// Maurice Petroccine, SUNY Albany (mpetroccione@albany.edu)
// Last updated on 11/15/2021

// This is a ball and stick model in which a 15 um diameter soma is connected to a 180 um (WT) or 266 um (KO) long dendrite.
// The dendrite receives two inputs.
// The first input occurs at increasing distances from the soma (0.001<dist<0.999).
// The second input is either located halfway between the first stimulus and the most distal end of the dendrite (prox_first) or halfway between the first stimulus and the soma (dist_first). 
// Time step: 0.025 ms
// This code should record the maximum voltage reached during each iteration of the simulation and ouput these values in a dat file
// to run type go("FileNameGoesHere") where you substitute what you want to name the file for FileNameGoesHere
// File will appear in the same folder as the hoc file after it is done (make sure simulation is finished before opening)

load_file ("nrngui.hoc")
model_type = WT										// chose whether the model should be 180 um (WT) or 266 um (KO)
stim_order = prox_first								// chose whether the stimulation is proximal to the soma first (prox_first) or distal first (dist_first)
stimtime = 20										// time between stimulation 
num_t_step = 50										// the number times to increment the inter-input interval
num_d_step = 50										// the number of points along the axon
timeoffset = 5										// the amount to increment the interstumulus interval by between each simulation
dt = 0.025											// time step of integration
tstop = 1000										// ms, each simulation stops after it reaches 1000 ms

strdef preface, dirstr
preface = "."

sprint(dirstr, "%s/all_tau_vecs.hoc", preface)

// Topology
create soma, dend
connect dend(0), soma(1)
access dend 

soma {												// creates soma and a dendrite 
	L = 15											// um, length of the soma
	diam = 15										// um, diameter of the some
	nseg = 1
if (model_type == WT){
	dend {
		L = 180										// um, length of the dendrite, WT = 180 um
		diam = 2.75									// um, starting diameter of the dendrite	
		nseg = 51									// # of segments
		diam(0:1) = 2.75:1							// diameter of dendrite tapers from 2.75 um to 1 um
if (model_type == WT){
	dend {
		L = 266										// um, length of the dendrite, KO = 266 um
		diam = 2.75									// um, starting diameter of the dendrite	
		nseg = 51									// # of segments
		diam(0:1) = 2.75:1							// diameter of dendrite tapers from 2.75 um to 1 um

// Biophysics

soma {
	insert caL
		 pbar_caL = 0.0001
	insert caL13
		pcaLbar_caL13 = 0.0001
	insert kas
		gkbar_kas = 0.00025
	insert kir
		gkbar_kir = 0.00025
		qfact_kir = 1
	insert krp
		gkbar_krp = 0.002
	insert nap
		gnabar_nap = 0.0001325
	insert caldyn
	insert na3
		gbar_na3 = 0.035
	insert kdr
		gkdrbar_kdr = 0.03
	insert cadyn
	insert pas	
		g_pas = 0.95e-4
		e_pas = -65
		ek = -80	
		ena = 65
		ecal =118
	Ra = 100										// Ohm-cm
	cm = 1											// uF/cm2

dend {
	insert kdr
		gkdrbar_kdr = 0.003
	insert caL
		 pbar_caL = 1e-5
	insert caL13
		pcaLbar_caL13 = 1e-5
	insert kas
		gkbar_kas = 0.000025
	insert kir
		gkbar_kir = 0.00025
		qfact_kir = 1
	insert krp
		gkbar_krp =  0.0002
	insert pas
		g_pas = 0.95e-4
		e_pas = -65
		ek = -80
		ecal =118								
	Ra = 100										// Ohm-cm
	cm = 2											// uF/cm2

celsius = 23										// recordings took place at room temperature
ena = 65											// sodium reversal potential
ek = -80											// potassium reversal potential
v_init = -71.5										// initial voltage
													// Ca2+ concentrations and dynamics, from Mattioni
cai0_ca_ion = 0.001									// mM, Churchill 1998
cao0_ca_ion = 1.2									// mM, Ca2+ concentration in external solution
cali0_cal_ion = 0.001								// mM, Churchill 1998
calo0_cal_ion = 1.2									// mM, Ca2+ concentration in external solution
CAINF = 1e-5										// mM, steady state intracell ca conc.
TAUR = 43											// ms, time const of ca diffusion - Jackson 2003
CA_DRIVE = 10000
CA_PUMP = 0.02

proc set_cainf() {	NEW_CAINF = $1					//Ca2+ dynamics, from Mattioni
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {cainf_cadyn = NEW_CAINF}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {cainf_caldyn = NEW_CAINF}

proc set_taur() {	NEW_TAUR = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {taur_cadyn = NEW_TAUR}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {taur_caldyn = NEW_TAUR}
proc set_cadrive() { 	NEW_DRIVE = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {drive_cadyn = NEW_DRIVE}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {drive_caldyn = NEW_DRIVE}
proc set_pump() {	NEW_PUMP = $1
	forall if (ismembrane("cadyn")) {pump_cadyn = NEW_PUMP}
	forall if (ismembrane("caldyn")) {pump_caldyn = NEW_PUMP}

// Instrumentation
objref syn_gaba, syn2_gaba, ns, ns2, nc, nc3

	ns = new NetStim(0.5)							// creates a netstim to trigger the first input
		ns.interval = 1
		ns.start = stimtime
		ns.noise = 0
		ns.number = 1
	ns2 = new NetStim(0.5)							// creates a netstim to trigger the second input
		ns2.interval = 1
		ns2.start = stimtime
		ns2.noise = 0
		ns2.number = 1

	dend syn_gaba = new GABA(0.1)					//Creates two point-processes on the dendrite (2 GABA inputs)					
	dend syn2_gaba = new GABA(0.1)
	nc = new NetCon(ns, syn_gaba)					// creates a netcon linking the GABA input to the to the first netstim
	nc.weight = 0.66
	nc.delay = 0

	nc3 = new NetCon(ns, syn2_gaba)					// creates a netcon linking the GABA input to the to the second netstim
	nc3.weight = 0.66
	nc3.delay = 0	

// Graphical display 
objref g											// create a new graph that displays the voltage at the soma 
g = new Graph()
g.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
g.addvar("soma.v(0.5)", 1, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
//g.addvar("dend.v(0.7)", 2, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
//g.addvar("dend.v(0.1)", 3, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)

// Sim control

v_init = -71.5										// intital voltage			

objref  recVm										// creates vector object, records V at soma
	recVm = new Vector()

objref vChange										// creates a vector one for keeping track of min V at soma per sweep
	vChange = new Vector(101,0)						// vector length is set to 100

objref diststep										
	diststep = new Vector(101)						// used for plotting vMin vs the distance

objref distdrop										// creates a new graph - later used to plot V vs Dist
	distdrop = new Graph()
	distdrop.size(0,1,-70,50)						// SCALE OF GRAPH IS WRONG ****FIX******
	distdrop.exec_menu("Keep Lines")				

objref vMin_list [num_t_step]						// creates an object for storing the list of Vmin from of each sweep
objref vMin [num_t_step]							// creates an object for calculating Vmin

objref tfil											// creates tfil for writing to file
	tfil = new File()
strdef tmpstr										// creates a temporary string for writing the file name
strdef tstepname									// creates a temporary string for writing the tstep name
proc initialize() {									// Sets model to initial state (time, voltage)
	t = 0

proc integrate() {									// moves the simulation forward
	g.begin()										// and updates the graph
	while (t<tstop) {

proc go() {											// the run command - note: does not work without have the access set to the dendrite
	sprint(tmpstr, "%s.dat", $s1)					// creates a string for the output file name based on what is written when the simulation is run
	tfil.wopen(tmpstr)								// opens that file 
	for z = 0,(num_t_step-1) {						// runs simulations for the num_t_steps			
		vMin_list[z] = new Vector()					// sets vMin_list and vMin to be vectors
		vMin[z] = new Vector (101,0)
		nc3.delay= (timeoffset*z)					// sets the offset of the second input to increment by "timeoffset"
		change_dist()								// runs "change_dist" procedure to run the simulation at each point along the dendrite
		vMin[z].line(distdrop, diststep)			// prints the vMin to the graph
		print z										// this prints an update every 100 loops - comment out to run faster simulations
	xytofile(vMin_list[w], tmpstr)					// procedure to write vMin to a file
	tfil.close()									// closes the file

proc change_dist() {								// loop to run the simulation at each point along the dendrite 
	for i = 0,(num_d_step-1) {						// loops for the specified number of distance steps
		if (j==0){									// avoids placing the inputs at postion 0 on the dendrite
		if (j==1){									// avoids placing the inputs at postion 0 on the dendrite
		syn_gaba.loc(j)								// changes the first input location
		if (stim_order == prox_first) {				// places the second input halfway between the first input and the distal tip of the dendrite 
		} else if (stim_order == dist_first) {		// places the second input halfway between the first input and the soma
		} else {									// error message if incorrect settings are selected
			print "no stimulation order selected - please enter and run again"
	initialize()									// initialize the individual simulation	
	integrate()										// run the individual simulation
	vMin[z].x[i] = recVm.min()						// records the most depolarized voltage experienced at the soma to vMin
	vMin_list[z].append(vMin[z].x[i])				// appends the peak potential to vector "vMin_list"
	j=j+(1/num_d_step)								// moves the input down the axon by an amount = 1/dstep				

proc xytofile() { local b							// procedure to write the number of action potentials to a file and name the file
  print "writing to ", $s2							// notifies when writing to file
  for w=0,num_t_step-1 {
  tfil.printf("\n%s\n", tstepname)					// prints the specific time step and then the list of vMin values ordered by distance from the soma
  for b=0,$o1.size()-1 tfil.printf("%g\n", vMin_list[w].x[b])}
 proc tsteplabel (){								// procedure for creating the file lable for the tstep iteration
	sprint(tstepname, "tstep\t%g", $1)