() {	NEW_TAUR = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {taur_cadyn = NEW_TAUR}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {taur_caldyn = NEW_TAUR}
proc set_cadrive() { 	NEW_DRIVE = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {drive_cadyn = NEW_DRIVE}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {drive_caldyn = NEW_DRIVE}
proc set_pump() {	NEW_PUMP = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {pump_cadyn = NEW_PUMP}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {pump_caldyn = NEW_PUMP}

objref voltage_clamp											// creates volatage clamp
	soma voltage_clamp = new Voltage_Clamp(0.5)					// places svoltage clamp in the soma
	{voltage_clamp.dur1 = 1000 									// ms, clamp duration
		voltage_clamp.amp1= 40									// mV, holding potential
		voltage_clamp.rs= 0.001									// MOhm, series resistance

objref g														// create a new graph that displays the voltage at the soma 
g = new Graph()
g.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
g.addvar("soma.v(0.5)", 1, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
g.addvar("dend.v(0.7)", 2, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
g.addvar("dend.v(0.1)", 3, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)

objref g2														// creates a new graph that plots the holding current
	g2 = new Graph()
	g2.exec_menu("Keep Lines")

/***** SIM CONTROL *****/									

objref  recI													// Creates vector object, records I at the soma
	recI = new Vector()

objref iMax, tMax, iChange, it50, t50							// creates vectors to track:
	t50 = new Vector (101,0)									// t50	
	it50 = new Vector (101,0)									// holding current at the time of the t50
	iMax = new Vector(101,0)									// peak epsc amplitude (includes holding current)
	tMax = new Vector(101,0)									// the time of the epsc peak 
	iChange = new Vector(101,0)									// the difference between the holding current and the peak epsc amplitude
objref diststep										 
	diststep = new Vector(40000)					
objref distdrop													// creates a new graph - later used to plot V vs Dist
	distdrop = new Graph()
	distdrop.size(0,200,-1,0)									// SCALE OF GRAPH IS WRONG ****FIX******
	distdrop.exec_menu("Keep Lines")							// Look into plotting families of lines or vectors. Also how to label 

objref decay_time [num_g_step]									// creates decay_time
objref maxI [num_g_step]										// creates maxI

objref tfil														// creates a new file for storing the output data
	tfil = new File()
strdef tmpstr
strdef gstepname
strdef taustepname

objref syn_nmda, ns2, nc, nc3, nc4, nc2, ns

	ns = new NetStim(0.5)										// creates a netstim to trigger an input that starts at 10 ms
		ns.interval = 1
		ns.start = 10
		ns.noise = 0
		ns.number = 1

	dend syn_nmda = new NMDA(0.1)								// inserts a input (NMDA synapse) into the dendrite
	nc3 = new NetCon(ns, syn_nmda)								// a netcon linking the NMDA input to the netstim
	nc3.weight = 2
	nc3.delay = 0
objref avgI, tmp									
avgI = new Vector() 											// discard whatever is already in avg
tmp = new Vector()

proc initialize() {												// Sets model to initial state (time, voltage)
	t = 0
		cai0_ca_ion = 0.001										// mM, Churchill 1998
		cao0_ca_ion = 1.2										// mM, Churchill 1998 - gives eca = 100 mV
		cali0_cal_ion = 0.001									// mM, Churchill 1998
		calo0_cal_ion = 1.2	
		CAINF = 1e-5											// mM, steady state intracell ca conc.
		TAUR = 43												// ms, time const of ca diffusion - Jackson 2003
		CA_DRIVE = 10000
		CA_PUMP = 0.02


proc integrate() {												// fadvance should be moving the sim forward, 
	//g.begin()													// g.plot(t) updates the graph in real time
	while (t<tstop) {

proc go() {														// the run command - note: does not work without have the access set to the dendrite		
	sprint(tmpstr, "%s.dat", $s1)								// creates a string for the output file name
	tfil.wopen(tmpstr)											// opens that file 
	for z = 0,(num_g_step-1) {									// runs simulations for the num_g_steps
		decay_time[z] = new Vector()							// creating a string to name a file
		maxI[z] = new Vector()	
		tstop = 400+ z*10										// simulation stops after 400 ms (10 ms additionally added on per loop)
		tau_d_NMDA = 35.5 * ((z*0.05)+0.05)						// each loop tau for NMDA is incremented by 5% of it's initial value
		nc3 = new NetCon(ns, syn_nmda)
		nc3.weight = 0.28*wNMDA									// 0.28 is WT, 0.235 for TBOA-WT, 0.2 for KO, Tau_d_NMDA is 35.5 for WT and 17 for KO
		nc3.delay = 140											// sets delay for input to be 140 msec (to allow voltage clamp to stabilize at +40 mV)
		decay_time[z].append(t50.x[z])							// appends t50 to decay_time vector at position z
		maxI[z].append(iMax.x[z])								// append iMax to maxI vector at position z 

		print z													// This prints an update every 100 loops - comment out to run faster simulations
		j = 0 													// resets j
	xytofile(decay_time[w], tmpstr)								// writes decay_time vector to the output file
	tfil.close()												// closes the file.

proc changel() {												// procedure for moving the stimulation point down the dendrite, input location is based on counter "j" 
	for i = 0,(num_d_step-1) {									// NEURON doesn't accept point processes at location "1" - this for loop places the the input in the most distal segment if j=1
		if (j>=1){
		syn_nmda.loc(j+0.00001+ distance_offset)				// sets dendritic input location based on the loop
		tmp.record(&voltage_clamp.i)							// record the current applied by voltage_clamp to a temporary file (tmp)
		initialize()											// initialize the individual simulation
		integrate()												// run the individual simulation
			j=j+(1/num_d_step)									// moves the axon based on the number of distance steps
		if (i==0) {
			avgI.copy(tmp)  									// when the first simulation is run copy tmp to avgI
		}else {										
			avgI.add(tmp)										// for subsequent runs add tmp to avgI element by element
		if (i== num_d_step-1) {						
			avgI.div(num_d_step)								// ####on the last set of simluations run for each distance-loop, divide to get the average current response
			iMax.x[z] = avgI.x[5000]							// ???
			avgI.sub(iMax.x[z])									// subtract the holding current from the overall current injected by voltage_clamp
			avgI.line(distdrop,diststep)						// plots current-response to graph
			iMax.x[z] = avgI.max(100,12000)						// sets iMax for this loop to the peak current amplitude between point 100 and 12000
			avgI.div(iMax.x[z])									// normalizes to peak
			tMax.x[z] = avgI.max_ind()							// makes note of data point where the peak occurs
			avgI.remove(0,tMax.x[z])							// removes all points before the peak of the epsc
			it50.x[z] = avgI.indwhere("<=", 0.5)				// it50 for this loop is set to the first value where the the decays to 50% or less
			t50.x[z] = it50.x[z]*0.025							// it50 is scaled by tstep to give the time in ms, which is recorded as the t50
			avgI.resize(0)										// resizes avgI to 0 to clear all values for next loop

proc xytofile() { local b										//Procedure to write the t50 and peak amplitude of the epsc to two separate
	print "writing to ", $s2									// notifies when writing to file
	for w=0,num_g_step-1 {										// writes the gstep and wNMDA at the beginning of the file
		if (w==0){gsteplabel(wNMDA)
		tfil.printf("\n%s\n", taustepname)
		for b=0,$o1.size()-1
		tfil.printf("%g\n", decay_time[w].x[b])
	for w=0,num_g_step-1 {
		if (w==0){gsteplabel(wNMDA)
		tfil.printf("\nAmplitude\n", taustepname)				// prints the peak amplitude of the epsc to the file
		for b=0,$o1.size()-1 
		tfil.printf("%g\n", maxI[w].x[b])

 proc gsteplabel (){											// writes the tau d in the first line of the file
	sprint(taustepname, "The t50 for tau_d =\t%g", $1)	